How to modify orientation of mgh/dicom/nifti file using nibabel - python-3.x

I have a hard time, figuring out a proper affine transformation for 3 different views i.e. coronal, axial and saggital, each having separate issues like below:
1: Axial color map get overlapped with the saggital original view.
2: Similarly Sagittal color map gets overlapped with the axial original image.
3: And everyone has some kind of orientation issues like best visible here when the color map and original image for coronal come correct but with wrong orientation.
I am saving the original file that I am sending to the server for some kind of prediction, which generates a color map and returns that file for visualization, later I am displaying everything together.
In server after prediction, here is the code to save the file.
nifti_img = nib.MGHImage(idx, affine, header=header)
Whereas affine and header are the original affine and header extracted from the file I sent.
I need to process "idx" value that holds the raw data in Numpy array format, but not sure what exactly to be done. Need help here.
Was trying hard to solve the issue using nibabel python library, but due to very limited knowledge of mine about how these files work and about affine transformation, I am having a hard time figuring out what should I do to make them correct.
I am using AMI js with threejs support in the frontend and nibabel with python in the back end. Solution on the frontend or back end anywhere is acceptable.
Please help. Thanks in advance.

img = nib.load(img_path)
# check the orientation you wanna reorient.
# For example, the original orientation of img is RPI,
# you wanna reorient it to RAS, the second the third axes should be flipped
# ornt[P, 1] is flip of axis N, where 1 means no flip and -1 means flip.
ornt = np.array([[0, 1],
[1, -1],
[2, -1]])
img_orient = img.as_reoriented(ornt), img_path)

It was simple, using numpy.moveaxis() and numpy.flip() operation on rawdata from nibabel. as below.
# Getting raw data back to process for better orienation and label mapping.
orig_img_data = nib.MGHImage(numpy_arr, affine)
nifti_img = nib.MGHImage(segmented_arr_output, affine)
# Getting original and predicted data to preprocess to original shape and view for visualisation.
orig_img = orig_img_data.get_fdata()
seg_img = nifti_img.get_fdata()
# Placing proper views in proper place and flipping it for a better visualisation as required.
# moveaxis to get original order.
orig_img_ = np.moveaxis(orig_img, -1, 0)
seg_img = np.moveaxis(seg_img, -1, 0)
# Flip axis to overcome mirror image/ flipped view.
orig_img_ = np.flip(orig_img_, 2)
seg_img = np.flip(seg_img, 2)
orig_img_data_ = nib.MGHImage(orig_img_.astype(np.uint8), np.eye(4), header)
nifti_img_ = nib.MGHImage(seg_img.astype(np.uint8), np.eye(4), header)
Note: It's very important to have same affine matrix to wrap both of these array back. A 4*4 Identity matrix is better rather than using original affine matrix as that was creating problem for me.


OpenCV - ArUco : detectMarkers failed identified some markers in a photos

I have pictures containing ArUco markers but I am unable to detect all of them with the detectMarkers function. Actually, I have many pictures : in some of them I can detect all the markers, in others I cannot and I don't really understand why.
I thought it was because of the quality of the photo, but it seems to be not so simple. Here's an example of my code :
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cv2 import aruco
aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.DICT_4X4_1000)
inputfile = 'EOS-1D-X-Mark-II_1201-ConvertImage.jpg'
frame = cv2.imread(inputfile)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
parameters = aruco.DetectorParameters_create()
corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(frame, aruco_dict, parameters=parameters)
frame_markers = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame.copy(),rejectedImgPoints)
for i in range(len(ids)):
c = corners[i][0]
plt.plot([c[:, 0].mean()], [c[:, 1].mean()], "o", label = "id={0}".format(ids[i]))
In this picture, 1 marker is not detected and I don't understand why.
I tried to tune the parameters of detectMarkers function manually with an interactive method thanks to jupyter notebook. There are many parameters and I found nothing that really helped me, except in some photos the reduction of polygonalApproxAccuracyRate.
The photo is orginally in 5472 x 3648 pixels but the one I send in this post is 2189 x 1459 pixels. Note that it doesn't work with the better resolution neither. Actually, I found in some photos that reducing the resolution help to detect the markers ... It's a contradiction but I think this is because the default parameters of the function are not adapted to my pictures, but I found no solution when tuning the parameters.
Another idea is to use the refineDetectMarkers function after calling detectMarkers. It uses the candidates that were found in detectMarkers but failed to be identified, and try to refine their identification. However, as far as I understood, I need to know where my markers should be in the picture and put it in refineDetectMarkers (as a board). In my situation, I don't know where the markers should be, otherwise I wouldn't take photos. The photos are used to observe precisely the evolution of their positions.
I am interested in any ideas you may have, thanks for reading !

gmplot Marker does not work after it marks 256 points

I am trying to mark a bunch of points on the map with gmplot and observed that after a certain point it stops marking and wipes out all the previously marked points. I debugged the module and saw that when the length of points array exceeds 256 this is happening without giving any error and warning.
self.points = [] on
Since I am very new to Python and OOPs concept, is there a way to override this and mark more than 256 points?
Are you using gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter.Scatter or gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter.Marker. I used either and was able to get 465 points for a project that I was working on. Is it possible it is an API key issue for you?
partial snippet of my code
import gmplot
import pandas as pd
# df is the database with Lat, Lon and formataddress columns
# change to list, not sure you need to do this. I think you can cycle through
# directly using iterrows. I have not tried that though
# center map with the first co-ordinates
gmaps2 = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(latcollection[0],loncollection[0],13,apikey='yourKey')
for i in range(len(latcollection)):
gmaps2.marker(latcollection[i],loncollection[i],color='#FF0000',c=None,title=str(i)+' '+ addcollection[i])
gmaps2.draw(newdir + r'\laplot_marker_full.html')
I could hover over the 465th point since I knew approximately where it was and I was able to get the title with str(464) <formataddress(464)>, since my array is indexed from 0
Make sure you check the GitHub site to modify your gmplot file, in case you are working with windows.

Google Earth Engine - RGB image export from ImageCollection Python API

I encounter some problems with the Google Earth Engine python API to generate a RGB image based on an ImageCollection.
Basically to transform the ImageCollection into an Image, I apply a median reduction. After this reduction, I apply the visualize function where I need to define the different variables like the min and max. The problem is that these two values are image dependent.
dataset = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR')
.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon([[39.05789266, 13.59051553],
[39.11335033, 13.59051553],
[39.11335033, 13.64477783],
[39.05789266, 13.64477783],
[39.05789266, 13.59051553]]))
.filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31')
.select(['B4', 'B3', 'B2'])
reduction = dataset.reduce('median')
.visualize(bands=['B4_median', 'B3_median', 'B2_median'],
Thus for each different image I need to process these two values that can sightly change. Since the number of images I need to generate is huge, It is impossible to do that manually. I do not know how to overcome this problem and I cannot find any answer to that problem. An idea would be to find the minimal value of the image and the maximum value. But I did not find any function that allows to do that on the Javascript or python API.
I hope that someone will be able to help me.
You can use img.reduceRegion() to get image statistics for the region you want and for each image to export. You will have to call the results of the region reduction into the visualization function. Here is an example:
geom = ee.Geometry.Polygon([[39.05789266, 13.59051553],
[39.11335033, 13.59051553],
[39.11335033, 13.64477783],
[39.05789266, 13.64477783],
[39.05789266, 13.59051553]])
dataset = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR')\
.filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31')\
.select(['B4', 'B3', 'B2'])
reduction = dataset.median()
stats = reduction.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.minMax(),geometry=geom,scale=100,bestEffort=True)
statDict = stats.getInfo()
prettyImg = reduction.visualize(bands=['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
Using this approach, I get an output image like this:
I hope this helps!

How can I rotate an image (loaded by the PhotoImage class) on a canvas, without PIL or pillow?

I would like to rotate an image to follow my mouse and my school computers don't have PIL.
Bryan's answer is technically correct in that the PhotoImage class doesn't contain rotation methods, nor does tk.Canvas. But that doesn't mean we can't fix that.
def copy_img(img):
newimg = tk.PhotoImage(width=img.width(), height=img.height())
for x in range(img.width()):
for y in range(img.height()):
rgb = '#%02x%02x%02x' % img.get(x, y)
newimg.put(rgb, (x, y))
return newimg
The above function creates a blank PhotoImage object, then fills each pixel of a new PhotoImage with data from the image passed into it, making a perfect copy, pixel by pixel... Which is a useless thing to do.
But! Let's say you wanted a copy of the image that was upside-down. Change the last line in the function to:
newimg.put(rgb, (x, img.height()-1 - y))
And voila! The function still reads from the top down, but it writes from the bottom up, resulting in an image mirrored on the y axis. Want it rotated 90-degrees to the right, instead?:
newimg.put(rgb, (img.height() - y, x))
Substituting the y for the x makes it write columns for rows, effectively rotating it.
How deep you go into image processing PhotoImage objects is up to you. If you can get access to PIL (Python Imaging Library)... someone has basically already done this work, refined it to be optimal for speed and memory consumption, and packaged it into convenient classes and functions for you. But if you can't or don't want PIL, you absolutely CAN rotate PhotoImage's. You'll just have to write the methods yourself.
Thanks to acw1668's post that hipped me to the basics of PhotoImage manipulation here:
You can't. The canvas doesn't support the ability to rotate images, and neither does the built-in PhotoImage class.
From the official Canvas documentation:
Individual items may be moved or scaled using widget commands described below, but they may not be rotated.

Basic importing coordinates into R and setting projection

Ok, I am trying to upload a .csv file, get it into a spatial points data frame and set the projection system to WGS 84. I then want to determine the distance between each point This is what I have come up with but I
cluster<-read.csv(file = "cluster.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
coordinates(cluster)<- ~Latitude+Longitude
cluster<-CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
This returns an error that says
Error in .pointsToMatrix(p) :
points should be vectors of length 2, matrices with 2 columns, or inheriting from a SpatialPoints* object
But this isn't working and I will be honest that I don't fully comprehend importing and manipulating spatial data in R. Any help would be great. Thanks
I was able to determine the issue I was running into. With WGS 84, the longitude comes before the latitude. This is just backwards from how all the GPS data I download is formatted (e.g. lat-long). Hope this helps anyone else who runs into this issue!
thus the code should have been
cluster<-read.csv(file = "cluster.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
coordinates(cluster)<- ~Longitude+Latitude
cluster<-CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
