How can i change a boolean value in model A, when a new instance of model B (have many2one field to model A) is created in ODOO 12? - python-3.x

I have two odoo 12 models,(biblio.location and,
-the model "" contains a boolean "disponibile" set to true by defaul.
-the model "biblio.location" have a many2one field references to model "".
i want the value of the boolean "disponible" in to be changed automatically (change also in database) when a new instance of biblio.location is created, in other way when we rent(location) a book we must change disponibility in model book to FALSE.
i tried "computed field, #api.onchange and #api.depends" and nothing works for me, please help me in this issue and i want to know de difference between those three mehods.thank you
class book(models.Model):
_name = ''
_description = 'All books'
annee_edition = fields.Date(string="année d'édition")
ISBN = fields.Integer(required=True)
editor = fields.Char(required=True)
auteur = fields.Many2many('',string='auteur_livre',required=True)
disponible=fields.Boolean(default=True,required=True,related='biblio.location.disponible',store=True )
class location(models.Model):
_name = 'biblio.location'
_description = 'All librarians'
livre = fields.Many2one('',string='livre',required=True,domain =[('disponible','=',True)])
client = fields.Many2one('biblio.customer',string="client",required=True)
date_location =fields.Datetime(required=True)
date_retour_prevu=fields.Datetime(required=True,string="Date retour prévu")
date_retour_reelle=fields.Datetime(required=True,string="Date retour réelle")
disponible = fields.Boolean(default=False)
File "C:\Users\PycharmProjects\Odoo12\odoo\odoo\", line 484, in setup_full
File "C:\User\PycharmProjects\Odoo12\odoo\odoo\", line 527, in _setup_related_full field = target._fields[name]
KeyError: 'biblio' - - -

OK, for this to work the way you want it you need to set up a foreign key in your model.
book_location = fields.Many2one('biblio.location', string='Book Location')
Then you can do your computed field
disponible = field.Boolean(compute='_disponible', string='Available for Loan', default=False)
def _disponible(self):
for book in self:
book.disponible = True if book.book_location else False
You don't want to set this as storable as you want it to check every time that the field is called. If you set it to storable it will only compute when the record is created.


How to add multiple fields' reference to "unique_together" error message

I have a model with multiple fields being checked for uniqueness:
class AudQuestionList(BaseTimeStampModel):
aud_ques_list_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True,...
aud_ques_list_num = models.CharField(max_length=26,...
aud_ques_list_doc_type = models.ForeignKey(DocType,...
short_text = models.CharField(max_length=55,...
aud_scope_standards = models.ForeignKey(ScopeStandard, ...
aud_freqency = models.ForeignKey(AuditFrequency, ...
aud_process = models.ForeignKey(AuditProcesses, ...
unique_together = [['aud_scope_standards', 'aud_freqency', 'aud_process',],]
My model form is as described below:
class CreateAudQuestionListForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = AudQuestionList
fields = ('aud_ques_list_doc_type', 'aud_scope_standards', 'aud_freqency', 'aud_process', 'short_text', ...
def validate_unique(self):
except ValidationError:
self._update_errors({'aud_scope_standards': _('Record exists for the combination of key values.')})
The scenario works perfectly well, only that the field names (labels) itself are missing from the message.
Is there a way to add the field names to the message above, say something like:
Record exists for the combination of key fields + %(field_labels)s.

write attribute_line_ids in product.tempate in odoo 12

i am getting fields data from xls file and creating product
everything work fine except one2many field of variant in product.template
how can i achieve this.
here is my code.
main_product = self.env["product.template"].create(product_data)
attribute_ids = self.env["product.attribute"].search([])
attrib_id_set = set( for ids in attribute_ids)
product_attrib_ids = sheet.cell(suits, 13).value.split(",")
attrib_id_list = []; exist_attribute_list = []
for name in product_attrib_ids:
if name not in attrib_id_set:
attrib_id = self.env["product.attribute"].create({'name':name})
exist_attribute = self.env["product.attribute"].search([('name','=',name)])
union_list = list(set(attrib_id_list).union(exist_attribute_list))
exist_attribute_values = self.env["product.attribute.value"].search([])
exist_attrib_val_list = [ for attrib_name in exist_attribute_values]
product_attrib_id_values = sheet.cell(suits, 14).value.split(",")
for value in product_attrib_id_values:
if value not in exist_attrib_val_list:
for ids in union_list:
attrib_value_id = self.env["product.attribute.value"].create({
'attribute_id', 'value_ids':(4,
product_data is my dictionary for fields like name,sale_ok,type,catag_id etc.
this works, product is created, attribute_id and attribute values even works
but i can not write one2many of variant in product.template.
for value in product_attrib_id_values:
if value not in exist_attrib_val_list:
for ids in union_list:
attrib_value_id = self.env["product.attribute.value"].create({
for ids in exist_attribute_values:
if value ==
attrib_value_id =self.env["product.attribute.value"].browse(
if attrib_value_id not in values_lst:

Many2many field tableundefined odoo, can't get multiple many2many fields

I have multiple Many2many fields but I'm getting the following error:
relation stream doesn't exist,undefined-table
I cannot find where this error is occurring. Can someone help me fix this error?
class College(models.Model):
_name = 'module5_college'
_description = 'College Info'
_rec_name = 'clg'
clg = fields.Char("College Name")
uni = fields.Char("Affiliated to")
cou = fields.Many2many('module5_stream',string="Stream")
class Stream(models.Model):
_name = 'module5_stream'
_description = 'Stream info'
_rec_name = 'cou'
cou = fields.Selection([
('MCA', 'MCA')],"Stream")
cou_mode = fields.Selection([
('Distance','Distance')],"Course Mode")
sem_no = fields.Integer("No of semesters")
# full_score = fields.Integer(compute='score_calc',string="Score")
sem = fields.Many2many('module5_sem',"Semesters")
class Semester(models.Model):
_name = 'module5_sem'
_rec_name = 'id'
sem_no = fields.Char("Semester No")
sub = fields.Many2many('module5_subject',"Subjects")
You have to follow this example because this is the way to create many2many field:
employees_ids = fields.many2many('Employees.Employees', 'tasks_employees_rel', 'task_id', 'employee_id', 'Employees assigned to task')
To give you a better example.
A employee can be assigned to many tasks
A task can be assigned to many employees
So you have a many2many relation, so that means that you have to create a new table containing both keys.

Create Sale Order Line in route_id on-change method

I have to create sale order line in on change of route_id, but i am trying to using self.copy() method, but there is issue of order_id.
I didn't get order_id, because I need current record id of Sale Order instead of NewId.
def _onchange_route_id(self):
# Ht stock route dosen't have enough quantity, add new sale order line
remain_qty = 0
route_ht_stock = self.env.ref('custom_stock.route_warehouse0_ht_stock', raise_if_not_found=False)
if ==
if not self.product_id.qty_available >= self.product_uom_qty:
remain_qty = self.product_uom_qty - self.product_id.qty_available
new_line = self.copy(default = {'order_id': self.order_id}))

How to store multiple values in One2many field through odoo website

I have made a Bulk Inquiry form in odoo website. In which the fields category, qty, brand are to be repeated on clicking Click To Select More Products
Webpage Image:
The problem which I am facing is, values of first row are stored in database but fails to store the values for the next product/category and I have to store it in One2many field
Here is my code (
#http.route(['/website_form/'], auth='public', website=True,methods=['POST', 'GET'], csrf=False, type="http")
def bulkorder(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
contact_name = kwargs.get('contact_name')
phone = kwargs.get('phone')
email_from = kwargs.get('email_from')
partner_name = kwargs.get('partner_name')
designation = kwargs.get('designation')
gst_no = kwargs.get('gst_no')
name = kwargs.get('name')
description = kwargs.get('description')
category = kwargs.get('category')
quantity = kwargs.get('quantity')
brand = kwargs.get('brand')
select_type = kwargs.get('select_type')
lines = [(0,0,{'category':category,
user_data = {
'contact_name': contact_name,
'phone': phone,
'email_from': email_from,
'partner_name': partner_name,
'designation': designation,
'gst_no': gst_no,
'description': description,
'select_type': select_type,
store = http.request.env['bulk.order']
return http.local_redirect('/contactus-thank-you')
from odoo import models, fields, api,_
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID
class EIndustry_bulkorder(models.Model):
_name = 'bulk.order'
contact_name=fields.Char(string="Full Name")
phone=fields.Char(string="Phone Number", limit=10)
partner_name=fields.Char(string="Company Name")
gst_no=fields.Char(string="GST Number")
description=fields.Char(string="Your Question")
select_type=fields.Many2one('bulk.retailer' , string="Profession",
required=True , store = True)
bulk_order_line = fields.One2many('bulk.bulk_order_lines','bulk_order_line_id',
string='Bulk Order Lines')
class retailerType(models.Model):
name = fields.Char(string="Retailer Name")
class BulkOrderLine(models.Model):
_name = 'bulk.bulk_order_lines'
ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
