Multithreaded GUI update() methods - multithreading

I'm begginer in multithreading. I recently started to writing something like multithreaded observer. I need some clarification.
Let's say I'm working with Subject, and I'm changing its state. Then Observers (in example - GUI widgets) have to be notified, so they could perform the update() method.
And there is my question: how am i handling those getValue() performed by many Observers? If it's just a getter for some variable, do i have to run it in new thread? Does it require any locking?
Or mayby there is a metod to just send those new value to GUI thread, and letting widgets there access those value. And again, can it be a single loop, or do i have to create another threads for every widget to get those value?

That's a difficult subject. Here are couple of things that will guide and help you with it.
Embrace eventual consistency. When one object updates on one thread, others will receive change notifications and update to the correct state eventually. Don't try to keep everything in sync all the time. Don't expect everything to be up to date all the time. Design your system to handle these situations. Check this video.
Use immutability especially for collections. Reading and writing to a collection from multiple threads can result in disasters. Don't do it. Use immutable collections or use snapshotting. Basically one object that will called from multiple thread will return a snapshot of the state of the collection. when a notification for a change is received, the reader (GUI in your case) will request a snapshot of the new state and update it accordingly.
Design rich Models. Don't use AnemicModels that have only setters and getters and let others manipulate them. Let the Model protect it's data and provide queries for it's state. Don't return mutable objects from properties of an object.
Pass data that describes changes with change notifications. This way readers (GUI) may sync their state only from the change data without having to read the target object.
Divide responsibility. Let the GUI know that it's single threaded and received notifications from the background. Don't add knowledge in your Model that it will be updated on a background thread and to know that it's called from the GUI and give it the responsibility of sending change requests to a specific thread. The Model should not care about stuff like that. It raises notifications and let subscribers handle them the way they need to. Let the GUI know that the change notification will be received on the background so it can transfer it to the UI thread.
Check this video. It describes different way you can do multithreading.
You haven't shown any code or specified language, so I'll give you an example in pseudo code using a Java/C# like language.
public class FolderIcon {
private Icon mIcon;
public Icon getIcon() { return mIcon; }
public FolderIcon(Icon icon) {
mIcon = icon;
public class FolderGUIElement : Observer {
private Folder mFolder;
private string mFolderPath;
public FolderGUIElement(Folder folder) {
mFolder = folder;
mFolderPath = mFolder.getPath();
public void onSubjectChanged(change c) {
if(c instanceof PathChange) {
dispatchOnGuiThread(() => {
handlePathChange(PathChange change) {
mFolderPath = change.NewPath;
public class Folder : Subject {
private string mPath;
private FolderIcon mIcon;
public string getPath() { return mPath; }
public FolderIcon getIcon() { return mIcon; }
public void changePath(string newPath) {
mPath = patnewPath;
notifyChanged(new PathChange(newPath));
public void changeIcon(FolderIcon newIcon) {
mIcon = newIcon;
notifyChanged(new IconChange(newIcon));
Notice couple of things in the example.
We are using immutable objects from Folder. That means that the GUI elements cannot get the value of Path or FolderIcon and change it thus affecting Folder. When changing the icon we are creating a brand new FolderIcon object instead of modifying the old one. Folder itself is mutable, but it uses immutable objects for it's properties. If you want you can use fully immutable objects. A hybrid approach works well.
When we receive change notification we read the NewPath from the PathChange. This way we don't have to call the Folder again.
We have changePath and changeIcon methods instead of setPath and setIcon. This captures the intent of our operations better thus giving our model behavior instead of being just a bag of getters and setters.
If you haven't read Domain Driven Design I highly recommend it. It's not about multithreading, but on how to design rich models. It's in my list of books that every developer should read. On concept in DDD is ValueObject. It's immutable and provide a great way to implement models and is especially useful in multithreaded systems.


Why to delegate to consumer the increment of version in t he entity?

I am reading some examples how to implement control of concurrency in DDD.
At first, I thought that it is responsability of the infraestrcuture, or the repository, because the domain only should to be responsible of the core bussiness. But I have seen many examples in which the domain entity has a property for the version.
Then, in the consumer, in the application layer, it is seen in this way:
public void MyApplicationMethod()
Order myOrder = _orderRepository.Get(1);
myOrder.UpdateComments("another comments");
//If I arrive here, I could update, so I can increase the version.
But I don't know why is the consumer of the domain which has to increase the version. Perhaps the reason is because the domain isn't the responsability to control de concurrence or control the version, because it is not really a rule of the bussiness. But if this would be true, then why to have a property and a method to increase the version?
But if it is allowed or not bad solution that the domain knows about the version and has the method. Why to delegate the increase version to the client? Why not to increase the version in the update method of the entity? Something like that:
public class Order
private int _version;
bool _isVersionIncreased = false;
private void IncreaseVersion()
if(_isVersionIncreased == false)
_version += _version;
_isVersionIncreased = true;
public UpdateComments(string paramComments)
_comments = paramComments;
In this way I can simplify the code in the consumer. Also, if the entity is modified many times, with the variable _isVersionIncreased I can ensure I will increase only once the version, if I update many properties with different methods. The drawback is that I want to update again the same entity after a commit, I would have to rest the variable or load the entity again from the repository. But normally I use to create a new context for each action, so it is not a big problem.
In sumary, I would like to know which is a good way to control concurrency in DDD, and what problems could have my solution, to increase the version in the entity method, instead of do int in the consumer (application layer).

EventSourced Saga Implementation

I have written an Event Sourced Aggregate and now implemented an Event Sourced Saga... I have noticed the two are similair and created an event sourced object as a base class from which both derive.
I have seen one demo here but feel there may be an issue as Commands could be lost in the event of a process crash as the sending of commands is outside the write transaction?
public void Save(ISaga saga)
var events = saga.GetUncommittedEvents();
eventStore.Write(new UncommittedEventStream
Id = saga.Id,
Type = saga.GetType(),
Events = events,
ExpectedVersion = saga.Version - events.Count
foreach (var message in saga.GetUndispatchedMessages())
bus.Send(message); // can be done in different ways
Instead I am using Greg Young's EventStore and when I save an EventSourcedObject (either an aggregate or a saga) the sequence is as follows:
Repository gets list of new MutatingEvents.
Writes them to stream.
EventStore fires off new events when streams are written to and committed to the stream.
We listen for the events from the EventStore and handle them in EventHandlers.
I am implementing the two aspects of a saga:
To take in events, which may transition state, which in turn may emit commands.
To have an alarm where at some point in the future (via an external timer service) we can be called back).
As I understand event handlers should not emit commands (what happens if the command fails?) - but am I OK with the above since the Saga is the actual thing controlling the creation of commands (in reaction to events) via this event proxy, and any failure of Command sending can be handled externally (in the external EventHandler that deals with CommandEmittedFromSaga and resends if the command fails)?
Or do I forget wrapping events and store native Commands and Events in the same stream (intermixed with a base class Message - the Saga would consume both Commands and Events, an Aggregate would only consume Events)?
Any other reference material on the net for implementation of event sourced Sagas? Anything I can sanity check my ideas against?
Some background code is below.
Saga issues a command to Run (wrapped in a CommandEmittedFromSaga event)
Command below is wrapped inside event:
public class CommandEmittedFromSaga : Event
public readonly Command Command;
public readonly Identity SagaIdentity;
public readonly Type SagaType;
public CommandEmittedFromSaga(Identity sagaIdentity, Type sagaType, Command command)
Command = command;
SagaType = sagaType;
SagaIdentity = sagaIdentity;
Saga requests a callback at some point in future (AlarmRequestedBySaga event)
Alarm callback request is wrapped onside an event, and will fire back and event to the Saga on or after the requested time:
public class AlarmRequestedBySaga : Event
public readonly Event Event;
public readonly DateTime FireOn;
public readonly Identity Identity;
public readonly Type SagaType;
public AlarmRequestedBySaga(Identity identity, Type sagaType, Event #event, DateTime fireOn)
Identity = identity;
SagaType = sagaType;
Event = #event;
FireOn = fireOn;
Alternatively I can store both Commands and Events in the same stream of base type Message
public abstract class EventSourcedSaga
protected EventSourcedSaga() { }
protected EventSourcedSaga(Identity id, IEnumerable<Message> messages)
Identity = id;
if (messages == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messages));
var count = 0;
foreach (var message in messages)
var ev = message as Event;
var command = message as Command;
if(ev != null) Transition(ev);
else if(command != null) _messages.Add(command);
else throw new Exception($"Unsupported message type {message.GetType()}");
if (count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("No messages provided");
// All we need to know is the original number of events this
// entity has had applied at time of construction.
_unmutatedVersion = count;
_constructing = false;
readonly IEventDispatchStrategy _dispatcher = new EventDispatchByReflectionStrategy("When");
readonly List<Message> _messages = new List<Message>();
readonly int _unmutatedVersion;
private readonly bool _constructing = true;
public readonly Identity Identity;
public IList<Message> GetMessages()
return _messages.ToArray();
public void Transition(Event e)
_dispatcher.Dispatch(this, e);
protected void SendCommand(Command c)
// Don't add a command whilst we are in the constructor. Message
// state transition during construction must not generate new
// commands, as those command will already be in the message list.
if (_constructing) return;
public int UnmutatedVersion() => _unmutatedVersion;
I believe the first two questions are the result of a wrong understanding of Process Managers (aka Sagas, see note on terminology at bottom).
Shift your thinking
It seems like you are trying to model it (as I once did) as an inverse aggregate. The problem with that: the "social contract" of an aggregate is that its inputs (commands) can change over time (because systems must be able to change over time), but its outputs (events) cannot. Once written, events are a matter of history and the system must always be able to handle them. With that condition in place, an aggregate can be reliably loaded from an immutable event stream.
If you try to just reverse the inputs and outputs as a process manager implementation, it's output cannot be a matter of record because commands can be deprecated and removed from the system over time. When you try to load a stream with a removed command, it will crash. Therefore a process manager modeled as an inverse aggregate could not be reliably reloaded from an immutable message stream. (Well I'm sure you could devise a way... but is it wise?)
So let's think about implementing a Process Manager by looking at what it replaces. Take for example an employee who manages a process like order fulfillment. The first thing you do for this user is setup a view in the UI for them to look at. The second thing you do is to make buttons in the UI for the user to perform actions in response to what they see on the view. Ex. "This row has PaymentFailed, so I click CancelOrder. This row has PaymentSucceeded and OrderItemOutOfStock, so I click ChangeToBackOrder. This order is Pending and 1 day old, so I click FlagOrderForReview"... and so forth. Once the decision process is well-defined and starts requiring too much of the user's time, you are tasked to automate this process. To automate it, everything else can stay the same (the view, even some of the UI so you can check on it), but the user has changed to be a piece of code.
"Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script."
The process manager code now periodically reads the view and may issue commands if certain data conditions are present. Essentially, the simplest version of a Process Manager is some code that runs on a timer (e.g. every hour) and depends on particular view(s). That's the place where I would start... with stuff you already have (views/view updaters) and minimal additions (code that runs periodically). Even if you decide later that you need different capability for certain use cases, "Future You" will have a better idea of the specific shortcomings that need addressing.
And this is a great place to remind you of Gall's law and probably also YAGNI.
Any other reference material on the net for implementation of event sourced Sagas? Anything I can sanity check my ideas against?
Good material is hard to find as these concepts have very malleable implementations, and there are diverse examples, many of which are over-engineered for general purposes. However, here are some references that I have used in the answer.
DDD - Evolving Business Processes
DDD/CQRS Google Group (lots of reading material)
Note that the term Saga has a different implication than a Process Manager. A common saga implementation is basically a routing slip with each step and its corresponding failure compensation included on the slip. This depends on each receiver of the routing slip performing what is specified on the routing slip and successfully passing it on to the next hop or performing the failure compensation and routing backward. This may be a bit too optimistic when dealing with multiple systems managed by different groups, so process managers are often used instead. See this SO question for more information.

Defining aggregate roots when invariants exist within a list

I'm doing a family day care app, and thought I'd try DDD/CQRS/ES for it, but I'm running into issues with designing the aggregates well. The domain can be described pretty simply:
A child gets enrolled
A child can arrive
A child can leave
The goal is to track the times of the visits, generate invoices, put notes (eg. what was had for lunch, injuries etc.) against the visits. These other actions will be, by far, the most common interaction with the system, as a visit starts once a day, but something interesting happens all the time.
The invariant I'm struggling with is:
A child cannot arrive if they are already here
As far as I can see, I have the following options
1. Single aggregate root Child
Create a single Child aggregate root, with the events ChildEnrolled, ChildArrived and ChildLeft
This seems simple, but since I want each other event to be associated with a visit, it means the visit would be an entity of the Child aggregate, and every time I want to add a note or anything, I have to source all the visits for that child, ever. Seems inefficient and fairly irrelevant - the child itself, and every other visit, simply isn't relevant to what the child is having for lunch.
2. Aggregate Roots for Child and Visit
Child would source just ChildEnrolled, and Visit would source ChildArrived and ChildLeft. In this case, I don't know how to maintain the invariant, besides having the Visit take in a service for just this purpose, which I've seen is discouraged.
Is there another way to enforce the invariant with this design?
3. It's a false invariant
I suppose this is possible, and I should protect against multiple people signing in the same child at the same time, or latency meaning the use hits the 'sign in' button a bunch of times. I don't think this is the answer.
4. I'm missing something obvious
This seems most likely - surely this isn't some special snowflake, how is this normally handled? I can barely find examples with multiple ARs, let alone ones with lists.
You're talking heavily about Visits and what happened during this Visit, so it seems like an important domain-concept of its own.
I think you would also have a DayCareCenter in which all cared Children are enrolled.
So I would go with this aggregate-roots:
BTW: I see another invariant:
"A child cannot be at multiple day-care centers at the same time"
"Hits the 'sign in' button a bunch of times"
If every command has a unique id which is generated for every intentional attempt - not generated by every click (unintentional), you could buffer the last n received command ids and ignore duplicates.
Or maybe your messaging-infrastructure (service-bus) can handle that for you.
Creating a Visit
Since you're using multiple aggregates, you have to query some (reliable, consistent) store to find out if the invariants are satisfied.
(Or if collisions are rarely and "canceling" an invalid Visit manually is reasonable, an eventual-consistent read-model would work too...)
Since a Child can only have one current Visit, the Child stores just a little information (event) about the last started Visit.
Whenever a new Visit should be started, the "source of truth" (write-model) is queried for any preceeding Visit and checked whether the Visit was ended or not.
(Another option would be that a Visit could only be ended through the Child aggregate, storing again an "ending"-event in Child, but this feels not so good to me...but that's just a personal opinion)
The querying (validating) part could be done through a special service or by just passing in a repository to the method and directly querying there - I go with the 2nd option this time.
Here is some C#-ish brain-compiled pseudo-code to express how I think you could handle it:
public class DayCareCenterId
public string Value { get; set; }
public class DayCareCenter
public DayCareCenter(DayCareCenterId id, string name)
RaiseEvent(new DayCareCenterCreated(id, name));
private void Apply(DayCareCenterCreated #event)
public class VisitId
public string Value { get; set; }
public class Visit
public Visit(VisitId id, ChildId childId, DateTime start)
RaiseEvent(new VisitCreated(id, childId, start));
private void Apply(VisitCreated #event)
public void EndVisit()
RaiseEvent(new VisitEnded(id));
private void Apply(VisitEnded #event)
public class ChildId
public string Value { get; set; }
public class Child
VisitId lastVisitId = null;
public Child(ChildId id, string name)
RaiseEvent(new ChildCreated(id, name));
private void Apply(ChildCreated #event)
public Visit VisitsDayCareCenter(DayCareCenterId centerId, IEventStore eventStore)
// check if child is stille visiting somewhere
if (lastVisitId != null)
// query write-side (is more reliable than eventual consistent read-model)
// ...but if you like pass in the read-model-repository for querying
if (eventStore.OpenEventStream(lastVisitId.Value)
.Any(x => x is VisitEnded) == false)
throw new BusinessException("There is already an ongoning visit!");
// no pending visit
var visitId = VisitId.Generate();
var visit = new Visit(visitId,, DateTime.UtcNow);
RaiseEvent(ChildVisitedDayCenter(id, centerId, visitId));
return visit;
private void Apply(ChildVisitedDayCenter #event)
lastVisitId = #event.VisitId;
public class CommandHandler : Handles<ChildVisitsDayCareCenter>
private static readonly LurchTable<string, int> lastKnownCommandIds = new LurchTable<string, bool>(LurchTableOrder.Access, 1024);
public CommandHandler(IWriteSideRepository writeSideRepository, IEventStore eventStore)
this.writeSideRepository = writeSideRepository;
this.eventStore = eventStore;
public void Handle(ChildVisitsDayCareCenter command)
#region example command douplicates detection
if (lastKnownCommandIds.ContainsKey(command.CommandId))
return; // already handled
lastKnownCommandIds[command.CommandId] = true;
// OK, now actual logic
Child child = writeSideRepository.GetByAggregateId<Child>(command.AggregateId);
// ... validate day-care-center-id ...
// query write-side or read-side for that
// create a visit via the factory-method
var visit = child.VisitsDayCareCenter(command.DayCareCenterId, eventStore);
RaiseEvent(...) calls Apply(...) instantly behind the scene
writeSideRepository.Save(...) actually saves the events
LurchTable is used as a fixed-sized MRU-list of command-ids
Instead of passing the whole event-store, you could make a service for it if you if benefits you
I'm no renowned expert. This is just how I would approach it.
Some patterns could be harmed during this answer. ;)
It sounds like the "here" in your invariant "A child cannot arrive if they are already here" might be an idea for an aggregate. Maybe Location or DayCareCenter. From there, it seems trivial to ensure that the Child cannot arrive twice, unless they have previously left.
Of course, then this aggregate would be pretty long-lived. You may then consider an aggregate for a BusinessDay or something similar to limit the raw count of child arrivals and departures.
Just an idea. Not necessarily the way to solve this.
I would try to base the design on reality and study how they solve the problem without software.
My guess is they use a notebook or printed list and start every day with a new sheet, writing today's date and then taking notes for each child regarding arrival, lunch etc. The case with kids staying the night shouldn't be a problem - checking in day 1 and checking out day 2.
The aggregate root should focus on the process (in your case daily/nightly per-child caring) and not the participating data objects (visit, child, parent, etc.).
I'm missing something obvious
This one; though I would quibble with whether or not it is obvious.
"Child" probably should not be thought of as an aggregate in your domain model. It's an entity that exists outside your model. Put another way, your model is not the "book of record" for this entity.
The invariant I'm struggling with is:
A child cannot arrive if they are already here
Right. That's a struggle, because your model doesn't control when children arrive and leave. It's tracking when those things happen in some other domain (the real world). So your model shouldn't be rejecting those events.
Greg Young:
The big mental leap in this kind of system is to realize that
you are not the book of record. In the warehouse example the
*warehouse* is the book of record. The job of the computer
system is to produce exception reports and estimates of what
is in the warehouse
Think about it: the bus arrives. You unload the children, scan their bar codes, and stick them in the play room. At the end of the day, you reverse the process -- scanning their codes as you load them onto the bus. When the scanner tries to check out a child who never checked in, the child doesn't disappear.
Your best fit, since you cannot prevent this "invariant violation", is to detect it.
One way to track this would be an event driven state machine. The key search term to use is "process manager", but in older discussions you will see the term "saga" (mis)used.
Rough sketch: your event handler is listening to these child events. It uses the id of the child (which is still an entity, just not an aggregate), to look up the correct process instance, and notifies it of the event. The process instance compares the event to its own state, generates new events to describe the changes to its own state, and emits them (the process manager instance can be re-hydrated from its own history).
So when the process manager knows that the child is checked in at location X, and receives an event claiming the child is checked in at location Y, it records a QuantumChildDetected event to track the contingency.
A more sophisticated process manager would also be acting on ChildEnrolled events, so that your staff knows to put those children into quarantine instead of into the playroom.
Working back to your original problem: you need to think about whether Visits are aggregates that exist within your domain model, or logs of things that happen in the real world.

Application Object Won't Share

I'm having issues with my Application Object. I am currently using a Service to simulate incoming data from an electronic game board. This data is represented as a 2D boolean array. Every five seconds the Service uses a method of the Application Object to update the array (setDetectionMap()). This array is being read by a Thread in my main Activity using another method (getDetectionMap()). After some debugging I am almost positive that the main Activity is not seeing the changes. Here is the code for my Application Object:
public class ChessApplication extends Application{
private static ChessApplication singleton;
private boolean[][] detectionMap;
public static ChessApplication getInstance(){
return singleton;
public void onCreate() {
detectionMap=new boolean[8][8];
public boolean[][] getDetectionMap(){
return detectionMap;
public void setDetectionMap(boolean[][] newMap){
Log.d("Chess Application","Board Changed");
I've checked my Manifest, I've rewritten my object declaration a dozen times, I've added LogCat tags to make sure that the code is executing when I think it should be, and I've even implemented the supposedly redundant Singleton code. Any ideas what could be causing this? Incidentally can anyone tell me how to view variable states as the activity is running? Thanks in advance.
Is your Activity calling getDetectionMap() to get the new map after the update occurs?
Because otherwise, it's holding onto a reference to the old boolean[][] array, wheras setDetectionMap(...) isn't actually updating the current data structure, it's just updating the "detectionMap" variable to point to a different one. As such, your main activity won't be aware of the swapout until the next time it calls getDetectionMap.
Easy fix: in setDetectionMap, manually copy values from newMap into detectionMap. Or, update the Activity's reference so it's looking at the right map.
One other observation entirely unrelated to the original question: It's quite unusual to override Application during Android development, and is usually considered a "code smell" unless you have a really good reason for doing so. In this case I imagine it's so that you can communicate between your service and Activity, but you create a middle-man where one isn't entirely necessary. Here's a useful SO thread on how to communicate directly between the two :)

Data binding with plugins using MEF?

I have an application that has a class named: UploadItem. The application creates uploading tasks based on information it has, for example, an upload needs to be created to upload a file to with this the application creates a new UploadItem and adds that to an ObservableCollection, the collection is bound to a listview.
Now comes the part that I cannot solve.. I decided to change the structure so that people can create their own plugins that can upload a file, the problem lies with the fact that the UploadItem class has properties such as:
string _PercentagedDone;
public string PercentageDone
get { return _PercentagedDone; }
set { _PercentagedDone = value + "%"; NotifyPropertyChanged("PercentageDone"); }
But the plugin controls on how a file is uploaded, so how would the plugin edit the PercentageDone property that is located in the UploadItem class? If there is no way to do such a thing, then is there another way to achieve the same, i.e. showing the progress on the main GUI?
You'll want to define an interface for the plugins. Something like:
public interface IUploadPlugin
Task<bool> Upload(IEnumerable<Stream> files);
int Progress { get; }
The plugins then need to implement this interface and export themselves:
public class MyUploader : IUploadPlugin, INotifyPropertyChanged
// ...
Notice that this plugin implements INotifyPropertyChanged. This is an easy way to handle updating the progress. Fire PropertyChanged on the Progress property and then databind your ProgressBar control in the main view to this property. Make sure that you fire PropertyChanged on the UI thread.
Another option would be to fire a custom event when the property changes. You could handle this event in the main view logic and update the progress.
Notice that I'm using Task for the return. This allows the caller to wait until the upload task finishes. You could use a callback instead, but with the CTP of the next version of .NET, using Task<> will allow you to use the await keyword for your async programming. Check it out here and here.
