Find locations of all matches in a range - excel

I would like to list the lines where there is a FAIL written.
As it sounds very simple in VBA it seems fairly complicated to integrate that in a cell formula.
So I wanted to know if there was a simple way of listing all thoses matches.
I have tried this =TEXTJOIN(",";TRUE;IF(Y23:Z90="FAIL";1;"")) just to try a function I saw on internet but it gives me #value! error and I don't know why.
I then wanted to do something like =TEXTJOIN(",";TRUE;IF(Y23:Z90="FAIL";ROW(Y23:Z90);"")) but I'm guessing this would definitely not work.
I saw that we could do it with index and aggregate but it seems really too complicated for such a simple problem. However if this is the only solution I will take a more serious look at it.
Does anyone has a better way to do what I want to do?
Thanks in advance!

Ok thanks to Peter, I solved my problem and {=TEXTJOIN(",";TRUE;IF(Y23:Z90="FAIL";ROW(Y23:Z90);""))} works and gives me a list of the lines.


How to best troubleshoot "Next without for" Compile Error

My code is pretty long and has a lot of If statements. There are also a few small for loops all nested within a larger for loop. I am getting a compiler error "Next without for". I am sure I am missing something pretty simple. I just can't find it. Is there some editor that I can use that will pair the statements and show me where the disconnect is? Is there some great method for tracking down an error like this? I certainly hate to ask anyone to pick through my code and find the error. I'd like to learn to help myself. I am in learning mode.
I was missing an End If statement. That was my issue.
Thank for the replies. I thought I had indented properly, and I think that going through line by line and checking that would have found my issue.
I ended up finding it by going through and cutting some of the blocks of ifs and loops inside of the big loop until I found the offending section.

How to exclude results from fzf.vim search

I use fzf.vim a lot in my work, though don't know how to exclude incorrect lines from search results. Here is an example of the problem I have.
I need to find every model.search_views occurrence, but get also model.search_views_smth occurrence also. How to exclude the last one from results?
It seems to be obvious, but I spent a lot of time and didn't find the answer to my question.
I've found an awesome section in off docs - Maybe will be helpful for someone else.

how to keep all files by unduplicating them

This is a bit of an odd request as its not necessarily coding related, but I have been using SHA256 to spot duplicate files. Unfortunately for one reason or another all duplicate files need to be kept and need to be amended slightly for a new SHA256 to be generated.
There are many solutions out there that will delete duplicate files etc, but I need a solution that will look for duplicates and as it finds a duplicate, try to unduplicate it.
As I am using pdf, doc and docx files, I was thinking of a solution that adds a blank page at the end of the document with a character. I have been doing this currently manually but something automated would be of much help.
Has anyone come across this issue or know of a possible solution?
Thank you for your help in advance,

Mediawiki/wikipedia text format issue

so i got an issue with text formatting and i have no idea how this problem is called or what i should search after, so i thought i try to explain it here.
It's literally nothing dramatic or should take long, i simply want to write stuff like
''italic'' or '''bold'''
without that it actually gets italic or bold... i literally want
to be displayed. I've also tried to use code blocks but even within the blocks it writes italic then.. i'm sure there is a <..> command but i simply can not find it
Does anyone know?
try this:

Misspelled, wierd split words search in XSLT & Umbraco

Is it possible in XSLT to search and find content, even though the content is misspelled or the words splitted up - even though it shouldn’t?
I need to find a webshop called, but I search it like this “bear shop”. This will end in a “no results”.
Another example:
I search “progresive” but the right word was “progressive”, and this will end in a “no result” as well.
The most important part is the first example, where the search can be written with or without white spaces and still find the content. Hope someone can help me or lead me in the right direction :)
Kind regards,
If you are looking for a general way of matching similar words, this is often called fuzzy search and can quite easily be done with Umbraco and Examine.
There may even is a way to use this with XSLT, though I never tested that.
Assuming XSLT/XPath 2.0 you can use //foo[matches(., 'bear\s*shop')].
