What is the difference between http and https in an intranet? - security

Is http ok vs https in an intranet connected to the internet ?
If a bank has a website which using http and only accessible if connected to the network, is this a security risk?

Not sure if I understood your question, but let me try an answer.
HTTPS has the objective to guarantee that no one in the middle of the connection is being able to see what you and the server are talking to each other, he does it using encryption, so even in an intranet using HTTPS has its advantages.
Imagine a wireless connection, everyone in the bank is in the middle of you and the connection with the router (consequently, the server) if you are using it, so if this website has sensitive information like a password, even in an intranet, you would want it secure so no one inside that network can sniff packets and get your password easily in a clear HTTP request.


Does website running on local area network need https protection?

I was asked today if a website running on a secured LAN, really needs https protection? I could not give a satisfactory answer more than that the traffic can be intercepted and read on http but not on https. Something similar has been also answered here.
My question is could my response have been better? Are there more reasons to securing website running on LAN?
HTTPS Protocol will only protect MITM (Man In The Middle) sort of attacks.
The meaning is that the hacker need a way to communicate with the server.
In public websites HTTPS is important because ANYONE can talk with the server but if the website is running on a secured LAN the hacker will first need to hack his way to the LAN network in order to eavesdropping to the traffic of the website.
So - HTTPS on LAN running website is another layer of defense in case the hacker find his way into the LAN network, but for my opinion it's total waste of resources and time.
If the hacker found his way inside the network he can do a lot of things that HTTPS will be his last concern.

Do all servers need to use the HTTPS protocol or just public facing servers?

I have a front end web server running over HTTPS - this is public facing - i.e. port is open.
I also have a backend API server that my webserver makes API requests to - this is public facing and requires authentication - port is open.
These 2 servers run over HTTPS.
Behind the API server, there are lots of other servers. The API server reverse proxies to these servers. Ports for these other servers are not open to incoming traffic. They can only be talked to via the API server.
My Question ... Do the "lots of other servers" need to run over HTTPS or, given that they cannot be accessed externally, can they run over HTTP safely instead?
I thought this would be a common question but I could not find an answer to it. Thanks. If this is a dupe please point me to the right answer.
TL;DR you should encrypt the traffic unless it's on the same host.
You can't trust your network. Malwares in your own network can intercept/modify http requests.
It's not theoretical attacks, but real life example:
Routers (probably hacked) inside the network of some websites injecting ads: https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-16/materials/us-16-Nakibly-TCP-Injection-Attacks-in-the-Wild-A-Large-Scale-Study-wp.pdf
Indian network sniffing between cloudfare and back-end: https://medium.com/#karthikb351/airtel-is-sniffing-and-censoring-cloudflares-traffic-in-india-and-they-don-t-even-know-it-90935f7f6d98#.hymc3785e
The now famous "SSl Added and removed here :-)" from the NSA
The question is how much do you trust the connection between the public IP and the backend server?
If it is not your data center, at least any privileged employee of the ISP could see/change the data. I guess that's not something your customers would like to hear.
If it is your data center, meaning you are a kind of ISP still everybody who has physical access to the data center can potentially sniff the clear text traffic. Or in general, anybody who has access to the wire can see the traffic, it is much harder to implement a strict access control in your company.

Sniff over HTTPS

I have a question: What is the difference between sniffing and forwarding.
I mean that when I am in the MITM position (the gateway of a client), I can access to all the HTTPS website with this client browser.
In addition, I can check the generated traffic on the gateway side (including HTTPS requests/answers - encrypted of course!).
But as soon as I am using tools called "sniffers" (ettercap for instance) on the gateway side I am getting certificate errors and cannot even acces those HTTPS websites on the client side.
I am thus wondering what is the difference between sniffing and forwarding the traffic, in both cases we have access to the exact same information on the gateway side (generated traffic).
Finally, when sending HTTPS requests, those request has to go throw numerous routers to reach the server destination, a router is not a sniffer I suppose that is why we don't get the SSL certificate errors, right?
Sniffing is passive, whereas forwarding (MITM) is active.
When forwarding (MITM), you are part of the route. The traffic goes from the client to your IP address, then on to the server.
When sniffing, you're simply on the same physical network as the client and are able to receive a copy of the packets that the client is sending to the server.
If sniffing is causing HTTPS to fail, then there's something wrong. Perhaps you have mixed up the two terms?

When should HSTS be enabled?

If I am running a HTTPS only service, is there any reason not to enable HSTS? Is there a strategy to test HSTS without permanently enabling it or a way "out of" HSTS?
I'd like to add to Mike's answer the warning, that you are probably not running an HTTPS-only service. The reason is that when your server doesn't listen on port 80 then if you only type in the domain and not the protocol (stackoverflow.com instead of https://stackoverflow.com) your browser will not automatically try to connect on port 443 (https) and show a connection error. Thus for most sites an HTTPS only service is out of the question.
The classical way to ensure an https connection by forwarding every http page to an https page via 301/303 forwards is not a sufficient replacement for HSTS. In fact HSTS was build for that case exactly. The reason is that many bookmarks and links will still point to http and every time a user enters a URL without specifying the protocol - which is always - the browser will first try the http connection. An active attacker can hijack that first connection and never forward the user to the https site.
To give you a more vivid image of such an attack imagine a state who spoofs every DNS request to twitter and answers with its own IPs. When it receives an https request it forwards it to twitter without any action (and chance for interception). But when it receives an http request it uses the tool ssl strip Mike has mentioned to transparently forward the content of the connection to twitter's TLS port. Neither the user nor twitter notice that anything is off (except for the very alert users who checks for TLS encryption) but the state has access to every login password.
HSTS can protect those users that have had a legitimate https connection with the server before and have already seen an HSTS header. The header instructs the browser to exchange every http url of the domain with an https url itself (before an http connection is established at all) and deny any unencrypted connection to this domain. Thus in the scenario above almost all users will not end up on the compromised http connection and are safe against the nation wide attack.
From a defense in depth perspective, you should still enable HTTP Strict Transport Policy (HSTS). There are some issues that could crop up in the future that would benefit from HSTS, including:
Server misconfiguration, where HTTP is accidentally turned on. There's one site I visited recently that takes credit card details, it has a HTTPS site but Google links to their HTTP site so depending on how you got there, you could be submitting your details in the clear.
Malicious attacker poisons or hijacks DNS records to redirect the client to their own HTTP-only server, perhaps in conjunction with an ssl strip attack.
You should also ensure a sufficiently long HSTS lifetime, e.g. a year or more.
You can disable support for HSTS by setting the max-age to 0. You'll need to leave this header in place for as long as you had originally set the value. E.g. If you had set it to 2 years, and change your mind, you'll need to leave max-age=0 for at least 2 years (and continue to offer an HTTPS service on that domain) so past clients won't have any issues connecting to it.

Is session hijacking / MITMA etc. possible with HTTPS?

Are attacks like MITM possible when using HTTPS?
I know they are possible if the connection starts with HTTP then gets redirected to HTTPS, but what if the initial connection itself is using HTTPS?
I'm implementing a client which connects to a server using HTTPS and want to find out if my explicitly determining the authenticity of the server is necessary (not, not the server authenticating the client is who it says it is, but the client ensuring the server is who it says it is) - I'm doing this in iOS where an API is available which makes it easy to do, but I'm not sure if its necessary to do, and if I do, then how to test that it works.
It's absolutely possible to MITM SSL, and it's often pretty easy if you don't actually check the server's certificate.
Consider someone using your app in a coffee shop where a malicious employee has control over the wireless router. They can watch for HTTPS connections to your server and redirect them to a local MITM program. That program accepts the connection using a self-signed SSL certificate, say, and then opens a connection to your real server and proxies traffic between them.
As long as you check the validity of the server's certificate, this simple attack is thwarted. So do that. :-)
There are much more complicated attacks that have been demonstrated that can still, under special circumstances, MITM an SSL connection even when you check the certificates, but the circumstances that make those attacks work are difficult enough to arrange that most developers needn't worry about them.
