What is the iterator feature for in Terraform's for_each? - terraform

I am trying to understand the iterator feature of the for_each in Terraform 0.12. The docs say:
The iterator argument (optional) sets the name of a temporary variable that represents the current element of the complex value. If omitted, the name of the variable defaults to the label of the dynamic block ...
But I can't find any code examples that uses this feature and I can't get my head around what it is for. I have read the Terraform 0.12 preview but it is not mentioned there, and I found some GitHub issues (e.g. this one) but can't find clues there either.
Is it just for improving readability? I would really appreciate a code example and explanation that goes beyond what I can find in the docs.

Basically in various languages like Python, Ruby, C++, Javascript, Groovy, etc. you can establish a temporary variable within a lambda (especially if it is iterative) that stores the temporary value per iteration within the lambda. In some languages (e.g. Groovy), there is a default name for this variable, or you can set one yourself (i.e. default variable name in Groovy is it). For example, in Groovy we have:
strings.each() {
print it
would print the content of the string variable assignment (assuming it can be cast to String). The following code has the exact same functionality:
strings.each() { a_string ->
print a_string
where we have explicitly named the temporary variable as a_string. This is analogous to the iterator argument in your question. So in Terraform, we see an example in the documentation:
resource "aws_security_group" "example" {
name = "example" # can use expressions here
dynamic "ingress" {
for_each = var.service_ports
content {
from_port = ingress.value
to_port = ingress.value
protocol = "tcp"
According to the documentation:
If omitted, the name of the variable defaults to the label of the dynamic block
and the name above is ingress (notice it is the label specified adjacent to the dynamic block). Sure enough, we see the name of the temporary variable above is ingress and it is being accessed via ingress.value. To utilize the functionality of iterator to rename this temporary variable, we can do something like the below.
resource "aws_security_group" "example" {
name = "example" # can use expressions here
dynamic "ingress" {
for_each = var.service_ports
iterator = "service_port"
content {
from_port = service_port.value
to_port = service_port.value
protocol = "tcp"
thus renaming the temporary variable storing the element of var.service_ports in each iteration within the lambda from default name ingress to service_port. The primary added value I see in this (and likewise when I use it in Groovy for Jenkins Pipeline libraries) is to provide a more clear name for the temporary variable storing the value to improve readability.


Conditional creation of parent/child resources

I have a Terraform parent-resource that gets created conditionally, by using the count meta arg. This works fine. However, if the parent-resource doesn't get created because count is set to 0, and it has dependent child-resources, Terraform will fail. Is there a practical way to tell Terraform to ignore the children-resources, if the parent doesn't get created? The only way I can think to do it is to perform a count operation on each resource, and this seems cumbersome.
Something like this:
create_dev_compartment = 0
create_dev_subnet *skip creation*
create_dev_instance *skip creation*
create_mgt_compartment = 1
create_mgt_subnet *create resource*
create_mgt_instance *create resource*
The Terraform documentation has a section Chaining for_each between resources which describes declaring chains of resources that have the same (or derived) for_each expressions so that they can all repeat based on the same source information.
The documentation doesn't include an explicit example of the equivalent pattern for count, but it follows a similar principle: the count expression for the downstream resource will derive from the value representing the upstream resource.
Since you didn't include any Terraform code I can only show a contrived example, but here's the general idea:
variable "manage_network" {
type = bool
resource "compartment" "example" {
count = var.manage_network ? 1 : 0
resource "subnet" "example" {
count = length(compartment.example)
compartment_id = compartment.example[count.index].id
resource "instance" "example" {
count = length(subnet.example)
subnet_id = subnet.example[count.index].id
In the case of chained for_each, the full object representing the corresponding upstream resource is temporarily available as each.value inside the downstream resource block. count can't carry values along with it in the same way, so the equivalent is to refer to the upstream resource directly and then index it with count.index, which exploits the fact that these resources all have the same count value and will thus all have the same indices. Currently the only possible index will be zero, because you have a maximum count of 1, but if you change count in future to specify two or more instances then the downstream resources will all grow in the same way, creating several correlated instances all at once.

Terraform resource as a module input variable

When developing a terraform module, I sometimes find myself in the need to define different input variables for the same resources. For example, right now I need the NAME and ARN of the same AWS/ECS cluster for my module, so, I defined two variables in my module: ecs_cluster_arn and ecs_cluster_name.
For the sake of DRY, it would be very nice if I could just define the input variable ecs_cluster of type aws_ecs_cluster and the just use whatever I need inside my module.
I can't seem to find a way to do this. Does anyone know if it's possible?
You can define an input variable whose type constraint is compatible with the schema of the aws_ecs_cluster resource type. Typically you'd write a subset type constraint that contains only the attributes the module actually needs. For example:
variable "ecs_cluster" {
type = object({
name = string
arn = string
Elsewhere in the module, you can use var.ecs_cluster.name and var.ecs_cluster.arn to refer to those attributes. The caller of the module can pass in anything that's compatible with that type constraint, which includes a whole instance of the aws_ecs_cluster resource type, but would also include a literal object containing just those two attributes:
module "example" {
# ...
ecs_cluster = aws_ecs_cluster.example
module "example" {
# ...
ecs_cluster = {
name = "blah"
arn = "arn:aws:yada-yada:blah"
In many cases this would also allow passing the result of the corresponding data source instead of the managed resource type. Unfortunately for this pairing in particular the data source for some reason uses the different attribute name cluster_name and therefore isn't compatible. That's unfortunate, and not the typical design convention for pairs of managed resource type and data source with the same name; I assume it was a design oversight.
module "example" {
# ...
# This doesn't actually work for the aws_ecs_cluster
# data source because of a design quirk, but this would
# be possible for most other pairings such as
# the aws_subnet managed resource type and data source.
ecs_cluster = data.aws_ecs_cluster.example

Get a list of possible outbound ip addresses in terraform

I'm trying to use the export from a azure function app in terraform to get the possible outbound ip addresses that I can add to a whitelist for a firewall
The parameter returned is a string of ips comma separated.
I have tried using the split function within terraform but it doesn't give a list, it gives an interface which can't be used as a list. I've tried using local scopes to add square brackets around it but still the same.
Let me just add this is terraform 11 not 12.
resource "azurerm_key_vault" "keyvault" {
name = "${var.project_name}-${var.environment}-kv"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.environment.location}"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.environment.name}"
enabled_for_disk_encryption = true
tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}"
sku_name = "standard"
network_acls {
bypass = "AzureServices"
default_action = "Deny"
ip_rules = "${split(",", azurerm_function_app.function.possible_outbound_ip_addresses)}"
tags = {
asset-code = "${var.storage_tags["asset_code"]}"
module-code = "${var.storage_tags["module_code"]}"
environment = "${var.environment}"
instance-code = "${var.storage_tags["instance_code"]}"
source = "terraform"
This comes back with the error "ip_rules must be a list".
I think what you are seeing here is a classic Terraform 0.11 design flaw: when a value is unknown at plan time (because it will be decided only during apply), Terraform 0.11 can't properly track the type information for it.
Because possible_outbound_ip_addresses is an unknown value at planning time, the result of split with that string is also unknown. Because Terraform doesn't track type information for that result, the provider SDK code rejects that unknown value because it isn't a list.
To address this in Terraform 0.11 requires doing your initial run with the -target argument so that Terraform can focus on creating the function (and thus allocating its outbound IP addresses) first, and then deal with the processing of that string separately once it's known:
terraform apply -target=azurerm_function_app.function
terraform apply # to complete the rest of the work that -target excluded
Terraform 0.12 addressed this limitation by tracking type information for both known and unknown values, so in Terraform 0.12 the split function would see that you gave it an unknown string and accept that as being correctly typed, and then it would return an unknown list of strings to serve as a placeholder for the result that will be finally determined during the apply phase.
If is var.string is,
split(',', var.string)[0] should give you back as a string. Your questions is difficult without an example.
Here is an example of how I can get a list of possible IPs
create a data source and then a locals var
app_services = [ "app1", "app2", "app3" ]
data "azurerm_app_service" "outbound_ips" {
count = length(var.app_services)
name = var.app_services[count.index]
resource_group_name = var.server_resource_group_name
locals {
apps_outbound_ips = distinct(flatten(concat(data.azurerm_app_service.outbound_ips.*.possible_outbound_ip_address_list)))
You don't have to use a data source either, if you are building the resource just use the outputs instead of a data source, in my case I use a data source as I build my apps separately.
Works flawlessly for me and produces a list of strings (Strings being each unique outbound IP of the set of app services / function apps) in the form of local.apps_outbound_ips
Enjoy :)

terraform route53 resolver setup

Just been trying to use the new terraform aws_route53_resolver_endpoint resource. It takes the subnet ids as a block type list. Unfortunately there appears to be no way to populate this from a list of subnets read from an output variable from the previous step.
Basically I have a set of subnets created using the count on the subnet resources in a previous step. Im trying to use these and setup aws_route53_resolver_endpoint in each of these subnets:
resource "null_resource" "management_subnet_list" {
count = "${length(var.subnet_ids)}"
triggers {
subnet_id = "${element(data.terraform_remote_state.app_network.management_subnet_ids, count.index)}"
resource "aws_route53_resolver_endpoint" "dns_endpoint" {
name = "${var.environment_name}-${var.network_env}-dns"
direction = "OUTBOUND"
security_group_ids = ["${var.security_groups}"]
ip_address = "${null_resource.management_subnet_list.*.triggers}"
The above when run, results in an error: ip_address: should be a list
If I modify the code as follow:
ip_address = ["${null_resource.management_subnet_list.*.triggers}"]
I get the error: ip_address: attribute supports 2 item as a minimum, config has 1 declared
I can't seem to figure out any other way to create the resource list dynamically from a list of subnets.
Any help will be appreciated.
Per the resource reference for aws_route53_resolver_endpoint, the subnet_id in the ip_address block is a single string value.
To specify multiple subnets, you need to have multiple ip_address blocks.
Since you state that you're creating subnets with a count argument, you could potentially reference each individually with the index like: aws_subnet.main[0].id, aws_subnet.main[1].id and so on, each in it's own ip_address block. (or for Terraform 0.11, I think it was "${aws_subnet.main.0.id}".)
However, a better way would be to use the Dynamic Blocks available in Terraform 0.12 +
Dynamic Blocks allow you to create repeatable nested blocks within top-level blocks.(resource, data, provider, and provisioner blocks currently support dynamic blocks).
A dynamic ip_address block within the aws_route53_resolver_endpoint resource could look like:
dynamic "ip_address" {
for_each = aws_subnet.main[*].id
iterator = subnet
content {
subnet_id = subnet.value
Which would result in a separate ip_address nested block for each subnet created in the aws_subnet.main resource.
The for_each argument is the complex value to iterate over. It accepts accepts any collection or structural value, typically a list or map with one element per desired nested block.
For complete info on the dynamic nested block expression, see the Terraform documentation at: https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/expressions/dynamic-blocks.html

Need to understand terraform resource structure

I am reading terraform and found below code:
resource "aws_vpc" "vpc_main" {
cidr_block = ""
tags {
Name = "Main VPC"
Here I could not understand what vpc_main stands for in the resource definition. Could somebody explain?
It's a user-defined name for the resource - without this you wouldn't be able to distinguish multiple instances of the same resource type.
See the docs for more details.
Variable types and names in other programming languages are a good analogy. For example, in Java, you can declare a variable as follows:
String foo
The type of the variable is String and the name of the variable is foo. You must specify a name so you can (a) distinguish it from other variables of the same type and (b) refer to it later.
In Terraform, it's essentially the same idea:
resource "aws_instance" "foo" { ... }
Here, the type of the resource is aws_instance and the name is foo. You must specify a name so you can (a) distinguish it from other resources of the same type and (b) refer to it later. For example, to output the public IP address of that Instance, you could do the following:
output "public_ip" {
value = "${aws_instance.foo.public_ip}"
