Submit trial version of application on azure marketplace - azure

I would like to submit an offering to the Azure Marketplace but I want the offering to be a trial version only. So, the user will have access to it for a certain period only and it will be free.
The offering I want to submit is a VM offering and right now I have an image of the VM ready.
I did not find much information on how can I achieve this or whether it is possible to only submit the trial version on Azure marketplace.

If you want to create a trial version VM offer, please set License Model as "Usage-based monthly billed SKU" in SKU tab when you create offer. For more details, please refer to

The Marketplace publishing guide is designed to help new and existing publishers learn how to use storefronts in the Azure Marketplace and Microsoft AppSource to grow their business in partnership with Microsoft by listing applications and services.
Develop a Marketplace Application
I would recommend you to reach out to the concerned team by logging a ticket using this link.enter link description here
Additional information:
Please visit this link to learn more about the Microsoft Azure Certified program and how to publish and sell your applications and services in the Azure Marketplace.:
For more information, check this:


Developing a web application for Azure market place

I am very new to Azure and Azure market place apps.
I could not find any samples in the Web to create an web application in azure market place. I want to create simple web application then i can publish this in Azure market place. For example, this web application simply retrieves all the users in a SQL table and show the list in a html page.
I tried different solutions in web and also here But could not able to succeed.
I am confused on how to start developing the market place apps. I mean which project template i should use to develop an Market place App.
Can any one please help me how to start developing the web application for Azure market place?
You may check the process outlined in this document Publish and manage an offer in the Azure Marketplace - this article is provided to help - create, deploy, and manage solutions listed in the Azure Marketplace.
Refer to the Marketplace Publisher Guide and Azure managed applications in the Marketplace for details.
Publish a Solution Template: Based on your requirement, you could use the solution templates which allows you to combine multiple items already available in the marketplace to create more powerful solutions.
Whereas, the ‘Publish a Developer Service’ provides fully managed developer services (SAAS) for developers to use in custom application development.
Note: Solutions Template has migrated to the new Cloud Partner Portal (requires registration prior to access).
Additionally, check the Marketplace FAQs (here): Who do I contact with publishing or offer management questions? : Please visit the Azure Marketplace Publisher Guide for up-to-date resource and documentations on frequently asked questions. Additionally, you can log a ticket with Microsoft Support in the Cloud Partner Portal.

Web app onboarding to Azure Web Marketplace

We checked this documentation - on how to onboard our web apps in the Azure marketplace and also the GitHub link -
We have contacted MSFT on how to host our application which has an API and WCF applications as sub-applications.
MSFT replied that sub applications are not currently supported in through this onboarding model.
So, we are trying to onboard the three applications individually and link them in the Azure marketplace. We are not sure whether this will work or if this is possible.
In the sample applications in the GitHub link -, they have a hosting plan JSON file for the web app resource. Can we link the applications using this hosting plan JSON file?
We could not find any information or definition related to this hosting plan file -
Does anyone tried this before or know how to do this?
sub applications are not currently supported in through this onboarding model.
From the documentation, we could know if web app need Virtual application setting to be configured for web app, we will not be able to on board the application.
we are trying to onboard the three applications individually and link them in the Azure marketplace. We are not sure whether this will work or if this is possible.
In my view, if you on board these application individually, it may not enable us to bundle multi individual applications to make them link with each other. You could contact with Azure marketplace support team.
We could not find any information or definition related to this hosting plan file -
In the link you posted, we could find that it is an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template that is used to define resources you want to deploy. This article explained about the Azure Resource Manager template, please refer to it.

How can i publish my web solution to Marketplace

I have a web application which provides data analysis service and deployed on Azure virtual machine. How can i publish it on Azure Marketplace and in which category it will fall?
There is a complete and documented process for that.
You first need to apply as a certified partner :
Then in the publish steps you will choose up to five categories :
Same thing for all marketing info (logos, pricing, ...)

Creating Azure Marketplace App

Recently I have become interested in creating a Microsoft Azure Marketplace plugin for our API Developer Portal product We currently have a BizSpark account but I am having trouble finding out where to start when it comes to creating and uploading a Marketplace application on Azure. Here are some questions that I have.
What is the process that I need to go through in order to apply to put my product on Azure Marketplace?
I am assuming there is an API that Azure has that you use to plug-in your application. Where can I find information on that API, sandbox environment, etc?
Is there any helpful documentation, contacts, or any material that anyone can provide me to help with this process
To get started with publishing in the Azure marketplace, follow this getting started guide.

Can't add New Relic through Windows Azure Add On Store

When adding New Relic through the Windows Azure Add On Store I always get the following message on step 2 which prevents me from adding it:
We cannot provide a billing estimate at this time. Please try again later. If this error persists, contact support with the following information.
(The market on the billing account does not match the market on the user account (DM - ActivityId = xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx))
I would like some help to understand:
1) Why this might be happening?
2) Whether I need to add it in this way or can I simply sign up directly to New Relic, add the component to my Azure Website/Cloud Service via Nuget and configure it with my New Relic key?
Go with option 2 and bypass the marketplace. New Relic integration with the Azure Marketplace is not very good — it is difficult to modify the subscription or administer accounts. One of the biggest problems is that the support link doesn't work, which means that you can wait days for a response because they cannot associate a support ticket with a paying customer.
Signing up directly with New Relic, and not through the store, is technically simple — all you need is the New Relic key.
The pricing from the Azure store is cheaper than that published on the New Relic site. I explained to them the problems with their Azure marketplace integration and they were gracious enough to match the Azure marketplace pricing.
