Preview is hidden and does not show - android-studio

I want to make android app. I have installed androis studio and now i have problem with it. The preview window is hidden
I have tried to fix this problem by updating everything that is possible, but after updating the window is not shown
Image of android studio
You can see that i dont see screen where is running code
Android studio does not show me errors and
API is 22

You are using a bad version of constraint layout I would use the constraint layout from the androidx Library
androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout I think is the tag

You can try to invalidate Caches and restart like this:
File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart...
After you have done it try to reopen android studio and check your preview.
Another solution that can help you is to switch from the Text tab to the Design tab, this is also the recommended option for working with ConstraintLayout + you can see your preview in your design tab.
And if all of that didn't work you can always reinstall android studio again, this may be the less recommended option but it will most likely solve your problem.


Disabling the window scale animation on Android Studio 4.0

I've recently updated Android Studio IDE to 4.0 and every time a popup window opens, it starts animating from center and performs a scale animation. I want to disable this feature, and from IDE settings I closed "Animate windows" option but the behavior did not change.
The animation I'm complaining about is this:
Is it possible to change this behavior or is it enforced? If it's enforced I think I'll download an older version of Android Studio instead because it looks very bad to me. Thank you for your help.
It looks like you can disable it by appending -Djbre.popupwindow.settype to Help -> Edit Custom VM Options...

Could not find a JavaToKotlinConversionProvider

I'm not able to create a new project in the android studio. I am getting a warning message
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find a
JavaToKotlinConversionProvider, even though one should be bundled with
Studio at
Go to Preferences -> Plugins -> Kotlin and update the Kotlin plugin to the last version even though you don't write your code in Kotlin.
I have the same error, I've juste disabled the kotlin plugin and after restarting the IDE, just re-enable it. After that final restart, every thing works fine.
Go to file and the plugin in android studio and update your Kotlin plugin...
I opened an old project (by old I mean another project) and did everything Android Studio said to give me a successful build (I faced some errors when I tried to build the project that I could build couple weeks ago and actually I fixed them, updating gradle and stuff like that, not code issues of course).
After that I could create new project same as before.
Update seems like in order to keep Android Studio happy we have to keep Kotlin plugin enabled, interesting.
I solved this problem by doing this:
Click the Installed tab at the top.
Search "kotlin" and click the result that shows up.
Click Enable at the top right
settings>plugins>check Kotlin >Apply then Ok solved it for me.
It occurred due to migration from Android Studio 3.2 to 3.3
Goto File-->Invalidate Caches/Restart
This will solve the problem.

Views in Layout Not Getting Created Properly

Recently, I came across an issue with my layout files. Whenever I click enter to add a view in an .xml file like so:
And then when I click enter:
As you can see it did not generate the attributes like 'layout_width' and 'layout_height' etc.
This problem only happened after connecting my Git account to Android Studio.
This issue is only in the 'Text' tab of the layout file, so the 'design' tab works fine
I have 'Invalidated Caches & Restarted' but that didn't work.
EDIT: I opened up another project and added a view throughout the text tab and it worked - the working project is not connected to Git.
Try this steps below
1 Sync your project (If it's doesn't work) try this below
2 Invalidated Caches & Restarted
3 Restart Your System or Android Studio
What's your android version?. maybe that's a bug in that android studio version please try updating studio.
The problem was in my (Module:app). My target SDK version was set to 26 which it gave a warning about compatibility issues. So after changing it to 28 and syncing my project the issue was solved.

How to refresh the layout Preview pane in the Android Studio v2.2 IDE?

Older versions of Android Studio had a Refresh option in the layout preview in the IDE, but in v2.2 it has vanished. I am finding repeatedly that I update drawable bitmaps in the project with updated files, that new version is not reflected automatically, and I do not see the preview. Problems like this are so common with Android Studio, it's such an utterly infuriating IDE and so flaky, despite the speed it is advancing.
Where did the refresh option go? I can't believe I'm having to actually ask this, but maybe I missed it somewhere obvious!

In android studio,cannot load 2 facets-unknown facet type:android and android-gradle

When I open android studio I am getting an error- "Error loading project: Cannot load 2 facets. When I clicked to see the error the following appeared
"2 facets cannot be loaded. You can mark them them as ignored to suppress this error notification.
Unknown facet type:'android', Unknown facet type:'android-gradle'
I tried to add facets ( In Project Structure > Project settings > Modules > clicked project name, then clicked Android as well as Android-Gradle) But both showed as "cannot load facet, unknown facet type." Under Project settings > Facets > both Android and Android-Gradle are displayed as 'Invalid facets'.
My project was running smoothly. This problem occured when I force-closed my laptop before exiting android studio as everything got stuck. After that whenever I open the android studio this problem occurs. I am not able to run my project. Can anyone please help me to solve this?
Just enable Android Support plugin.
Click Ctrl+Alt+S in Windows or Meta+Comma in Mac.
In top search bar type "plugin".
On right side it will show a list of plugins, find Android Support plugin, check it and click OK at the bottom of screen.
This is how it looks:
In Android Studio go to
File -> Settings - > Plugins -> Enable "Android Support" Plugin.
File, Then Settings->Plugin->Enable/Renable Plugin --> Apply --> Restart
This problem occured when i'd updated Android Studio.
In case nothing from other answers works, you don't have another option, except removing broken settings and making clean setup.
So what i am suggesting:
Use Settings Repository Feature to store personal IDE settings
close studio
remove .AndroidStudioX folder from user folder
re-launch studio, do not copy settings from previous version (because settings probably broken and auto-import couldn't import it well)
import personal settings from Settings Repository
For me I went to Settings -> Plugins and de-selected Gradle then immediately re-selected it. Android Studio then asked if I wanted to enable Groovy so I said yes and let it restart and now everything is happy again! (it was checked, but clearly somewhere deep down not truly enabled, so toggling the check-box sorted it)
Not sure if my cause was installing Flutter, but I did have to disable the Flutter plugin before I could build again.
I had the same problem with an ever-increasing number of facets - first 2, then 4, then 5 - and none of the above solutions worked. My solution (Android Studio 3.3, OS X) was to delete ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio3.3/disabled_plugins.txt, which contained and org.jetbrains.maven
I imagine if you have deliberately disabled plugins then you'll have to disable them again manually, but I was able to load all facets again.
Go To ->File->Settings->Plugins->disable/enable Android Support Plugins->Press Ok
Just re-enable Android Support plugin. Then it will ask to restart.
Restart them thats it
I faced this issue in Android Studio 3.2.1 I had to re-import my project after that it works.
I was facing this problem, I tried everything but nothing worked but then I remembered that I updated Android Studio just few hours back and then I enabled the plugins in the Android Studio and restarted it and it worked.
File -> Settings -> Plugin and then just press ok. It will ask to restart the android studio and please restart it.
For me I had to uncheck the plugin Android APK Support. I clicked Apply and then Ok to close the window. Android Studio prompted me to restart the program, and the program restarted. I checked the Android APK Support plugin again and restarted the program. And then I selected File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files
Then it worked just fine.
