Request too large error making a request to App Engine - python-3.x

I have an app on App Engine Flex using the Python 3 runtime. I get the base64 encoded byte string of a resume file from Google Storage with the code below.
storage_client = storage.Client(project=[MYPROJECT])
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket([MYBUCKET])
blob = bucket.blob([MYKEY])
resume_file = blob.download_as_string()
resume_file = str(base64.b64encode(resume_file))[2:-1]
I send that as part of my request parameters like so:
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(signed_jwt),
'content-type': 'application/json'}
params = {'inputtype': 'file',
'resume': resume_file}
response = requests.get(HOST, headers=headers, params=params)
However, I get the following error:
Error 413 (Request Entity Too Large)
Your client issued a request that was too large
That's all we know
App Engine has a file size limit of 32MB. However, my file is only 24KB. How can I fix this error?

I had to change my application to accept POST requests instead of GET requests.
Previously, I was sending the resume as a parameter. I'm now sending it as data:
payload = json.dumps({
'inputtype': inputtype,
'resume': inputresume
response =, headers=headers, data=payload)
I am using Flask. Previously I was reading in the params using:
I changed it to:
This is an extension of the question/answer here


Get a SAS on a azure snapshot - Using Azure Compute API

I am trying to generate the SAS URI for one of the snapshot exist on resource group using microsoft provided API.
Below is the snippet code:
url = f"{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/{snap_name}/beginGetAccess"
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
params = {'api-version': '2021-12-01'}
body= {
"access": "Read",
"durationInSeconds": 3000
json_body= json.dumps(body, indent=2), headers=headers, params=params, data=json_body, verify=False)
But I am receiving the response as <Response [202]>.
Could anyone help me with the issue.
Response 202 means that Azure accepts your request but it is handling your request. It is an asynchronous operation. Therefore, the response header will give you another url for getting the result. You can refer the following link to get what you want.

Add (AWS Signature) Authorization to python requests

I am trying to make a GET request to an endpoint which uses AWS Authorization. I made request using postman, It works. But when i tried following method in python, it's giving error.
url = 'XXX'
payload = {}
amc_api_servicename = 'sts'
t = datetime.utcnow()
headers = {
'X-Amz-Date': t.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'),
'Authorization': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={}/{}/{}/{}/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date,Signature=3ab1067335503c5b1792b811eeb84998f3902e5fde925ec8678e0ff99373d08b'.format(amc_api_accesskey, current_date, amc_api_region, amc_api_servicename )
print(url, headers)
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method.
Please point me in the right direction.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('sts')
respone=client.assume_role(RoleArn='your i am urn',RoleSessionName='PostmanNNN')

Urllib3 POST request with attachment in python

I wish to make a post request to add an attachment utilising urllib3 in python without success. I have confirmed the API itself is working in postman but cannot work out how to convert this request to python. Appreciating I'm mixing object types I just don't know how to avoid it.
Python code:
import urllib3
import json
api_key = "secret_key"
header = {"X-API-KEY": api_key, "ACCEPT": "application/json", "content-type": "multipart/form-data"}
url = ""
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
with open("invoice.html", 'rb') as f:
file_data =
payload = {
"attchment": {
"file": file_data
payload = json.dumps(payload)
r = http.request('post', url, headers = header, fields = payload)
Postman - which works and properly sends file-name through also (I'm guessing it splits the bytes and filename up?)
Edit: I've also tried the requests library as I'm more familiar with this (but can't use it as the script will be running in AWS lambda). Removing the attachment element form the dict allows it to run but the API endpoint gives 401 presumably because it's missing the "attachement" part to the data structure as per postman below... but when I put this in I get runtime errors.
r =, headers = header, files={"file": open("invoice.html", 'rb')})
For anyone who stumbles upon this from Dr google a few points:
I was completely mis-interpreting the structure of the element. It's actually a string "attachment[file]" not a dict like object.
Postman has the ability to output python code in urllib/request syntax albeit not 100% what I was after. Note: the chrome version (depreciated) outputs gibberish code that only half works so the client version should be used. A short bit of work below shows it working as expected:
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
with open("invoice.html", "rb") as f:
file =
r = http.request('post', url, headers = header, fields = payload)

Using local image for Read 3.0, Azure Cognitive Service, Computer Vision

I am attempting to use a local image in my text recognition script, the documentation has the following example (
But when I change the image_url to a local file path, it sends a HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url. I have tried following other tutorials but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
The Cognitive services API will not be able to locate an image via the URL of a file on your local machine. Instead you can call the same endpoint with the binary data of your image in the body of the request.
Replace the following lines in the sample Python code
image_url = ""
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key}
data = {'url': image_url}
response =
text_recognition_url, headers=headers, json=data)
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key,'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
with open('YOUR_LOCAL_IMAGE_FILE', 'rb') as f:
data =
response =
text_recognition_url, headers=headers, data=data)
And replace the following line:
image =
image ='./YOUR_LOCAL_IMAGE_FILE.png')

How to get a POST request using python on HERE route matching API?

I've tried to do a POST request using python's request library, which looked something like below:
url = "{id}&app_code={code}"
response =,data='Datasets/rtHereTest.csv')
The response I've been getting a code 400
{'faultCode': '16a6f70f-1fa3-4b57-9ef3-a0a440f8a42e',
'responseCode': '400 Bad Request',
'message': 'Column LATITUDE missing'}
However, in my dataset, here I have all the headings that's required from the HERE API documentation to be able to make a call.
Is there something I'm doing wrong, I don't quite understand the POST call or the requirement as the HERE documentation doesn't explicitly give many examples.
The data field of your post request should contain the actual data, not just a filename. Try loading the file first:
f = open('Datasets/rtHereTest.csv', 'r')
url = "{id}&app_code={code}"
response =,
Here's what I use in my own code, with the coordinates defined before:
query = '{id}&app_code={code}'.format(id=app_id, code=app_code)
coord_strings = ['{:.5f},{:.5f}'.format(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in coords]
data = 'latitude,longitude\n' + '\n'.join(coord_strings)
result =, data=data)
You can try to post the data using below format.
import requests
url = ""
querystring = {"routemode":"car","app_id":"{app_id}","app_code":"{app_code}","filetype":"CSV"}
data=open('path of CSV file','r')
headers = {'Content-Type': "Content-Type: text/csv;charset=utf-8",
'Accept-Encoding': "gzip, deflate",
response = requests.request("POST", url,'utf-8'), params=querystring,headers=headers)
