How to add a resource using the same module? - terraform

Terraform newbie here. I've a module which creates an instance in GCP. I'm using variables and terraform.tfvars to initialize them. I created one instance successfully - say instance-1. But when I modify the .tfvars file to create a second instance (in addition to the first), it says it has to destroy the first instance. How can I run the module to 'add' an instance, instead of 'replacing the instance'? I know the first instance which was created is in terraform.tfstate. But that doesn't explain the inability to 'add' an instance.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm looking at 'modules' (and its config files) as functions- such that I can call them anytime with different parameters. That does not appear to be the case.

Terraform will try to maintain the deployed resources matching your resources definition.
If you want two instances at the same time, then you should describe them both in your .tf file.
Ex. same instances, add a count to your definition
resource "some_resource" "example" {
count = 2
name = "example-${count.index}"
Ex. two different resources with specific values
resource "some_resource" "example-1" {
name = "example-1"
size = "small"
resource "some_resource" "example-2" {
name = "example-2"
size = "big"
Better you can set the specific values in tfvars for each resource
resource "some_resource" "example" {
count = 2
name = "example-${count.index}"
size = ${vars.mysize[count.index]}
variable mysize {}
with tfvars file:
mysize = ["small", "big"]


Conditional creation of parent/child resources

I have a Terraform parent-resource that gets created conditionally, by using the count meta arg. This works fine. However, if the parent-resource doesn't get created because count is set to 0, and it has dependent child-resources, Terraform will fail. Is there a practical way to tell Terraform to ignore the children-resources, if the parent doesn't get created? The only way I can think to do it is to perform a count operation on each resource, and this seems cumbersome.
Something like this:
create_dev_compartment = 0
create_dev_subnet *skip creation*
create_dev_instance *skip creation*
create_mgt_compartment = 1
create_mgt_subnet *create resource*
create_mgt_instance *create resource*
The Terraform documentation has a section Chaining for_each between resources which describes declaring chains of resources that have the same (or derived) for_each expressions so that they can all repeat based on the same source information.
The documentation doesn't include an explicit example of the equivalent pattern for count, but it follows a similar principle: the count expression for the downstream resource will derive from the value representing the upstream resource.
Since you didn't include any Terraform code I can only show a contrived example, but here's the general idea:
variable "manage_network" {
type = bool
resource "compartment" "example" {
count = var.manage_network ? 1 : 0
resource "subnet" "example" {
count = length(compartment.example)
compartment_id = compartment.example[count.index].id
resource "instance" "example" {
count = length(subnet.example)
subnet_id = subnet.example[count.index].id
In the case of chained for_each, the full object representing the corresponding upstream resource is temporarily available as each.value inside the downstream resource block. count can't carry values along with it in the same way, so the equivalent is to refer to the upstream resource directly and then index it with count.index, which exploits the fact that these resources all have the same count value and will thus all have the same indices. Currently the only possible index will be zero, because you have a maximum count of 1, but if you change count in future to specify two or more instances then the downstream resources will all grow in the same way, creating several correlated instances all at once.

How to solve for_each + "Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created" issue?

I am trying to create a GCP project with this:
module "project-factory" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google"
version = "11.2.3"
name = var.project_name
random_project_id = "true"
org_id = var.organization_id
folder_id = var.folder_id
billing_account = var.billing_account
activate_apis = [
After that, I am trying to create a service account, like so:
module "service_accounts" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/service-accounts/google"
version = "4.0.3"
project_id = module.project-factory.project_id
generate_keys = "true"
names = ["backend-runner"]
project_roles = [
To be honest, I am fairly new to Terraform. I have read a few answers on the topic (this and this) but I am unable to understand how that would apply here.
I am getting the error:
│ Error: Invalid for_each argument
│ on .terraform/modules/pubsub-exporter-service-account/ line 47, in resource "google_project_iam_member" "project-roles":
│ 47: for_each = local.project_roles_map_data
│ ├────────────────
│ │ local.project_roles_map_data will be known only after apply
│ The "for_each" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created. To work around this, use the
│ -target argument to first apply only the resources that the for_each depends on.
Looking forward to learn more about Terraform through this challenge.
With only parts of the configuration visible here I'm guessing a little bit, but let's see. You mentioned that you'd like to learn more about Terraform as part of this exercise, so I'm going to go into a lot of detail about the chain here to explain why I'm recommending what I'm going to recommend, though you can skip to the end if you find this extra detail uninteresting.
We'll start with that first module's definition of its project_id output value:
output "project_id" {
value = module.project-factory.project_id
module.project-factory here is referring to a nested module call, so we need to look one level deeper in the nested module terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google//modules/core_project_factory:
output "project_id" {
value = module.project_services.project_id
depends_on = [
Another nested module call! 😬 That one declares its project_id like this:
output "project_id" {
description = "The GCP project you want to enable APIs on"
value = element(concat([for v in google_project_service.project_services : v.project], [var.project_id]), 0)
Phew! 😅 Finally an actual resource. This expression in this case seems to be taking the project attribute of a google_project_service resource instance, or potentially taking it from var.project_id if that resource was disabled in this instance of the module. Let's have a look at the google_project_service.project_services definition:
resource "google_project_service" "project_services" {
for_each =
project = var.project_id
service = each.value
disable_on_destroy = var.disable_services_on_destroy
disable_dependent_services = var.disable_dependent_services
project here is set to var.project_id, so it seems like either way this innermost project_id output just reflects back the value of the project_id input variable, so we need to jump back up one level and look at the module call to this module to see what that was set to:
module "project_services" {
source = "../project_services"
project_id = google_project.main.project_id
activate_apis = local.activate_apis
activate_api_identities = var.activate_api_identities
disable_services_on_destroy = var.disable_services_on_destroy
disable_dependent_services = var.disable_dependent_services
project_id is set to the project_id attribute of google_project.main:
resource "google_project" "main" {
name =
project_id = local.temp_project_id
org_id = local.project_org_id
folder_id = local.project_folder_id
billing_account = var.billing_account
auto_create_network = var.auto_create_network
labels = var.labels
project_id here is set to local.temp_project_id, which is declared further up in the same file:
temp_project_id = var.random_project_id ? format(
) : local.base_project_id
This expression includes a reference to random_id.random_project_id_suffix.hex, and .hex is a result attribute from random_id, and so its value won't be known until apply time due to how that random_id resource type is implemented. (It generates a random value during the apply step and saves it in the state so it'll stay consistent on future runs.)
This means that (after all of this indirection) module.project-factory.project_id in your module is not a value defined statically in the configuration, and might instead be decided dynamically during the apply step. That means it's not an appropriate value to use as part of the instance key of a resource, and thus not appropriate to use as a key in a for_each map.
Unfortunately the use of for_each here is hidden inside this other module terraform-google-modules/service-accounts/google, and so we'll need to have a look at that one too and see how it's making use of the project_roles input variable. First, let's look at the specific resource block the error message was talking about:
resource "google_project_iam_member" "project-roles" {
for_each = local.project_roles_map_data
project = element(
role = element(
member = "serviceAccount:${google_service_account.service_accounts[].email}"
There's a couple somewhat-complex things going on here, but the most relevant thing for what we're looking at here is that this resource configuration is creating multiple instances based on the content of local.project_roles_map_data. Let's look at local.project_roles_map_data now:
project_roles_map_data = zipmap(
[for pair in local.name_role_pairs : "${pair[0]}-${pair[1]}"],
[for pair in local.name_role_pairs : {
name = pair[0]
role = pair[1]
A little more complexity here that isn't super important to what we're looking for; the main thing to consider here is that this is constructing a map whose keys are built from element zero and element one of local.name_role_pairs, which is declared directly above, along with local.names that it refers to:
names = toset(var.names)
name_role_pairs = setproduct(local.names, toset(var.project_roles))
So what we've learned here is that the values in var.names and the values in var.project_roles both contribute to the keys of the for_each on that resource, which means that neither of those variable values should contain anything decided dynamically during the apply step.
However, we've also learned (above) that the project and role arguments of google_project_iam_member.project-roles are derived from the prefixes of elements in the two lists you provided as names and project_roles in your own module call.
Let's return back to where we started then, with all of this extra information in mind:
module "service_accounts" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/service-accounts/google"
version = "4.0.3"
project_id = module.project-factory.project_id
generate_keys = "true"
names = ["backend-runner"]
project_roles = [
We've learned that names and project_roles must both contain only static values decided in the configuration, and so it isn't appropriate to use module.project-factory.project_id because that won't be known until the random project ID has been generated during the apply step.
However, we also know that this module is expecting the prefix of each item in project_roles (the part before the =>) to be a valid project ID, so there isn't any other value that would be reasonable to use there.
Therefore we're at a bit of an empasse: this second module has a rather awkward design decision that it's trying to derive a both a local instance key and a reference to a real remote object from the same value, and those two situations have conflicting requirements. But this isn't a module you created, so you can't easily modify it to address that design quirk.
Given that, I see two possible approaches to move forward, neither ideal but both workable with some caveats:
You could take the approach the error message offered as a workaround, asking Terraform to plan and apply the resources in the first module alone first, and then plan and apply the rest on a subsequent run once the project ID is already decided and recorded in the state:
terraform apply -target=module.factory
terraform apply
Although it's annoying to have to do this initial create in two steps, it does at least only matter for the initial creation of this infrastructure. If you update it later then you won't need to repeat this two-step process unless you've changed the configuration in a way that requires generating a new project ID.
While working through the above we saw that this approach of generating and returning a random project ID was optional based on that first module's var.random_project_id, which you set to "true" in your configuration. Without that, the project_id output would be just a copy of your given name argument, which seems to be statically defined by reference to a root module variable.
Unless you particularly need that random suffix on your project ID, you could leave random_project_id unset and thus just get the project ID set to the same static value as your var.project_name, which should then be an acceptable value to use as a for_each key.
Ideally this second module would be designed to separate the values it's using for instance keys from the values it's using to refer to real remote objects, and thus it would be possible to use the random-suffixed name for the remote object but a statically-defined name for the local object. If this were a module under your control then I would've suggested a design change like that, but I assume the current unusual design of that third-party module (packing multiple values into a single string with a delimiter) is a compromise resulting from wanting to retain backward compatibility with an earlier iteration of the module.

Wait terraform till one loop is executed

I am trying to create multiple database using terraform script and arm templates. Basically i am calling arm templates from terraform.
Here i want to create multiple database by making the count wait till 1 is created and then execute the 2nd loop.
resource "azurerm_template_deployment" "db" {
count = length(local.env.other_database_to_be_created)
name = "sql-uppers-digital-${local.env.other_database_to_be_created[count.index]}"
resource_group_name = local.env.rg_name
template_body = file("${path.module}/sqldbserver.json")
parameters = {
sqlServerName = local.env.sqlServerName
location = local.env.location
sqlDbName = local.env.other_database_to_be_created[count.index]
sqlDbCollation = local.env.sqlDbCollation
sqlDbEdition = local.env.sqlDbEdition
sqlDbRequestedServiceObjectiveName= local.env.sqlDbRequestedServiceObjectiveName
sqlServerAdminLogin = local.env.sqlServerAdminLogin
sqlServerAdminLoginPassword = local.env.sqlServerAdminLoginPassword
deployment_mode = "Incremental"
timeouts {
create = "20m"
depends_on = [azurerm_template_deployment.sqlserver]
In Terraform's model, all instances of a particular resource are acted on concurrently. The exact execution details can vary depending on what else Terraform is working on, because there is a limit on concurrency imposed for reasons of resource usage, but you should write your configuration under the assumption that all instances of a particular resource are independent from one another and can be created in any order and possibly created at the same time.
If you have one object that depends on another then you must write them as two separate resource blocks, even if they have the same resource type. You can then use references from one to the other to show Terraform that there's a dependency relationship between them and thus that one must be created before the other.

proper way to use nested variables in terraform

In my terraform script, I have
resource "azuread_application" "main" {
count = "${length(var.sp_names)}"
name = "${sp_prefix}-${var.sp_names[count.index]}"
available_to_other_tenants = false
resource "azuread_service_principal" "main" {
count = "${length(var.sp_names)}"
application_id = "${azuread_application.main.["${sp_prefix}"-"${var.sp_names[count.index]}"].application_id}"
when I ran terraform init I get the following error:
An attribute name is required after a dot.
what is the right way to use nested variables and a list object?
In order for a resource to be represented as a map of instances rather than a list of instances, you need to use for_each instead of count:
resource "azuread_application" "main" {
for_each = { for n in var.sp_names : n => "${var.sp_prefix}-${n}" }
name = each.value
available_to_other_tenants = false
The for_each expression above is a for expression that transforms your list or set of names into a mapping from the given names to the prefixed names. In the other expressions in that block, each.key would therefore produce the original given name and each.value the prefixed name.
You can then similarly use for_each to declare the intent "create one service principal per application" by using the application resource's map itself as the for_each expression for the service principal resource:
resource "azuread_service_principal" "main" {
for_each = azuread_application.main
application_id = each.value.application_id
In this case, the azuread_application.main value is a map from unprefixed names to objects representing each of the declared applications. Therefore each.key in this block is the unprefixed name again, but each.value is the corresponding application object from which we can access the application_id value.
If your var.sp_names had a string "example" in it, then Terraform would interpret the above as a request to create two objects named azuread_application.main["example"] and azuread_service_principal.main["example"], identifying these instances by the var.sp_names values. This is different to count where the instances would have addresses like azuread_application.main[0] and azuread_service_principal.main[0]. By using for_each, we ensure that adding and removing items from var.sp_names will add and remove corresponding instances from those resources, rather than updating existing ones that happen to share the same numeric indices.
I am assuming you are using a version older that 0.12.x. If not the answer from Martin is the best one.
You need to leverage the splatting.
resource "azuread_service_principal" "main" {
count = "${length(var.sp_names)}"
application_id = "${azuread_application.main.*.application_id}"

How to approach repeatable items in Terraform

Say that I need to provision a large number of vpc subnets in terraform. Each subnet has a cidr, a name and a availability zone. So in other config management tools I'd do something like:
And then iterate over that array.
Terraform doesn't have a notion of arrays/objects as far as I can see. So, for arrays of single attributes I would just use a list item:
subnets: ["",""]
But that doesn't allow me to name or place the subnets where I want.
I know that I can also use multiple lists in Terraform, something like:
subnet_names: ["subnet1", "subnet2"]
subnets: ["",""]
subnet_az: ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1b"]
But that strikes me as messy and counter-intuitive. The last option I see is to mash everything togehter into an ugly list of strings, and then split them apart in Terraform:
things: ["subnet1__10.0.0.1/24__us-west-1a","subnet2__10.0.0.2/24__us-west-2a"]
But thats just ugly.
How can I deal with array/object-type of repeats in Terraform? For now I've just explicitly defined all my things, which caused a simple vpc definition to be 300 lines long :-(
As you've seen, at present Terraform doesn't support lists of structured data like you're trying to create here.
Having multiple flat lists of strings as you showed in your question is one common solution to this problem. It works, but as you've seen it's somewhat counter-intuitive to keep track of which values belong together that way.
An alternative approach that is likely to produce a more readable and maintainable result is to factor your aws_subnet resource out into a module that takes care of the elements that are always the same for all subnets. Then you can instantiate the module once per subnet, providing only the values that vary:
module "subnet1" {
source = "./subnet"
name = "subnet1"
cidr = ""
az = "us-west-1a"
module "subnet2" {
source = "./subnet"
name = "subnet2"
cidr = ""
az = "us-west-1b"
In many cases there's some sort of systematic relationship between AZs and CIDR blocks. If that's true for you then you can also use your module to encode these numbering rules. For example, in your subnet module:
variable "region_network_numbers" {
default = {
"us-west-1" = 0
"us-east-1" = 1
"us-west-2" = 2
variable "az_network_numbers" {
default = {
a = 1
b = 2
variable "base_cidr_block" {
default = ""
variable "az" {
data "aws_availability_zone" "selected" {
name = "${}"
resource "aws_subnet" "main" {
cidr_block = "${cidrsubnet(cidrsubnet(var.base_cidr_block, 8, var.region_network_numbers[data.aws_availability_zone.selected.region]), 4, var.az_network_numbers[data.aws_availability_zone.selected.name_suffix])}"
# ...
With this it's sufficient to provide just the az argument to the module, with the cidr and name produced systematically from the AZ name. This is the same general idea as shown in the example for the aws_availability_zone data source, and there's a more complete, elaborate example of this in the Terraform repository itself.
