Slack reply to response_url with ephemeral message not working - node.js

I'm working on an interactive Slack app written in Node.js with Express. When the user clicks a button on an interactive message, I want to post an ephemeral message; however, the replies always appear publicly in the channel. Furthermore, whether or not I set the response_type, the original message with the interactive elements that the user clicked on disappears. My code looks like this:
const request = require('request');'/slack-interactivity', async function(req, res) {
const payload = JSON.parse(req.body.payload);
sendResponse(payload.response_url, 'you clicked');
function sendResponse(responseUrl, response) {{url: responseUrl,
method: 'POST',
json: {
response_type: "ephemeral",
text: response}});
When I click on a button in an interactive slack message, I see "you clicked" written publicly to the channel, but I want it to be ephemeral.
Any ideas why this could be happening?

This isn't possible (as of 5/17/2019)
A message will retain its visibility for life. Meaning you can't go from in_channel to ephemeral (or vice versa).
You can include: replace_original: false and the ephemeral message will display.
Behind the scenes replace_original is acting like an update, not delete and create new message.
Your code defaults to replace_original: true which preforms an update and thus is not going to work.


What is the proper way to get and display total_unread_count in React?

I'm trying to create a chat icon in a navigation bar with a message count (ala FB, Twitter, etc). I'm using ReactJS. The menu component is separate from the chat components. I'm kind of getting what I want, but not completely. I'm hoping someone can show me the correct way to listen for real time changes to total_unread_count in react.
Right now, if user a sends a new message to user b and user b is not on the chat screen, they will get badge with a message count. I can navigate all around and it'll keep that count. If I click on the chat view to navigate to the chat and click on the channel, then go back to any other screen, the notification count does not change. But, if I refresh the page manually, it'll clear the badge.
So, my expectation is that when a user has viewed the channel, that the state of the chat icon's badge count be updated to reflect that I've seen the message. Having to manually refresh the screen means I'm doing something wrong.
Here's my code so far:
useEffect(() => {
async function init() {
// set state initially because it appers that client.on events only happen a new event.
if (user != null) {
const response: any = await chatClient.connectUser({ id: user.uid }, token)
// update state when a new event occures.
chatClient.on((event) => {
if (event.unread_channels !== undefined) {
console.log("COUNT: ", event.total_unread_count)
}, [])
I hope I'm communicating this well enough to make sense. I appreciate any help I can get.

Capture requests (XHR, JS, CSS) from embedded iframes using devtool protocol

For the context, I am developing a synthetic monitoring tool using Nodejs and puppeteer.
For each step of a defined scenario, I capture a screenshot, a waterfall and performance metrics.
My problem is on the waterfall, I previously used puppeter-har but this package is not able to capture request outside of a navigation.
Therefore I use this piece of code to capture all interesting requests :
const {harFromMessages} = require('chrome-har');
// Event types to observe for waterfall saving (probably overkill, I just set all events of Page and Network)
const observe = [
At the start of the step :
// list of events for converting to HAR
const events = [];
client = await;
await client.send('Page.enable');
await client.send('Network.enable');
observe.forEach(method => {
client.on(method, params => {
events.push({ method, params });
At the end of the step :
waterfall = await harFromMessages(events);
It works good for navigation events, and also for navigation inside a web application.
However, the web application I try to monitor has iframes with the main content.
I would like to see the iframes requests into my waterfall.
So a few question :
Why is Network.responseReceived or any other event doesn't capture this requests ?
Is it possible to capture such requests ?
So far I've red the devtool protocol documentation, nothing I could use.
The closest to my problem I found is this question :
How can I receive events for an embedded iframe using Chrome Devtools Protocol?
My guess is, I have to enable the Network for each iframe I may encounter.
I didn't found any way to do this. If there is a way to do it with devtool protocol, I should have no problem to implement it with nodsjs and puppeteer.
Thansk for your insights !
EDIT 18/08 :
After more searching on the subject, mostly Out-of-process iframes, lots of people on the internet point to that response :
The answer is question states :
Note that the easiest workaround is the --disable-features flag.
That said, to work with out-of-process iframes over DevTools protocol,
you need to use Target [1] domain:
Call Target.setAutoAttach with flatten=true;
You'll receive Target.attachedToTarget event with a sessionId for the iframe;
Treat that session as a separate "page" in chrome-remote-interface. Send separate protocol messages with additional sessionId field:
{id: 3, sessionId: "", method: "Runtime.enable", params:
You'll get responses and events with the same "sessionId" field which means they are coming from that frame. For example:
{sessionId: "", method: "Runtime.consoleAPICalled",
params: {...}}
However I'm still not able to implement it.
I'm trying this, mostly based on puppeteer :
const events = [];
const targets = await browser.targets();
const nbTargets = targets.length;
for(var i=0;i<nbTargets;i++){
if (targets[i].type() === 'page') {
client = await targets[i].createCDPSession();
await client.send("Target.setAutoAttach", {
autoAttach: true,
flatten: true,
windowOpen: true,
waitForDebuggerOnStart: false // is set to false in pptr
await client.send('Page.enable');
await client.send('Network.enable');
observeTest.forEach(method => {
client.on(method, params => {
events.push({ method, params });
But I still don't have my expected output for the navigation in a web application inside an iframe.
However I am able to capture all the requests during the step where the iframe is loaded.
What I miss are requests that happened outside of a proper navigation.
Does anyone has an idea about the integration into puppeteer of that chromium response above ? Thanks !
I was looking on the wrong side all this time.
The chrome network events are correctly captured, as I would have seen earlier if I checked the "events" variable earlier.
The problem comes from the "chrome-har" package that I use on :
waterfall = await harFromMessages(events);
The page expects the page and iframe main events to be present in the same batch of event than the requests. Otherwise the request "can't be mapped to any page at the moment".
The steps of my scenario being sometimes a navigation in the same web application (=no navigation event), I didn't have these events and chrome-har couldn't map the requests and therefore sent an empty .har
Hope it can help someone else, I messed up the debugging on this one...

Is it possible to open javascript from azure bot v4?

I want to open javascript page that I have implemented on my website. Whenever I type 'Help' inside my bot, the widget should open. Is it possible to open it? Thanks. I am using node js version. If it is possible, please provide me an approach to solve this issue.
I'm not sure exactly how your widget functions, but when the user sends a 'help' message to the bot, you can send a back channel event to WebChat to trigger opening the widget. Take a look at the code snippets below.
Bot Code - NodeJs
When the bot receives a 'help' message from the user, the bot can send an event by sending an activity with the type set to 'event'. We can also give the outgoing activity a name attribute so we can send mutltiple types of events to WebChat. In this case, we are going to name the out going activity 'helpEvent'.
async onTurn(turnContext) {
if(turnContext.activity.type === ActivityTypes.Message) {
if (turnContext.activity.text.toLowerCase() === 'help') {
// Send Back Channel Help Event
await turnContext.sendActivity({ type: 'event', name: 'helpEvent'});
WebChat Custom Middleware
In WebChat, we are going to create a custom middleware to check incoming activities. When we encounter an activity that has a name and type that we recognize, trigger your event on the webpage. In the example below, I just alerted the use that they asked for help, but here is where you launch your widget.
const store = window.WebChat.createStore(
({ dispatch }) => next => action => {
if (action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/INCOMING_ACTIVITY') {
const { name, type } = action.payload.activity;
if (type === 'event' && name === 'helpEvent') {
// Activate Widget
alert("You asked for help.");
return next(action);
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({ token }),
}, document.getElementById('webchat'));
For more details on back channel events and creating a custom middleware in WebChat, checkout this sample in the WebChat Repo.
Hope this helps!

'Until loop' analogue needed - in order to continue bot dialog - after some status 'marker' is updated

'Until loop' analogue needed to continuously read status variable from helper function - and then (when the status variable is 'as we need it') - to resume bot conversation flow.
In my bot (botbuilder v.3.15) I did the following:
During one of my dialogues I needed to open external url in order
to collect some information from the user through that url.
After that I posted collected data (with conversation ID and other info) from that url to my bot app.js
After that I needed to resume my bot conversation
For that I created helper file - helper.js in which 'marker' variable is 'undefined' when the data from url is not yet collected, and 'marker' variable is some 'string' when the data is collected and we can continue our bot conversation
var marker;
module.exports = {
checkAddressStatus: function() {
return marker;
saveAddressStatus: function(options) {
marker =;
I can successfully update variable 'marker' with my data, by calling saveAddressStatus function from app.js.
However, when I get back to writing my code which is related to bot conversation flow (To the place in code after which I opened url - in file address.js, and from where I plan to continuously check the 'marker' variable whether it is already updated - in order to fire 'next()' command and continue with session.endDialogWithResult -> and then -> to further bot conversation flows - I cannot find the equivalent of 'until loop' in Node.js to resume my session in bot dialog - by returning 'next()' and continuing with the bot flow.
lib.dialog('/', [
function (session, args, next) {
function (session, results, next) {
// Herocard with a link to external url
// My stupid infinite loop code, I tried various options, with promises etc., but it's all not working as I expect it
while (typeof helper.checkAddressStatus() == 'undefined') {
console.log('Undefined marker in address.js while loop')
var markerAddress = helper.checkAddressStatus();
next(); // THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE CODE - IF markerAddress is not 'undefined' - make another step in dialog flow to end dialog with result
function(session, results) {
...session.endDialogWithResult({markerAddress: markerAddress})
Any ideas how to make a very simple 'until loop' analoque in this context - work?
Having your bot stop and wait for a response is considered bad practice. If all of your bot instances are stuck waiting for the user to fill out the external form, your app won't be able to process incoming requests. I would at least recommend adding a timeout if you decide to pursue that route.
Instead of triggering your helper class in the endpoint you created, you should send a proactive message to the user to continue the conversation. To do this, you will need to get the conversation reference from the session and encode it in the URL that you send to the user. You can get the conversation reference from the session - session.message.address - and at the very least you will need to encode the bot id, conversation id, and the serviceUrl in the URL. Then when you send the data collected from the user back to the bot, include the conversation reference details for the proactive message. Finally, when your bot receives the data, recreate the conversation reference and send the proactive message to the user.
Here is how your conversation reference should be structured:
const conversationReference = {
bot: {id: req.body.botId },
conversation: {id: req.body.conversationId},
serviceUrl: req.body.serviceUrl
Here is an example of sending a proactive message:
function sendProactiveMessage(conversationReference ) {
var msg = new builder.Message().address(conversationReference );
msg.text('Hello, this is a notification');
For more information about sending proactive messages, checkout these samples and this documentation on proactive messages.
Hope this helps!

Chaining with Telegram Bot API (like TriviaBot)

I am creating a TriviaBot style bot for telegram and am using Node.js to do so. At the moment I am having trouble capturing the users response to my quiz to determine whether the user got the question right or wrong. Below is some code:
bot.onText(/\/quiz/, function (msg) {
var chatId =;
var text =;
var opts = {
reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
one_time_keyboard: true
bot.sendMessage(chatId, text, opts);
NOTE : Telegram would cut of any asynchronous function, you should make separated module for listening any incoming interaction with button. You could use global Array for to store small data to be able getting returned for other module you need.
Putting all of your command in the index js not good idea tho.
if you want to listen the from keyboard callback_data. Just create a new line to listen any incoming clicked button.
bot.on("callback_query", (msg) => {
if ( === "your_keyboard_callback_data") {
// do whatever you want
For more clearance node telegram api
Sorry if my answer is too late for this but hope mine can help other people 🙂
