How to make command "Hadoop" work in linux 18.04? - linux

I installed Hadoop and now it works with command /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop.
Where and how should I add this path to make command hadoop work without a full path to file? I already tried .bashrc and /etc/environment, but it didn't help.

You need to add it to your PATH environment variable. PATH is used to find programs to run in the shell.
To see what your current PATH is you can type
$ echo $PATH
When you update the PATH variable you want to make sure you don't delete previous entries.
$ PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/hadoop/bin


How to use nvim command if neovim is installed using appimage?

I have installed nvim using AppImage mentioned as below
curl -LO
chmod u+x nvim.appimage
if i use nvim test,yml ,it fails as '-bash: /usr/bin/nvim: No such file or directory'
if i use ./nvim.appimage test.yml then it works. How to map this to nvim so that it works properly?
Linux looks for binaries in the paths that are set in $PATH variable. To check current paths execute echo $PATH
One way to fix it would be to move nvim.appimage (and rename it to just nvim) to one of the paths set in that variable.
Another way is to append the current path of nvim.appimage to $PATH. This was answered in detail How to correctly add a path to PATH?

Issues setting $PATH on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (Linux Subsystem)

I am using the "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" (Linux Subsystem) and want to add Terraform to my $PATH. Since Terraform can't be installed via apt-get, I did the following steps:
Navigated to this directory, where I wanted to install Terraform:
cd /usr/local
In the above path, I used wget to download Terraform:
Terraform successfully unzips! When I open the file in VIM it is all good:
I then enter this command to check to see if the Terraform binary is accessible from the command line:
terraform -version
However the following message gets returned:
terraform: command not found
This tells me that the Terraform downloaded location needs to be added to my $PATH.
Already being logged in as the root user ("sudo su") I enter the following command to access ".profile":
vim ~/.profile
The following is already in this file, which I leave untouched:
# ~/.profile: executed by Bourne-compatible login shells.
if [ "$BASH" ]; then
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
mesg n
Immediately below this text, I add the following, and successfully save the file using :wq!:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/terraform
I then again enter the following command to check to see if terraform is detected
terraform -version
Still the same "terraform: command not found" message is returned. I even tried closing out and starting a new command line session and even restarting my computer. Still no change.
Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this? Again, note that I am using "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" (Linux Subsystem). Any input would be appreciated!
The direct answer to your problem is at the end.
But I think it will make more sense if you keep reading from here.
Before trying to add to PATH,
I recommend to test a program first.
In your case I would do like this:
Notice the last line ./terraform.
The zip file contains a single file, terraform,
which now should be in the current directory,
so I can run it with ./terraform.
If it's executable.
If it's not executable then confirm it:
ls -l terraform
And make it executable if needed:
chmod +x terraform
Now let's add it to PATH.
But first,
let's decide where to put this executable.
/usr/local/bin seems a reasonable location.
So let's move the terraform executable into that directory.
Usually /usr/local/bin is already on PATH,
so you might not need to change anything.
Now you can try your check, and there's a good chance it already works:
terraform -version
If it doesn't, then /usr/local/bin is not on the PATH.
To add it, add this line in ~/.profile:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
Two things looked fundamentally wrong with your approach:
Adding /usr/local/terraform to PATH. This is fishy, because the entries on PATH must be directories, and in your post nothing indicates that you created a directory at /usr/local/terraform.
You cd into /usr/local, and then unzip the zip file of terraform. The linked zip contains a single file named terraform, so /usr/local/terraform in your example should be a file.
If it is a file, then you could make it executable as terraform by adding to add to PATH its base directory. But adding /usr/local to PATH would not be a good idea. It's conventional to put binaries into /usr/local/bin, not directly into /usr/local
You did not mention how you reloaded ~/.profile. After editing this file, the new commands you added do not get automatically executed in your current shell. They will get executed when you open a new shell. Or you could manually execute the added commands in the current shell.
Hit below command
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

Anaconda fedora install: conda: command not found

I've installed Anaconda and have added the environment variable export PATH="~/anaconda/bin:$PATH" to my .zshrc but still can't run any 'conda' commands in my terminal. I have followed these commands(source) to install anaconda.
# Go to home directory
cd ~
# You can change what anaconda version you want at
zsh -b -p ~/anaconda
echo 'export PATH="~/anaconda/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
# Refresh basically
source ~/.zshrc
Am I missing anything?
This kind of issue often arise due to incorrect paths to your Python distribution. Basically, your computer does not know where to look for the correct file or program and you need to tell it where to look using your system's $PATH variable. You will thus need to manually set the paths by editing your .profile or .rc file. The most commonly used shell is bash. Both Anaconda and Canopy assume you're running the Bash shell and will put the path to your install there.
The steps below worked for me on Mac, it should work on Linux as well:
1. Go to your home directory by typing cd ~ from the prompt, or by open that same directory in Finder.
2. Now get a list of all the files in this folder, including the hidden ones:
ls -la
or, directly in Finder (without the "+"):
Now, you probably have (a) both the .profile and .bash_profile, or (b) just one of them, or (c) none of them:
3.a If you are using Bash, you're looking for files called .profile and .bash_profile. Which you have will depend on your system configuration. If you have both, this is probably the root cause of your problem; .bash_profile overrides .profile if both are present. In this case, open .profile and copy everything you find inside across to .bash_profile.
3.b If you only have one of .bash_profile or .profile, open it in an editor and have a look. You're looking for any obvious references to Python or your distribution (Anaconda, Canopy) on any of the uncommented-out lines. You'll probably see several lines that look something like:
PATH="Users/<your user name>/Library/...:${PATH}"
export PATH
In the rare case that you don't see any reference to Anaconda at all, you will need to add the lines yourself. Add, for example, the following to the file:
export PATH=~/anaconda/bin:$PATH
3.c If it turns out that you don't have any of the files, you would have to create one by yourself. Do this by entering touch .bash_profile in the prompt, or, simply right click and create a new file directly in Finder. Add the following to the file (same as in (b)):
export PATH=~/anaconda/bin:$PATH
4. Save the file. Quit and restart any program that use Python (including the Terminal window), and you should be good to go.
More detailed info here (including for Windows):

Having trouble with my $PATH and bash commands

I keep getting errors saying bash command not found, also I am unable to make changes as it asks for root, even though I am an admin and own the laptop.
I was also able to type .. and move up a directory and now I cannot for some reason.
My second issue is I was formerly able to complete commands in terminal using the key but now it does not seem to work.
I must add that my $PATH looks very long and muddled at the moment so this may be an issue.
because your $PATH only contains system admin binary file path, use need to set env like this
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
make sure your local binary file is under dir of /usr/local/bin

Where exactly in .bashrc set PATH?

At the end of .bashrc file I added these lines to set path to foo folder in my home directory:
PATH = $PATH:/home/username/foo
export PATH;
Then I typed in bash:
source .bashrc
These produced error:
bash: PATH: command not found
I am using Debian Squeeze. In a similar question here it was advised to modify /etc/login.defs. I don't want to do this as in the very login.defs it is written:
add the rest [of your paths] in the shell startup files
How to add folder foo to PATH in .bashrc?
You are using the wrong syntax. Drop the spaces:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/foo
Regarding /etc/login.defsor any other global configuration: Well, it is global configuration, so probably a bad idea to add paths within your $HOME directory there. ;)
Just use the following line in your .bashrc
export PATH=/home/username/foo:$PATH
There are differences in syntax between the one used on mac and CentOS, however on CentOS and RedHat the following syntax is being used.
export PATH="/path/directory:$PATH"
then do
source .bashrc
I am not sure about other distributions of Linux but it will work on CentOS and RedHat.
