Custom domain and how to access site as http:// - azure

In Azure, I have purchased a Custom Domain and the configuration has been done automatically - all good till now however the site is accessible only using:
If I access it using only, it is not working.
For info, I tried to remove the CNAME however didnt allow.
Suppose I dont want to use the wwww, how can I do ?

If you want to access your website with, you have to create the A record and enable the A record mapping in the app. For how to map an A record, this doc is for your reference.
1.Copy the app's IP address
2.Create the A record
An A record to map to the app's IP address.
A TXT record to map to the app's default hostname.
3.Enable the A record mapping in the app
The custom domain you configured is not secured. You'd better click on "Add binding" to bind an existing custom SSL certificate to your app. For more details, you can refer to the doc.

The in the DNS for domain the A record to is what make works.
If you want to work you HAVE TO have a www CNAME record.


Migrate Website Infrastructure to Microsoft Azure

I have an accessible static HTML website set with domain and hosting. I would like to mimic this environment with Azure, meaning Azure will communicate with my domain and hosting provider.
Could I please ask to point to where should I find answer to this? It seems obvious, but I am not really sure about my search results.
You need to create CNAME record on your domain registrar account
Open a new browser tab and sign in to your domain registrar account.
Navigate to your domain name's DNS configuration settings.
Add a new CNAME record with the following values.
Setting Value
Host Your subdomain, such as www
Value Paste the domain name you set aside in the text editor.
TTL (if applicable) Leave as default value.
Create a CNAME record in Azure Static Web Apps. Please find detailed step by step guide below:

Azure app service wrong redirection for new domain

I acquired a new domain name in Azure (let's say, assigned it to my app service, bought a certificate also in Azure and made the bindings. Apparently both the domain and certificate are properly configured.
When I invoke the domain in any browser like, I get redirected to, and of course fails.
The problem must be very simple, but I have no clue! Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
To create a CNAME mapping for the www subdomain, create two records: CNAME and TXT records.
After you add the CNAME and TXT records, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
To map an A record, you need the app's external IP address. You can find this IP address on the app's Custom Domains page in the Azure portal.
After the records are added, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
For more details, you could refer to this article about mapping an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service.

Azure CDN connect custom domain

I have static website on azure storage, it's connected to azure cdn to have https, and i have my custom domain I want this domain to point to which is address of my website on azure cdn. I chose custom domain on cdn configuration site, it asks me to make dns mapping to verify ownership, so i make CNAME to and it get me to other window with custom doamin https config. And here's my problem, it get's stuck on second step
How I'm suppouse to configure another mapping to make it work, what i mean is to make to point to with https. I can't proivde what i already tried with my dns because it was a lot and i don't remember all of it. Also it's already second try and everytime after failure I have wait 8 hours for another try. Thanks in advance
This is my DNS config
When you try to add your custom domain in the custom domains settings of Azure CDN endpoint. Before this step, you should have a CNAME record in the following format in the DNS zone.
When you turn on the custom domain https, you don't need to make a CNAME to Read here.
If that CNAME record still exists and does not contain the cdnverify
subdomain, the DigiCert CA uses it to automatically validate ownership
of your custom domain.
If the CNAME record entry contains the cdnverify subdomain, follow the rest of the instructions in this step.
DigiCert sends a verification email to the following email addresses. Verify that you can approve directly from one of the following addresses and read here.
Automatic validation typically takes a few hours. If you don’t see your domain validated in 24 hours, open a support ticket.

Delegate Subdomain to Azure via CNAME

the company I’m working for provided me a subdomain. . I want to add it to my azure web app via custom domain.
The azure system recommends a CNAME delegation and provided me the information to enter in the dns management as CNAME.
After doing so and verifiying via DNS Lookup, Azure always gives me „Domain Ownership Error“. What can I do to make this work?
Is your DNS provider also a CDN provider, for example cloudflare? If so, turn off the CDN/proxy function so it's a DNS only record and try again.
If you don't have any control over the CDN function you can use txt record validation.
Create your TXT record with value and validate again. It should succeed.
There's also a CNAME awverify method but you need CDN disabled for that too.
I find it strange that your company doesn't have the option to enable/disabled CDN for any given DNS entry though.

Add custom domain to Azure web app without validation

I am on a project that is re-platforming a site from a web server to an Azure PaaS web app, in addition the site will have all new content and in some cases new URLs. We have some redirects in place to handle the mapping of old URL's to new ones. I would like to test that these redirects work correctly on my new azure web app. Normally I would update my hosts file to point at the new server, add an IIS binding so the correct website picks it up and go from there. However I don't seem to be able to bind a new hostname ("custom domain") without verifying that I own the new host name. It will just be my internal DNS that I will be altering to re-route my requests. Does anyone know how to add a custom domain in the azure web apps without validating? This doesn't sound like a big ask to me.
You can't do it without any verification, but you can do it without pointing traffic away from your existing site to your new site.
To verify you own the domain without redirecting traffic to it yet, create a DNS record called a TXT record with your domain registrar.
the "TXT host" should be
The "value" should be
just replace "mysubdomain" and "mydomain" and "myapp" with your specific info.
After you do this, the verification should succeed and you can add the custom hostname.
Here is more info about this:
You can use either a CNAME record or an A record to map a custom DNS name to App Service.
We recommend that you use a CNAME for all custom DNS names except a root domain.
If you missed a step or made a typo somewhere earlier, you see a verification error at the bottom of the page.
If you will use A record, you can create a TXT record to map to the app's default hostname App Service uses this record only at configuration time, to verify that you own the custom domain. After your custom domain is validated and configured in App Service, you can delete this TXT record.
