How To Implement Alerts Using Node.js And Express - node.js

The Problem I'am having is trying to find a way to successfully implement the ability to have alerts pop up on my Node.js web application.
I have tried to implement libraries such as "Flash" and different variations of flash e.g. "connect-flash", "express-flash" but non of which have seemed to work.
The alert should pop up once an api request has been sent successfully
I'm using these technologies...
Express, Passport, Session, Router etc...
Hopefully the community will be able to provide a suitable solution/example to my issue
Link to project code....
Many Thanks


How to get AdMob data via NodeJS + Express?

As much as I have read and tried the few things that are in the Google guides, I could not find a way to get AbMob data or reports via NodeJS + Express.
Has anyone succeeded?
I do not need a login for a user, but a way to automatically access my Express server to AdMob so as to provide me, for example, through my Bot on Telegram the AdMob data. question: how can a user that posted something delete/edit his post

Following documentation, I implemented an example react native app.
Is there a way to delete or update posts? From the StatusUpdateForm component or from the platform dashboard.
Updating posts (activities) are only supported server side so it can't be done by a client directly.
Deleting posts is supported by client side auth. However, support in the library isn't there though. Created a ticket for it.

Send notification with Flutter and SwiftUI apps from Node.js API

Me and my friends are building the same app on different platforms, but with a single RESTful API built with Node.js and MongoDB. If, for instance, a user changes something, like a setting, and the setting gets updated in the database, how can I make it so other users get notifications from their app? Like one user sends a friend request to me, and then I get a
notification with the friend request. This applies to both Flutter and SwiftUI. It seems weird for me, because working with this API, it's only about requests and responses, and I don't have any idea how to make the API trigger notifications on the app. So please, tell me a way to do this, or something I can look into. Thank you.

Sending and Receiving data from a website to NodeJs application

basically I am trying to figure out a way to make a connection between my Discord Bot and my Website, I have some ideas in mind in using GET and POST methods but IDK how to use them in NodeJs nor in the website as I am still new to it, so what I want is to send a packet of data from the website after a submit button and the bot which is hosted locally with the website will receive this data and work with it.
Express is a commonly used web framework for Node that takes care of routing fairly easily. You can see their documentation here.

Creating Login Screen with : http requests?

I would like to start with a disclaimer that I have no previous coding experience at all, and I have just learned HTML, CSS, JS, node.js,, understanding all the jargon such as API, asynchronize, I/O driven, cookies & session, etc.. all that in the past 1.5 months on the web by myself, so if my question doesn't make sense please let me know.
I would ultimately like to make a cross-platform online multiplayer "webgame" (No realtime interaction between clients), I know it is ambitious but I don't mind take one step at a time, finishing the game in the period of 2-3 years on my spare time as a hobbyist, so let's move on to the actual question.
After doing all my research I decided to use phaser as client framework, PhoneGap to compile for crossplatform, and node.js + passport + mongodb for server, user authentication and storage. Since there are no realtime element between clients, and there are more tutorial on using express along with the stack of backend packages mentioned above. I am more keen on using http protocol with express then using websocket or
Now I have created a simple login screen with input field using phaser-input plugin, and a button to send the data out. I am surprised when I cannot find any Phaser API on http request.
Q:Are there any Phaser API to do a http POST or GET request? if not is it possible to implement jQuery Ajax (does phaser include the jQuery library already or do I need to include the script as well?)? And if I should use anyway?
I am working on a phonegap project that use html as login screen too.
First. Yes and no, Phaser itself is just a framework. Phaser 's not a library. But if you want to make http request, i suggest create a Network.js that abstract all of your network call on different platform .I think you can use:
IOS: use Cordova http request.
Android: use Ajax is fine. Yes and it is possible to use jquery. Cordova, Phongap, IONic is nothing more than a web view. So you can use whatever js library you like.
Web: use Ajax too.
