How to optimize api response in nodejs? - node.js

I have list of articles. they contain category and sub-category.
const articles = [ { name, ..., category: { name, … , subCategories: [{ name, ... }] } } ]
I have api endpoint that I send all my articles with category and subCategories (it is mandatory).
The problem is category and subcategories are repeats (and it can be big data to send), the same category and subcategory is in article1 and article90 for example.
I think about to exclude category from the article, just replace with an id
and create another property category, and send them back to the client.
res.json({ categories: [{ name: "1", ... , subCategories }], articles: [{ name , …, category: "1" }] });
How to that in easy way and generic for all my objects that repeat data in nodejs?

I think depends on the what you application need to display. But a common solution is using pagination (e.g., getting chunks of 10 unities) in the API and, then, handling the pagination in the frontend.
Other solution is having some kind of consolidation. For example, if you would list all reads of a device in a interval, that sends data to server every 5 seconds, you could run a background service to consolidate data and save a mean of all values. Then, the frontend would get the mean at the interval, not actually all reads .


Get number of products from each category in mongodb database

I'm new to mongodb and to overall databases side of development.
I'm trying to make a product listing site where all the categories would be displayed with the number of products within that particular category and when clicked on a particular category, it would get me all the products in that category.
Some things to note are:
every product will have only one category
each category will have multiple products
I don't know how to go about this problem and tried searching it online but couldn't exactly find what I was looking for. I've also tried making the schema for this but I do not know if it's the right approach or not and this is how it looks:
const productsSchema = {
category: String,
name: String,
price: String,
description: String,
thumbnail: String,
Side note: I'm using MERN stack.(if its of any help)
If I've understand well your question, you can use something like this:
"$match": {
"category": "category1"
"$count": "total"
With this query you will get the total $count for each category.
Example here
In your frontend you will need a call for every category.
Maybe if your DB has a lot of different categories this is not a good approach, but if the number is not large enough you can call this query a couple times and you will get the result you want.
MongoDB Documentation reference here
I would say you should have a product schema and a product category schema, where the product category schema has an array of product ids that belong to that category.
In the product schema, you could also have a pointer to the category object that a product is linked to (as opposed to just the name of the category as a string).
Maybe take a look at mongoose populate

Adding value to already declared MongoDB object with mongoose Schema

I am new to MongoDB and mongoose. I am trying to create a Node & MongoDB auction app. So since it is actually an online auction, users should be able to bid for items. I successfully completed the user registration, sign in page and authentication process, however, I am a bit stuck in the bidding page.
I created a Schema using mongoose and each item for auction is saved in the database. I want to add name and price of each user who bid for the item in the same object in MongoDB, like this:
name: "valuable vase from 1700s",
owner: "John Doe",
itemId: 100029,
bids: {
100032: 30000,
100084: 34000
So each user will have ids like 100032: 30000, and when they bid, their "account id: price" will be added under bids in the database object of the item.
I made some research and found some ways to solve the problem but I want to know if what I want to do is possible and if it is the right solution to do.
Thanks for giving me your time!
There are indeed couple of ways to achieve what you want.
In my opinion, a collection called ItemBids, where each document includes this data structure, will benefit you the most.
itemId: ObjectId # reference to the item document
accountId: ObjectId # reference to the account
bid: Number # the bid value
This pattern is suitable for your case because you can easily query the bids by whatever you want -
You can get all the account bids, you can get all the item bids, and you can sort them with native Mongo by the bid price.
Every time there's a bid, you insert a new document to this collection.
Another option is embedding an array of Bids objects in the item Object.
Each Bid object should include:
bids: [{
account: ObjectId("") # This is the account
price: Number
The cons here are that querying it and accessing it will require more complex queries.
You can read more about the considerations
The way you decided to implement your functionality is a little bit complicated.
It is not impossible to do that but, the better way is to use array of objects instead of a single object like this:
name: '',
bids: [{
user: 100032,
price: 30000
}, {
user: 100084,
price: 34000

How can I count the view of a Specific post by a User ? Count every User just Once

We have user and news model, in the news model we have e viewsCount field, I want to increment this view count when a GET request is made by a User.
When a specific user makes a GET request, the view count will increment one, every user just one view.
const NEWSModel = new Schema({
viewesCount: { type: Number },
Publisher: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: true
LikesCount: { type: Number },
DislikeCount: { type: Number },
Comments: CommenTs
Every user can view the news as many times as wants, but just can make one view. How can I do that?
you Can change your model like and then whenever you get a news just push the user id to the viewedBy field.
news.viewedBy.push(user id)
viewedBy: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User"
}); ```
If you have not a lot of users, you can add additional field to news model like users_viewed which would be array of unique user ids.
And make additional check before incrementing views count.
If user, who requested news is already in this users_viewed array, you skip any additional actions.
If don't, increment views counter.
But if you do have a lot of users, it's better to store views counter in Redis to skip request to database and increment in memory counter.
The logic for storing and showing data would be the same, but you'll reduce load on your database and speed up the whole process.
[UPDATE] According to your comment, about number of users.
To make things work you can use this package.
First of all, after request for a news from a client, you can store all the news data in your cache (to reduce number of requests to your database).
Now you have few possible ways to handle number of views.
I think, the easiest to implement would be to add user unique identifier to SET. And return number of users in SET using SCARD;
In this solution you wouldn't need to check if user already watched the news, because set data structure holds only unique values (the same reason why do we need to use user's unique identifier).
And you just use 2 redis requests, which is pretty good for heavy load services.
You can have another field called viewedBy of type array in which you can store users ids. Then it will be easier to check if a user already viewed your post or to count them.
File: news.model.js
const News = new Schema({
viewedBy: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User"
// other properties...
File: news.controller.js
const user = User.find({...}); // get current user
const news = News.find({...}); // get a news
Update views count by adding the current user id if it's not already added
Thanks to '$addToSet', the update() function will do nothing if the user id it's already there)
news.update({ $addToSet: { viewedBy: user._id } });
// Getting the views count
console.log('Total views:', news.viewedBy.length);
More about $addToSet:

MongoDB Relational Data Structures with array of _id's

We have been using MongoDB for some time now and there is one thing I just cant wrap my head around. Lets say I have a a collection of Users that have a Watch List or Favorite Items List like this:
usersCollection = [
_id: 1,
name: "Rob",
and a separate Collection of Items
itemsCollection = [
name: "Laptop",
name: "Bike",
name: "House",
Obviously we would not want to insert the whole item obj inside the itemWatchList array because the items data could change i.e. price.
Lets say we pull that user to the GUI and want to diplay a grid of the user itemWatchList. We cant because all we have is a list of ID's. Is the only option to do a second collection.find([itemWatchList]) and then in the results callback manipulate the user record to display the current items? The problem with that is what if I return an array of multiple Users each with an array of itemWatchList's, that would be a callback nightmare to try and keep the results straight. I know Map Reduce or Aggregation framework cant traverse multiple collections.
What is the best practice here and is there a better data structure that should be used to avoid this issue all together?
You have 3 different options with how to display relational data. None of them are perfect, but the one you've chosen may not be the best option for your use case.
Option 1 - Reference the IDs
This is the option you've chosen. Keep a list of Ids, generally in an array of the objects you want to reference. Later to display them, you do a second round-trip with an $in query.
Option 2 - Subdocuments
This is probably a bad solution for your situation. It means putting the entire array of documents that are stored in the items collection into your user collection as a sub-document. This is great if only one user can own an item at a time. (For example, different shipping and billing addresses.)
Option 3 - A combination
This may be the best option for you, but it'll mean changing your schema. For example, lets say that your items have 20 properties, but you really only care about the name and price for the majority of your screens. You then have a schema like this:
usersCollection = [
_id: 1,
name: "Rob",
name: "Laptop",
name: "Bike",
name: "House",
itemsCollection = [
name: "Laptop",
otherAttributes: ...
name: "Bike",
otherAttributes: ...
name: "House",
otherAttributes: ...
The difficulty is that you then have to keep these items in sync with each other. (This is what is meant by eventual consistency.) If you have a low-stakes application (not banking, health care etc) this isn't a big deal. You can have the two update queries happen successively, updating the users that have that item to the new price. You'll notice this sort of latency on some websites if you pay attention. Ebay for example often has different prices on the search results pages than the actual price once you open the actual page, even if you return and refresh the search results.
Good luck!

How should I model my MongoDB collection for nested documents?

I'm managing a MongoDB database for a building products store. The most immediate collection is products, right?
There are quite several products, however they all belong to one among a set of 5-8 categories and then to one subcatefory among a small set of subcategories.
For example:
I will use Angular at web site client side to show whole products catalog, I think about AJAX for querying the right subset of products I want.
Then, I wonder whether I should manage one only collection like:
MainCategory1: {
SubCategory1: {
SubCategory2: {
SubCategoryn: {
MainCategory2: {
SubCategory1: {
SubCategory2: {
SubCategoryn: {
MainCategoryn: {
SubCategory1: {
SubCategory2: {
SubCategoryn: {
Or a single collection per each category. The number of documents might not be higher than 500. However I care about a balance for:
quick DB answer,
easy server side DB querying, and
client-side Angular code for rendering results to html.
I'm using mongodb node.js module, not Mongoose now.
What CRUD operations will I do?
Inserts of products, I'd also like to have a way to obtain autogenerated ids (maybe sequential) per each new register. However, as it might seem natural I wouldn't offer the _id to the user.
Querying the whole documents set of a subcategory. Maybe just obtaining a few attributes at first.
Querying whole or a specific subset of attributes of a document (product) in particular.
Modifying a product's attributes values.
I agree client side should get the easiest result to render. However, to nest categories into products is still a bad idea. The trade off is once you want to change, for example, the name of a category, it will be a disaster. And if you think about the possible usecases, for example:
list all categories
find all subcategories of a certain category
find all products in a certain category
You'll find it hard to do these stuff with your data structure.
I had same situation in my current project. So here's what I do for your reference.
First, categories should be in a separate collection. DON'T nest categories into each other, as it will complicate the procedure to find all subcategories. The traditional way for finding all subcategories is to maintain an idPath property. For example, your categories are divided into 3 levels:
_id: 100,
name: "level1 category"
parentId: 0, // means it's the top category
idPath: "0-100"
_id: 101,
name: "level2 category"
parentId: 100,
idPath: "0-100-101"
_id: 102,
name: "level3 category"
parentId: 101,
idPath: "0-100-101-102"
Note with idPath, parentId is not necessary anymore. It's for you to understand the structure easier.
Once you need to find all subcategories of category 100, simply do the query:
db.collection("category").find({_id: /^0-100-/}, function(err, doc) {
// whatever you want to do
With category stored in a separate collection, in your product you'll need to reference them by _id, just like when we use RDBMS. For example:
... // other fields of product
categories: [100, 101, 102, ...]
Now if you want to find all products in a certain category:
db.collection("category").find({_id: new RegExp("/^" + idPath + "-/"}, function(err, categories) {
var cateIds = _.pluck(categories, "_id"); // I'm using underscore to pluck category ids
db.collection("product").find({categories: { $in: cateIds }}, function(err, products) {
// products are here
Fortunately, category collection is usually very small, with only hundreds of records inside (or thousands). And it doesn't varies a lot. So you can always store a live copy of categories inside memory, and it can be constructed as nested objects like:
id: 100,
name: "level 1 category",
... // other fields
subcategories: [{
id: 101,
... // other fields
subcategories: [...]
}, {
id: 103,
... // other fields
subcategories: [...]
}, {
// another top1 category
}, ...]
You may want to refresh this copy every several hours, so:
setTimeout(3600000, function() {
// refresh your memory copy of categories.
That's all I get in mind right now. Hope it helps.
to provide int ID for each user, $inc and findAndModify is very useful. you may have a idSeed collection:
_id: ...,
seedValue: 1,
forCollection: "user"
When you want to get an unique ID:
db.collection("idSeed").findAndModify({forCollection: "user"}, {}, {$inc: {seedValue: 1}}, {}, function(err, doc) {
var newId = doc.seedValue;
The findAndModify is an atomic operator provided by mongodb. It will guarantee thread safety. and the find and modify actually happens in a "transaction".
2nd question is in my answer already.
query subsets of properties is described with mongodb Manual. NodeJS API is almost the same. Read the document of projection parameter.
update subsets is also supported by $set of mongodb operator.
