Delete all rows below "Adjustments" using VBA - excel

I have data regarding benefits. At the bottom of these worksheets are adjustments. These should not be used in my Macros and formulas.
Instead of manually deleting, I'd like VBA to find "Adjustments" and delete that row and all rows below this. I have 3 worksheets I needs to this to repeat on.
I've googled and tried various codes but cannot seem to get it to read properly. Can anyone help?

First step is to find the first row of your Adjustments. You'll use .Find method to get that. Below is a sample line of code. You can google for more details and examples.
Once you have that, you'll find the last row, and then delete rows from start of adjustment rows to last row. I've included functions below that should help.
Set foundCell = rng.Cells.Find(varSearchValue, celStartCell, enuXlFindLookIn, enuXlLookAt)
Public Function LastUsedRow(wks As Worksheet) As Long
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = wks.UsedRange ' Excel will recalc used range
LastUsedRow = rng.Row + rng.Rows.Count - 1
End Function
Public Sub DeleteRows(wks As Worksheet, lngRowStart As Long, Optional ByVal lngRowEnd As Long = 0)
If lngRowEnd = 0 Then lngRowEnd = lngRowStart
wks.Rows(lngRowStart & ":" & lngRowEnd).Delete
End Sub

I've inferred that Adjustments is some sort of sub-level header row label. I'll assume that it is always in column A.
sub ScrubAdjustments()
dim w as long, wss as variant, m as variant
wss = array("sheet1", "sheet2", "sheet3")
for w = lbound(wss) to ubound(wss)
with worksheets(wss(w))
m = application.match("adjustments", .range("a:a"), 0)
if not iserror(m) then
.range(.cells(m, "A"), .cells(.rows.count, "A")).entirerow.delete
end with
end with
next w
end sub


Compare two data ranges and copy entire row into worksheet VBA

i have found many very similar questions in the forum, but somehow nothing fits what i am looking for.
I have two ranges (a & b) which i'd like to compare and if values do not match, i'd like to copy the entire row to a predefined worksheet. The purpose is to find rows / values that have been changed vs. previous edit.
Dim a, b as range
Dim ws1,ws2,ws3 as worksheet
Dim last_row, last_row2 as integer 'assume last_row =15, last_row2=12
Dim i, j, k as integer
' the orignal range is not massive, but at 500x 6 not small either
Set a=ws1.range("I5:S"& last_row)
Set b=ws2.range("H2:R"& last_row2)
I have seen different approaches when it comes to addressing each item of the range and don't know which would be quickest / best (loop or for each ).
The main if-statement would look something like this:
'assume i, j are the used as counters running across the range
k = 1
If Not a(i).value=b(j).value then
k = k + 1
end if
The solution cannot be formula based, as I need to have ws3 saved after each comparison.
Any help on this is much appreciated. Thanks!
If you have the ability to leverage Excel Spill Ranges, you can achieve what you want without VBA. Here's a web Excel file that shows all rows in first sheet where column A does not equal column b.
If VBA is required, this routine should work. It's not optimal for handling values (doesn't use an array), but it gets it done.
Sub listDifferences()
Dim pullWS As Worksheet, pushWS As Worksheet
Set pullWS = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set pushWS = Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim aCell As Range
For Each aCell In Intersect(pullWS.Range("A:A"), pullWS.UsedRange).Cells
If aCell.Value <> aCell.Offset(0, 1).Value Then
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = pushWS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
pushWS.Rows(lastRow + 1).Value = aCell.EntireRow.Value
End If
Next aCell
End Sub
This is the small for-loop I ended up using.
Thanks for your input!
For i = 1 To rOutput.Cells.Count
If Not rOutput.Cells(i) = rBackUp.Cells(i) Then
' Debug.Print range1.Cells(i)
' Debug.Print range2.Cells(i)
rOutput.Cells(i).EntireRow.Copy wsChangeLog.Rows(k)
k = k + 1
End If
Next i

Is it possible to use VBA code on a already filtered sheet?

I have a sheet with about 6000 rows. In my code I first filter out some rows.
Sheets("privata").Rows("2:" & Rows.count).AutoFilter Field:=26, Criteria1:=">=2020-01-30 09:00:00", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=2020-01-30 09:30:00"
Sheets("privata").Rows("2:" & Rows.count).AutoFilter Field:=24, Criteria1:="<>OK"
Sheets("privata").Rows("2:" & Rows.count).AutoFilter Field:=25, Criteria1:="<>SUPPLY_CONTROL,"
Its now down to about 350 rows. After I've filtered it I copy and paste the data to another sheet
Sheets("toptre").Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
After I've copied the data I work on it in various ways in the new sheet.
The entire code takes a while to run. After stepping through the code I discovered that the filtering out process is super quick. What takes time is the pasting of the data in to the other sheet.
Is there a possibility to work with the original filtered sheet? When I try to, it uses all 6000 rows, not just the filtered out ones.
Example of what I want to do:
For i = 2 To RowCount + 1
employee = Sheets("privata").Cells(i, 25)
onList = False
For j = 1 To UBound(employeeList)
If employee = employeeList(j) Then
onList = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If onList = False Then
countEmployees = countEmployees + 1
employeeList(countEmployees) = employee
End If
If onList = True Then
onList = False
End If
Next i
When referring to Cells(2, 25) I want to refer to the second row in the filtered sheet. Which might be row 3568 in the sheet. Is that possible?
After the filtering has been applied, you can make the copy/paste process very fast if you don't use a loop, but use Selection. For example:
Sub TryThis()
Dim r As Range
Set r = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
Selection.Copy Sheets("toptre").Range("A1")
End Sub
Usually you want to avoid Selection in VBA. However, you will end up with:
a block of data in sheet "toptre"
the block will include the header row and all visible rows
the block will be just a block (un-filtered)
I am not sure if this will make your process any faster, but it attempts to accomplish what you ask about in your question:
You could use the expression suggested by #GSerg 's comment to create a range object with only the visible rows in the data sheet, e.g.
Dim filteredRange As Range
Set filteredRange = Sheets("privata").UsedRange.Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Assuming there is at least 1 visible row in the sheet (meaning that the above statement will not throw an error), you could then use the following function to access that range as if it were a single, contiguous range:
Function RelativeCell(rng As Range, ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long) As Range
Dim areaNum As Long: areaNum = 0
Dim maxRow As Long: maxRow = 0
Dim areaCount As Long: areaCount = rng.Areas.Count
Do While maxRow < row
areaNum = areaNum + 1
If areaNum > areaCount Then
Set RelativeCell = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
maxRow = maxRow + rng.Areas(areaNum).Rows.Count
Dim lastArea As Range: Set lastArea = rng.Areas(areaNum)
Set RelativeCell = lastArea.Cells(row - (maxRow - lastArea.Rows.Count), col)
End Function
To print all the filtered values in column B, for example, you could use the above method on the filteredRange object (set earlier) this way:
Dim r As Long: r = 1
Dim cell As Range: Set cell = RelativeCell(filteredRange, r, 2)
If cell Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Debug.Print cell.Value
r = r + 1
To simplify the above code, you could also use a function to know the last relative row number in the filtered range using the following function:
Function RelativeCellLastRow(rng As Range) As Long
Dim r As Long: r = 0
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To rng.Areas.Count
r = r + rng.Areas(i).Rows.Count
RelativeCellLastRow = r
End Function
Then, the code to print all the filtered values in column B would be reduced to this:
Dim r As Long
For r = 1 To RelativeCellLastRow(filteredRange)
Debug.Print RelativeCell(testRng, r, 2).Value
If you use RelativeCellLastRow, it would be good to ensure that it is only executed once, to avoid unnecessary recalculations. In the For loop above, it is only executed once, since VBA only executes the limits of a For loop before the first iteration. If you need the value several times, you can store it in a variable and use the variable instead.
The idea behind the RelativeCell function is that the range returned by the call to SpecialCells is a multi-area range, i.e. a range made up of several non-contiguous ranges. What relativeCell does is to skip through the non-contiguous areas until it finds the row number it is looking for. If the row number is beyond the total number of rows in the range, the function returns Nothing, so the calling code must be aware of this to avoid calling a method or property on Nothing.
It is also worth nothing that RelativeCell works on a range with hidden rows, not hidden columns. With hidden columns, the code becomes a little more complex, but the complexity can be encapsulated in the RelativeCell function without affecting the code that uses the function.
Again, I am not sure whether this will make your code faster. When I did some tests to emulate your scenario using a sheet with 6000+ rows and 30 columns of random strings, the copy/paste after the filtering ran very quickly, but it could be because of the machine I am using, the version of Excel that I am using (2016), or the data I used. Having said that, I hope the above code is of some help.

Find sometimes generates Run time error 91

I have a data table with column headings. I have a list of column headings that I don't want.
I want to delete the unwanted column headings no matter where they are in the worksheet and the ability for users to add other columns to delete.
I get
run time 91 error
on this line: ws.Rows("1:1").Select.Find(T).EntireColumn.Delete
Sometimes I will get an error in the first loop of the code, sometimes it will be part way through.
I have looked at other posts but the problems have not be related enough for me to problem solve my way through. I tried reading some articles on defining objects. I have been using the msgbox command to make sure the code is finding the values and that seems to be working all the time but it breaks down at the Find command.
Sub DeleteBadHeaders2()
Dim FirstHeading As Range
Set FirstHeading = Worksheets("Headings_To_Delete").Range("a2")
'Worksheet that has all the column headings I want deleted
Dim x As Integer
'x is for the do while loop to individually highlight each cell
Dim y As Long
y = Worksheets("Headings_To_Delete").Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count
'y acts as the upper bound to the headings to delete column for the while loop
Dim T As Variant
'T acts as a temporary value holder that will be used to delete the proper columns
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
x = 0
Do While x < (y - 1)
Worksheets("Headings_To_Delete").Range("a2").Offset(x, 0).Interior.Color = RGB(224, 0, 0)
'Calling the rage as above fixes the active cell problem
Let T = Worksheets("Headings_To_Delete").Range("a2").Offset(x, 0).Value
'MsgBox T & " is found."
'for testing switch the last part of the code to EntireColumn.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 225, 0)
x = x + 1
'The loop is highlighting the cells incrementally based on the first active cell until the upper limit of how many cells are in the column
End Sub
should be
ws.Rows(1).Find(T).EntireColumn.Select 'Delete?
Typically though whenever using Find() it's a good idea to check you actually found anything, by testing the return value for Nothing before trying to do anything like Select or Delete.
Also a good idea to be explicit about some of the other parameters in Find, such as lookAt for example.
Something like this:
Sub DeleteBadHeaders()
Dim r As Long, lastRow As Long
Dim T As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsList As Worksheet, f As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set wsList = Worksheets("Headings_To_Delete")
lastRow = wsList.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'last row
For r = 2 To lastRow
T = wsList.Cells(r, "A").Value
If Len(T) > 0 Then
Set f = ws.Rows(1).Find(what:=T, lookat:=xlWhole)
'check to see if the heading was found
If Not f Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "Found header '" & T & "' at " & f.Address
f.EntireColumn.Interior.Color = vbRed '<< for testing
'f.EntireColumn.Delete '<< uncomment when done testing
End If 'was found
End If 'any heading
Next r 'next in list
End Sub

How to keep a log of usage of a macro

I have a rather silly problem. I have a macro (linked to a button) which copies cells A1:A2 from one worksheet (namedFP) to another worksheet (Log). I intend to copy these 2 cells on the log sheet every time I hit the macro button. The problem I am facing right now is that when I use the button multiple times, these cells are getting copied over each other instead of using the next available row to paste the cells.
This is what I have now, and I tried changing the 'Rowcount+1' to 'RowCount+2' but that did not work. Any help is appreciated.
RowCount = LogSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim r As Integer
r = RowCount + 1
Dim infocell As Range
Set infocell = Cells(r, 1)
infocell.Value = DHRSheet.Name & "$" & infocell.Value
Is this what you are trying?
Sub Sample()
Dim LogSheet As Worksheet, DHRSheet As Worksheet
Dim lrow As Long
'~~> Change this as applicable
Set LogSheet = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set DHRSheet = Sheets("Sheet2")
With LogSheet
lrow = LogSheet.Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
DHRSheet.Range("A1:A2").Copy .Range("A" & lrow)
End With
End Sub
Here's a function I use that is very reliable and always returns the last row of a sheet without fail:
(possibly excessive for your simple use, but I always recommend it)
Public Function LastRowOfSheet(ByVal TestSheetNumber As Variant)
' Input: Sheet index # or Sheet name
' Output: Last row of sheet.
Dim intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet As Long
intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet = Sheets(TestSheetNumber).UsedRange.Rows.Count
intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet = intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet + Sheets(TestSheetNumber).UsedRange.Row - 1
LastRowOfSheet = intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet
End Function
And I'd clean up your above code and use something like this:
Sub Move2RowsToEnd()
Dim iNextRowOfOutput As Long
Dim iRowNumber As Long
'- use the function to find the last row of the output sheet. we'll be pasting to the first row after.
iNextRowOfOutput = (LastRowOfSheet("Log") + 1)
'- you can adjust this for loop to loop through additional cells if you need to paste more than 2 rows in the future.
For iRowNumber = 1 To 2
'- for each row of input (2 total) set the value of the output sheet equal to it.
Sheets("Log").Range("A" & iNextRowOfOutput).Value = Sheets("namedFP").Range("A" & iRowNumber).Value
iNextRowOfOutput = iNextRowOfOutput + 1
Next iRowNumber
'- not sure which of these you want to save (one or both)
End Sub
Just paste the function above or below the Subroutine and let me know if you have any issues or questions regarding the 'Move2RowsToEnd' code.

Excel VBA or not to VBA, replace text if different between two cells

I have a quandary, and I don't know if it will work better using excel VBA or not. Thinking about it I believe VBA will work best, but I don't know how to make it work.
I have two pages in a workbook, one is the form, the other is the database, I want the pulldown menu from the form to populate the rest of the form. It does... what I want then is to be able to change the value of the form press submit, and the new data will overwrite the old data.
Is this possible?
Here is the link to the sheet I'm talking about.
Here is the script I am working with takes the sheet, copies everything to a row takes that row, moves it to the NCMR Data tab and then clears the data on the new row from the original sheet.
This code technically could work, but what I need to do is make it use the same concept, but instead of creating a new row at the end of the sheet find the original line and replace the data from B to U in whatever row it was originally in.
I know it's possible, I just don't know how.
'Copy Ranges Variable
Dim c As Variant
'Paste Ranges Variable
Dim p As Range
'Setting Sheet
Set wsInt = Sheets("Form")
Set wsNDA = Sheets("Data")
Set p = wsInt.Range("A14")
With wsInt
c = Array(.Range("B11"))
End With
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
p(i + 1).Value = c(i).Value
With wsNDA
Dim Lastrow As Long
Lastrow = .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
With .Rows(Lastrow)
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
.Interior.Pattern = xlNone
End With
With .Range("A" & Lastrow)
If Lastrow = 3 Then
.Value = 1
.Value = Val(wsNDA.Range("A" & Lastrow - 1).Value) + 1
End If
.NumberFormat = "0#######"
End With
End With
End Sub
I found this code:
Sub CopyTest()
Dim selrow As Range, rngToCopy As Range
With Worksheets("PD DB")
Set selrow = .Range("B:B").Find(.Range("BA1").Value)
'find the cell containing the value
Set rngToCopy = Union(selrow.Offset(0, 9), selrow.Offset(0, 12))
'use offset to define the ranges to be copied
rngToCopy.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Edit Sheet").Range("B50")
'copy and paste (without Select)
End With
End Sub
As far as I can tell this will do what I want mostly, but I can't seem to figure out where to break it up to add it where I need to to make it work the way I want it to.
What I can tell is this, it will copy and paste, but I want to make sure it will paste the data into row it finds, and not overwrite the number of said row.
Can someone help make that possible with the two scripts I have here?
Not tested, but should get you started. I added a 3rd sheet (shtMap) to hold the mmapping between the cell addresses on your form and the column numbers on the "Data" sheet. Useful to name your sheets directly in the VB editor: select the sheet and set the name in the property grid.
*EDIT:*If you want to trigger the transfer on selecting a record id from a list in Range AG3 then place this code in the code module for that worksheet:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Static bProcessing As Boolean
Dim rng As Range
If bProcessing Then Exit Sub
Set rng = Target.Cells(1)
If Not Application.Intersect(rng, Me.Range("AG3")) Is Nothing Then
bProcessing = True
'this is where you call your macro to transfer the record
bProcessing = False
End If
End Sub
You could use something like this for the transfer:
Public Enum XferDirection
ToForm = 1
ToDataSheet = 2
End Enum
Sub FetchRecord()
TransferData XferDirection.ToForm
End Sub
Sub SaveRecord()
TransferData XferDirection.ToDataSheet
End Sub
Sub TransferData(Direction As XferDirection)
Dim rngMap As Range, rw As Range, f As Range, dataCell As Range
Dim formCell As Range, dataCol As Long, dataRow As Long
Dim sId As String
sId = shtForm.Range("AG3").Value
Set f = shtData.Columns(1).Find(sId, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
dataRow = f.Row
'what do you want to do here?
' record doesn't exist on data sheet
MsgBox "Record '" & sId & "' not found on '" & shtForm.Name & "' !"
Exit Sub
End If
Set rngMap = shtMap.Range("A2:B10")
For Each rw In rngMap.Rows
'the cell on the edit form
Set formCell = shtForm.Range(rw.Cells(1).Value)
'column # on datasheet
Set dataCell = shtData.Cells(dataRow, rw.Cells(2).Value)
If Direction = XferDirection.ToDataSheet Then
dataCell.Value = formCell.Value
formCell.Value = dataCell.Value
End If
Next rw
End Sub
Matt, there are two approaches I would take. The first is use find(), which returns a range object, then append ".row" so that you'll be able to modify the row on Sheet2 (wsNDA, I think). You may want to test that find() doesn't return Nothing.
Dim foundRow as Long
Dim foundRng as Range
set foundRng = wsNDA.find(wsInt.Range("B11").Value, ...)
If Not foundRng is Nothing Then
foundRow = foundRng.row
End If
'method without check: foundRow = wsNDA.find(wsInt.Range("B11").Value, ...).Row
The other is to use a Dictionary object. I'm not sure what you'd want for the key, but the item could be the row on the data sheet. When you make the change to what's on the form, check against the key and grab its item (the corresponding row) to determine where you need to replace the values.
