MatDialog - should cover specific part of the page - dialog

I am using MatDialog and opening it from the effect. I want to cover specific part of the page. In this example, it should not cover area which is covered by border. Is it possible?

We can override the modal backdrop to leave a specific space at the top... we do this by introducing a styles to our component definition.
In your existing stackBlitz, change app.component.ts to be:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Store, select } from '#ngrx/store';
import * as fromRoot from './reducers/';
import { OpenDialog } from './actions';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styles: [`
::ng-deep .cdk-overlay-backdrop { top: 64px; }
export class AppComponent {
animal: Observable<string>;
constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
this.animal =
openDialog() { OpenDialog());


add custom image to azure maps

I am using this wrapper for the azure maps library. I am currently implementing a symbol layer and using one of the default markers works well, but I am not able to add my own marker. I tried to add a custom marker like in my mapReady function, but the response is always undefined and the image is not added.
this is my component:
import {Component, Input, OnInit} from '#angular/core';
import * as atlas from 'azure-maps-control';
selector: 'app-map',
templateUrl: './map.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./map.component.scss']
export class MapComponent implements OnInit {
private markerImagePath = 'assets/images/map-marker.png';
public dataSource: atlas.source.DataSource;
markerDescription: 'marker';
public options: atlas.IconOptions = {
image: this.markerDescription
points = [
[52.52437, 13.41053],
[51.50853, -0.12574]
ngOnInit() { }
mapReady(map: atlas.Map) {
map.imageSprite.add(this.markerDescription, this.markerImagePath).then(r => {
this.dataSource = new atlas.source.DataSource('markers');
this.points.forEach(p => {
const point = new atlas.Shape(new[p[1], p[0]]));
this is my html:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 map-dimensions my-2 mx-auto" azure-map zoom="2"
[dataSources]="[dataSource]" (onReady)="mapReady($">
<map-symbol-layer dataSourceId="markers"
I suspect, that I access the map data wrongly... Do any of you guys know, how I can add a custom image to the imageSprites in order for me to use it as a marker in the symbol layer?
Your code looks fine. imageSprite.add returns a Promise<void>, so your console.log will always log undefined. Could your icon be the issue ? I have been trying a similar solution and all works fine on my side :
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import * as atlas from 'azure-maps-control';
selector: 'app-root',
template: '<azure-map zoom="2" [dataSources]="[dataSource]" (onReady)="mapReady($">' +
'<map-symbol-layer [id]="blueLayerId" dataSourceId="blue" [iconOptions]="blueIconOptions"></map-symbol-layer>' +
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
public dataSource: atlas.source.DataSource;
public blueLayerId: string = "blueLayer";
public blueIconOptions: atlas.IconOptions = {
image: 'campground'
mapReady(map: atlas.Map) {
map.imageSprite.add('campground', 'assets/campground.png').then(() => {
this.dataSource = new atlas.source.DataSource('blue');
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const point = new atlas.Shape(new[i * 5, i * 5]));

Integrate Emoji in Angular 6 chat application

I am trying to integrate Emoji in my Angular 6 Chat application using the library called ngx-emoji-mart
below is my code
My template file - chat.component.html
<div #emojiDiv class="emojiInput" contentEditable="true" [innerHTML]="input" >
<emoji-mart (emojiClick)="addEmoji($event)"></emoji-mart>
My component class - chat.component.ts
import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation, ElementRef } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-chat',
templateUrl: './chat.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./chat.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class ChatComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
public addEmoji(){
if(this.input) {
this.input = this.input + "<ngx-emoji emoji='point_up'></ngx-emoji>";
} else{
this.input = "<ngx-emoji emoji='point_up'></ngx-emoji>";
But is not appending to div.
Is there something else I need to add? Thanks in advance
npm install #ctrl/ngx-emoji-mart
import { PickerModule } from '#ctrl/ngx-emoji-mart'
add the stylesheet in angular.json:
"styles": [
add this app.module.ts:
imports: [ ..., PickerModule, ... ],
Add this in app.component.html
<emoji-mart title="Pick your emojiā€¦" emoji="point_up"></emoji-mart>
Hola !!

ts2304 cannot find name 'OnInit'

I've worked through the Angular superhero tutorial. It all works.
If i close the cmd window running NPM, then re-open a CMD window and reissue the NPM START command I get two errors
src/app/DashBoard.component.ts(12,44) TS2304 : Cannot find name 'OnInit'.
src/app/hero-list.component.ts(16, 434) TS2304 : Cannot find name 'OnInit'.
I can resolve this by removing
Implements OnInit
from both these classes,
run NPM start
re-add them (simply CTL Z in the editor)
make some change , save.
The app recompiles and I am off and running.
I have 4 classes that implement this function. I have studied them and can not figure out what makes 2 fail...
I have read posts that reference TS2304, but this seems to be a generic Function/Variable/Symbol not found message ...
I don't know what to post. I'm happy to post any of the code.
Is this caused by errors in modules this depends on (hero.ts)?
Here is one class that is failing in this manner.
This is the hero-list.component.ts file
(at various points in the demo/online examples, this is also named Heroes.component..)
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { Router } from '#angular/router';
import { Hero } from './hero';
import { HeroService } from './hero.service';
selector: 'hero-list',
templateUrl: './hero-list.component.html' ,
providers: [HeroService],
styleUrls: [ './hero-list.component.css']
export class HeroListComponent implements OnInit {
heroes : Hero[];
selectedHero: Hero;
private router : Router ,
private heroService: HeroService
) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
onSelect(hero: Hero): void {
this.selectedHero = hero;
getHeroes(): void {
this.heroService.getHeroes().then(heroes => this.heroes = heroes);
gotoDetail() {
add(name: string): void {
name = name.trim();
if (!name) { return; }
.then(hero => {
this.selectedHero = null;
delete(hero: Hero): void {
.then(() => {
this.heroes = this.heroes.filter(h => h !== hero);
if (this.selectedHero === hero) { this.selectedHero = null; }
You have to import OnInit.
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
The tutorial fails to mention that you need to add the import of OnInit to TypeScript file app.component.ts:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';

Ionic 2 - How to reach a component from inside a directive?

I'm trying to build a directive to display a custom numpad when
the control (input) on which the directive is applied is clicked.
I'm Working on Ionic 2 RC5.
<ion-label stacked>Label</ion-label>
<ion-input dirNumpad type="text" [(ngModel)]="myField"></ion-input>
<numpad #idNumpad hidden></numpad>
The Numpad component is in the DOM, at the bottom of the page.
import { Directive, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '#angular/core';
import { Numpad } from '../../components/numpad/numpad';
selector: '[dirNumpad]', // Attribute selector
host: {
'(click)': 'onClick()'
export class DirNumpad {
#ViewChild('idNumpad') numpad: Numpad;
constructor( private el: ElementRef ) {
onClick() {
showNumpad() {
console.log(this.numpad); => undefined; => error: show property does not exist on undefined
<div class="numpad" style="position:absolute; top:auto; left:0;
right:0; bottom:0; height:150px;">My Numpad</div>
import { Component, Input } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'numpad',
templateUrl: 'numpad.html'
export class Numpad {
constructor() {}
My problem: I can not reach the numpad component from inside the directive through ViewChild.
console.log(this.numpad) always returns "undefined"!
I need it to show the numpad only if user clicks on the input on which the directive is applied...
What am I doing wrong?
I'm stucked with this problem, so any help will be appreciated.
ViewChild only applies to the children items of the item. Since the component is not a child in any way of the directive but rather a sibling it cant be received in ViewChild.
You can pass it as part of an input
Declare an input in your component
import { Directive, ElementRef, Input } from '#angular/core';
import { Numpad } from '../../components/numpad/numpad';
selector: '[dirNumpad]', // Attribute selector
host: {
'(click)': 'onClick()'
export class DirNumpad {
#Input('numpad') numpad: Numpad;
constructor( private el: ElementRef ) {
onClick() {
showNumpad() {
console.log(this.numpad); => undefined; => error: show property does not exist on undefined
and set it in your html
<ion-label stacked>Label</ion-label>
<ion-input dirNumpad [numpad]="idNumpad" type="text" [(ngModel)]="myField"></ion-input>
<numpad #idNumpad hidden></numpad>

Data-binding not working with dynamic component loader in angular2-universal-starter [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Error if don't check if {{object.field}} exists
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am using angular2-universal-starter project.
So i was trying to pass an object to a child component using #Input , but its not working correctly.
I have used dynamic component loader to load child component and I want to pass the object to child component.
Following is my code snippet:
import {Component, Directive, Renderer, DynamicComponentLoader, ElementRef} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http} from 'angular2/http';
import {headingComponent} from './heading.component';
selector: '[x-large]'
export class XLarge {
constructor(element: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer) {
// we must interact with the dom through Renderer for webworker/server to see the changes
renderer.setElementStyle(element.nativeElement, 'fontSize', 'x-large');
selector: 'app',
directives: [
template: `
<span x-large>Hello, {{ }}!</span>
<icici-heading [user]="user"></icici-heading>
export class App {
public user;
constructor(dcl: DynamicComponentLoader, elementRef: ElementRef) {
dcl.loadNextToLocation(headingComponent, elementRef);
this.user = { "id": 11, "name": "Mr. Nice" };
import {Component, OnInit,Input} from 'angular2/core';
selector: 'icici-heading',
template: `
<!--{{}}-->this is not working
export class headingComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() user;
name: string;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {"heading is rendered";
I guess you just need to make your code more forgiving when the value is not yet available.
This will work:
The Elvis or safe-navigation operator only evaluates .name when user != null
For dynamically added components you also need to pass values imperatively
dcl.loadNextToLocation(headingComponent, elementRef)
.then(cmpRef => cmpRef.instance.user = this.user);
