The current performance of this function is to slow, currently I am working with a list of 500+ item codes on sheet1. The function searches in a range of 200 000 + items on sheet2 to find all matches including partial matches. This means that we include a wildcards before and after the lookup criteria to find all matches.
Currently it takes over 15 mins to complete. Is there a better method to do this? To get this under 5 mins?
Function ConcatIf(ByVal compareRange As Range, ByVal xCriteria As Variant, _
Optional ByVal stringsRange As Range, Optional Delimiter As String) As String
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Dim i As Long, j As Long, criteriaMet As Boolean
Set compareRange = Application.Intersect(compareRange, _
If compareRange Is Nothing Then Exit Function
If stringsRange Is Nothing Then Set stringsRange = compareRange
Set stringsRange = compareRange.Offset(stringsRange.Row - _
compareRange.Row, stringsRange.Column - compareRange.Column)
For i = 1 To compareRange.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To compareRange.Columns.Count
If (Application.CountIf(compareRange.Cells(i, j), _
xCriteria)= 1) Then
ConcatIf = ConcatIf & Delimiter & _
CStr(stringsRange.Cells(i, j))
End If
Next j
Next i
ConcatIf = Mid(ConcatIf, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
End Function
Outcome should be:
To use the following code you will need to add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. This uses two arrays and compiles the data in a dictionary. This can then be written back to your sheet. The code currently writes the results back to the immediate window which can be displayed using Ctrl+G or View->Immediate Window
Public Sub demo()
Dim compArr As Variant, strArr As Variant
Dim strDict As Dictionary
Dim i As Long
Dim Delimiter As String: Delimiter = "; "
Dim key
' Set data to arrays. This assumes your data is in column A
With Sheets("Sheet1")
' Application.Transpose is a trick to convert the range to a 1D array (otherwise a 2D array will be created)
compArr = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)))
End With
With Sheets("Sheet2")
strArr = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)))
End With
' Initiate dictionary
Set strDict = New Dictionary
' Loop through all the values you wish to find
For i = LBound(compArr) To UBound(compArr)
' Tests if value exists
If Not strDict.Exists(compArr(i)) Then
' Adds value to dictionary and uses filter on string array to get similar matches.
' Join is used to convert the resulting array into a string
strDict.Add key:=compArr(i), Item:=Join(Filter(strArr, compArr(i), True), Delimiter)
End If
Next i
' Read back results
For Each key In strDict.Keys
Debug.Print key, strDict(key)
Next key
End Sub
To maintain all of your current functionality and useability regarding the size of your dataset, this should work for you and be faster than the original code. When I timed it, I used 400,000 full item codes and applied the concatif formula on sheet 1 for 1000 partial matches and it completed all cell calculations in under 9 minutes.
Public Function CONCATIF(ByVal arg_rCompare As Range, _
ByVal arg_vCriteria As Variant, _
Optional ByVal arg_rStrings As Range, _
Optional ByVal arg_sDelimiter As String = vbNullString _
) As Variant
Dim aData As Variant
Dim aStrings As Variant
Dim aCriteria As Variant
Dim vString As Variant
Dim vCriteria As Variant
Dim aResults() As String
Dim ixResult As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If arg_rStrings Is Nothing Then Set arg_rStrings = arg_rCompare
If arg_rStrings.Rows.Count <> arg_rCompare.Rows.Count _
Or arg_rStrings.Columns.Count <> arg_rCompare.Columns.Count Then
CONCATIF = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
If arg_rCompare.Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim aData(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
aData(1, 1) = arg_rCompare.Value
aData = arg_rCompare.Value
End If
If arg_rStrings.Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim aStrings(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
aStrings(1, 1) = arg_rStrings.Value
aStrings = arg_rStrings.Value
End If
If IsArray(arg_vCriteria) Then
aCriteria = arg_vCriteria
ElseIf TypeName(arg_vCriteria) = "Range" Then
If arg_vCriteria.Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim aCriteria(1 To 1)
aCriteria(1) = arg_vCriteria.Value
aCriteria = arg_vCriteria.Value
End If
ReDim aCriteria(1 To 1)
aCriteria(1) = arg_vCriteria
End If
ReDim aResults(1 To arg_rCompare.Cells.Count)
ixResult = 0
For i = LBound(aData, 1) To UBound(aData, 1)
For j = LBound(aData, 2) To UBound(aData, 2)
For Each vCriteria In aCriteria
If aData(i, j) Like vCriteria Then
ixResult = ixResult + 1
aResults(ixResult) = aStrings(i, j)
End If
Next vCriteria
Next j
Next i
If ixResult > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve aResults(1 To ixResult)
CONCATIF = Join(aResults, arg_sDelimiter)
CONCATIF = vbNullString
End If
Erase aData: aData = vbNullString
Erase aCriteria: aCriteria = vbNullString
Erase aResults
End Function
I have been trying to sort the Column values from A to Z which are populated in the List Box.
I have tried with the following but it does not adjust it. Any help will be appreciated.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim myArray
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet2")
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row), Order1:=xlAscending
With Me.ListBox1
.ColumnHeads = False
.ColumnCount = rng.Columns.Count
MyArray = rng
.List = SortArray(myArray)
End With
I want to use the Arrays for Sorting Function which will be populated to Listbox.
Sub SortArray(myListBox As MSForms.ListBox, Optional resetMacro As String)
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim temp As Variant
If resetMacro <> "" Then
Run resetMacro, myListBox
End If
With myListBox
For j = 0 To .ListCount - 2
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 2
If LCase(.List(i)) > LCase(.List(i + 1)) Then
temp = .List(i)
.List(i) = .List(i + 1)
.List(i + 1) = temp
End If
Next i
Next j
End With
End Sub
Method 1: Sort Data in Cells
You need to sort the range using the Range.Sort method
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
rng.Sort key1:=ws.Range("A2"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
Also see VBA Excel sort range by specific column.
Method 2: Sort Data in Array
Or load the data into an array and sort the array. See VBA array sort function?
Note: The QuickSort algorithm was retrieved from the link above.
Option Explicit
Private Sub LoadButton_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Dim DataRange As Range
Set DataRange = ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
' 2-dimensional array of the data
Dim DataArray() As Variant
DataArray = DataRange.Value
' Sort data in 2-dimensional array DataArray
QuickSortArray SortArray:=DataArray, SortColumn:=1
' Load sorted data into ListBox
SortedListForm.SortedListBox.List = DataArray
End Sub
' QickSort algorithm that takes a 2-dimensional array
Public Sub QuickSortArray(ByRef SortArray As Variant, Optional ByVal Min As Long = -1, Optional ByVal Max As Long = -1, Optional ByVal SortColumn As Long = 0)
On Error Resume Next
'Sort a 2-Dimensional array
' SampleUsage: sort arrData by the contents of column 3
' QuickSortArray arrData, , , 3
'Posted by Jim Rech 10/20/98 Excel.Programming
'Modifications, Nigel Heffernan:
' ' Escape failed comparison with empty variant
' ' Defensive coding: check inputs
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim RowTemp As Variant
Dim ColTempIdx As Long
If IsEmpty(SortArray) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If InStr(TypeName(SortArray), "()") < 1 Then 'IsArray() is somewhat broken: Look for brackets in the type name
Exit Sub
End If
If Min = -1 Then
Min = LBound(SortArray, 1)
End If
If Max = -1 Then
Max = UBound(SortArray, 1)
End If
If Min >= Max Then ' no sorting required
Exit Sub
End If
i = Min
j = Max
Dim SortItem As Variant
SortItem = Empty
SortItem = SortArray((Min + Max) \ 2, SortColumn)
' We send 'Empty' and invalid data items to the end of the list:
If IsObject(SortItem) Then ' note that we don't check isObject(SortArray(n)) - SortItem *might* pick up a valid default member or property
i = Max
j = Min
ElseIf IsEmpty(SortItem) Then
i = Max
j = Min
ElseIf IsNull(SortItem) Then
i = Max
j = Min
ElseIf SortItem = "" Then
i = Max
j = Min
ElseIf VarType(SortItem) = vbError Then
i = Max
j = Min
ElseIf VarType(SortItem) > 17 Then
i = Max
j = Min
End If
Do While i <= j
Do While SortArray(i, SortColumn) < SortItem And i < Max
i = i + 1
Do While SortItem < SortArray(j, SortColumn) And j > Min
j = j - 1
If i <= j Then
' Swap the rows
ReDim RowTemp(LBound(SortArray, 2) To UBound(SortArray, 2))
For ColTempIdx = LBound(SortArray, 2) To UBound(SortArray, 2)
RowTemp(ColTempIdx) = SortArray(i, ColTempIdx)
SortArray(i, ColTempIdx) = SortArray(j, ColTempIdx)
SortArray(j, ColTempIdx) = RowTemp(ColTempIdx)
Next ColTempIdx
Erase RowTemp
i = i + 1
j = j - 1
End If
If (Min < j) Then
QuickSortArray SortArray, Min, j, SortColumn
End If
If (i < Max) Then
QuickSortArray SortArray, i, Max, SortColumn
End If
End Sub
I am trying to copy data from one workbook to another based on the values contained in cells in the source workbook that matches the same values in the target workbook. For example, I have a table (Table1) that has four columns say, A1:D5. One of these columns (column A) contains account numbers that match similar account numbers located on another workbook (also in column A). I am trying to find a code that looks through the table (Table1) in the source workbook via the account number column, and if the account number matches the account number in the target workbook, copy and paste the cells on that row in specific locations to the target workbook. Is this possible?
I hope that makes sense. I have looked all over on how to structure such a code, and I was not able to find anything to start the process for this logic.
Any help will be very appreciative.
Thank you
Even if your question is about doing this in VBA, I'm just going to mention that what you are trying to do seems like it could also be done with Power Query.
That being said, if you were to use VBA for this, you would have to use the Match function to find where your rows match and then copy the data from the source to the destination table.
I've adapted the code I provided to this question to better serve your specific needs. One of the things I've done is to add an optional argument called DoOverwrite and set it to false. This will make sure that the information from one row won't be overwritten by another row later down the road.
Sub TableJoinTest()
'Those table columns will have to match for the 2 lines to be a match
Dim MandatoryHeaders() As Variant
MandatoryHeaders = Array("Account Number")
Dim SourceTableAnchor As Range
Set SourceTableAnchor = Workbooks("SourceWorkbook.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
Dim TargetTableAnchor As Range
Set TargetTableAnchor = Workbooks("TargetWorkbook.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
TableJoin _
SourceTableAnchor:=SourceTableAnchor, _
TargetTableAnchor:=TargetTableAnchor, _
MandatoryHeaders:=MandatoryHeaders, _
AddIfMissing:=False, _
IsLogging:=False, _
End Sub
Sub TableJoin( _
SourceTableAnchor As Range, _
TargetTableAnchor As Range, _
MandatoryHeaders As Variant, _
Optional OtherHeaders As Variant, _
Optional AddIfMissing As Boolean = False, _
Optional IsLogging As Boolean = False, _
Optional DoOverwrite As Boolean = True)
Dim srng As Range, trng As Range
Set srng = SourceTableAnchor.CurrentRegion
Set trng = TargetTableAnchor.CurrentRegion
Dim sHeaders As Range, tHeaders As Range
Set sHeaders = srng.Rows(1)
Set tHeaders = trng.Rows(1)
'Store in Arrays
Dim sArray() As Variant 'prefix s is for Source
sArray = ExcludeRows(srng, 1).Value2
Dim tArray() As Variant 'prefix t is for Target
tArray = ExcludeRows(trng, 1).Value2
Dim sArrayHeader As Variant
sArrayHeader = sHeaders.Value2
Dim tArrayHeader As Variant
tArrayHeader = tHeaders.Value2
'Find Column correspondance
Dim sMandatoryHeadersColumn As Variant
ReDim sMandatoryHeadersColumn(LBound(MandatoryHeaders) To UBound(MandatoryHeaders))
Dim tMandatoryHeadersColumn As Variant
ReDim tMandatoryHeadersColumn(LBound(MandatoryHeaders) To UBound(MandatoryHeaders))
Dim k As Long
For k = LBound(MandatoryHeaders) To UBound(MandatoryHeaders)
sMandatoryHeadersColumn(k) = Application.Match(MandatoryHeaders(k), sArrayHeader, 0)
tMandatoryHeadersColumn(k) = Application.Match(MandatoryHeaders(k), tArrayHeader, 0)
Next k
Dim sOtherHeadersColumn As Variant
ReDim sOtherHeadersColumn(LBound(OtherHeaders) To UBound(OtherHeaders))
Dim tOtherHeadersColumn As Variant
ReDim tOtherHeadersColumn(LBound(OtherHeaders) To UBound(OtherHeaders))
For k = LBound(OtherHeaders) To UBound(OtherHeaders)
sOtherHeadersColumn(k) = Application.Match(OtherHeaders(k), sArrayHeader, 0)
tOtherHeadersColumn(k) = Application.Match(OtherHeaders(k), tArrayHeader, 0)
Next k
'Merge mandatory headers into one column (aka the helper column method)
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sHelperColumn() As Variant
ReDim sHelperColumn(LBound(sArray, 1) To UBound(sArray, 1), 1 To 1)
For i = LBound(sArray, 1) To UBound(sArray, 1)
For j = LBound(MandatoryHeaders) To UBound(MandatoryHeaders)
sHelperColumn(i, 1) = sHelperColumn(i, 1) & sArray(i, sMandatoryHeadersColumn(j))
Next j
Next i
Dim tHelperColumn() As Variant
ReDim tHelperColumn(LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1), 1 To 1)
For i = LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1)
For j = LBound(MandatoryHeaders) To UBound(MandatoryHeaders)
tHelperColumn(i, 1) = tHelperColumn(i, 1) & tArray(i, tMandatoryHeadersColumn(j))
Next j
Next i
'Find all matches
Dim MatchList() As Variant
Dim LoggingColumn() As String
ReDim LoggingColumn(LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1), 1 To 1)
For i = LBound(sArray, 1) To UBound(sArray, 1)
ReDim MatchList(LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1))
For j = LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1)
If sHelperColumn(i, 1) = tHelperColumn(j, 1) Then
MatchList(j) = 1
End If
Next j
'Get the row number for the match
Dim MatchRow As Long
Select Case Application.Sum(MatchList)
Case Is > 1
'Need to do more matching
Dim MatchingScoresList() As Long
ReDim MatchingScoresList(1 To UBound(tArray, 1))
Dim m As Long
For k = LBound(OtherHeaders) To UBound(OtherHeaders)
For m = LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1)
If tArray(m, sOtherHeadersColumn(k)) = sArray(i, sOtherHeadersColumn(k)) Then
MatchingScoresList(m) = MatchingScoresList(m) + 2 ^ (UBound(OtherHeaders) - k)
End If
Next m
Next k
'Get the max score position
Dim MyMax As Long
MyMax = Application.Max(MatchingScoresList)
If Application.Count(Application.Match(MatchingScoresList(), Array(MyMax), 0)) > 1 Then
MsgBox "Error: can't determine how to match row " & i & " in source table"
Exit Sub
MatchRow = Application.Match(MyMax, MatchingScoresList, 0)
End If
Case Is = 1
MatchRow = Application.Match(1, MatchList, 0)
Case Else
Dim nArray() As Variant, Counter As Long
If AddIfMissing Then
MatchRow = 0
Counter = Counter + 1
ReDim nArray(1 To Counter, 1 To UBound(tArray, 2))
For k = LBound(MandatoryHeaders) To UBound(MandatoryHeaders)
nArray(Counter, tMandatoryHeadersColumn(k)) = sArray(i, sMandatoryHeadersColumn(k))
Next k
For k = LBound(OtherHeaders) To UBound(OtherHeaders)
nArray(Counter, tOtherHeadersColumn(k)) = sArray(i, sOtherHeadersColumn(k))
Next k
MsgBox "Error: Couldn't find a match for data row #" & i
Exit Sub
End If
End Select
'Logging and assigning values
If MatchRow > 0 Then
For k = LBound(OtherHeaders) To UBound(OtherHeaders)
If tArray(MatchRow, tOtherHeadersColumn(k)) <> sArray(i, sOtherHeadersColumn(k)) Then
If IsLogging And DoOverwrite Then LoggingColumn(MatchRow, 1) = LoggingColumn(MatchRow, 1) & _
IIf(LoggingColumn(MatchRow, 1) <> "", ", ", "") & _
tHeaders.Cells(1, tOtherHeadersColumn(k)) & " : " & _
tArray(MatchRow, tOtherHeadersColumn(k)) & _
" -> " & sArray(i, sOtherHeadersColumn(k))
'Assign new value
If DoOverwrite Or tArray(MatchRow, tOtherHeadersColumn(k)) = VbNullString Then
tArray(MatchRow, tOtherHeadersColumn(k)) = sArray(i, sOtherHeadersColumn(k))
End If
End If
Next k
End If
Next i
'Write arrays to sheet
ExcludeRows(trng, 1).Value2 = tArray
With trng.Parent
If IsArrayInitialised(nArray) And AddIfMissing Then
.Cells(trng.Cells(1, 1).Row + trng.Rows.Count, trng.Cells(1, 1).Column).Resize(UBound(nArray, 1), UBound(nArray, 2)).Value2 = nArray
End If
If IsLogging Then
.Cells(trng.Cells(1, 1).Row, trng.Cells(1, 1).Column + trng.Columns.Count) = "Changes"
.Cells(trng.Cells(2, 1).Row, trng.Cells(1, 1).Column + trng.Columns.Count).Resize(UBound(LoggingColumn, 1), 1).Value2 = LoggingColumn
End If
End With
End Sub
And also add these functions inside your VBA project to as they are used in the procedure above.
Function IsArrayInitialised(ByRef A() As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
IsArrayInitialised = IsNumeric(UBound(A))
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function ExcludeRows(MyRng As Range, StartRow As Long, Optional EndRow As Long = -1) As Range
'PURPOSE: Exclude one or more consecutives rows from an existing range
Dim Afterpart As Range, BeforePart As Range
If StartRow < 1 Or EndRow > MyRng.Rows.Count Then Set ExcludeRows = Nothing
If StartRow = 1 And EndRow = MyRng.Rows.Count Then Set ExcludeRows = Nothing
If EndRow = -1 Then EndRow = StartRow
If EndRow < MyRng.Rows.Count Then
With MyRng.Parent
Set Afterpart = .Range(MyRng.Cells(EndRow + 1, 1), MyRng.Cells(MyRng.Rows.Count, MyRng.Columns.Count))
End With
End If
If StartRow > 1 Then
With MyRng.Parent
Set BeforePart = .Range(MyRng.Cells(1, MyRng.Cells(1, 1).Column), MyRng.Cells(StartRow - 1, MyRng.Columns.Count))
End With
End If
Set ExcludeRows = Union2(True, BeforePart, Afterpart)
End Function
Public Function Union2(IgnoreEmptyRange As Boolean, ParamArray RangeArray() As Variant) As Range
'PURPOSE: Samae as Application.Union but allows some range object to be Empty
Dim V As Variant
Dim Rng As Range
For Each V In RangeArray
If VarType(V) = vbEmpty Then Exit Do
Set Rng = V
If Not Union2 Is Nothing Then
Set Union2 = Union(Union2, Rng)
ElseIf Not Rng Is Nothing Then
Set Union2 = Rng
End If
Loop While False
End Function
How do I count the total number of "alt" and "first" that appeared in a cell and do the same for other cells as well while ignoring empty cells in the process? For instance, if a cell has first, first, alt, first, first, first, it should give me firstcounter = 5 (where firstcounter is the total count for first) and altcounter= 1(altcounter is the total count for alt). After that I can use the value of firstcounter and altcounter found to concatenate them into a string as shown in column B in the form of "first-" & firstcounter, "alt-"& altcounter.
Dim ia As Long
Dim lastrow2 As Long
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
lastrow2 = ws1.Range("A" & ws1.Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
For ia = 2 To lastrow2
Dim arr() As Variant
' Split the string to an array
arr = Split(ws1.Cells(ia, "A"), ",").Value
'what should i do after split
Enter the following into a code module...
Function CountWords$(r)
Dim a&, f&, w
For Each w In Split(r, ",")
If w = "alt" Then a = a + 1
If w = "first" Then f = f + 1
If (a + f) Then CountWords = "first-" & f & ",alt-" & a
End Function
Then in cell B2 enter this formula:
Now copy it downwards as far as you need.
To use the above function from VBA without entering formulas in the worksheet you can do it like this...
Sub Cena()
Dim i&, v
With [a2:a8]
v = .Value2
For i = 1 To UBound(v)
v(i, 1) = CountWords(v(i, 1))
.Offset(, 1) = v
End With
End Sub
Function CountWords$(r)
Dim a&, f&, w
For Each w In Split(r, ",")
If w = "alt" Then a = a + 1
If w = "first" Then f = f + 1
If (a + f) Then CountWords = "first-" & f & ",alt-" & a
End Function
Update #2
In response to your questions in the comments, you can use this variation instead...
Sub Cena()
Dim i&, v
With [a2].Resize(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - 1)
v = .Value2
For i = 1 To UBound(v)
v(i, 1) = CountWords(v(i, 1))
.Cells = v
End With
End Sub
Function CountWords$(r)
Dim a&, f&, w
For Each w In Split(r, ",")
If w = "alt" Then a = a + 1
If w = "first" Then f = f + 1
If (a + f) Then CountWords = "first-" & f & ",alt-" & a
End Function
In order to make this independent from the words alt and first and whitespaces in the string I would use the following functions
Option Explicit
'Add a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Public Function RemoveWhiteSpace(target As String) As String
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "\s"
.MultiLine = True
.Global = True
RemoveWhiteSpace = .Replace(target, vbNullString)
End With
End Function
'Add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Function CountWordsA(rg As Range) As String
On Error GoTo EH
Dim dict As Dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary
Dim vDat As Variant
vDat = RemoveWhiteSpace(rg.Value)
vDat = Split(vDat, ",")
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(vDat) To UBound(vDat)
If dict.Exists(vDat(i)) Then
dict(vDat(i)) = dict(vDat(i)) + 1
dict.Add vDat(i), 1
End If
Next i
Dim vKey As Variant
ReDim vDat(1 To dict.Count)
i = 1
For Each vKey In dict.Keys
vDat(i) = vKey & "-" & dict(vKey)
i = i + 1
Next vKey
CountWordsA = Join(vDat, ",")
Exit Function
CountWordsA = ""
End Function
Sub TestIt()
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Range("A2:A8")
Dim sngCell As Range
For Each sngCell In rg
sngCell.Offset(, 1) = CountWordsA(sngCell)
Next sngCell
End Sub
More about dictionaries and regular expressions
Alternative using Filter() function
This demonstrates the use of the Filter() function to count words via function UBound():
Function CountTerms() (usable also in formulae)
Function CountTerms(ByVal WordList As String, Optional TermList As String = "first,alt", Optional DELIM As String = ",") As String
'Purpose: count found terms in wordlist and return result as list
'[1] assign lists to arrays
Dim words, terms
words = Split(WordList, DELIM): terms = Split(TermList, DELIM)
'[2] count filtered search terms
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(terms)
terms(i) = terms(i) & "-" & UBound(Filter(words, terms(i), True, vbTextCompare)) + 1
Next i
'[3] return terms as joined list, e.g. "first-5,alt-1"
CountTerms = Join(terms, ",")
End Function
Example call (due to comment) & help function getRange()
In order to loop over the entire range and replace the original data with the results list:
Sub ExampleCall()
'[1] get range data assigning them to variant temporary array
Dim rng As Range, tmp
Set rng = getRange(Sheet1, tmp) ' << change to sheet's Code(Name)
'[2] loop through array values and get counts
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(tmp)
tmp(i, 1) = CountTerms(tmp(i, 1))
Next i
'[3] write to target (here: overwriting due to comment)
rng.Offset(ColumnOffset:=0) = tmp
End Sub
Function getRange(mySheet As Worksheet, tmp) As Range
'Purpose: assign current column A:A data to referenced tmp array
With mySheet
Set getRange = .Range("A2:A" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
tmp = getRange ' assign range data to referenced tmp array
End With
End Function
I was wondering what would be the most efficient way to create a UDF in VBA that concatenate an range from the worksheet with an additional character, let's say a comma.
I tried some variations, but I always get stuck with one problem, how to resize the array from the range selected in the worksheet automatically.
The bellow code works, but I believe there must be a more efficient way to do it.
Can you guys help me out, please?
Function conc(data As Range) As String
Dim hola() As Variant
t = data.Rows.Count
ReDim hola(1 To t)
a = 1
For Each i In data.Value
hola(a) = i & ","
a = a + 1
Next i
conc = Join(hola)
Erase hola
End Function
For concatenating many strings in one column and many rows (which is what your original is designed to do):
Function vconc(data As Range) As String
vconc = Join(Application.Transpose(data), Chr(44))
End Function
To concatenate many columns of strings in a single row:
Function hconc(data As Range) As String
hconc = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(data)), Chr(44))
End Function
Don't know about more efficient. You can concatenate a specific column with
Public Function conc(ByVal data As Range) As String
conc = Join(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(data.Value, 0, 1)), ",")
End Function
The 1 indicates the column number of the array to concatenate.
Subject to limitations of index and transpose.
More than one column:
Public Function conc(ByVal data As Range) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To data.Columns.Count
conc = conc & Join(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(data.Value, 0, i)), ",")
Next i
End Function
This function I wrote some time back is pretty efficient and handles 1d or 2d arrays, and you can skip blanks and add delimiters if you like. For an explanation and worked examples, see and for a discussion on the efficiency benefits of the VBA JOIN function vs straight concatenation see
Option Explicit
Public Function JoinText( _
InputRange As Range, _
Optional SkipBlanks As Boolean = False, _
Optional Delimiter As String = ",", _
Optional FieldDelimiter As String = ";", _
Optional EndDelimiter As String = vbNull, _
Optional Transpose As Boolean) As String
'Based on code from Nigel Heffernan at
' Join up a 1 or 2-dimensional array into a string.
' ####################
' # Revision history #
' ####################
' Date (YYYYMMDD) Revised by: Changes:
' 20141114 Jeff Weir Turned into worksheet function, added FinalDelimiter and Transpose options
' 20141115 Jeff Weir Changed FinalDelimiter to EndDelimiter that accepts string, with default of ""
' 20150211 Jeff Weir Changed names of arguments and changed default orientation to Column=>Row
Dim InputArray As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim lngNext As Long
Dim i_lBound As Long
Dim i_uBound As Long
Dim j_lBound As Long
Dim j_uBound As Long
Dim arrTemp1() As String
Dim arrTemp2() As String
If InputRange.Rows.Count = 1 Then
If InputRange.Columns.Count = 1 Then
GoTo errhandler 'InputRange is a single cell
' Selection is a Row Vector
InputArray = Application.Transpose(InputRange)
End If
If InputRange.Columns.Count = 1 Then
' Selection is a Column Vector
InputArray = InputRange
Transpose = True
'Selection is 2D range. Transpose it, because our
' default input is data in rows
If Not Transpose Then
InputArray = Application.Transpose(InputRange)
Else: InputArray = InputRange
End If
End If
End If
i_lBound = LBound(InputArray, 1)
i_uBound = UBound(InputArray, 1)
j_lBound = LBound(InputArray, 2)
j_uBound = UBound(InputArray, 2)
ReDim arrTemp1(j_lBound To j_uBound)
ReDim arrTemp2(i_lBound To i_uBound)
lngNext = 1
For i = j_lBound To j_uBound
On Error Resume Next
If SkipBlanks Then
If Transpose Then
ReDim arrTemp2(i_lBound To WorksheetFunction.CountA(InputRange.Columns(i)))
ReDim arrTemp2(i_lBound To WorksheetFunction.CountA(InputRange.Rows(i)))
End If
End If
If Err.Number = 0 Then
k = 1
For j = i_lBound To i_uBound
If SkipBlanks Then
If InputArray(j, i) <> "" Then
arrTemp2(k) = InputArray(j, i)
k = k + 1
End If
arrTemp2(j) = InputArray(j, i)
End If
Next j
arrTemp1(lngNext) = Join(arrTemp2, Delimiter)
lngNext = lngNext + 1
End If
Next i
If SkipBlanks Then ReDim Preserve arrTemp1(1 To lngNext - 1)
If lngNext > 2 Then
JoinText = Join(arrTemp1, FieldDelimiter)
Else: JoinText = arrTemp1(1)
End If
If JoinText <> "" Then JoinText = JoinText & EndDelimiter
End Function
I was trying to find out how to declare a 2-Dimensional array but all of the examples I have found so far are declared with set integers. I'm trying to create a program that will utilize two 2-Dimensional arrays and then perform simple operations on those arrays (such as finding difference or percent). The arrays are populated by numbers in Excel sheets (one set of numbers is on Sheet1 and another set is on Sheet2, both sets have the same number of rows and columns).
Since I don't know how many rows or columns there are I was going to use variables.
Dim s1excel As Worksheet
Dim s2excel As Worksheet
Dim s3excel As Worksheet
Dim firstSheetName As String
Dim secondSheetName As String
Dim totalRow As Integer
Dim totalCol As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Set s1excel = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
' Open the "Raw_Data" workbook
Set wbs = Workbooks.Open(file_path & data_title)
Set s2excel = wbs.ActiveSheet
' Find totalRow, totalColumn (assumes there's values in Column A and Row 1 with no blanks)
totalRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
totalCol = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
Dim s2Array(totalRow, totalCol)
Dim s3Array(totalRow, totalCol)
For iRow = 1 To totalRow
For iCol = 1 To totalCol
s2Array(iRow, iCol) = Cells(iRow, iCol)
Next iCol
Next iRow
Set s3excel = wbs.ActiveSheet
For iRow = 1 To totalRow
For iCol = 1 To totalCol
s3Array(iRow, iCol) = Cells(iRow, iCol)
Next iCol
Next iRow
When I attempt to run this I get a compile-time error at the Dim s2Array(totalRow, totalCol) saying that a constant expression is required. The same error occurs if I change it to Dim s2Array(1 To totalRow, 1 To totalCol). Since I don't know what the dimensions are from the get go I can't declare it like Dim s2Array(1, 1) because then I'll get an out-of-bounds exception.
Thank you,
Jesse Smothermon
In fact I would not use any REDIM, nor a loop for transferring data from sheet to array:
dim arOne()
arOne = range("A2:F1000")
or even
arOne = range("A2").CurrentRegion
and that's it, your array is filled much faster then with a loop, no redim.
You need ReDim:
m = 5
n = 8
Dim my_array()
ReDim my_array(1 To m, 1 To n)
For i = 1 To m
For j = 1 To n
my_array(i, j) = i * j
For i = 1 To m
For j = 1 To n
Cells(i, j) = my_array(i, j)
As others have pointed out, your actual problem would be better solved with ranges. You could try something like this:
Dim r1 As Range
Dim r2 As Range
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
totalRow = ws1.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
totalCol = ws1.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
Set r1 = ws1.Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), ws1.Cells(totalRow, totalCol))
Set r2 = ws2.Range(ws2.Cells(1, 1), ws2.Cells(totalRow, totalCol))
r2.Value = r1.Value
Here's A generic VBA Array To Range function that writes an array to the sheet in a single 'hit' to the sheet. This is much faster than writing the data into the sheet one cell at a time in loops for the rows and columns... However, there's some housekeeping to do, as you must specify the size of the target range correctly.
This 'housekeeping' looks like a lot of work and it's probably rather slow: but this is 'last mile' code to write to the sheet, and everything is faster than writing to the worksheet. Or at least, so much faster that it's effectively instantaneous, compared with a read or write to the worksheet, even in VBA, and you should do everything you possibly can in code before you hit the sheet.
A major component of this is error-trapping that I used to see turning up everywhere . I hate repetitive coding: I've coded it all here, and - hopefully - you'll never have to write it again.
A VBA 'Array to Range' function
Public Sub ArrayToRange(rngTarget As Excel.Range, InputArray As Variant)
' Write an array to an Excel range in a single 'hit' to the sheet
' InputArray must be a 2-Dimensional structure of the form Variant(Rows, Columns)
' The target range is resized automatically to the dimensions of the array, with
' the top left cell used as the start point.
' This subroutine saves repetitive coding for a common VBA and Excel task.
' If you think you won't need the code that works around common errors (long strings
' and objects in the array, etc) then feel free to comment them out.
On Error Resume Next
' Author: Nigel Heffernan
' HTTP://
' This code is in te public domain: take care to mark it clearly, and segregate
' it from proprietary code if you intend to assert intellectual property rights
' or impose commercial confidentiality restrictions on that proprietary code
Dim rngOutput As Excel.Range
Dim iRowCount As Long
Dim iColCount As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim arrTemp As Variant
Dim iDimensions As Integer
Dim iRowOffset As Long
Dim iColOffset As Long
Dim iStart As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
If rngTarget.Cells.Count > 1 Then
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
If IsEmpty(InputArray) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If TypeName(InputArray) = "Range" Then
InputArray = InputArray.Value
End If
' Is it actually an array? IsArray is sadly broken so...
If Not InStr(TypeName(InputArray), "(") Then
rngTarget.Cells(1, 1).Value2 = InputArray
Exit Sub
End If
iDimensions = ArrayDimensions(InputArray)
If iDimensions < 1 Then
rngTarget.Value = CStr(InputArray)
ElseIf iDimensions = 1 Then
iRowCount = UBound(InputArray) - LBound(InputArray)
iStart = LBound(InputArray)
iColCount = 1
If iRowCount > (655354 - rngTarget.Row) Then
iRowCount = 655354 + iStart - rngTarget.Row
ReDim Preserve InputArray(iStart To iRowCount)
End If
iRowCount = UBound(InputArray) - LBound(InputArray)
iColCount = 1
' It's a vector. Yes, I asked for a 2-Dimensional array. But I'm feeling generous.
' By convention, a vector is presented in Excel as an arry of 1 to n rows and 1 column.
ReDim arrTemp(LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1), 1 To 1)
For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
arrTemp(iRow, 1) = InputArray(iRow)
With rngTarget.Worksheet
Set rngOutput = .Range(rngTarget.Cells(1, 1), rngTarget.Cells(iRowCount + 1, iColCount))
rngOutput.Value2 = arrTemp
Set rngTarget = rngOutput
End With
Erase arrTemp
ElseIf iDimensions = 2 Then
iRowCount = UBound(InputArray, 1) - LBound(InputArray, 1)
iColCount = UBound(InputArray, 2) - LBound(InputArray, 2)
iStart = LBound(InputArray, 1)
If iRowCount > (65534 - rngTarget.Row) Then
iRowCount = 65534 - rngTarget.Row
InputArray = ArrayTranspose(InputArray)
ReDim Preserve InputArray(LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1), iStart To iRowCount)
InputArray = ArrayTranspose(InputArray)
End If
iStart = LBound(InputArray, 2)
If iColCount > (254 - rngTarget.Column) Then
ReDim Preserve InputArray(LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1), iStart To iColCount)
End If
With rngTarget.Worksheet
Set rngOutput = .Range(rngTarget.Cells(1, 1), rngTarget.Cells(iRowCount + 1, iColCount + 1))
Application.EnableEvents = False
rngOutput.Value2 = InputArray
Application.EnableEvents = True
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
For iCol = LBound(InputArray, 2) To UBound(InputArray, 2)
If IsNumeric(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
' no action
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = Trim(InputArray(iRow, iCol))
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
rngOutput.Formula = InputArray
End If 'err<>0
If Err <> 0 Then
For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
For iCol = LBound(InputArray, 2) To UBound(InputArray, 2)
If IsNumeric(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
' no action
If Left(InputArray(iRow, iCol), 1) = "=" Then
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "'" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
End If
If Left(InputArray(iRow, iCol), 1) = "+" Then
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "'" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
End If
If Left(InputArray(iRow, iCol), 1) = "*" Then
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "'" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
End If
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
rngOutput.Value2 = InputArray
End If 'err<>0
If Err <> 0 Then
For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
For iCol = LBound(InputArray, 2) To UBound(InputArray, 2)
If IsObject(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "[OBJECT] " & TypeName(InputArray(iRow, iCol))
ElseIf IsArray(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = Split(InputArray(iRow, iCol), ",")
ElseIf IsNumeric(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
' no action
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
If Len(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) > 255 Then
' Block-write operations fail on strings exceeding 255 chars. You *have*
' to go back and check, and write this masterpiece one cell at a time...
InputArray(iRow, iCol) = Left(Trim(InputArray(iRow, iCol)), 255)
End If
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
rngOutput.Text = InputArray
End If 'err<>0
If Err <> 0 Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
iRowOffset = LBound(InputArray, 1) - 1
iColOffset = LBound(InputArray, 2) - 1
For iRow = 1 To iRowCount
If iRow Mod 100 = 0 Then
Application.StatusBar = "Filling range... " & CInt(100# * iRow / iRowCount) & "%"
End If
For iCol = 1 To iColCount
rngOutput.Cells(iRow, iCol) = InputArray(iRow + iRowOffset, iCol + iColOffset)
Next iCol
Next iRow
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If 'err<>0
Set rngTarget = rngOutput ' resizes the range This is useful, *most* of the time
End With
End If
End Sub
You will need the source for ArrayDimensions:
This API declaration is required in the module header:
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(Destination As Any, _
Source As Any, _
ByVal Length As Long)
...And here's the function itself:
Private Function ArrayDimensions(arr As Variant) As Integer
' will return:
' -1 if not an array
' 0 if an un-dimmed array
' 1 or more indicating the number of dimensions of a dimmed array
' Retrieved from Chris Rae's VBA Code Archive -
' Code written by Chris Rae, 25/5/00
' Originally published by R. B. Smissaert.
' Additional credits to Bob Phillips, Rick Rothstein, and Thomas Eyde on VB2TheMax
Dim ptr As Long
Dim vType As Integer
Const VT_BYREF = &H4000&
'get the real VarType of the argument
'this is similar to VarType(), but returns also the VT_BYREF bit
CopyMemory vType, arr, 2
'exit if not an array
If (vType And vbArray) = 0 Then
ArrayDimensions = -1
Exit Function
End If
'get the address of the SAFEARRAY descriptor
'this is stored in the second half of the
'Variant parameter that has received the array
CopyMemory ptr, ByVal VarPtr(arr) + 8, 4
'see whether the routine was passed a Variant
'that contains an array, rather than directly an array
'in the former case ptr already points to the SA structure.
'Thanks to Monte Hansen for this fix
If (vType And VT_BYREF) Then
' ptr is a pointer to a pointer
CopyMemory ptr, ByVal ptr, 4
End If
'get the address of the SAFEARRAY structure
'this is stored in the descriptor
'get the first word of the SAFEARRAY structure
'which holds the number of dimensions
'...but first check that saAddr is non-zero, otherwise
'this routine bombs when the array is uninitialized
If ptr Then
CopyMemory ArrayDimensions, ByVal ptr, 2
End If
End Function
Also: I would advise you to keep that declaration private. If you must make it a public Sub in another module, insert the Option Private Module statement in the module header. You really don't want your users calling any function with CopyMemoryoperations and pointer arithmetic.
For this example you will need to create your own type, that would be an array. Then you create a bigger array which elements are of type you have just created.
To run my example you will need to fill columns A and B in Sheet1 with some values. Then run test(). It will read first two rows and add the values to the BigArr. Then it will check how many rows of data you have and read them all, from the place it has stopped reading, i.e., 3rd row.
Tested in Excel 2007.
Option Explicit
Private Type SmallArr
Elt() As Variant
End Type
Sub test()
Dim x As Long, max_row As Long, y As Long
'' Define big array as an array of small arrays
Dim BigArr() As SmallArr
y = 2
ReDim Preserve BigArr(0 To y)
For x = 0 To y
ReDim Preserve BigArr(x).Elt(0 To 1)
'' Take some test values
BigArr(x).Elt(0) = Cells(x + 1, 1).Value
BigArr(x).Elt(1) = Cells(x + 1, 2).Value
Next x
'' Write what has been read
Debug.Print "BigArr size = " & UBound(BigArr) + 1
For x = 0 To UBound(BigArr)
Debug.Print BigArr(x).Elt(0) & " | " & BigArr(x).Elt(1)
Next x
'' Get the number of the last not empty row
max_row = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'' Change the size of the big array
ReDim Preserve BigArr(0 To max_row)
Debug.Print "new size of BigArr with old data = " & UBound(BigArr)
'' Check haven't we lost any data
For x = 0 To y
Debug.Print BigArr(x).Elt(0) & " | " & BigArr(x).Elt(1)
Next x
For x = y To max_row
'' We have to change the size of each Elt,
'' because there are some new for,
'' which the size has not been set, yet.
ReDim Preserve BigArr(x).Elt(0 To 1)
'' Take some test values
BigArr(x).Elt(0) = Cells(x + 1, 1).Value
BigArr(x).Elt(1) = Cells(x + 1, 2).Value
Next x
'' Check what we have read
Debug.Print "BigArr size = " & UBound(BigArr) + 1
For x = 0 To UBound(BigArr)
Debug.Print BigArr(x).Elt(0) & " | " & BigArr(x).Elt(1)
Next x
End Sub