Proper way to start a Trio server that manages multiple TCP Connections - python-3.x

I recently finished a project using a mix of Django and Twisted and realized it's overkill for what I need which is basically just a way for my servers to communicate via TCP sockets. I turned to Trio and so far I'm liking what I see as it's way more direct (for what I need). That said though, I just wanted to be sure I was doing this the right way.
I followed the tutorial which taught the basics but I need a server that could handle multiple clients at once. To this end, I came up with the following code
import trio
from itertools import count
PORT = 12345
BUFSIZE = 16384
class ServerProtocol:
def __init__(self, server_stream):
self.ident = next(CONNECTION_COUNTER) = server_stream
async def listen(self):
while True:
data = await
if data:
print('{} Received\t {}'.format(self.ident, data))
# Process data here
class Server:
def __init__(self):
self.protocols = []
async def receive_connection(self, server_stream):
sp: ServerProtocol = ServerProtocol(server_stream)
await sp.listen()
async def main():
await trio.serve_tcp(Server().receive_connection, PORT)
My issue here seems to be that each ServerProtocol runs listen on every cycle instead of waiting for data to be available to be received.
I get the feeling I'm using Trio wrong in which case, is there a Trio best practices that I'm missing?

Your overall structure looks fine to me. The issue that jumps out at me is:
while True:
data = await
if data:
print('{} Received\t {}'.format(self.ident, data))
# Process data here
The guarantee that receive_some makes is: if the other side has closed the connection already, then it immediately returns an empty byte-string. Otherwise, it waits until there is some data to return, and then returns it as a non-empty byte-string.
So your code should work fine... until the other end closes the connection. Then it starts doing an infinite loop, where it keeps checking for data, getting an empty byte-string back (data = b""), so the if data: ... block doesn't run, and it immediately loops around to do it again.
One way to fix this would be (last 3 lines are new):
while True:
data = await
if data:
print('{} Received\t {}'.format(self.ident, data))
# Process data here
# Other side has gone away


SCPI Test Instrument Driven with Python Socket Returns Data Inconsistently

I'm trying to get data from a temperature chamber consistently. My code:
import socket
import time
class TempChamber:
def __init__(self,name): = name
def creat_tcp_connection(self):
sock_tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_tcp.connect(('', 5025))
return sock_tcp
def sendCommand(self,command):
sock = self.creat_tcp_connection()
time.sleep(2) # Needed to have commands fully send
packet = sock.recv(1024)
print("Received ", str(packet))
def id(self):
If I run the test code in quick succession as seen below (five times) I'm returned 3 of the 5 requests generally. Sometimes, I get the full 5 back, sometimes I get four back.
from TempChamber import TempChamber
t = TempChamber("Test")
for x in range(5):
What I tried: (1) Introduced a time.sleep after the command is sent and before the data is received. I expected consistent data 10 seconds also produces inconsistent results.
(2) I tried the top ranked response from this stack overflow link but my DMM does not respond to the packed messages. Are there any alternatives to this method?
(3) I notice now this may be something to do with my Temperature Chamber(control product number: Watlow F4T), not exactly the code. I'm using the same code to retrieve data from my digital multimeter and I get 5 responses every time I run the dummy code. Considering I only need to send/receive data from the temp chamber periodically and not in rapid succession like the DMM, this (the stack overflow question) may be a moot point.

Asyncio shared object at the same address does not hold same values

Okay, so I am created a DataStream object which is just a wrapper class around asyncio.Queue. I am passing this around all over and everything is working fine up until the following functions. I am calling ensure_future to run 2 infinite loops, one that replicates the data in one DataStream object, and one that sends data to a websocket. here is that code:
def start(self):
# make sure that we set the event loop before we run our async requests
print("Starting WebsocketProducer on ",, self.port)
"Starting WebsocketProducer on %s:%i",, self.port)
#Get the event loop and add a task to it.
asyncio.ensure_future(self._serve(self.ssl_context))enter code here
Ignore the indent issue, SO wont indent correctly.
And here is the method that is failing with the error 'Task was destroyed but it is pending!'. Keep in mind, if I do not include the lines with 'data_stream.get()' the function runs fine. I made sure, the objects in both locations have the same memory address AND value for id(). If i print the data that comes from the await self.data_stream.get() I get the correct data. However after that it seems to just return and break. Here is the code:
async def _mirror_stream(self):
while True:
stream_length = self.data_stream.length
if stream_length > 1:
for _ in range(0, stream_length):
data = await self.data_stream.get()
data = await self.data_stream.get()
except Exception as e:
# If the data is null, keep the last known value
if self._is_json_serializable(data) and data is not None:
self.payload = json.dumps(data)
"Mirroring stream encountered a Null payload in WebsocketProducer!")
await asyncio.sleep(self.poll_rate)enter code here
The issue has been resolved by implementing my own async Queue by utilizing the normal queue.Queue object. For some reason the application would only work if I would 'await' for queue.get(), even though it wasnt an asyncio.Queue object... Not entirely sure why this behavior occured, however the application is running well, and still performing as if the Queue were from the asyncio lib. Thanks to those who looked!

Python asyncio Protocol behaviour with multiple clients and infinite loop

I'm having difficulty understanding the behaviour of my altered echo server, which attempts to take advantage of python 3's asyncio module.
Essentially I have an infinite loop (lets say I want to stream some data from the server to the client indefinitely whilst the connection has been made) e.g.
#! /usr/bin/python3
import asyncio
import os
import time
class MyProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def connection_made(self, transport):
peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Connection from {}'.format(peername))
self.transport = transport
def connection_lost(self, exc):
def data_received(self, data):
i = 0
while True:
self.transport.write(b'>> %i' %i)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
coro = loop.create_server(MyProtocol,
os.environ.get('MY_SERVICE_ADDRESS', 'localhost'),
os.environ.get('MY_SERVICE_PORT', 8100))
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
Next when I connect with nc ::1 8100 and send some text (e.g. "testing") I get the following:
user#machine$ nc ::1 8100
*** Connection from('::1', 58503, 0, 0) ***
>> 1
>> 2
>> 3
Now when I attempt to connect using nc again, I do not get any welcome message and after I attempt to send some new text to the server I get an endless stream of the following error:
user#machine$ nc ::1 8100
Is there anybody out there?
socket.send() raised exception
socket.send() raised exception
Just to add salt to the wound the socket.send() raised exception message continues to spam my terminal until I kill the python server process...
As I'm new to web technologies (been a desktop dinosaur for far too long!), I'm not sure why I am getting the above behaviour and I haven't got a clue on how to produce the intended behaviour, which loosely looks like this:
server starts
client 1 connects to server
server sends welcome message to client
4 client 1 sends an arbitrary message
server sends messages back to client 1 for as long as the client is connected
client 1 disconnects (lets say the cable is pulled out)
client 2 connects to server
Repeat steps 3-6 for client 2
Any enlightenment would be extremely welcome!
There are multiple problems with the code.
First and foremost, data_received never returns. At the transport/protocol level, asyncio programming is single-threaded and callback-based. Application code is scattered across callbacks like data_received, and the event loop runs the show, monitoring file descriptors and invoking the callbacks as needed. Each callback is only allowed to perform a short calculation, invoke methods on transport, and arrange for further callbacks to be executed. What the callback cannot do is take a lot of time to complete or block waiting for something. A while loop that never exits is especially bad because it doesn't allow the event loop to run at all.
This is why the code only spits out exceptions once the client disconnects: connection_lost is never called. It's supposed to be called by the event loop, and the never-returning data_received is not giving the event loop a chance to resume. With the event loop blocked, the program is unable to respond to other clients, and data_received keeps trying to send data to the disconnected client, and logs its failure to do so.
The correct way to express the idea can look like this:
def data_received(self, data):
self.i = 0
def write_to_client(self):
self.transport.write(b'>> %i' % self.i)
self.i += 1
loop.call_later(2, self.write_to_client)
Note how both data_received and write_to_client do very little work and quickly return. No calls to time.sleep(), and definitely no infinite loops - the "loop" is hidden inside the kind-of-recursive call to write_to_client.
This change reveals the second problem in the code. Its MyProtocol.connection_lost stops the whole event loop and exits the program. This renders the program unable to respond to the second client. The fix could be to replace loop.stop() with setting a flag in connection_lost:
def data_received(self, data):
self._done = False
self.i = 0
def write_to_client(self):
if self._done:
self.transport.write(b'>> %i' % self.i)
self.i += 1
loop.call_later(2, self.write_to_client)
def connection_lost(self, exc):
self._done = True
This allows multiple clients to connect.
Unrelated to the above issues, the callback-based code is a bit tiresome to write, especially when taking into account complicated code paths and exception handling. (Imagine trying to express nested loops with callbacks, or propagating an exception occurring inside a deeply embedded callback.) asyncio supports coroutines-based streams as alternative to callback-based transports and protocols.
Coroutines allow writing natural-looking code that contains loops and looks like it contains blocking calls, which under the hood are converted into suspension points that enable the event loop to resume. Using streams the code from the question would look like this:
async def talk_to_client(reader, writer):
peername = writer.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Connection from {}'.format(peername))
data = await
i = 0
while True:
writer.write(b'>> %i' % i)
await writer.drain()
await asyncio.sleep(2)
i += 1
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
coro = asyncio.start_server(talk_to_client,
os.environ.get('MY_SERVICE_ADDRESS', 'localhost'),
os.environ.get('MY_SERVICE_PORT', 8100))
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
talk_to_client looks very much like the original implementation of data_received, but without the drawbacks. At each point where it uses await the event loop is resumed if the data is not available. time.sleep(n) is replaced with await asyncio.sleep(n) which does the equivalent of loop.call_later(n, <resume current coroutine>). Awaiting writer.drain() ensures that the coroutine pauses when the peer cannot process the output it gets, and that it raises an exception when the peer has disconnected.

Asynchronously writing to console from stdin and other sources

I try to try to write some kind of renderer for the command line that should be able to print data from stdin and from another data source using asyncio and blessed, which is an improved version of python-blessings.
Here is what I have so far:
import asyncio
from blessed import Terminal
def render(term):
while True:
received = yield
if received:
print(term.bold + received + term.normal)
async def ping(renderer):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def input_reader(term, renderer):
while True:
with term.cbreak():
val = term.inkey()
if val.is_sequence:
renderer.send("got sequence: {0}.".format((str(val),, val.code)))
elif val:
renderer.send("got {0}.".format(val))
async def client():
term = Terminal()
renderer = render(term)
render_task = asyncio.ensure_future(renderer)
pinger = asyncio.ensure_future(ping(renderer))
inputter = asyncio.ensure_future(input_reader(term, renderer))
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
[pinger, inputter, renderer],
for task in pending:
if __name__ == '__main__':
For learning and testing purposes there is just a dump ping that sends 'ping' each second and another routine, that should grab key inputs and also sends them to my renderer.
But ping only appears once in the command line using this code and the input_reader works as expected. When I replace input_reader with a pong similar to ping everything is fine.
This is how it looks when typing 'pong', although if it takes ten seconds to write 'pong':
$ python
got p.
got o.
got n.
got g.
It seems like blessed is not built to work correctly with asyncio: inkey() is a blocking method. This will block any other couroutine.
You can use a loop with kbhit() and await asyncio.sleep() to yield control to other coroutines - but this is not a clean asyncio solution.

Python Threading Issue, Is this Right?

I am attempting to make a few thousand dns queries. I have written my script to use python-adns. I have attempted to add threading and queue's to ensure the script runs optimally and efficiently.
However, I can only achieve mediocre results. The responses are choppy/intermittent. They start and stop, and most times pause for 10 to 20 seconds.
tlock = threading.Lock()#printing to screen
def async_dns(i):
s = adns.init()
for i in names:
q.put(s.synchronous(i, adns.rr.NS)[0])
response = q.get()
if response == 0:
print(i + ", is Y")
elif response == 300:
print(i + ", is N")
q = queue.Queue()
threads = []
for i in range(100):
t = threading.Thread(target=async_dns, args=(i,))
I have spent countless hours on this. I would appreciate some input from expedienced pythonista's . Is this a networking issue ? Can this bottleneck/intermittent responses be solved by switching servers ?
Without answers to the questions, I asked in comments above, I'm not sure how well I can diagnose the issue you're seeing, but here are some thoughts:
It looks like each thread is processing all names instead of just a portion of them.
Your Queue seems to be doing nothing at all.
Your lock seems to guarantee that you actually only do one query at a time (defeating the purpose of having multiple threads).
Rather than trying to fix up this code, might I suggest using multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool instead? Below is a full working example. (You could use adns instead of socket if you want... I just couldn't easily get it installed and so stuck with the built-in socket.)
In my testing, I also sometimes see pauses; my assumption is that I'm getting throttled somewhere.
import itertools
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import socket
import string
def is_available(host):
print('Testing {}'.format(host))
return False
except socket.gaierror:
return True
# Test the first 1000 three-letter .com hosts
hosts = [''.join(tla) + '.com' for tla in itertools.permutations(string.ascii_lowercase, 3)][:1000]
with ThreadPool(100) as p:
results =, hosts)
for host, available in zip(hosts, results):
print('{} is {}'.format(host, 'available' if available else 'not available'))
