How to append a loop value to a list? - python-3.x

I don't fathom why the output isn't a I appending wrongly?
from numpy import *
for a in arange(-0.2,0.2,0.001):
I+=b**2*(sin(pi/l*b*sin(a)))**2/(pi/l*b*sin(a))**2*(sin(p*pi /l*g*sin(a)))**2/(sin(pi/l*g*sin(a)))**2
print (I)
output: 15.999998678557855

Several errors in your code, missing imports etc. See comments inside code for fixes:
from numpy import arange
from math import sin,pi
b = 0.1
g = 0.5
l = 632.8
p = 2
I = 0 # you need to specify I
I1 = [I] # before you can add it
for a in arange(-0.2,0.2,0.001):
I += b**2 * (sin(pi/l*b*sin(a)))**2 / (pi/l*b*sin(a))**2 * (sin(p*pi /l*g*sin(a)))**2 / (sin(pi/l*g*sin(a)))**2
I1.append(I) # by indenting this you move it _inside_ the loop
print (I)
print (I1)
[0, 0.03999999014218294, 0.07999998038139602, 0.1199999707171788, ....] # shortened


How can I interpolate values from two lists (in Python)?

I am relatively new to coding in Python. I have mainly used MatLab in the past and am used to having vectors that can be referenced explicitly rather than appended lists. I have a script where I generate a list of x- and y- (z-, v-, etc) values. Later, I want to interpolate and then print a table of the values at specified points. Here is a MWE. The problem is at line 48:
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
I'm not sure I have the correct syntax for the last two lines either:
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
Here is the full script for the MWE:
#This script was written to test how to interpolate after data was created in a loop and stored as a list. Can a list be accessed explicitly like a vector in matlab?
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import * #for ceil
from astropy.table import Table #for Table
import numpy as np
# define the initial conditions
x = 0 # initial x position
y = 0 # initial y position
Rmax = 10 # maxium range
""" initializing variables for plots"""
x_list = [x]
y_list = [y]
""" define functions"""
# not necessary for this MWE
"""create sample data for MWE"""
# x and y data are calculated using functions and appended to their respective lists
h = 1
t = 0
tf = 10
# Example of interpolation without a loop:
#x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=11, endpoint=True)
#y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0)
#f = interp1d(x, y)
for i in range(N):
x = h*i
y = cos(-x**2/9.0)
""" appends selected data for ability to plot"""
## Interpolation after x- and y-lists are already created
intervals = 0.5
nfinal = ceil(Rmax/intervals)
NN = nfinal+1 # length of table
dtype = [('Range (units?)', 'f8'), ('Drop? (units)', 'f8')]
table = Table(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype))
for nn in range(NN):#for nn = 1:NN
xq = 0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals #0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
Your help and patience will be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Your code has some glaring issues that made it really difficult to understand. Let's first take a look at some things I needed to fix:
for i in range(N):
x = h*1
y = cos(-x**2/9.0)
""" appends selected data for ability to plot"""
You are appending a single value without modifying it. What I presume you wanted is down below.
intervals = 0.5
nfinal = ceil(Rmax/intervals)
NN = nfinal+1 # length of table
dtype = [('Range (units?)', 'f8'), ('Drop? (units)', 'f8')]
table = Table(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype))
for nn in range(NN):#for nn = 1:NN
xq = 0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals #0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
This is where things get strange. First: use pandas tables, this is the more popular choice. Second: I have no idea what you are trying to loop over. What I presume you wanted was to vary the number of points for the interpolation, which I have done so below. Third: you are trying to interpolate a point, when you probably want to interpolate over a range of points (...interpolation). Lastly, you are using the interp1d function incorrectly. Please take a look at the code below or run it here; let me know what you exactly wanted (specifically: what should xq / xq(nn) be?), because the MRE you provided is quite confusing.
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import *
import numpy as np
Rmax = 10
h = 1
t = 0
tf = 10
N = ceil(tf/h)
x = np.arange(0,N+1)
y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0)
interval = 0.5
NN = ceil(Rmax/interval) + 1
ip_list = np.arange(1,interval*NN,interval)
xtable = []
ytable = []
for i,nn in enumerate(ip_list):
f = interp1d(x,y)
x_i = np.arange(0,nn+interval,interval)
xtable += [x_i]
ytable += [f(x_i)]
[print(i) for i in xtable]
[print(i) for i in ytable]

I'm getting trouble in using numpy and handling list

This code read CSV file line by line and counts the number on each Unicode but I can't understand two parts of code like below.I've already googled but I could't find the answer. Could you give me advice ?
1) Why should I use numpy here instead of []?
emoji_time = np.zeros(200)
2) What does -1 mean ?
emoji_time[len(emoji_list)-1] = 1 ```
This is the code result:
0x100039, 47,
0x10002D, 121,
0x100029, 30,
0x100078, 6,
import codecs
import re
import numpy as np
file0 = "./message.tsv"
f0 =, "r", "utf-8")
list0 = f0.readlines()
len_list = len(list0)
emoji_list = []
emoji_time = np.zeros(200)
for i in range(len_list):
a = "0x1000[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]"
if "0x1000" in list0[i]: # 0x and 0x1000: same nuumber
b = re.findall(a, list0[i])
# print(b)
for j in range(len(b)):
if b[j] not in emoji_list:
emoji_time[len(emoji_list)-1] = 1
c = emoji_list.index(b[j])
emoji_time[c] += 1
1) If you use a list instead of a numpy array the result should not change in this case. You can try it for yourself running the same code but replacing emoji_time = np.zeros(200) with emoji_time = [0]*200.
2) emoji_time[len(emoji_list)-1] = 1. What this line is doing is the follow: If an emoji appears for the first time, 1 is add to emoji_time, which is the list that contains the amount of times one emoji occurred. len(emoji_list)-1 is used to set the position in emoji_time, and it is based on the length of emoji_list (the minus 1 is only needed because the list indexing in python starts from 0).

Pandas .describe() returns wrong column values in table

Look at the gld_weight column of figure 1. It is throwing off completely wrong values. The btc_weight + gld_weight should always adds up to 1. But why is the gld_weight column not corresponding to the returned row values when I used the describe function?
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
This is my source code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data as wb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
assets = ['BTC-USD', 'GLD']
mydata = pd.DataFrame()
for asset in assets:
mydata[asset] = wb.DataReader(asset, data_source='yahoo', start='2015-1-1')['Close']
cleandata = mydata.dropna()
log_returns = np.log(cleandata/cleandata.shift(1))
annual_log_returns = log_returns.mean() * 252 * 100
annual_cov = log_returns.cov() * 252
pfolio_returns = []
pfolio_volatility = []
btc_weight = []
gld_weight = []
for x in range(1000):
weights = np.random.random(2)
weights[0] = weights[0]/np.sum(weights)
weights[1] = weights[1]/np.sum(weights)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
pfolio_returns.append(, weights))
pfolio_volatility.append(np.sqrt(,, weights))))
npfolio_returns = np.array(pfolio_returns)
npfolio_volatility = np.array(pfolio_volatility)
new_portfolio = pd.DataFrame({
'Returns': npfolio_returns,
'Volatility': npfolio_volatility,
'btc_weight': btc_weight,
'gld_weight': gld_weight
I'am not 100% sure i got your question correctly, but an issue might be, that you are not reassigning the output to new variable, therefore not saving it.
Try to adjust your code in this matter:
new_portfolio = new_portfolio.sort_values(by="Returns")
Or turn inplace parameter to True - link
Short answer :
The issue at hand was found in the for-loop were the initial weight value normalization was done. How its fixed: see update 1 below in the answer.
Background to getting the solution:
At first glance the code of OP seemed to be in order and values in the arrays were fitted as expected by the requests OP made via the written codes. From testing it appeared that with range(1000) was asking for trouble because value-outcome oversight was lost due to the vast amount of "randomness" results. Especially as the question was written as a transformation issue. So x/y axis values mixing or some other kind of transformation error was hard to study.
To tackle this I used static values as can be seen for annual_log_returns and annual_cov.
Then I've locked all outputs for print so the values become locked in place and can't be changed further down the processing. .. it was possible that the prints of code changed during run-time because the arrays were not locked (also suggested by Pavel Klammert in his answer).
After commented feedback I've figured out what OP meant with "the values are wrong. I then focused on the method how the used values, to fill the arrays, were created.
The issue of "throwing wrong values was found :
The use of weights[0] = weights[0]/np.sum(weights) replaces the original list weights[0] value for new weights[0] which then serves as new input for weights[1] = weights[1]/np.sum(weights) and therefore sum = 1 is never reached.
The variable names weights[0] and weights[1] were then changed into 'a' and 'b' at two places directly after the creation of weights [0] and [1] values to prevent overwriting the initial weights values. Then the outcome is as "planned".
Problem solved.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pfolio_returns = []
pfolio_volatility = []
btc_weight = []
gld_weight = []
annual_log_returns = [0.69, 0.71]
annual_cov = 0.73
ranger = 5
for x in range(ranger):
weights = np.random.random(2)
weights[0] = weights[0]/np.sum(weights)
weights[1] = weights[1]/np.sum(weights)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
pfolio_returns.append(, weights))
pfolio_volatility.append(np.sqrt(,, weights))))
print (weights[0])
print (weights[1])
print (weights)
#print (pfolio_returns)
#print (pfolio_volatility)
npfolio_returns = np.array(pfolio_returns)
npfolio_volatility = np.array(pfolio_volatility)
#df = pd.DataFrame(array, index = row_names, columns=colomn_names, dtype = dtype)
new_portfolio = pd.DataFrame({'Returns': npfolio_returns, 'Volatility': npfolio_volatility, 'btc_weight': btc_weight, 'gld_weight': gld_weight})
print (new_portfolio, '\n')
sort = new_portfolio.sort_values(by='Returns')
sort_max_gld_weight = sort.loc[ranger-1, 'gld_weight']
print ('Sort:\n', sort, '\n')
print ('sort max_gld_weight : "%s"\n' % sort_max_gld_weight) # if "999" contains the highest gld_weight... but most cases its not!
sort_max_gld_weight = sort.max(axis=0)[3] # this returns colomn 4 'gld_weight' value.
print ('sort max_gld_weight : "%s"\n' % sort_max_gld_weight) # this returns colomn 4 'gld_weight' value.
desc = new_portfolio.describe()
desc_max_gld_weight =desc.loc['max', 'gld_weight']
print ('Describe:\n', desc, '\n')
print ('desc max_gld_weight : "%s"\n' % desc_max_gld_weight)
max_val_gld = new_portfolio.loc[new_portfolio['gld_weight'] == sort_max_gld_weight]
print('max val gld:\n', max_val_gld, '\n')
locations = new_portfolio.loc[new_portfolio['gld_weight'] > 0.99]
print ('location:\n', locations)
Result can be for example:
[0.97795861 0.02204139]
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
0 0.702820 0.627707 0.359024 0.640976
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.009670 0.990330
2 0.708724 0.801756 0.063786 0.936214
3 0.702010 0.616237 0.399496 0.600504
4 0.690441 0.835780 0.977959 0.022041
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
4 0.690441 0.835780 0.977959 0.022041
3 0.702010 0.616237 0.399496 0.600504
0 0.702820 0.627707 0.359024 0.640976
2 0.708724 0.801756 0.063786 0.936214
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.009670 0.990330
sort max_gld_weight : "0.02204139128214753"
sort max_gld_weight : "0.9903300366638084"
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
count 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000
mean 0.702760 0.745532 0.361987 0.638013
std 0.007706 0.114057 0.385321 0.385321
min 0.690441 0.616237 0.009670 0.022041
25% 0.702010 0.627707 0.063786 0.600504
50% 0.702820 0.801756 0.359024 0.640976
75% 0.708724 0.835780 0.399496 0.936214
max 0.709807 0.846179 0.977959 0.990330
desc max_gld_weight : "0.9903300366638084"
max val gld:
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.00967 0.99033
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.00967 0.99033
Update 1 :
for x in range(ranger):
weights = np.random.random(2)
print (weights)
a = weights[0]/np.sum(weights) # see comments below.
print (weights[0])
b = weights[1]/np.sum(weights) # see comments below.
print (weights[1])
print ('w0 + w1=', weights[0] + weights[1])
weights /= np.sum(weights)
print('a=', a, 'b=',b , 'a+b=', a+b)
The new output becomes for example:
[0.37710183 0.72933416]
w0 + w1= 1.1064359862762474
a= 0.34082570882790686 b= 0.6591742911720931 a+b= 1.0
[0.09301326 0.05296838]
w0 + w1= 0.14598164871288544
a= 0.637157240181712 b= 0.3628427598182879 a+b= 1.0
[0.48501305 0.56078073]
w0 + w1= 1.0457937791329663
a= 0.46377503928658087 b= 0.5362249607134192 a+b= 1.0
[0.41271663 0.89734662]
w0 + w1= 1.3100632441215612
a= 0.31503564986069105 b= 0.6849643501393089 a+b= 1.0
[0.11854074 0.57862593]
w0 + w1= 0.697166669791925
a= 0.1700321364950252 b= 0.8299678635049749 a+b= 1.0
Results printed outside the for-loop:
[0.17003214 0.82996786]

How to appending 1 value to array A to match the dimensions of array B?

The program I have here is simulating the velocity of a falling object.
The velocity is calculated by subtracting the y position from time_1 and time_2.
The problem that I have is that the dimensions of array v and array t don't match. Instead of shortening array t I would like to add 0 at the beginning of the v array. So that the graph will show v = 0 at t= 0. Yes, I know it is a small interval and that it does not really matter. But I want to know it for educational purpose.
I'm wondering if i can write the line v = (y[1:] - y[:-1])/0.1 in a from where i keep the dimension.
The ideal thing that would happen is that the array y will be substracted with an array y[:-1] and that this subtraction will happen at the end of the y array so the result will be an array of dimension 101 with a 0 as start value.
I would like to know your thoughts about this.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = linspace(0,10,101)
g = 9.80665
y = 0.5*g*t*t
v = (y[1:] - y[:-1])/0.1
is there a function where i can add a certain value to the beginning of an array? np.append will add it to the end.
Maybe you could just pre-define the length of the result at the beginning and then fill up the values:
import numpy as np
dt = .1
g = 9.80665
t_end = 10
t = np.arange(0,t_end+dt,dt)
y = 0.5*g*t*t
v = np.zeros(t.shape[0])
v[1:] = (y[1:] - y[:-1])/dt
if you simply looking for the append at index function it would be this one:
np.insert([1,2,3,4,5,6], 2, 100)
>> array([ 1, 2, 100, 3, 4, 5, 6])
another possible solution to this would be to use np.append but inverse your order :
import numpy as np
v = np.random.rand(10)
value = 42 # value to append at the beginning of v
value_arr = np.array([value]) # dimensions should be adjust for multidimensional array
v = np.append(arr = value_arr, values = v, axis=0)
and the possible variants following the same idea, using np.concatenate or np.hstack ...
regarding your second question in comments, one solution may be :
t = np.arange(6)
condlist = [t <= 2, t >= 4]
choicelist = [1, 1]
t =, choicelist, default=t)

writing a list of points in a list of files

I have 100 points and I want to devide them to 10 different groups bades on their distance from 10 reference points and write each group in a file.
I write my program as:
from numpy import *
from math import *
from time import *
nx=10 # number of mesh in x
ny=10 # number of mesh in y
fids = []
for i in range(n[0]):
fids.append(open('file' + ii + '.txt', 'w'))
def calculateDistance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
dist = sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
return dist
for i in range(nx) :
for j in range(ny) :
for k in range (n[0]):
d = calculateDistance(x,y,data[k,0],data[k,1])
if d<distance:
outdata = vstack((x,y)).T
savetxt('file' + kk + 'txt', outdata)
But in my results, I have one point in each file instead of group of points.
Without any sample data it's difficult to see how your code is supposed to work. But firstly I'd recommend rewriting you imports to:
import numpy as np
import math
I can't see where you use the time module.
if you define your results as a list outside your For k loop and append all the points which are near the reference points to this list. Something like:
outdata = []
for k in range(n[0]):
d = calculateDistance(x,y,data[k,0],data[k,1])
if d<distance:
should get you nearer where you want to be.
