Can I use Azure's ServiceBusTrigger with ReceiveMode? - azure

I want to handle dead letters of my azure service bus queue. For this I thought I could use a azure function with a ServiceBusTrigger:
public static async Task DoSomething(
[ServiceBusTrigger("myqueue/$DeadLetterQueue", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")]
Message deadLetter)
Unfortunately with this the messages are processed in PeekLockMode.
If my code is faulty and the function fails with an exception the dead-letter-message is abandoned.
The ServiceBusTrigger will start the function again short time later... of course it will fail due to the same exception and abandon the message again... a endless loop is born.
Is it possible to use the ServiceBusTrigger with ReceiveAndDelete mode? This would be sufficient for my dead letter handling.


How to move a service bus messge to deadletter in service bus queue trigger function

How can we move a service bus queue message to the dead letter through service bus queue trigger function
In v3, you can bind to the MessageReceiver class, which exposes methods like DeadLetter, Abaondon, Complete, etc. Example:
public static async Task ProcessMessage(
[ServiceBusTrigger("myqueue")] string message, int deliveryCount,
MessageReceiver messageReceiver,
string lockToken)
. . .
await messageReceiver.DeadLetterAsync(lockToken);
. . .
In this example, the message is bound as a string and the various message properties including lockToken are bound as params. You can also bind the message as a Message Type and access the requisite message properties from there. In v2 the ServiceBus SDK exposed these message methods directly on the BrokeredMessage class itself, but in the latest version of their SDK those methods no longer exist, meaning you have to bind to MessageReceiver to access them.
Edit you also need to set AutoComplete to false when you do this.
I have not tried it but what you can do is set the MaxDeliveryCount property on the queue to 1 and then throw an exception in the function as soon as it is triggered. That way the message's delivery count will increase by 1 and Service Bus will automatically dead letter the message.
In latest versions (5.5.1 for me), you must use the ServiceBusMessageActions class from the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus namespace. It looks like this:
public static async Task Run(
[ServiceBusTrigger("myQueue", Connection = "myConnection")]
ServiceBusReceivedMessage message,
ServiceBusMessageActions messageActions)
await messageActions.DeadLetterMessageAsync(message);
The NuGet package you want to use is Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ServiceBus.
Reading the Dead Letter Queue messages is by creating the Azure Function Trigger in the Azure portal. In the Function, provide the name of the DLQ as “QueueName/$DeadLetterQueue” as shown in the below image
Note: If you want to access the undelivered message from the Topic then, the syntax of reading the Dead Letter Queue will be “TopicName/Subscriptions/SubscriptionName/$DeadLetterQueue”.
Now, define what should be done with the DLQ messages. Here, as shown in the below screenshot, we are sending the DLQ messages of “myqueue” to the Topic named of “queue” using the Azure Service Bus
In this manner, we can handle the DLQ messages as required very easily using the Azure Functions.

Azure Function: Queue Trigger removes message, but doesn't fire

I have a Azure Function using Queue Trigger, the method looks like this
public static async Task ExecuteAsync(
[QueueTrigger("sharepointnotifications", Connection = "QueueConnectionString")] CloudQueueMessage queueMessage,
ILogger logger,
ExecutionContext context)
logger.LogInformation("Message received..");
var azureFuncContext = InitializationService.Initialize(context.FunctionAppDirectory, logger);
await ExecuteInternalAsync(queueMessage, logger, azureFuncContext);
I'm using a Azure Storage Queue Service, which acts a queue. What's really interesting: In around 80% of the time, when a new message arrives, it is removed, but the Azure Function is not called. I've also removed all my code except the LogInformation to assure it's not an internal problem, but even then, it doesn't work.
Googling about this issue, I found this thread:
But this error seems different, since in this case, the message remains on the queue, but in my case the message is removed, but just nothing is happening.
To assure the problem isn't about the messages, I've stopped the Azure Function and, as expected, the messages are put in the queue.
Unfortunately, I really can't get more insights in the issues, as no warnings or such are thrown. The GitHub issue is still active, therefore I'm inclined to believe there is a problem, but having unreliable queue triggers would be such a big issue, I'm sure it would be fixed by now.
Is there any possibility to get more information about this?

How to abandon or deadletter messages on ServiceBus BrokeredMessage level on AzureFunction V2?

I am encountering one major road block issue when trying to use ServiceBusTrigger in azureFunction. I am trying to abandon, or deadletter, a service bus message in V2 ServiceBusTrigger, How can I do so? I've tried the following solution, but I didn't get anywhere.
Here is the codeSample I used:
public async static Task Run(Message myQueueItem, TraceWriter log, ExecutionContext context)
log.Info($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message delivery count: {myQueueItem.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount}");
QueueClient queueClient = new QueueClient("[connectionstring]","[queueName]");
////await queueClient.DeadLetterAsync(myQueueItem.SystemProperties.LockToken);
await queueClient.AbandonAsync(myQueueItem.SystemProperties.LockToken);
Solution 1: I tried to substitute Message myQueueItem for BrokeredMessage like in V1, I then can call myQueueItem.Abandon, or deadletter, on the message lever. However It came back with exception:
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Exception binding parameter 'myQueueItem'. System.Private.DataContractSerialization: There was an error deserializing the object of type Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.BrokeredMessage. The input source is not correctly formatted. System.Private.DataContractSerialization: The input source is not correctly formatted."
At least I can go one step further. to
solution 2. Solution 2: is to use:
QueueClient queueClient = new QueueClient("[connectionstring]","[queueName]");
////await queueClient.DeadLetterAsync(myQueueItem.SystemProperties.LockToken);
await queueClient.AbandonAsync(myQueueItem.SystemProperties.LockToken);
I can use the lock provided in the Message Object, however, when I try to send it with queueClient, It said the message gone from the queue. or no longer available.
Can anybody let me know if i am on the right track? If I am not, please kindly guide me in the right track.
Service Bus messages are automatically completed or abandoned by Azure Functions runtime based on the success/failure of the function call, docs:
The Functions runtime receives a message in PeekLock mode. It calls Complete on the message if the function finishes successfully, or calls Abandon if the function fails.
So, the suggested way to Abandon your message is to throw an exception from function invocation.

Azure Servicebus: Transient Fault Handling

I have a queue receiver, which reads messages from the queue and process the message (do some processing and inserts some data to the azure table or retrieves the data).
What I observed was that any exception that my processing method (SendResponseAsync()) throws results in retry i.e. redelivery of the message to the default 10 times.
Can this behavior be customized i.e. I only retry for certain exception and ignore for other. Like if there is some network issue, then it makes sense to retry but if it is BadArgumentException(poisson message), then I may not want to retry.
Since retry is taken care by ServiceBus client library, can we customize this behavior ?
This is the code at the receiver end
public MessagingServer(QueueConfiguration config)
this.requestQueueClient = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(config.ConnectionString, config.QueueName);
private async Task DispatchReplyAsync(BrokeredMessage message)
await this.SendResponseAsync(message);

How to stop an Azure WebJobs queue message from being deleted from an Azure Queue?

I'm using Azure WebJobs to poll a queue and then process the message.
Part of the message processing includes a hit to 3rd party HTTP endpoint. (e.g. a Weather api or some Stock market api).
Now, if the hit to the api fails (network error, 500 error, whatever) I try/catch this in my code, log whatever and then ... what??
If I continue .. then I assume the message will be deleted by the WebJobs SDK.
How can I:
1) Say to the SDK - please don't delete this message (so it will be retried automatically at the next queue poll and when the message is visible again).
2) Set the invisibility time value, when the SDK pops a message off the queue for processing.
Now, if the hit to the api fails (network error, 500 error, whatever) I try/catch this in my code, log whatever and then ... what??
The Webjobs SDK behaves like this: If your method throws an uncaught exception, the message is returned to the Queue with its dequeueCount property +1. Else, if all is well, the message is considered successfully processed and is deleted from the Queue - i.e. queue.DeleteMessage(retrievedMessage);
So don't gracefully catch the HTTP 500, throw an exception so the SDK gets the hint.
If I continue .. then I assume the message will be deleted by the WebJobs SDK.
If the method fails before completing, the queue message is not deleted; after a 10-minute lease expires, the message is released to be picked up again and processed. This sequence won't be repeated indefinitely if a message always causes an exception. After 5 unsuccessful attempts to process a message, the message is moved to a queue named {queuename}-poison. The maximum number of attempts is configurable.
If you really dislike the hardcoded 10-minute visibility timeout (the time the message stays hidden from consumers), you can change it. See this answer by #mathewc:
In the latest v1.1.0 release, you can now control the visibility timeout by registering your own custom QueueProcessor instances via JobHostConfiguration.Queues.QueueProcessorFactory. This allows you to control advanced message processing behavior globally or per queue/function.
protected override async Task ReleaseMessageAsync(CloudQueueMessage message, FunctionResult result, TimeSpan visibilityTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// demonstrates how visibility timeout for failed messages can be customized
// the logic here could implement exponential backoff, etc.
visibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(message.DequeueCount);
await base.ReleaseMessageAsync(message, result, visibilityTimeout, cancellationToken);
