Securing shared APIs with Azure AD - azure

I'm working with a client to define a security strategy and have got stuck trying to get something working. I'm new to Azure AD so this may actually not be possible.
Consider the following application landscape.
I have 4 "API" applications:
API-A, requires interactive user and role based permissions
API-B, access via service demon, client_credential grant
API-C, must not be authenticated against directly
API-D, access via service demon, client_credential grant
A user / demon authenticated against API-A or API-B should be able to access API-C as well. However the demon authenticated against API-D must not be able to access API-C.
I was expecting to be able to use the "Expose an API" and "API Permissions" of the App Registrations to be able to control to "roles" returned in the JWT, I cannot seem to get it to work or find any decent guide on how this can be achieved.
EDIT: For clarity the API applications are not hosted within Azure, I am just looking to use Azure AD to provide authentication

It may be helpful for you to distinguish between client apps and API apps (or resource servers in OAuth2 lingo). Each of them has to be registered separately. Your list above seems to merge them together, which is a likely source of confusion for you.
The former (client apps) acquire tokens, the latter receive them from the clients with the service request. Authentication is only only involved when client apps acquire tokens. APIs do not authenticate - they use tokens to authorize access to their services. Clients acquire tokens either on behalf of a user - and the user authenticates and consents as part of the process, or on their own behalf (client creds). In AAD an API app may expose/define scopes/permissions which may be included in one or both of these token types. An API may decide not to require any tokens (sounds like your API-C). You Expose (available) Permissions on API apps, you specify (required) API Permissions on client apps. At runtime (if using the AAD V2 endpoint) a client may request fewer scopes than it is is configured with as Required. That applies only if the client is using delegated tokens (user based). (Note that an API app may also be a client app to another API app (common in multi-tier systems).
BTW, where the clients or APIs are deployed is totally immaterial to the above. At most deployment affects the value of the reply url you need to specify for some client apps (not APIs).


Difference between an application role and scope in Azure AD app registrations

I have created an API that is protected by OAuth using an app registration in Azure.
My app registration does not require assignment, but it exposes a number of roles that the underlying API verifies. To my understanding, this accomplishes almost the same thing as requiring approval.
So far I've only had user/group roles but now I've added an application role intended for integrators, and I want other application owners to be able to request permission to my API. I, as the API owner, would like to review these and either reject or consent to the request. E.g. I don't want everyone to be able to access my API within the tenant without my knowledge, just like all users/groups don't have access with me assigning them to a role.
The Role-based access control for application developers documentation makes it very clear who manages access: application developer defines roles rather than authorizing individual users or groups. An administrator can then assign roles to different users and groups to control who has access to content and functionality.
However, if you create a role with allowed member types set to application, things are not quite as clear and it seems to behave more like a scope, where I give up any access management. Also from my limited understanding, a scope is used when the API needs to request data from the user (e.g. wanting to read their username), whereas a role is used for the application developer to control access to what they are developing.
This is what it looks like when I request access to my API from another app:
This same page mentions the following information:
The "Admin consent required" column shows the default value for an organization. However, user consent can be customized per permission, user, or app. This column may not reflect the value in your organization, or in organizations where this app will be used.
As well as:
Applications are authorized to call APIs when they are granted permissions by users/admins as part of the consent process
However, from my reading, it sounds like this never gives me, as the API owner, any insight into who has access to the API I own. I want to control application access the same way I'd assign a group or user to a role in the enterprise application.
Can this be achieved when it's an application on the other end, not a user? If not, how would I allow applications to integrate in a controlled manner?
I want to explain the feature Azure ad provided to protect web api here.
As you know, we usually use a token in the request header to let the api check if the request had correct permission to visit the api. Such as if the request from an allowed user role, right? So to whole progress should be authentication and authorization. Users sign in first then try to generate an access token to visit an api. Azure AD has similar architecture.
If you had a web application(e.g. web mvc app) you can integrate Azure AD into it then you can allow users use their account to sign in. If you had a web api project, you can also integrate Azure ad and add [Authorize] attribute above the controller so that the incoming request should contain a correct Bearer token which we call it access token.
For Azure AD, we usually have 2 options, verification scopes or app roles. That results from the different flows we used to generate the access token. For example, we use auth code flow to sign in users and generate access token containing scp claim which is granted delegated api permissions. And we use client credential flow to let an application to generate access token containg roles claim which representing it's granted application api permissions. In short, when we set [Authorize] + [RequiredScope(scopeRequiredByApi)] in the controller, it allows requests from a user(user sign in the app and call api), when we set [Authorize(Roles = "roleRequiredByApi")], it allows requests from the application(no user signed in and the app call api by itself).
Here scopeRequiredByApi and roleRequiredByApi is what you exposed and then added to App Registration > Permissions. Just like Integrator you marked in the screenshot, it can be recognized as roleRequiredByApi because its type is Application.
And I'm afraid the roles is not what you want but to be honest what I said is what AAD can do for you... And I think the document I mentioned above about verification scopes or app roles will be a good sample for you.
The App Registration > Permissions section has a great feature for reviewing and limiting the access provided for your app registration:
enter link description here
In addition you should always define the scope of your permissions and limit it to the least required for your app. eg. NEVER set scope at the subscription level! Always set it at the resource group or lower.
Also note that Microsoft now provides Defender for APIs and you can use Sentinel to monitor a lot of the activities related to your app registration. Always always enable logging wherever possible and configure some method of alerting/reporting so you can better understand the activities for your app.

Azure AD On-Behalf-Of authentication with separate frontend and backend applications

I feel like I may be going a little mad here.
I have basic architecture that features a frontend react app (SPA Auth) which communicates with a backend GraphQL Nodejs API service (Protected Web API Auth), hosted in Azure and authenticating with Azure AD.
Frontend access token requires User.Read access to azure graph, and access to Backend exposed scope
Backend exposes an API and single scope for access
Backend also requires User.Read access to azure graph on behalf of the user
I have been trying to configure the authentication to use the On-Behalf-Of Flow.
The react app successfully retrieves an access token using it's own app registration details
The access token is supplied to the backend service with each GraphQL request
The backend service verifies the access token provided to it
The backend service requests it's own access token via the On-Behalf-Of grant_type urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
This all works EXCEPT I cannot get past this issue -
The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '9b56c153-be42-499a-a41a-20176ed2ce69' named 'service-cbcity-api'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.
Basically I have not been able to successfully configure the app registrations and token requests to ensure that when the backend requests it's token it is allowed to call User.Read on behalf of the originally authenticated user.
In the On-Behalf-Of documentation it states the following regarding using /.default scope -
/.default and combined consent
The middle tier application adds the client to the known client applications list in its manifest, and then the client can trigger a combined consent flow for both itself and the middle tier application. On the Microsoft identity platform endpoint, this is done using the /.default scope. When triggering a consent screen using known client applications and /.default, the consent screen will show permissions for both the client to the middle tier API, and also request whatever permissions are required by the middle-tier API. The user provides consent for both applications, and then the OBO flow works.
I have tried all sorts of combinations of configuration in the App Registrations as well as different combinations of scope requests and I simply cannot get this to function as expected; the prompt doesn't seem to include the combined consent.
The only way I have gotten it to function is by manually providing admin consent to the Backend app for User.Read, this just seems like a hack and I would prefer to correctly configure this to ask for users consent.
If anyone has configured something similar before (seems like an expected use case) please let me know how you got it working, including configuration like
App registration config for Frontend service (eg api permissions set)
App registration config for Backend service (eg exposed scope, api permissions, authorized client applications)
Scopes requested on various auth requests
At this stage I am going to have to revert to possibly using the one App Registration and sharing the same access token between frontend and backend, even though personally this seems like a poorer solution to me.
Figured it out, my main issue was that I confused known client applications list with Authorized client applications.
The Authorized client applications is present in the UI and is configurable from the Expose an API area -
However this is different from known client applications which is a setting only found if you edit the manifest -
The key pieces to this puzzle are -
Add your frontend app client id to the knownClientApplications in your backend app registration manifest
When doing login with the frontend app your scope needs to be {{api_clientid}}/.default, where {{api_clientid}} is your the client id of your backend app registration
This will present the API Permissions you have configured in the backend app registration to the user at time of consent, and it will permit your backend process to retrieve an AccessToken using the OBO flow.
For what it's worth, this is the tutorial that helped me realise I needed to update the manifest and gave me guidance on the exact OAUTH request format -

When to use OBO with Azure

I want to develop a SaaS application on Azure and deploy to the Azure marketplace. This app will be able to obtain information about the user's network. (for instance VNET information). Ideally I would like to have a single-page application that would authenticate with the user who subscribed to the app, and then make calls on a backend API tier, which would make calls to Azure management API endpoints.
The Azure docs layout a number of scenarios of how apps could interface with AD. how-to guides
I believe what im trying to do most closely matches the "Build a web app that calls web APIs" flow, which is an example of OBO. My question is, is that really describing what im doing? Is "calls web APIs" really an example of invoking APIs on the microsoft azure platform?
So my understanding is that I would develop my own API app, that would accept requests from my client browser code, which would contain an oauth token, and then the API layer would derive another token to pass onto the Azure API layer?
Im trying to keep the architecture as simple as possible, but im afraid I may be misinterpreting the Azure docs.
OBO (On-Behalf-Of) allows you to exchange an access token that your API received for an access token to another API.
The important bit is that the access token must have been acquired in the context of the user and must contain user information.
The new access token will then also contain this user's info.
So it allows your back-end API to call Azure Management APIs on behalf of the current user.
This means your API can't do anything the current user can't do.
It is limited to the user's own access rights.
The other option for authentication is to use client credentials authentication,
where your back-end API uses only a client id + certificate/secret to authenticate.
In this case the token will not contain user information.
To enable this approach, the target organization's users would have to assign RBAC access rights to your app's service principal, so it can act by itself.
You could also build a flow in your app where you setup these RBAC accesses on behalf of the current user.
Personally, I would prefer to use delegated access (OBO) whenever possible, as it will block the user from doing things they cannot do.
Though on the other hand, service principal-based access allows the organization to control your app's access better.

Azure APIM & oAuth 2.0 with Multiple Clients

I am finding it hard to understand how I can differentiate multiple client applications using oAuth 2.0.
Using APIM I mapped my backend webservice to Azure API Gateway Service URL. I have configured Oauth 2.0 with grant type as client credentials because its a service to service integration.
In Oauth registration, I have mapped my client and backend app Id's with secret keys - (OauthSample1.0).
It doesnot have the provision to configure multiple clients for the same backend service.
And, in my API, i can add only one Oauth reference - (OauthSample1.0). Even if i would go ahead and create multiple Oauth 2.0 references for different clients, technically it cannot work with the API configuration.
This means I can have my API validate only one specified client using one oAuth 2.0 reference.
If I want my API to be accessed by different partners / Client applications, my understanding is that I would need to create different Clients in Azure AD. But unfortunately not able to design the solution here.
The official doc for protecting your API using OAuth 2.0 covers the steps required in detail.
To summarize, the steps are
Register an application to represent the API
This app is setup to expose an API
Register separate applications to represent each of your client applications
These apps would also have a secret generated for the client credential flow
These apps would have been granted access to the exposed API
Setup a Validate JWT policy to pre-authorize requests.
Your clients would have to get the token using the client credentials flow before making the requests.
Also, if your clients are services that directly access the APIs, then you could setup app roles that show up as Application Permissions instead of Delegated Persmissions.

Single Sign on - Multiple application azure AD B2C

I am trying to have two applications(app1 and app2) in Azure
AD B2C, which is configured for Web api and another application that is configured for mobile app.
I need my mobile app to talk to app1, get the access token, using the app1's application-id and scope. Then use the access token got from app1 to communicate with app2. I enabled SSO in tenant level in the policies but it still says "Authorization denied" for the access token provided.
How can I reuse the access token got from one application to be used in another application.
We have been trying to get through this limitation (or function as designed for security) of B2C AD from weeks.
However, Microsoft does not support it.
We did not want to display MS login page to mobile user on mobile login screen (UX gets compromised). But MS says there is no way possible to avoid it. See response from MS on support ticket.
For more information: Azure AD B2C: Requesting access tokens
You will also benefit reading authentication scenarios supported. We are after something similar to this what they call "Daemon or Server Application to Web API".
In this diagram, Server Application = to mobile application in our case. However you will notice that in this scenario it is assumed that the user is already authenticated (via interactive flow).
We tried to act smart, thinking we can write a Auth web API which mobile will hit to obtain token and then pass this token to our business logic API (secured by B2C AD). We obtained access and refresh token somehow, however the test web app (mobile app) when pass this access token to our business logic API, it fails to validate the token. B2C AD comes fighting for it. Our analysis is not yet complete.
However, I am certain what we are trying to accomplish is not supported in B2C AD.
Hope this helps (I would actually advise you to look for other solution). I will be happy if someone can suggest a way to solve this obvious business problem.
