Struggling to attatch to application moduler in Blue Prism - blueprism

I am trying to automate a process to do with the Command Prompt. I have managed to successfully open cmd using using the Utility Environment Action. However once it is opened, I cannot successfully attach so that I can spy, and type elements into the cmd.
If I try to use the Navigate and then "attach" I am faced with the following error: 'External AppMan reader thread exited before response from query'
If anybody can provide any information on this topic this would be greatly appreciated.

So there is how you can launch the "cmd.exe" and execute your command within.
/c -> Run your command and then terminate the cmd.exe
/k -> Run your command and then return to the cmd.exe window


"Run command extension execution is in progress. Please wait for completion before invoking a run command"

I have created a VM. Associated it with NSG, I want to activate ssh in that VM.
I'm able to run a command only once in azure shell, Next time when I try to run a command I'm getting "Run command extension execution is in progress. Please wait for completion before invoking a run command".
How to resolve this??

Launching Node packages.json scripts from Embedded Terminal in WebStorm

In WebStorm 2016.2.2 for Windows 7 Professional x64, I would like to go to Tools->Run Gulp/Grunt/npm Task and be able to launch npm tasks from the embedded terminal.
The reason is I am running a yo generator which requires use of the arrow keys to select multiple-choice option outputs, and the default terminal (Run Windows) that WebStorm launches does not support this, but the Embedded Terminal (Alt+F12) functions exactly as intended. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I ended up prepending 'start' to open up a separate terminal window.
For example: "scripts":{"testCmd" : "start cmd.exe #cmd /k \"echo \"hello there\" && exit 1\""}
This opens the command line natively in Windows, prints "hello there", and closes the command line window.

Node.js open in a new console without pause

I'm very newby in node.js world, and I'm doing the first steps, but I can't step forward because when I try to do any operation from node.js command prompt in Windows 10, the node.js console is opened and closed very fast and I haven't time enough to read the errors or anything that is written on console. Is there any way to configure node.js to stop the console before to quit it? Or to execute on same opened Node.js command prompt.
For example I'm unable to read the version of different modules installed, the console opens and closes very fast.
I've tried windows standard command line, node.js command prompt, an application called cmder, and in all instructions related to node it throws a new window with node.exe. If the command waits user prompt the console (node.exe) is paused, but when I try an application that only log some data (like npm --version) I can't see the result, because after log, the console is closed.
Some time ago, I've tried in Windows 7, and I remember that the node prompt was opened on the same command console. I don't know if it's the SO, or the node.js version (4.4.4 LTS).
Ouch! I've found the solution, I was trying to avoid the annoying "run as administrator" dialog and I've configured the node application properties checking the flag "Compatibility > Run This Program As An Administrator". That was the source of all my problems!
Hope it helps anyone!

Run command line app in visible console using NodeJS under Windows

I'm trying to write a command line tool using NodeJS on Windows.
The tool need to execute several other exe's and according to the exit code of each of them progress or stop.
I'm able to run the other exe's using child-process but mostly for debug purposes I'll like to run the other exe inside their own console window. The other exe is doing complex things inside the console window so simply printing out the stdout is not enough.
I've try both exec and spawn and also prefix my other exe with cmd and start but nothing did the trick.

Node.js explain Errors in REPL?

I tried this
.save myShell.js
that is followed by this error:
Failed to save:myShell.js
why do I get this error ?
I save the situation with the start of the node.js command promt.
By windows install you get (so was after install on my sys) some several shortcuts , one with the node.js icon and it's name ist Node.js and another that is called Node.js command promt - if you want to use the .save command to save the session you must to run the "Node.js command prompt".
Of course with some more work you can get more.
Permissions issue.
2 options:
Run "Node.js" app as administrator (right click on the icon in the start menu "run as admin"
Run "Node.js Command Prompt" app and then type "node" which will put you in REPL
