Transmit data from Excel to Access table - excel

After going through online forums, I have developed some code to pull data from an X Access database and place within an excel, which is working successfully. From there, I want to take this data and place within another Access database. Think of the excel as the intermediary where, at some point (this is a project given by my boss), the excel will help produce calculations and that info will be taken to the other Access database. For the time being, I just want X Access data to be placed into Y Access sheet. I am having an issue with that placement. In Y Access database I want to head to the last row, insert a row, and place the data within. Sounds easy, but giving me a problem at the end in the DataPost() sub. For the below:
For i = 1 To oSelect.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j
Next i
I am getting a Run-time error 3265 saying Item not found in this collection. I can walk through the code and see the data being selected, but when it gets to the end gives me that error.
I am using DAO connections, code below for the Pull and Post (problem) code. Online I see a lot of other options such as ADO, but I can't add outside of DAO connections I believe. I want to be able to provide the DataPull info as well so you can see my DAO logic I got from some others online.
The SQL Select is much longer, but was having error placing it within this forum so cut it down.
Sub DataPull()
Const DbLoc As String = "C:\WIP\PullSample.accdb"
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, wkb As Workbook, wks As Worksheet, wks2 As Worksheet, recCount As Long
Dim SQL As String, i As Double, n As Double, lr As Double, t As Double
Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wks = wkb.Worksheets(1)
Set wks2 = wkb.Worksheets(2)
Set db = OpenDatabase(DbLoc)
SQL = "SELECT [AA-AM].Dates, [AA-AM].[A US Equity]"
SQL = SQL & "WHERE [AA-AM].Dates = Date() "
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
wks2.Range("B5").CopyFromRecordset rs
wks2.Range("B5:GG5").Font.Name = "Garamond"
wks2.Range("B5:GG5").Font.Size = 10
wks.Range("D6").PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
Set rs = Nothing
Set wks = Nothing
Set wks2 = Nothing
Set wkb = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DataPost()
Dim oSelect As Range, i As Long, j As Integer, sPath As String
Dim lr as long
Dim wkb As Workbook, wks As Worksheet, wks2 As Worksheet
Dim oDAO As DAO.DBEngine, oDB As DAO.Database
Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset
Const DbLoc As String = "C:\WIP\ProjPullDB.accdb"
Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wks = wkb.Worksheets(1)
Set wks2 = wkb.Worksheets(2)
Set oSelect = wks2.Range("B5:GG5")
Set oDAO = New DAO.DBEngine
Set oDB = oDAO.OpenDatabase(DbLoc)
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("AA-AM")
For i = 1 To oSelect.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
I expect to be able to place the oSelect data wk2.Range("B5:GG5") data into the Y Access database last row, but no luck.

The error is here
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j
Fields is a zero based array so you are putting the data into the wrong field and when you get to the last column you attempt to access a field that isn't there. You want
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count
oRS.Fields(j-1) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j


VBA code working when I step through it, but not when it's run

I have some basic VBA that is allowing a user to take a field from one table and use it to update another table. It works fine when I step through it, but nothing happens when I run it using F5. I don't get any errors, just nothing happens.
I think it could possibly be that the value hasn't been assigned to one of the variables before the next step occurs, but I've never had that problem before, and I've always assumed VBA wouldn't move to the next step until it had completed the one it's on?
My code is below:
Option Explicit
Sub acceptDateComp()
'set data type
Dim dtType As String
dtType = "opportunity"
'declare sheets
Dim wsComp As Worksheet
Set wsComp = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dtType & "Comp")
Dim wsBCE As Worksheet
Set wsBCE = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dtType & "Snapshot")
Dim wsOffline As Worksheet
Set wsOffline = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dtType & "Database")
'declare tables
Dim bce As ListObject
Set bce = wsBCE.ListObjects(dtType & "Snapshot")
Dim offline As ListObject
Set offline = wsOffline.ListObjects(dtType & "Database")
Dim dateComp As ListObject
Set dateComp = wsComp.ListObjects(dtType & "DateComp")
'declare heights and areas
Dim offlineRange As Range
Set offlineRange = offline.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
'check for acceptance, then change values
Dim i As Long
Dim dateID As Long
Dim offlineRow As Long
Dim bceDate As String
For i = 2 To dateComp.ListRows.Count + 1
If dateComp.ListColumns(6).Range(i).Value = "Yes" Then
dateID = dateComp.ListColumns(1).Range(i).Value
offlineRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(dateID, offlineRange, 0)
bceDate = dateComp.ListRows(i - 1).Range(5).Value
offline.ListRows(offlineRow).Range(12).Value = bceDate
End If
Next i
Call opportunityComp
End Sub

Exporting Access query results by record to new worksheet in file

I'm trying to workout how to split the unique records of a query to new worksheets in the same excel workbook (template file). My access query has the following fields:
Project Number,Project Name,Task Number,Project Sponsor,Full Year Budget,APR,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,Jan,Feb,Mar,Full,Year Forecast.
I want to be able to have a new worksheet for each Project Number and list the relevant data, and also rename the worksheet as the Project Number...I have a complete mind block after spending hours playing around with other code for similar requests, but cannot get anything to behave the way I need it to?
Does any one have a ideas or could point me in the right direction, I'm not a complete novice at vba but this one has me well and truly stuck.
Many thanks :)
Hi All, thanks for the suggestions, I've managed to cobble together the code to spilt the data and export to individual worksheets and its working ok.I now need to copy over any associated data from another query to the relevant worksheet in a "table" below the other data, but I'm not having much luck. Either it will copy one record to one of the worksheets or all of the records to a single worksheet irrespective. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Option Compare Database
Global iter As Integer
Sub Loop_Practice2()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ProjectNumber As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim Worksheet_Count As Integer
Dim sSql As String
Dim Project_Count As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim mypath As String
Dim mvalue As String
Dim myfile As String
Dim mynewfile As String
Dim mynewpath As String
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim sFile As String
mypath = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\"
myfile = ("PIN Export Template.xlsx")
mynewpath = (Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\")
mynewfile = ("PIN Export Template.xlsx - " & Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsx")
sFile = mypath & myfile
' ' Use Dir to check if file exists
If Dir(sFile) = "" Then
' if file does not exist display message
MsgBox "Could not find the file " & sFile & " - Please ensure it is in the same location as the database."
Exit Sub
End If
'Open Excel
Excel.Application.Visible = True
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open (sFile)
'Define Access Query to be exported
Set ProjectNumber = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly.[Project Number] from qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly")
If ProjectNumber.EOF Then Exit Sub
Project_Count = ProjectNumber.RecordCount - 1
'Create individual PIN sheets from Query Dataset
Worksheet_Count = Excel.Application.Worksheets("PIN").Select
Do Until Worksheet_Count = Project_Count
Worksheets("PIN").Copy After:=Worksheets("PIN")
If iter = 0 Then
iter = 1
End If
ActiveSheet.Name = ("PIN") & iter
iter = iter + 1
Worksheet_Count = Worksheet_Count + 1
j = 1
'Add qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly data
Do Until ProjectNumber.EOF
sSql = "SELECT *"
sSql = sSql & " FROM qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly"
sSql = sSql & " Where qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly.[Project Number]=" & ProjectNumber("[Project Number]")
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSql, dbOpenDynaset)
Set Pin_Sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("PIN" & j)
'Rename the PIN sheet to individual Project Number
Pin_Sheet.Name = ProjectNumber("[Project Number]")
'Create PIN Analysis Column Headings
For iCol = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Pin_Sheet.Cells(13, iCol + 4).Value = rs.Fields(iCol).Name
'Populate PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly Data
Pin_Sheet.Cells(14, 4).CopyFromRecordset rs
j = j + 1
Excel.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (mynewpath & mynewfile)
Set Pin_Sheet = Nothing
Set ProjectNumber = Nothing
Set ProjectNumber2 = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set ProjectNumber = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set WS = Nothing
End Sub
AS 'Erik von Asmuth' Suggested it is a broad question split into a different task and share your code. what you have attempted until now.
I can only point you to one article written by Daniel Pineault . He had created a function called ExportRecordset2XLS through which you can pass your recordset, Sheet Name etc.
you have to create a loop for different project number and pass as an argument to this function. you also need to modify this code to handle differnt task as per your requiremnts.

Why does using Rows.Count only find the first 12 rows of data?

I'm trying to find the rows with data in my source data sheet and then copy some of the columns into various places in my destination worksheet using VBA. I have successfully done this for a list with 12k lines but when I do some test data, it only copies the first 12 rows out of 19 rows of data....
Sub Header_Raw()
Dim dataBook As Workbook
Dim Header_Raw As Worksheet, Header As Worksheet
Dim dataSource As Range, dataDest As Range
Dim sourceDataRowCount As Integer, index As Integer
Set dataBook = Application.ThisWorkbook
Set sheetSource = dataBook.Sheets("Header_Raw")
Set sheetDest = dataBook.Sheets("Header")
Set dataSource = sheetSource.Range("B4", _
sourceDataRowCount = dataSource.Rows.Count
Set dataDest = sheetDest.Range("B13", "B" & _
For index = 1 To sourceDataRowCount
dataDest(index, 1).Value = dataSource(index, 1).Value
dataDest(index, 2).Value = dataSource(index, 2).Value
Next index
End Sub
If you can help tell me what I have done wrong, that would be great
Make your life a bit easier with simple debugging. Run the following:
Sub HeaderRaw()
'Dim all the variables here
Set dataBook = Application.ThisWorkbook
Set SheetSource = dataBook.Sheets("Header_Raw")
Set sheetDest = dataBook.Sheets("Header")
Set dataSource = SheetSource.Range("B4", SheetSource.Range("J90000").End(xlUp))
End Sub
Now you will see what is your dataSource, as far as it is selected. Probably it is not what you expect.

VBA loop issue when trying to append a large amount of rows from Excel to Access

I've been trying all day to figure this out. I'm hoping that I'm just missing something simple.
I have an Excel worksheet with 6 columns and 258 rows. I need the user to be able to press a button and append all of that data to a table in Access. I am able to do it for one row of data, but I'm having trouble getting multiple rows.
Everything works up to the For Loop. It does loop through all the columns, but when it gets to the 7th one it throws an error. It should loop 6 times then go to the next row. The error that I'm getting is Run-time error 3265, Item not found in this collection. I'm guessing that's because there aren't 7 columns. What am I missing?
Sub ExportResponses()
Dim oSelect As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Integer
'this is currently asking to verify the range, but I'd like to just code it since it will always be the same.
Set oSelect = Application.InputBox("Range", , Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address, , , , , 8)
Dim oDAO As DAO.DBEngine
Dim oWS As DAO.Workspace
Dim oDB As DAO.Database
Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset
ChDir ActiveWorkbook.Path
Set oDAO = New DAO.DBEngine
Set oWS = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set oDB = oWS.OpenDatabase("T:\Databases\QA Database\QA Data.accdb")
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("tblResponses_Temp")
For i = 2 To oSelect.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j
Next I
End Sub
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The Fields collection is zero-based so try oRS.Fields(j - 1) instead of oRS.Fields(j)
The six fields you have are referred to via Fields(0) through Fields(5). Attempting to access Fields(6) will cause an error

Writing to Named Cells in Excel from Access

I've Searched Forums here and I can't seem to get this code to work.
I am Trying to Open a Workbook in Excel, and then populate a few of the Cells(Named Ranges). I can successfully open the workbook(the workbook has a bit of VBA that runs when it opens as well, formatting stuff only) but when I get down to the inputting information I get a 'Run-Time Error "438" Object Doesn't support this property or method.'
From the Previous answers on other similar questions I have done everything the way it was suggested however, I can't seem to get it to work.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub MaterialInput()
Dim xlapp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim RsClient As Recordset
Dim RsJobsite As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim ClientSTR As String
Dim JobsiteSTR As String
Dim customer As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb
JobsiteSTR = "SELECT T1Jobsites.JobsiteNickName FROM T1Jobsites WHERE T1Jobsites.JobsiteID = 1" ' & Form_LEM.TxtJobsiteID
Set RsJobsite = db.OpenRecordset(JobsiteSTR, dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges)
ClientSTR = "SELECT T1Companies.CompanyName " & _
"FROM T1Companies INNER JOIN T1Jobsites ON T1Companies.CompanyID = T1Jobsites.CompanyId " & _
"WHERE (((T1Jobsites.JobsiteID)=1))"
'ClientSTR = "SELECT T1Companies.CompanyName FROM T1Companies INNER JOIN T1Jobsites ON T1Companies.CompanyID = T1Jobsites.CompanyID" & _
" WHERE T1JobsitesID = 1" '& Form_LEM.TxtJobsiteID
Set RsClient = db.OpenRecordset(ClientSTR, dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges)
Set xlapp = CreateObject("excel.application")
Set wb = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\coc33713\Desktop\VISION - EXCEL FILES\VISIONCOUNT.xlsm")
Set ws = xlapp.Worksheets("CountSheet")
xlapp.Visible = True
'Tried this second after reading another forum
'the comments Recordset will be the actual values used, but I can't get the String "TEST" to work"Client").Value = "TEST" 'RsClient!CompanyName
'Tried this way first"'SiteName'").Value = "Test" 'RsJobsite!JobsiteNickName" = "Test" 'Form_LEM.TxtDate = "Test" 'Form_LEM.TxtPlant = "Test" 'Form_LEM.cboScaffnum.Value = "Test" 'Form_LEM.cboScaffnum.Column(1)
Set xlapp = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set RsClient = Nothing
Set RsJobsite = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
As a Sidenote this is not a form it is just spreadsheet
Thank you everyone!
ws.Range("Client").Value = "Test"
Dim sName as String
sName = "Client"
ws.Range(sName).Value = "Test"
Reason being is that you have the ws object set already, so there is no need to assign parentage to it again. In fact, trying to do so will break syntax rules.
FWIW (not your issue - that is solved by Scott's answer): Note that
Set ws = xlapp.Worksheets("CountSheet")
should be
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("CountSheet").
Using xlapp.Worksheets("CountSheet")
is effectively xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("CountSheet") which might be (and probably is) xlApp.Workbooks("VISION - EXCEL FILES\VISIONCOUNT.xlsm").Worksheets("CountSheet") but it is better to do it correctly rather than leave it to chance.
Thank you guys!
This should do what you want.
Sub DAOFromExcelToAccess()
' exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an Access database
' this procedure must be edited before use
Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, r As Long
Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\FolderName\DataBaseName.mdb")
' open the database
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("TableName", dbOpenTable)
' get all records in a table
r = 3 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
' repeat until first empty cell in column A
With rs
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("FieldName1") = Range("NamedRange1").Value
.Fields("FieldName2") = Range("NamedRange2").Value
.Fields("FieldNameN") = Range("NamedRangeN").Value
' add more fields if necessary...
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
r = r + 1 ' next row
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
