Is it possible to avoid "pending for revision" stage on Google Chrome Web Store? - google-chrome-extension

I have a couple of months using Google Chrome Web Developer dashboard. Everything was very normal, publishing an updated version was taking around 30-40 mins, now that I added a few elements to my extension such as popmotion.js it keeps requiring manual revisions and my extension gets into "Pending for Review" state for so long.
My question is: Is this caused by something I could have done in the code? Is it possible to get rid of this condition that keeps telling Google's services that my extension needs to be manually reviewed?
Thanks in advance!

According to this link, Pending review means the Chrome Web Store automated systems have flagged your item for manual review.
Some of the reasons an item could be flagged for manual review include:
The item may have an NPAPI plugin, which requires a signed agreement from you. Check your email account associated with the item for an agreement notification from our abuse team.
The item is suspected to contain or to be distributed by malware or unwanted software.
The item is suspected to violate one of the developer program policies.
The item may have already been previously removed for a legal or policy violation, and has been resubmitted.
The item requests powerful permissions that require in-depth review.


Online collaboration on TFS

is it possible to collaborate online with TFS? I mean, when I move a task, others can see it in real time without sharing screen or updating the page. Thank you!
Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1 RC1 and higher has live updates on work items. If you change a work item someone else has open in view mode, it will update in their client.
You can enable notifications using ../DefaultCollection/_usersSettings/notifications
You can use the Follow icon to follow a work item. Any changes will result in an e-mail to you saying the item has changed, and what has changed.
If you move a story out of an iteration, the Taskboard (../_sprints/taskboard/..) view updates automatically for all users viewing that iteration
Similarly, if you add/edit/move/change state on a task in an iteration the Taskboard will update.

excel add-in submission feedback

We have been going through the cycle of submission, refinement, submission. Normally we get a very detailed report with the findings. However, our most recent response from the team was a generic:
We’re sorry, but we encountered an error while processing your app and
need your help to continue. Please submit your app for approval again,
and we will continue the validation process.
How can we get feedback on what this means, what was the root cause, and what we can do to ensure this doesn't happen. Our team wasn't notified of this issue, and only noticed it by checking the status several times a day.
When issues like this arise, is there a way to triage the issue faster or at least set it up so that we receive notifications proactively rather than passively?
Microsoft is in the process of modernizing a lot of the infrastructure that processes add-in submissions (to fix the issues such as the one that affected your add-in submission) - when we complete this work in forthcoming months, you should not encounter these issues any more. It was not caused by something you did wrong during submission time.
Until our updated services are released, I'd encourage you to check the email you used when registering with AppSource/the Office Store. Checking the Seller Dashboard site will also show you the status information.
If you have further questions, please provide the name of your add-in submission and we can contact you directly.
David Mowatt
Office Store Program Management

How does an unpublished extension get weekly users?

This is weird. I have an extension that is not available through the webstore because it's marked as private and is still pending review. However, I see the weekly users count increasing.
When the counter was at 1, I thought it was somehow tracking my own usage of the locally built .crx extension because the manifest contains the public key. But now it's at 10?
Is there some kind of accidental public link to pending extensions that I don't know about?
When you published your item as private that means only the trusted testers you set could see and install your extension. Besides that, the team in Google which handles the manual review and marked your item as Pending Review (maybe due some policy violation) could see and install your extension ether (probably for testing). Those status data would be counted as well probably. To my best knowledge, there's no kind of accidental public link to pending extensions like you said.

Feature deactivation doesn't work. Loads forever without performing deactivation

I'm experiencing problems when trying to deactivate a custom feature through the GUI. When I press the 'deactivate' button I'm, as expected, redirected to the warning page which asks if I'm sure I want to deactivate.
Upon confirming, the page starts loading.
The feature in question should normally be activated very fast, however on this occasion the page loads for more than 5 minutes without anything happening.
After concluding that the page seems to be stuck in an eternal loading cycle, I had to refresh the page to see if there had been any changes, but no, the feature remains active.
Any ideas?
The site I'm working is a previously existing office365 site. I've just made some changes to my custom solution (modifying one feature and adding another)deactivated the old solution and uploaded the new solution, so I'm trying to deactivate and reactivate the feature which I've modified.
It depends what's happening during deactivation - 5 minutes might not be very long if the deactivation has to perform a lot of updates (e.g. removing columns from lists in lots of subsites). I did once have a feature deactivation that took 45 minutes (?) to run.
I guess another possibility is that you've got C# code that contains an infinite loop? Though that seems a bit of a long shot.
Otherwise, Office 365 is very hard to debug; I'd suggest raising a support call with Microsoft through the O365 portal to see if they can see any logs.
When the feature is removed are you trying to remove items like CT's or anything that is dependant on another thing?
I've seen features get glitchy when this occurs on our test enviroment and make sure this is ironed out before deploying to live.
Theres a feature checker somewhere on codeplex but i'm not sure if this will connect to the office365 site. It's called something like FeatureAdmin.exe This might help you in removing the feature and clearing out left over stuff from the feature however it will not remove whatever your feature is struggling to remove(if it is of course!)
When the original feature was deployed did you test it could be deactivated cleanly?

Move Extensions without Annoying Users

So about a year ago (I think) google went through a transition where they made Google Apps accounts "real" so we could use them in places like the Chrome Web Store. Unfortunately, prior to that happening I had written some extensions that were under the now conflicting account. So, now what I've got is a two accounts where the old extensions are under this conflicting account and anything past that date is under the new account.
So, it is time to upgrade some of these (old extensions), what I'd like to do is move the extensions under the apps account in a way that doesn't cause problems for the users. Does anyone know a way? It seems like the only option is just to place the extensions under the new account and delete them under the old account, but then I think all of the users would have to know to install the new one.
Thoughts? Has someone gone through this process?
EDIT: As #artur-nowak pointed out in the comments it is now possible to transfer extensions between accounts using this form.
If only your extensions were hosted outside Chrome Web Store (CWS) it would be possible to solve this by modifying update_url in manifest.json (so that extensions will start to download updates from another source). But they are not, and CWS doesn't allow you to modify the update_url param. Because of that, I believe you have two options left:
wait for google to add 'change ownership' function in CWS
or add your extensions to CWS again as a desired user and update the old ones to display a popup/notification "please update" with a link to the new version. Users should be more eager to update if you include some new features to attract them. Also, it will be less annoying from them if config will be preserved. To achieve this, export settings to bookmarks panel (it will be easy to access them) and import them in the new version of extension when it's installed.
