Send messages to clients using Azure Service Bus - Topics - azure

Using Azure Service Bus - Topics, I want to implement a solution wherein messages are sent/notified to end consumers once the producer sends the message to Topic (like Queues).
I understand that Topics work as Pub/Sub model wherein subscribers need to read messages from subscriptions. But I'm looking for a workaround that works some what similar to Queue (where it triggers a web job / service when any message is received).
I have few thoughts like
1. Using Auto-Forwarding in subscriptions to forward messages to Queues but again I think if this kills the purpose of Topics
2. Schedule a job to process these requests but again I think if I'm delaying the process
First, I want to know if Service Bus Topic is right option to go with? Next, If possible to implement a workaround what is the best/better way?
PS: I have to send messages which has information - I guess I can't use Relays

Just to be clear, Queues and Topics in Service Bus are different. As you noted, Topics are useful in publish/subscribe scenarios.
Since you are looking for something that gets triggered, Azure functions might be what you need.
Azure Functions supports trigger and output bindings for Service Bus
queues and topics

I think that #William is right, you can use/attach other process to the subscription to make what you trying to do.
he mentioned Azure Functions which is a good tool and I want to suggest Azure Logic Apps as well in case you want to take some decisions based in the message that you received.
With Azure Logic Apps you can create a logic Workflow and integrate many services using connectors provided by this tool.
You will find more in:
And for answer your question
First, I want to know if Service Bus Topic is right option to go with?
The quick answer is yes, using messaging patterns is the best way to create reliable solutions.
In your case you want as well notify another system after receiving a message.
The only thing that you need to be aware is, whenever you did not receive the notification what you'll do? you need to think about this scenario.

From discussion above.
Azure functions with Queues/Topics
Regardless of queues or topics. you can trigger azure function with both. This function will process the message . Now you can create two methods in same function SendEmail(), sendPhoneNotifcation() and parrellize the tasks using C# task parallel library. So same function will do both tasks in parallel.
Every time you get a message , your function is triggered. Process the message and notify user. The benefit is this function will scale automatically if you have large number of message coming through queue.


Azure Service Bus - can I view scheduled messages?

Similar past question of mine: Azure Service Bus Queue: Can I manage/cancel scheduled messages? - accepted answer here details how to cancel scheduled messages.
I'm wondering now if there's a way to view scheduled messages using the AMQP APIs. The Azure UI (and this method offer message counts but I can't see anything that lets me actually view those messages.
Is this a limitation of the service bus/Azure architecture? Or is there an API that will allow it? My goal would be to build a nice UI that displays scheduled tasks, and ideally I'd like to do that without maintaining that list of tasks myself outside of Azure if possible.
As of today, all messages can be peeked, but there's no way to peek those based on message status. There's an open issue on GitHub for the broker to add this feature. You can leave use-case scenario to help product team to have an idea why a feature as such would help customers.
Adding some information I found useful while reading about this.
Azure Service Bus Queues allows browsing/peeking scheduled messages.
Azure Service Bus Subscriptions does not support this feature yet.
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View Example

Should I change how our microservices communicate?

Our application consist of 7 microservices that have some intercommunication. Currently we're using simple storage queues that a microservice publish events to (the number of events is relative low). Then we have a azurefunction for each queue that might call another microservices. This is working fine for us right now the services uses about 20 queues with a corresponding function.
Now we need to handle an blobstorage event, and I did some googling and a started to get really confused. Suddenly there was a lot of questions:
Should we switch to Azure Event Grid
It handles blobstorage without any limitations (functions blobstorage trigger has some)
It allows for multiple subscribers (storage queues does not)
It has a lot of fuz - maybe this is the new recommended way
I like the idea of one central thing, but it reminds me a bit about biztalk...
Should I switch to Azure Service Bus
It has a nice tool (ServiceBusExplorer) for monitoring the queues and listners, and I could to a repost of any failed events
It visulizes my azure functions subscribers nicely
Should I continue with only storage queues
A bit difficult to monitor, but it works nice
I'll be really thankful for any advice or insights to this question.
EventGrid is great when you have notifications floating to multiple subscribers. Is that the case for you?
An example would be deferring messages. With queues you can defer a message, not with EventGrid. Whenever to choose Storage Queues or Service Bus depends on the specific requirement that you have. Do you need de-duplication? Or ordered delivery? If you do, Service Bus is the way. Otherwise Storage Queues is enough.
First of All, I would like to recommend these two articles, it will clarify most of your doubts about these services:
Choose between Azure services that deliver messages
Storage queues and Service Bus queues compared
Regarding Event Grid, it acts like a bridge between the publisher and the subscriber, where publisher will send messages and forget whether it has been processed or not, and the Event Grid will handle the retry if the receiver\subscriber does not acknowledge that it was processed successfully.
As you mentioned, storage queues has limitations, as such blob triggered functions, and maybe Service Bus, but it will depend on your design requirements. I would like to point out some things you might consider before moving to Event Grid.
Storage queues & Service Bus does not care about your message schema, in Event Grid you have to create a custom event based on their schema to wrap your event, so the publisher and subscriber has to understand Event Grid for that, not that is a big deal, but now you have both sides coupled to Event Grid.
If you want to send the event straight to your micro-service, you have to implement the subscription validation in your service, otherwise the service won't be able to receive the events
Event Grid only retry the delivery of your messages for 24 hours, if your service is down or not process the message correctly for longer than 24h, it will make the event dead. Currently, there is no way to query dead messages. Storage Queues and Service Bus are configurable how long you keep the message and it can be kept for many days.
Your service web-hook must acknowledge the receipt(http 200 or 202) of an event within 60 seconds, otherwise it will consider failed. If your operation is longer that that, you should send it to a queue and handle the locking from your service.
Probably there are more limitations, but these are the ones I remember right now that might change anytime soon, I think Event Grid is a great technology still on early days, and there is much to improve, I would recommencement only as a hub for Azure management events, I don't think it is ready for use as an application integrator.
Regarding your comment for queue manager, for Service Bus your have the Service Bus Explorer, and for Azure Storage you have the Azure Storage Explorer, where you can check the messages in the queue, is not the same as Service Bus, but helps.
It very much depends on how are you consuming the queue messages, you can take a look at this comparison:
If you don't need ordering and if you don't have a strong limit on message volume, size or TTL, you can stick to storage queues.

Subscribe and process events from RabbitMQ in Azure

For my new project every component is going to be deployed in Azure. I have a 3rd party application that processes events using RabbitMQ and I want to subscribe to these events and process them to store the data in the events in my own database.
What would be the best way to go? Using webjobs and Writing my own Custom Trigger/ Binder for RabbitMQ?
Thanks for the advice in advance
Based on your requirement, I assume that Azure WebJob is an ideal approach to achieve your purpose. In that case, you could use a WebJob as a consumer client to subscribe the events and process the data. Please try to create a WebJob and following the link provided by Mitra to subscribe the event and implement your logic processes in the WebJob.
Please pay attention that WebJob run as background processes in the context of an Azure Web App. In order to keep your WebJob running continuously, you need to be running in standard mode or highly and enable the "Always On" setting.
Consideration of scaling, you could use the Azure Websites scale feature to scale extra WebJobs instances. For scaling, you could refer to this tutorial.
For having subscription based routing, you can use Topics in Rabbitmq. Using topics you can push events to specific queues and then consumers at those queues can do processing to write data into the database. The only thing to take care of is to have a correct routing key for each queue.
That way you can have subscription based mechanism. The only thing with this approach will be that for each event there will be one queue.
The benefit of having one queue per event is it will be easy to keep track of events and so easy debugging.
If the number of events are very large then you can have only one queue but after consuming the message you have to trigger the event.
Here is the link for the reference:

Which Azure service to use for processing data from Event Hub?

I would appreciate some help picking out the best suited Azure services for my scenario - I am just beginning with Azure services and my knowledge is pretty limited.
I have data from multiple sources, and of different shapes, coming into an Event Hub. I need to subscribe to the events from the Event Hub and, based on their format, process them and ultimately save them into an SQL Database. All components - events consumers, the SQL Database - need to be hosted in the cloud.
How would I implement this in an "Azure Orientated Architecture"?
In an off cloud application, I would have competing consumers subscribing to the Event Hub. They would be some console applications or Windows services, and each would be processing the events asynchronously (this is further simplified by the event processing being idempotent).
Ideally, the Azure equivalent of the above consumers would scale up and down automatically, so I would like to not have to use VMs that host console applications (where I would need to keep an eye on the VM's resources myself). Scaling and deployment wise they would have to behave like App Services, however I'm under the impression that those are just for web applications. I've also briefly looked at Web Jobs, but those seem to be polling data at various intervals, whereas I need a proper event subscriber that the Event Hub pushes data into.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
Later Edit:
I've looked into Web Jobs and they do allow continuous
processing, hence looks like they can be used as automatically
scaling subscribers.
Ideally I would like to write the code for
the subscribers in F#. C# is the other option if that is not
You can see my post regarding IoT Hub. Its basically the same for Event Hub.
(each of the examples in the post can be used on Event Hubs).
In addition, For Event Hub you can also use Azure Function which has an Event Hub trigger - a function that will run whenever an event hub receive a new event. And it will also answer your requirement of scaling.
Make sure that if you are working with multiple consumers make use of the Event Hub Consumer Groups so each consumer can read the stream independently.
I'd say use a WebJob in combination with an EventProcessor. I wrote some demo code that can easily be transferred to a WebJob:
See for official documentation.
I've created a WebJob myself using this approach. Works like a charm.

Azure Service Bus Queue grouped messages

I have a web api application which performs different type of actions an a Domain entity, called Application. Actions like "Copy", "Update", "Recycle", "Restore" etc.
This actions needs to be executed, per Application, in First In First Out order, not randomly or simultaneous. However, it can process simultaneously two Actions as long as they are for two separate Applications.
Is some kind of a queue, but not a big queue for all the requests, but a queue of actions for each Application in database.
Knowing this, i think that azure service bus queue is a good solution for this scenario.
However, the solution i can think of right now is to programmatically create a queue for each Application i have in database, and start listening to that queue.
Is possible to get messages from the queue based on a filter? (using FIFO principle) So i have to subscribe only to one queue? (instead of having a queue for each Application - which is very hard to maintain)
What you want is Azure Service Bus Topics/Subscriptions.
Subscriptions allow you to filter messages that are published to a topic using a SqlFilter on the message headers.
The article linked above should provide enough examples to meet your needs.
I think u can solve this by using Sessions.
I just came across this very clear article: which explains in to detail how Azure Service Bus Queue sessions work.
In short: by defining a SessionId on the messages you can force the ordering of the processing within a session, the downside is that there will be no parallelization for all messages in a session between multiple consumers of the queue.
