Why is the result of this "countifs" formula = 0? - excel-formula

My goal is determine how many times a given teammate is matched up with another given teammate over 3 rounds of golf played by 3 different teams. The same roster of 12 players is changed up each round. The goal is to minimize the number of times the players are paired up with the same people over the 3 rounds.
I attempted to use the COUNTIFS formula in excel, but it returns 0 when checking if the name of each player is in the same "Team" range.
In my sheet, i have a table for players to show how many times they are paired up with different people in the 3 rounds. I can't even get it to calculate the matchup from Team 3 in Round 1 (Mike & Matt paired up), let alone move on to summing up the entire set of data.
From the screenshot you can see my equation =COUNTIFS(Q3:Q6,S3,Q3:Q6,T1) in cell T3, referencing the data in Q3:Q6 for the names Mike and Matt.
I've reviewed plenty of examples using COUNTIFS from other types of information/data types, so I don't understand why my formula fails. When I replace one of the cell references to a name with a wild card * then it returns a result of 1. If I take out one of the two references all together it returns a result of 1, for the player name that remains.
Q3:Q6 is the table I'm referencing at the moment. The same table is referenced for both players. S3 is Mike and T1 is Matt. Both players are listed in the reference range, so it seems to me that the condition is satisfied for both components.
I don't get any error messages, just a result of 0 when I'm expecting 1.

Because COuNTIFS() is AND not OR So the cell would need to be both Matt and Mike at the same time, which is not possible.
To do OR we need to do something slightly different:
This will return 2 if both are in the range so to get it to 1 we do:
Which will now return 1 if both are found in the range and 0 if only one or none are found.
So we can string 9 of these together to get the output you want:
It will now count how many times the pairs were on the same team:


Find row which has one cell similar and other cell different than in another row

Let's say I have this:
1 10 20
2 12 30
3 25 15
4 40 30
How do I find the row which have same value in column B and different value for column A when compared to all the rows above or below ?
I want to find this cell:
Update: NO revision necessary
Following feedback I have tested this equation (below) with 20k rows (link below) - happy to report back results as expected/all still in order. No changes necessary/warranted. This function works just fine/as expected. Beaut!
When testing large samples of data of type 'integer' (say) that range a common order of magnitude/size (i.e. have material probability of re-occurring), the probability of obtaining a unique value for field A (col B, below screenshot) reduces, due to the law of large numbers (variance is what leads to unique values, and this reduces as the sample size increases).
As a consequence, one may encounter results = !Calc# which simply means 'no unique values could be found in col A (or they could but only for when col C was also unique - although the probability of this is remote, it's mainly due to numerous other cells in respective columns containing identical data. Throw a negative 100 in column A (assuming all other values are positive real/integer number plane), and you should see my eqn. below return '-100' and whatever the corresponding 'col-C' data is (assuming that is not unique too, as I have mentioned)...
NOW - back to the solution already! :)
This will give you back every such combination (besides {12,30} there is also {40,30}):
OneDrive excel-linked spreadsheet for your convenience here, taking careful note of restrictions per 1st comment to this proposed soln.
Assumes you have Office 365 version of Excel

How to choose the highest number from a set of same names?

I am trying to modify an already existing Excel file for a client. Here is the deal. They have the following Excel sheet with these columns (the picture is a simplified version of course to make it clear to you):1
If a student has completed their Bachelor they get a 1 in the Bachelor Done column, if not they get a 0. Now what they want is to check if at least one person per city has completed their Bachelor and display this in a new table with two columns (First column with the city name and second column with a Note of Yes or No).
For example let's take Lisbon. It has 2 students, George and Helen. In this case George has not completed his bachelor yet (0) but Helen has (1). In that case, Lisbon qualifies and should get a Note of YES in the new table.
Is there any way to implement this in Excel via an IF or a VLOOKUP function? I tried, but my Excel knowledge is quite limited. They also do not want to change the format of the file, as lots of people are already working with this and they are familiar with. Best case scenario could probably be the addition of extra columns.
My question is if there is a way to find for every city the highest Bachelor Done number and based on that to have a Yes or No output. The numbers for Bachelor will always be 1 or 0. So if a city has 1 and 0, 1 should be taken and display yes. If there is a city with 3 people and only zeros, No should be displayed.
If you need any clarification, please let me know.
First copy and paste all your distinct City names into a column, then remove duplicates (data... remove duplicates). In my case, I did that in column F. Then in column G, input a formula such as this:
=IF(MAXIFS(C:C,A:A,F2) = 1, "YES", "NO")

Excel Sumif, Sumifs with partial strings in multiple columns?

So this is the simplified question I broke down from a former question I had here: Excel help on combination of Index - match and sumifs? .
For this one, I have Table1 (the black-gray one) with two or more columns for adjustments for various order numbers. See this image below:
What I want to achieve is to have total adjustments for those order numbers that contain the numbers in Total Adjustment column in the blue table, each of which will depend on the cell beside it.
Example: Order number 17051 has two products: 17051A (Apple) and 17051B (Orange).
Now what I want to achieve in cell C10 is the sum of adjustment for both 17051A and 17051B, which will be: Apple Adjustment (5000) + Orange Adjustment (4500) = 9500.
The formula I used below (and in the image) kept giving me error messages, and this happens even before I add the adjustment for Orange.
=SUMIF(Text(LEFT(Table1[Order Number],5),"00000"),text(B10,"00000"),Table1[Apple Adjustment])
I have spent the whole day looking for a solution for this and didn’t even come close to find any. Any suggestion is appreciated.
Assuming your headers always have the text "adjustment" in them, you could use:
In C10 you could add two sumproducts. This assumes that products are always 5 numbers long at the start. If not swop the 5 to use the length of the product reference part you are matching on.
Which with table syntax is:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],5)=$B10),Table1[Apple Adjustment])+SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],5)=$B10),Table1[Orange Adjustment])
Using LEN
=SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],LEN($B10))=$B10),Table1[Apple Adjustment])+SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],LEN($B10))=$B10),Table1[Orange Adjustment])
I am multiplying by 1 to ensure Left, 5 becomes numeric.

Distribution of time values randomly in a table Excel - Modeling Power Grid

I am working on a model of charging load of electric vehicle. I am attaching a link to an excel workbook for your better understanding.
Column B contains random time values
Column G to P represents houses and each house can have 1 car. So the each time values needs to be distributed in one column. Now when a car is plugged in, its load stays constant for 3 cells.
I want excel to randomly distribute these cars e.g. 4 cars to 4 houses and leave others blank.
what i can think of is, to assign each time a random house then use IF formula with AND function to match random times with time series and second condition to match random houses with columns 1-10.
the problem i am facing is, the formula gives a value error and only works in the rows with has random generated time in front of them screenshot. I know there is a very small thing that i am missing. please help me find it
The two elements in the AND find the house number in column C and return the corresponding time in column B.
The first element compares the time in F to that time. The second element compares the time + 30 minutes to F (three cells). If it's between those two times, it gets an 11.
The ISNA makes sure that the house in question is on the list. You could also use an IFERROR, but I prefer the precision of ISNA.
If you want the values to wrap around, you need to OR compare to the next day.
That formula structure looks like
This formulas already getting too big. If you triple it for your three voltages, it will be huge. You should consider writing a UDF in VBA. It won't be as quick to calculate, but will probably be more maintainable.
If you want to stick with a formula, you could put the wattage in row 4 above the house number. Then in another table, list the wattages and minutes to charge. So in, say, B12:C14 you have
3.7 120
11 30
22 15
Now where you have 11 in your formula, you'd have G$4 and the two placed you have TIME(0,30,0), you'd have TIME(0,INDEX($C$12:$C$14,MATCH(G$4,$B$12:$B$14,FALSE)),0). I re-arranged some stuff to make it more 'readable' (but it's still pretty tough) and here's the final formula

AverageIf and Multiple data strings

I'm involved with a youth football tournament on the referee side, with assessing/coaching the referees. I've just taken over doing the data entry for the referees assessment scores which we then use to determine who gets finals etc and am looking to extract more usable information from the data to help us identify trends.
I've got (up to) 200 referees, each receiving from none to two assessment scores each day for 5 days. The scores are entered as both the raw mark and the weighted mark based on match difficulty (along with a host of other data about the match that isn't relevant to this issue.
I can extract the average mark (raw and weighted) across all referees without issues and have done so using the below formula, which is the raw average mark:
But I also want to extract the average mark (raw and weighted) across two subsets - Academy and non academy referees, to help plot trends and determine where resources need to be utilised.
I've attempted to use an AVERAGEIF formula, but am getting a #VALUE! return. This is the formula that I've attempted to use to return the average raw mark for those referees in the academy:
If I do the same formula as above, but without the brackets around the [average_range], I get a 'you've used too many arguments, and it highlights BK200.
From what I've been able to find so far online, it seems that the formula I'm trying to use would only work if ALL the cells in (Working!G4:G200) returned "Yes". However if there are only 50 academy referees as indicated by "Yes" in G column, then I want those specific scores to be averaged, and the inverse for the non-academy referees.
I thought about having another sheet, which would simply contain populate from Column G (a simple =G4 and then populated down to =G200 next to all of the scores), consolidated into a block of raw marks columned under Assessment 1, 2, 3, 4.... and then the same for all of the weighted marks which would populate from the equivalent cell on the working sheet, but there's a lot of filtering, and re-sorting that goes on on the working sheet, and I'm not 100% certain that that wouldn't cause issues.
Any feedback on how to work through this problem, so that I can display the overall average mark for academy and non-academy referees in both raw and weighted form would be much appreciated, and I apologize if this post is rather convoluted.
I don't think there is a neat solution if the scores are in several columns which are not consecutive.
My suggestion is:-
(1) Work out the sum for each column separately and total them up
(2) Work out the count for each column separately and total them up
(3) Divide Sum by Count to get Average.
In my small example below with 3 referees and 3 columns:-
(1) In K2:-
(2) In K3:-
(3) In K4:
This would include any zero scores (if this is possible) but exclude any blanks.
You can then scale it up to your data.
Beyond this, you would have to change the data structure either
(1) Add a row to label the columns that you want to average e.g.
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
3 0 3
so you could pick up only the columns labelled 3 say
Here's how it would be in my small example:-
In K3:-
Which is an array formula and must be entered with Ctrl-Shift-Enter
In K4:-
another array formula
In K5:-
This is how the columns you want are labelled with a 3 in row 2, so it ignores the other columns:-
(2) Consolidate them into another sheet as you suggest.
