Result set BAR chart order by(sorting) - maximo

I would like to know are there any way to sorting the BAR chart in the result set? (ex. order by count)
Columns are unordered in random order.
In Ex. system properities, xml etc.?
Maximo (


Power BI - RLS: adding label to a visual and aggregate values

I need to set some RLSs on some tables and columns, and for a specific Matrix I want to show all the all the other values, that are not shown to that specific user, summed up together as "Others". I give you an example.
I have a matrix which on the rows and columns has different product categories and the values are the impact in $ that each category has on the others (it is the sum of multiples rows under IMPACT column in the source table). Particularly, the rows are the impacted products while the columns the impacting ones.
The Matrix looks like this:
I want to create an additional label , OTHERS, which has to be displayed both as a column and row, which sums up all the values of the non-shown values. For instance, for the RED RLS categories I want to get a matrix like this:
FYI, I want to keep the totals of the rows and columns.
Does anybody have any ideas?
I tried to create some measures and calculated tables but I was not able to get the final view I want.

Excel - Find all items that share a common cell value

I am wanting to search this list:
The goal is to determine what all is inside Basket 1, determine which item of those costs the most, and return the color of that specific item. My brain is having a hard time determining the right path for this.
With a Pivot Table, you can resume data based on basket # and then filter by most valuable item, and get the color.
The set up for this Pivot Table is all fields into Rows Section, except Amount that will go into values.
NOTE: Even if my Excel language is different than yours, options I'm using should be in the same position. But anyways, besides set up from the image above, you need to apply a value filter (not label filter!), to field ID and make sure choose option TOP 10 and set it to show just TOP 1
If you just want the most expensive item, ignoring Basket #, just remove field Basket from your Pivot Table, and it will work.
Actually you could have 2 Pivot Tables, each one set up in a different way (all baskets, or each basket).

Excel sector charts group row

I have a bunch of values that are part of categories. Now I want to show the sum of each category in my chart. How can I group rows values of the same category in my chart only?
Basically, you can't achieve aggregate result without some data manipulation.
There are two ways to go on that issue.
First ,create a distinct categories, then sum-up the values by category using SUMIF Excel function, create your chart. The draw back of this method that if more categories added you'll have to add them manually.
Second option, is to create a Pivot-table of your original data and only afterwards create pie chart.This option is more convenient, hence it is a scalable solution
Have a great day

Chart series filtering

I have six series in my column chart for range of dates like 30 day period. This chart looks very congested:
Is there any way user can apply series filter on y axis and date filter on x axis to see the display of specific series on the chart at runtime?
I tried with report parameter. It does not work. Parameter selects whole chart to display or not. I do not know the exact way of doing that. Is there any chance in SSRS Chart itself to show filter at runtime so the user can edit the filter like one in Excel?
To filter on a parameter selected by the user you can follow this process. Note that I am starting with a Chart like this based on the AdventureWorks database. In this example I shall filter on the Region field only.
First you will need to define a new dataset to filter on. Create a new dataset and set the query to be the equivalent of
SELECT DISTINCT SalesTerritory FROM myView
SELECT 'All' AS SalesTerritory
Now you need to create a new Parameter with values based on this Dataset. I created one called RegionFilter with the Available values set to the values returned by your new dataset
And the default value set to 'All'
Finally, you need to set the filtering on the Chart to be the result of the value selected for the parameter. Right click on the Chart and choose Chart Properties… -> Filters
Set the expression to be
=iif((Fields!SalesTerritory.Value = Parameters!RegionFilter.Value) OR (Parameters!RegionFilter.Value = "All"), 1, 0)
And the Value to be
This is essentially comparing the Region Filter Parameter value you have provided to either each record in the query, only allowing those that match, or, in the case of ‘All’ being selected, allowing all records.
When put together the report will look the same when first run, as the default value is set to All. However when you chose a region the resulting chart will filter down accordingly.
I hope you find this useful and can adapt it for your requirements. Let me know if you require further assistance

Data in Rows Instead of Columns

The default List layout uses column headers with columns of data beneath them. This will not work for my report. I need to create an employee profile report that will return about 75 fields (job title, location, tax status, payroll deductions, etc.). This is a report that I want to be able to print on a single page for each employee. Using the The default List layout extends the data out in columns beyond the limits of a printed page, even in landscape.
How can I get my report to display in rows instead of columns, so that the field headers go from the top of the page to the bottom, with the data to the right of the headers. Even this will not be long enough to fit on a single page (that is easily readable), so I will need a second list to the right of the first. Like this:
Name: data Company: data
Location: data Employee Number: data
Job Title: data Date Hired: data
You can use a Repeater Table object to do what you want. This should be available in your toolbox. You group on the value you want to repeat on, likely an employee identifier in your case, and section on that value. That will produce one table per unique identifier value. In the table itself you can configure the number of rows and columns to fit the layout you want to produce and you are free to drag and drop objects from the model or query into the cells as needed.
