Does Spanner support recursive queries of some kind? - google-cloud-spanner

I'm prototyping something in Google Cloud Spanner and I need a way to do recursive queries like one would do in PostgreSQL / SQLite to process hierarchical or graph like data. I'm looking for syntax like . Does Spanner have a way to do recursive queries like this or maybe a stored procedure like capability to do the recursion there? I can't find syntax for common table expressions.
More details:
Well, I'm modeling directed acyclic graphs (DAG) in Spanner. I'll need to do searches on the graphs. An example query is: "find all the sources connected to a specific node." A first attempt at modeling a graph in Spanner is the following:
node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
node_label String(1024) NOT NULL,
name String(1024)
) PRIMARY KEY (node_id);
CREATE TABLE out_edges (
node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
to_node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
edge_label String(1024) NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (node_id, to_node_id),
CREATE TABLE in_edges (
node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
from_node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
edge_label String(1024) NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (node_id, from_node_id),
The use of interleaved tables is to try to achieve quick access to a node's edges. Each unique edge exists in both the out_edges and in_edges tables.
One way to find all the sources connected to a specific node in a graph is to do a DFS or BFS starting at that node and following the edges in reverse order while keeping track of nodes that don't have any in edges as they are traversed. With this representation the two ways I can think of doing this is to use a recursive common table expression (like one could in SQLite or PostgreSQL or CONNECT BY in Oracle) or maintain the transitive closure of the graph and join nodes with no in-edges with those nodes in the transitive closure adjacent to the input node. The later would work in Spanner but requires the all that extra storage and maintenance of transitive closure. And without recursive query of some kind I'd be limited to finding sources a fixed number of edges away from the input node. I guess a different way to accomplish this in Spanner would be to execute the search algorithm in client code. The issue with that would be a potentially large number of queries to Spanner in order to satisfy the original query.

Cloud Spanner does not support recursive queries. If you provide more information about your use case, it's possible there's a good alternative solution.
Based on additional context:
It may make sense to do the search in client code, depending on your latency requirements and the shape/size of your graph. Consider whether maintaining a separate interleaved table that keeps track of sources per node is worthwhile. This approach may not generalize well, depending on the graph shape and queries you'll be supporting.
CREATE TABLE sources (
node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
source_node_id INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (node_id, source_node_id),


Secondary index on for low cardinality clustering column

Using Cassandra as db:
Say we have this schema
primary_key((id1),id2,type) with index on type, because we want to query by id1 and id2.
Does query like
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id1=xxx AND type='some type'
going to perform well?
I wonder if we have to create and manage another table for this situation?
The way you are planning to use secondary index is ideal (which is rare). Here is why:
you specify the partition key (id1) in your query. This ensures that
only the relevant partition (node) will be queried, instead of
hitting all the nodes in the cluster (which is not scalable)
You are (presumably) indexing an attribute of low cardinality (I can imagine you have maybe a few hundred types?), which is the sweet spot when using secondary indexes.
Overall, your data model should perform well and scale. Yet, if you look for optimal performances, I would suggest you use an additional table ((id1), type, id2).
Finale note: if you have a limited number of type, you might consider using solely ((id1), type, id2) as a single table. When querying by id1-id2, just issue a few parallel queries against the possible value of type.
The final decision needs to take into account your target latency, the disk usage (duplicating table with a different primary key is sometimes too expensive), and the frequency of each of your queries.

Selecting from multiple tables in Cassandra CQL

So I have two tables in the query I am using:
FROM airports as A, airports as B, routes as R
WHERE R.src_ap = A.iata
AND R.dst_ap = B.iata;
However it is throwing the error:
mismatched input 'as' expecting EOF (..., FROM airports [as] A...)
Is there anyway I can do what I am attempting to do (which is how it works relationally) in Cassandra CQL?
The short answer, is that there are no joins in Cassandra. Period. So using SQL-based JOIN syntax will yield an error similar to what you posted above.
The idea with Cassandra (or any distributed database) is to ensure that your queries can be served by a single node (cutting down on network time). There really isn't a way to guarantee that data from different tables could be queried from a single node. For this reason, distributed joins are typically seen as an anti-pattern. To that end, Cassandra simply doesn't allow them.
In Cassandra you need to take a query-based modeling approach. So you could solve this by building a table from your post-join result set, consisting of desired combinations of dst_ap and name. You would have to find an appropriate way to partition this table, but ultimately you would want to build it based on A) the result set you expect to see and B) the properties you expect to filter on in your WHERE clause.

How to maintain data consistency across multiple tables in cassandra?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to maintain attribute updates across multiple tables to ensure data consistency.
For example, suppose I have many-to-many relationship between actors and fans. A fan can support many actors, and an actor have many fans. I make several tables to support my queries
fan_id uuid,
fan_attr_1 int,
fan_attr_2 int
PRIMARY KEY ((fan_id))
actor_id uuid,
actor_attr_1 int,
actor_attr_2 int
PRIMARY KEY ((actor_id))
CREATE TABLE actors_by_fan (
fan_id uuid,
actor_id uuid,
actor_attr_1 int,
actor_attr_2 int
PRIMARY KEY (fan_id, actor_id)
CREATE TABLE fans_by_actor (
actor_id uuid,
fan_id uuid,
fan_attr_1 int,
fan_attr_2 int
PRIMARY KEY (actor_id, fan_id)
Let's say I'm a fan and I'm on my settings page and I want to change my fan_attr_1 to a different value.
On the fans table I can update my attribute just fine since the application knows my fan_id and can key on that.
However I cannot change my fan_attr_1 on the fans_by_actor without first querying for the actor_ids tied to the fan.
This problem occurs for any time you want to update any attribute of either fans or actors.
I've tried looking online for people experiencing similar problems, but I couldn't find them. For example, in Datastax's Data Modeling course they use the examples with actors and videos in a many to many relationship where they have tables actors_by_video and videos_by_actor. The course, like the other online resources I've consulted, discussed modeling tables after queries, but haven't dug into how to maintain data integrity. In the actors_by_video table, what would happen if I want to change an actor's attribute? Wouldn't have have to go through every row of actors_by_video to find the partitions that contain the actor and update the attribute? That sounds very inefficient. The other option is to look for the video id's beforehand, but I read elsewhere that reads before writes are an antipattern in Cassandra.
What would be the best approach for tackling this problem either from a data modeling standpoint or from a CQL standpoint?
- Fixed sentence stubs
- Added context and prior research
Data Modeling
Cassandra is not an Relational Database and there are certain basic rules need to be followed on DataModeling, at high-level the following goals need to be followed for our data model.
1) Spread data evenly around the cluster
2) Minimize the number of partitions read
Moreover we should go for a single big table rather than breaking it into multiple tables and adding relationship between the tables. In this approach duplication of records will occur. Duplication of records is not a costlier operation since it takes only a little more Disk Space rather than CPU, memory, disk IOPs, or network.
Please note that there is a size restriction on column key names and values. The maximum column key (and row key) size is 64KB. The maximum column value size is 2 GB. But becuase there is no streaming and the whole value is fetched in heap memory when requested, limit the size to only a few MBs.
More Info:
Maintaining Consistency across tables can be done using Batch or Materialized Views. Materialized views is available from version 3.0
Please see
How to ensure data consistency in Cassandra on different tables?
My preference would be to change the data model and design it
accordingly for our queries and if possible make it as a single big table.
Hope it Helps!
Materialized Views are probably the best choice:
AS SELECT fan_id, actor_id, actor_attr_1, actor_attr_2
FROM fans
PRIMARY KEY (fan_id, actor_id);
AS SELECT actor_id, fan_id, fan_attr_1, fan_attr_2
FROM actors
PRIMARY KEY (actor_id, fan_id);
In versions prior to 3.0, create secondary indices and evaluate if their performance is acceptable. Later, after upgrading to 3.x, just drop the secondary indexes and create materialized views.
The way you solve these kind of problems is to manually update all the changed records.
Since you can't use materialized views, in order to update fan_attr_1 on your data you need to:
Update the fan table by issuing UPDATE fan ... WHERE fan_id = xxx.
Select all the actor_ids from the actors_by_fan by issuing SELECT actor_id ... WHERE fan_id = xxx.
Update all the corresponding rows in the fans_by_actor table by issuing UPDATE fans_by_actor ... WHERE actor_id IN (...), or alternatively loop over the actor_ids and run each update async.
As long as you have a small amount of actor_id in the step 2, say less than 20, you can group all the queries and maintain strong consistency between tables by running them in a single BATCH. You need to guarantee the consistency between tables in other way otherwise.
This can be as inefficient as it sounds, but I don't think there are other smarter solutions. By the way, you are issuing one read (the step 2) and multiple writes (step 1 and step 3). This won't be the end of the world, especially if you don't change attributes so often (eg every 10 milliseconds).

An Approach to Cassandra Data Model

Please note that I am first time using NoSQL and pretty much every concept is new in this NoSQL world, being from RDBMS for long time!!
In one of my heavy used applications, I want to use NoSQL for some part of the data and move out from MySQL where transactions/Relational model doesn't make sense. What I would get is, CAP [Availability and Partition Tolerance].
The present data model is simple as this
ID (integer) | ENTITY_ID (integer) | ENTITY_TYPE (String) | ENTITY_DATA (Text) | CREATED_ON (Date) | VERSION (interger)|
We can safely assume that this part of application is similar to Logging of the Activity!
I would like to move this to NoSQL as per my requirements and separate from Performance Oriented MySQL DB.
Cassandra says, everything in it is simple Map<Key,Value> type! Thinking in terms of Map level,
I can use ENTITY_ID|ENTITY_TYPE|ENTITY_APP as key and store the rest of the data in values!
After reading through User Defined Types in Cassandra, can I use UserDefinedType as value which essentially leverage as One Key and multiple values! Otherwise, Use it as normal column level without UserDefinedType! One idea is to use the same model for different applications across systems where it would be simple logging/activity data can be pushed to the same, since the key varies from application to application and within application each entity will be unique!
No application/business function to access this data without Key, or in simple terms no requirement to get data randomly!
Let me explain the cassandra data model a bit (or at least, a part of it). You create tables like so:
create table event(
id uuid,
timestamp timeuuid,
some_column text,
some_column2 list<text>,
some_column3 map<text, text>,
some_column4 map<text, text>,
primary key (id, timestamp .... );
Note the primary key. There's multiple columns specified. The first column is the partition key. All "rows" in a partition are stored together. Inside a partition, data is ordered by the second, then third, then fourth... keys in the primary key. These are called clustering keys. To query, you almost always hit a partition (by specifying equality in the where clause). Any further filters in your query are then done on the selected partition. If you don't specify a partition key, you make a cluster wide query, which may be slow or most likely, time out. After hitting the partition, you can filter with matches on subsequent keys in order, with a range query on the last clustering key specified in your query. Anyway, that's all about querying.
In terms of structure, you have a few column types. Some primitives like text, int, etc., but also three collections - sets, lists and maps. Yes, maps. UDTs are typically more useful when used in collections. e.g. A Person may have a map of addresses: map. You would typically store info in columns if you needed to query on it, or index on it, or you know each row will have those columns. You're also free to use a map column which would let you store "arbitrary" key-value data; which is what it seems you're looking to do.
One thing to watch out for... your primary key is unique per records. If you do another insert with the same pk, you won't get an error, it'll simply overwrite the existing data. Everything in cassandra is an upsert. And you won't be able to change the value of any column that's in the primary key for any row.
You mentioned querying is not a factor. However, if you do find yourself needing to do aggregations, you should check out Apache Spark, which works very well with Cassandra (and also supports relational data you should be able to aggregate data across mysql and cassandra for analytics).
Lastly, if your data is time series log data, cassandra is a very very good choice.

Is a read with one secondary index faster than a read with multiple in cassandra?

I have this structure that I want a user to see the other user's feeds.
One way of doing it is to fan out an action to all interested parties's feed.
That would result in a query like select from feeds where userid=
otherwise i could avoid writing so much data and since i am already doing a read I could do:
select from feeds where userid IN (list of friends).
is the second one slower? I don't have the application yet to test this with a lot of data/clustering. As the application is big writing code to test a single node is not worth it so I ask for your knowledge.
If your title is correct, and userid is a secondary index, then running a SELECT/WHERE/IN is not even possible. The WHERE/IN clause only works with primary key values. When you use it on a column with a secondary index, you will see something like this:
Bad Request: IN predicates on non-primary-key columns (columnName) is not yet supported
Also, the DataStax CQL3 documentation for SELECT has a section worth reading about using IN:
When not to use IN
The recommendations about when not to use an index apply to using IN
in the WHERE clause. Under most conditions, using IN in the WHERE
clause is not recommended. Using IN can degrade performance because
usually many nodes must be queried. For example, in a single, local
data center cluster with 30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a
consistency level of LOCAL_QUORUM, a single key query goes out to two
nodes, but if the query uses the IN condition, the number of nodes
being queried are most likely even higher, up to 20 nodes depending on
where the keys fall in the token range.
As for your first query, it's hard to speculate about performance without knowing about the cardinality of userid in the feeds table. If userid is unique or has a very high number of possible values, then that query will not perform well. On the other hand, if each userid can have several "feeds," then it might do ok.
Remember, Cassandra data modeling is about building your data structures for the expected queries. Sometimes, if you have 3 different queries for the same data, the best plan may be to store that same, redundant data in 3 different tables. And that's ok to do.
I would tackle this problem by writing a table geared toward that specific query. Based on what you have mentioned, I would build it like this:
userid UUID,
feedid UUID,
action text,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, feedid));
With a composite primary key made up of userid as the partitioning key you will then be able to run your SELECT/WHERE/IN query mentioned above, and achieve the expected results. Of course, I am assuming that the addition of feedid will make the entire key unique. if that is not the case, then you may need to add an additional field to the PRIMARY KEY. My example is also assuming that userid and feedid are version-4 UUIDs. If that is not the case, adjust their types accordingly.
