How to unprotect memory region spanning several pages on one go? - linux

I'm trying to unprotect a chunk of memory region which spans several pages.
I'm using this code to unprotect one page of the memory however i need to unprotect several pages at one go as i'm experiencing segfault when accessing other pages I have a start address and an end address on hand however the function below makes use of my start address rdi and gives me write access to the current page, how can i make use of the end address r15 such that i can have write access spanning rdi -> r15 memory pages:
For example: write access on pages spanning from rdi = 0x4012a0 to r15 = 0x402340 address in one go
call getpagesize
; rax has 0x1000
mov rcx, rax
; save rax for later use when passing to mprotect
sub rcx, 0x1
not rcx
mov rdi, %1
and rdi, rcx
; AND them and the result will be stored in rcx
; rdi must hold the page_start address
mov rsi, rax
; rsi must have the page length
mov rdx, 0x7
; read+write+exec = 0x7
call mprotect

This isn't quite right:
; rsi must have the page length
Here, rsi is the second argument to the mprotect() call, which is supposed to be the length of the area you're changing. If you want the length of the area to be larger than one page then you need rsi to be greater than the value you got from call getpagesize.
Specifically; maybe you want something more like:
call getpagesize
; rax has 0x1000
mov rcx, rax
; save rax for later use when passing to mprotect
sub rcx, 0x1
not rcx
mov rdi, %1
and rdi, rcx
; AND them and the result will be stored in rcx
; rdi must hold the page_start address
mov rsi, r15 ;rsi = end
sub rsi,rdi ;rsi = end - aligned_start = length
mov rdx, 0x7
; read+write+exec = 0x7
call mprotect


How to use value on address acquired from mmap?

having this nasm:
%define O_RDONLY 0
%define PROT_READ 0x1
%define MAP_PRIVATE 0x2
section .data
fname: db 'test.txt', 0
section .text
global _start
mov r15, [rdi]
add r15, 1 ; have tried `inc byte[rdi]` - did not work either
mov [rdi], r15
; else is according to book (so correct)
push rdi
call str_len
pop rsi
mov rdx, rax
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
xor rax, rax
cmp byte [rdi+rax], 0
je .end
inc rax
jmp .loop
;call open
mov rax, 2
mov rdi, fname
mov rsi, O_RDONLY
mov rdx, 0
mov r8, rax
mov rax, 9
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, 4094
mov rdx, PROT_READ
mov r10, MAP_PRIVATE
mov r9, 0
mov rdi, rax ;returned address
call print
mov rax, 60
xor rdi, rdi
The file test.txt contains only one char at the beginning - 5.
I got address from region asked by mmap in rax, which I then move to rdi.
And I simply want to increment the value (at that address - now being in rdi):
mov r15, [rdi]
add r15, 1 ; have tried `inc byte[rdi]` - did not work either
mov [rdi], r15
push rdi
So i temporary move the value on r15, the increment it (add it 1), and try to move it back to address of that region (address still in rdi). But then segfault.
Why is that? Why cannot I use the value on the address (to the acquired region from mmap), which contain 5 - one byte (on which the rdi points), and use it in arithmetic?
If that would be address declared in data segment, then there would be no problem (I have tried). But the address is from mmap, So how does it differ, and how to fix that?
Writing to read-only memory segfaults (mov [rdi], r15 qword store, or inc byte [rdi] byte RMW).
You need PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE if you want to be able to write as well as read.
(Note that writing to a MAP_PRIVATE mapping triggers a copy-on-write, leaving you with a private page that's no longer backed by the file, just like if you'd done a read into a MAP_ANONYMOUS page.)

Writing to allocated memory with sbrk results in segfault [duplicate]

I am trying to dynamically allocate memory into the heap and then assign values in those memory addresses. I understand how to allocate the memory but how would I assign for example the value in a register to that first dynamic memory address?
This is what I have so far:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ;initialize an empy stack to create activation records for the rest of the subroutines
mov rax, 0x2d ;linux system call for brk()
mov rbx, 0x0 ;to get the adress of the first adress we are allocating we must have 0 in rbx
int 0x80 ;calls the linux operating system kernel for assistance
mov [brk_firstLocation], rax ;the first position in the heap will be returned in rax thus i save the first loaction in a varable called brk_firstLocation
mov rbx, rax ;the memory adress of the start of the heap is moved in rbx
add rbx, 0x14 ;we want 5 bytes worth of data alocated in the heap, so the start adress plus 20 bits
mov rax, 0x2d ;linux system call for brk()
int 0x80 ;calls the linux operating system kernel for assistance
What would I do, for example, to mov the value in rax into brk_firstLocation
others have pointed out a few things that are wrong with your code. I would like to add that you would not add 20 bits to the current breakpoint (or 20 bytes like add rbx, 20 actually does), you would simply add 5 bytes.
Also, your first syscall argument will not be in rbx, it will be in rdi. The 64-bit syscall ABI uses different system call numbers, different registers, and a different instruction (syscall instead of int 0x80) than the 32-bit ABI (which is still available in 64-bit processes). See also the x86 tag wiki for more ABI links.
Here's how your code should look:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;; sys_brk(0)
mov rax, 12 ; 12 is SYS_brk (/usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h)
mov rdi, 0 ; rdi for first syscall arg in the 64-bit ABI, not rbx
syscall ; syscall, not int 0x80, for the 64-bit ABI
mov qword [brk_firstLocation], rax
;; sys_brk(old_break + 5)
lea rdi, [rax + 5] ; add 5 bytes to the break point
mov rax, 12
syscall ; set the new breakpoint
At this point you can use brk_firstLocation as a pointer to whatever 5 byte struct you want to store on the heap. Here's how you would put values in that memory space:
mov rdi, [brk_firstLocation] ; load the pointer from memory, if you didn't already have it in a register
mov byte [rdi], 'A' ; a char in the first byte
mov [rdi+1], ecx ; a 32-bit value in the last 4 bytes.
int 80h is only for 32 bit system calls. Use syscall for 64 bit instead.
Calling sys_brk twice is redundant - in assembly you always know where your program data ends. Simply put a label there and you will have the address.
Allocating this way memory less than one page is pointless, it will be allocated in blocks of 4KB anyway.
It is important to be understood - sys_brk is not heap management function. It is low level memory management.
There are a number of problems I see:
0x2d is the brk system call on x86 (32 bit); on x86_64 it's 0xc
brk sets the end of the data segment; it returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. It does not return "the first position in the heap". That comes from the symbol _end which the linker sets to the end of the uninitialized preallocated data.
So you want something like:
mov [brk_firstloaction], _end
mov rbx, [brk_firstlocation]
add rbx, 0x14 ; space for 5 dwords (20 bytes)
mov rax, 12
int 0x80
As you have done, call once to retrieve the current bottom of heap, then move the top of heap (which is the brk value). However your code is not correct in using the 64-bit register set r.x. If your Linux is 32-bit (as implied by the use of 45 for the syscall number), then you want the 32-bit register set:
mov eax, 45 ; brk
mov ebx, 0 ; arg 1: 0 = fail returning brk value in rax
int 0x80 ; syscall
mov dword ptr [brk_firstLocation], rax ; save result
mov eax, 45 ; brk
mov ebx, 4 ; arg 1: allocate 4 bytes for a 32-bit int
int 0x80 ; syscall
mov eax, dword ptr [brk_firstLocation] ; reload rax with allocated memory address.
mov dword ptr [eax], 42 ; use result: store 42 in newly allocated storage
Of course you can re-load the saved value for re-use as many times as needed.

push/pop segmentation fault in simple multiplication function

my teacher is doing a crash course in assembly with us, and I have no experience in it whatsoever. I am supposed to write a simple function that takes four variables and calculates (x+y)-(z+a) and then prints out the answer. I know it's a simple problem, but after hours of research I am getting no where, any push in the right direction would be very helpful! I do need to use the stack, as I have more things to add to the program once I get past this point, and will have a lot of variables to store. I am compiling using nasm and gcc, in linux. (x86 64)
(side question, my '3' isn't showing up in register r10, but I am in linux so this should be the correct register... any ideas?)
Here is my code so far:
global main
extern printf
segment .data
mulsub_str db "(%ld * %ld) - (%ld * %ld) = %ld",10,0
data dq 1, 2, 3, 4
segment .text
call multiplyandsubtract
pop r9
mov rdi, mulsub_str
mov rsi, [data]
mov rdx, [data+8]
mov r10, [data+16]
mov r8, [data+24]
mov rax, 0
call printf
;;multiplies first function
mov rax, [data]
mov rdi, [data+8]
mul rdi
mov rbx, rdi
push rbx
;;multiplies second function
mov rax, [data+16]
mov rsi, [data+24]
mul rsi
mov rbx, rsi
push rbx
;;subtracts function 2 from function 1
pop rsi
pop rdi
sub rdi, rsi
push rdi
push in the right direction
Nice pun!
Your problem is that you apparently don't seem to know that ret is using the stack for the return address. As such push rdi; ret will just go to the address in rdi and not return to your caller. Since that is unlikely to be a valid code address, you get a nice segfault.
To return values from functions just leave the result in a register, standard calling conventions normally use rax. Here is a possible version:
global main
extern printf
segment .data
mulsub_str db "(%ld * %ld) - (%ld * %ld) = %ld",10,0
data dq 1, 2, 3, 4
segment .text
sub rsp, 8
call multiplyandsubtract
mov r9, rax
mov rdi, mulsub_str
mov rsi, [data]
mov rdx, [data+8]
mov r10, [data+16]
mov r8, [data+24]
mov rax, 0
call printf
add rsp, 8
;;multiplies first function
mov rax, [data]
mov rdi, [data+8]
mul rdi
mov rbx, rdi
push rbx
;;multiplies second function
mov rax, [data+16]
mov rsi, [data+24]
mul rsi
mov rbx, rsi
push rbx
;;subtracts function 2 from function 1
pop rsi
pop rdi
sub rdi, rsi
mov rax, rdi
PS: notice I have also fixed the stack alignment as per the ABI. printf is known to be picky about that too.
To return more than 64b from subroutine (rax is not enough), you can optionally drop the whole standard ABI convention (or actually follow it, there's surely a well defined way how to return more than 64b from subroutines), and use other registers until you ran out of them.
And once you ran out of spare return registers (or when you desperately want to use stack memory), you can follow the way C++ compilers do:
SUB rsp,<return_data_size + alignment>
CALL subroutine
MOV al,[rsp + <offset>] ; to access some value from returned data
; <offset> = 0 to return_data_size-1, as defined by you when defining
; the memory layout for returned data structure
ADD rsp,<return_data_size + alignment> ; restore stack pointer
MOV al,<result_value_1>
MOV [rsp + 8 + <offset>],al ; store it into allocated stack space
; the +8 is there to jump beyond return address, which was pushed
; at stack by "CALL" instruction. If you will push more registers/data
; at the stack inside the subroutine, you will have either to recalculate
; all offsets in following code, or use 32b C-like function prologue:
PUSH rbp
MOV rbp,rsp
MOV [rbp + 16 + <offset>],al ; now all offsets are constant relative to rbp
... other code ...
; epilogue code restoring stack
MOV rsp,rbp ; optional, when you did use RSP and didn't restore it yet
POP rbp
So during executing the instructions of subroutine, the stack memory layout is like this:
rsp -> current_top_of_stack (some temporary push/pop as needed)
+x ...
rbp -> original rbp value (if prologue/epilogue code was used)
+8 return address to caller
+16 allocated space for returning values
... padding to have rsp correctly aligned by ABI requirements ...
... other caller stack data or it's own stack frame/return address ...
I'm not going to check how ABI defines it, because I'm too lazy, plus I hope this answer is understandable for you to explain the principle, so you will recognize which way the ABI works and adjust...
Then again, I would highly recommend to use rather many shorter simpler subroutines returning only single value (in rax/eax/ax/al), whenever possible, try to follow the SRP (Single Responsibility Principle). The above way will force you to define some return-data-structure, which may be too much hassle, if it's just some temporary thing and can be split into single-value subroutines instead (if performance is endangered, then probably inlining the whole subroutine will outperform even the logic of grouped returned values and single CALL).

I'm getting a segmentation fault in my assembly program [duplicate]

The tutorial I am following is for x86 and was written using 32-bit assembly, I'm trying to follow along while learning x64 assembly in the process. This has been going very well up until this lesson where I have the following simple program which simply tries to modify a single character in a string; it compiles fine but segfaults when ran.
section .text
global _start ; Declare global entry oint for ld
jmp short message ; Jump to where or message is at so we can do a call to push the address onto the stack
xor rax, rax ; Clean up the registers
xor rbx, rbx
xor rcx, rcx
xor rdx, rdx
; Try to change the N to a space
pop rsi ; Get address from stack
mov al, 0x20 ; Load 0x20 into RAX
mov [rsi], al; Why segfault?
xor rax, rax; Clear again
; write(rdi, rsi, rdx) = write(file_descriptor, buffer, length)
mov al, 0x01 ; write the command for 64bit Syscall Write (0x01) into the lower 8 bits of RAX
mov rdi, rax ; First Paramter, RDI = 0x01 which is STDOUT, we move rax to ensure the upper 56 bits of RDI are zero
;pop rsi ; Second Parameter, RSI = Popped address of message from stack
mov dl, 25 ; Third Parameter, RDX = Length of message
syscall ; Call Write
; exit(rdi) = exit(return value)
xor rax, rax ; write returns # of bytes written in rax, need to clean it up again
add rax, 0x3C ; 64bit syscall exit is 0x3C
xor rdi, rdi ; Return value is in rdi (First parameter), zero it to return 0
syscall ; Call Exit
call code ; Pushes the address of the string onto the stack
This culprit is this line:
mov [rsi], al; Why segfault?
If I comment it out, then the program runs fine, outputting the message 'AAAABBBNAAAAAAAABBBBBBBB', why can't I modify the string?
The authors code is the following:
global _start
jmp short ender
pop ebx ;get the address of the string
xor eax, eax
mov al, 0x20
mov [ebx+7], al ;put a NULL where the N is in the string
mov al, 4 ;syscall write
mov bl, 1 ;stdout is 1
pop ecx ;get the address of the string from the stack
mov dl, 25 ;length of the string
int 0x80
xor eax, eax
mov al, 1 ;exit the shellcode
xor ebx,ebx
int 0x80
call starter
And I've compiled that using:
nasm -f elf <infile> -o <outfile>
ld -m elf_i386 <infile> -o <outfile>
But even that causes a segfault, images on the page show it working properly and changing the N into a space, however I seem to be stuck in segfault land :( Google isn't really being helpful in this case, and so I turn to you stackoverflow, any pointers (no pun intended!) would be appreciated
I would assume it's because you're trying to access data that is in the .text section. Usually you're not allowed to write to code segment for security. Modifiable data should be in the .data section. (Or .bss if zero-initialized.)
For actual shellcode, where you don't want to use a separate section, see Segfault when writing to string allocated by db [assembly] for alternate workarounds.
Also I would never suggest using the side effects of call pushing the address after it to the stack to get a pointer to data following it, except for shellcode.
This is a common trick in shellcode (which must be position-independent); 32-bit mode needs a call to get EIP somehow. The call must have a backwards displacement to avoid 00 bytes in the machine code, so putting the call somewhere that creates a "return" address you specifically want saves an add or lea.
Even in 64-bit code where RIP-relative addressing is possible, jmp / call / pop is about as compact as jumping over the string for a RIP-relative LEA with a negative displacement.
Outside of the shellcode / constrained-machine-code use case, it's a terrible idea and you should just lea reg, [rel buf] like a normal person with the data in .data and the code in .text. (Or read-only data in .rodata.) This way you're not trying execute code next to data, or put data next to code.
(Code-injection vulnerabilities that allow shellcode already imply the existence of a page with write and exec permission, but normal processes from modern toolchains don't have any W+X pages unless you do something to make that happen. W^X is a good security feature for this reason, so normal toolchain security features / defaults must be defeated to test shellcode.)

Assembly x86 brk() call use

I am trying to dynamically allocate memory into the heap and then assign values in those memory addresses. I understand how to allocate the memory but how would I assign for example the value in a register to that first dynamic memory address?
This is what I have so far:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ;initialize an empy stack to create activation records for the rest of the subroutines
mov rax, 0x2d ;linux system call for brk()
mov rbx, 0x0 ;to get the adress of the first adress we are allocating we must have 0 in rbx
int 0x80 ;calls the linux operating system kernel for assistance
mov [brk_firstLocation], rax ;the first position in the heap will be returned in rax thus i save the first loaction in a varable called brk_firstLocation
mov rbx, rax ;the memory adress of the start of the heap is moved in rbx
add rbx, 0x14 ;we want 5 bytes worth of data alocated in the heap, so the start adress plus 20 bits
mov rax, 0x2d ;linux system call for brk()
int 0x80 ;calls the linux operating system kernel for assistance
What would I do, for example, to mov the value in rax into brk_firstLocation
others have pointed out a few things that are wrong with your code. I would like to add that you would not add 20 bits to the current breakpoint (or 20 bytes like add rbx, 20 actually does), you would simply add 5 bytes.
Also, your first syscall argument will not be in rbx, it will be in rdi. The 64-bit syscall ABI uses different system call numbers, different registers, and a different instruction (syscall instead of int 0x80) than the 32-bit ABI (which is still available in 64-bit processes). See also the x86 tag wiki for more ABI links.
Here's how your code should look:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;; sys_brk(0)
mov rax, 12 ; 12 is SYS_brk (/usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h)
mov rdi, 0 ; rdi for first syscall arg in the 64-bit ABI, not rbx
syscall ; syscall, not int 0x80, for the 64-bit ABI
mov qword [brk_firstLocation], rax
;; sys_brk(old_break + 5)
lea rdi, [rax + 5] ; add 5 bytes to the break point
mov rax, 12
syscall ; set the new breakpoint
At this point you can use brk_firstLocation as a pointer to whatever 5 byte struct you want to store on the heap. Here's how you would put values in that memory space:
mov rdi, [brk_firstLocation] ; load the pointer from memory, if you didn't already have it in a register
mov byte [rdi], 'A' ; a char in the first byte
mov [rdi+1], ecx ; a 32-bit value in the last 4 bytes.
int 80h is only for 32 bit system calls. Use syscall for 64 bit instead.
Calling sys_brk twice is redundant - in assembly you always know where your program data ends. Simply put a label there and you will have the address.
Allocating this way memory less than one page is pointless, it will be allocated in blocks of 4KB anyway.
It is important to be understood - sys_brk is not heap management function. It is low level memory management.
There are a number of problems I see:
0x2d is the brk system call on x86 (32 bit); on x86_64 it's 0xc
brk sets the end of the data segment; it returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. It does not return "the first position in the heap". That comes from the symbol _end which the linker sets to the end of the uninitialized preallocated data.
So you want something like:
mov [brk_firstloaction], _end
mov rbx, [brk_firstlocation]
add rbx, 0x14 ; space for 5 dwords (20 bytes)
mov rax, 12
int 0x80
As you have done, call once to retrieve the current bottom of heap, then move the top of heap (which is the brk value). However your code is not correct in using the 64-bit register set r.x. If your Linux is 32-bit (as implied by the use of 45 for the syscall number), then you want the 32-bit register set:
mov eax, 45 ; brk
mov ebx, 0 ; arg 1: 0 = fail returning brk value in rax
int 0x80 ; syscall
mov dword ptr [brk_firstLocation], rax ; save result
mov eax, 45 ; brk
mov ebx, 4 ; arg 1: allocate 4 bytes for a 32-bit int
int 0x80 ; syscall
mov eax, dword ptr [brk_firstLocation] ; reload rax with allocated memory address.
mov dword ptr [eax], 42 ; use result: store 42 in newly allocated storage
Of course you can re-load the saved value for re-use as many times as needed.
