Open specific Folder in excel using in VisualStudio - excel

I have to update an add-in that not written by me and i have to add a button that opens the specific path. I have no idea about this add-in. I could just add the button...
Private Sub RBOpenFolder_OnClick(sender As Object, control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean) Handles RBOpenFolder.OnClick
End Sub
....\AppData\Local\AppName I have to access this address but the path changes on each pc has this add-in.
So in my computer C:\Users\Taylan\AppData\Local\AppName

If I am understanding this correctly, you are trying to access the user's local AppData folder via your application.
To achieve this, simply use the Environment.GetFolderPath and specify the local application data folder:
Dim FolderNameAs String
FolderName = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)
In your case, this would return:
You will then need to append the remainder of your path to this, so add AppName:
FolderName = System.IO.Path.Combine(FolderName, "AppName")
The FolderName variable will then contain:


Changing the location of a referenced library

I have a C# Library which I use in an Excel VBA project. I wish now wish to restructure my project and want to move the library to a different folder. However after removing the reference to the library and deleting all instances of the library from my computer, the References Available box for the project still shows the reference to the old library location even though it no longer exists on the computer and nothing I do seems to be able to remove that reference.
I don't know if this makes any difference, but the project is an Excel AddIn.
I had this problem back in 2019, and received a response to a question with the same title in April 2019. On that occasion the the issue was resolved by following the advise given. However this time the system stubbornly refuses to play ball.
The procedure that I was advised to follow in 2019 was:
Remove the reference
Save the File and close it
Delete the dll (in my case the .tbl) file from your computer. Do not save it anywhere.
ReOpen the file
Check if there is any reference still there. If not copy the dll to a new folder and then set a reference again. Save and close the file.
ReOpen to check if everything is OK
I was going to try code to remove the reference, but the following code did not find the reference
Sub delRef()
deleteReference ("FiskDLLlib")
End Sub
Sub deleteReference(s As String)
Dim oFs As Object, oReferences As Object, oReference As Object
Dim sFileName As String, sRefName As String, sRefFileName As String
Dim toBeDeletedRef As String
Set oReferences = Application.Workbooks("fiskAIWkBook.xlam").VBProject.References
For Each oReference In oReferences
sRefFileName = oReference.FullPath
sRefName =
If sRefName = s Then
toBeDeletedRef = s
Exit For
End If
If toBeDeletedRef <> "" Then
Debug.Print oReference.FullPath
Debug.Print "No Reference found for " & s
End If
End Sub
Similarly the Watches panel didn't show the library.
I have subsequently discovered a registry key
the value of which was set to the location of the reference I am trying to remove. I changed this to a reference to the new location in which I want to store my dll (.tlb) file. This at least looked like it would allow me to create a new reference in the References box but on clicking OK I got a message saying "Error in loading DLL"
I resolved my problem in the end by removing all references to the library in the Registry with a registry Cleanup tool (ReImage) before copying the library to its new directory and then reregistering it with regASM

Do the DSOFile functions only apply to the non-binary Excel Document types?

Using Windows 10 (Build 1903 if that's relevant?) and 64bit Office 365 (probably relevant?) I've implemented a system that allows me to version control Excel VBA code.
I'm using the Workbook_BeforeSave method to check whether the current file is saved or not, and if it is saved, where it is saved to.
This works fine and will prompt the user as to whether they want to update the code contained within. I then thought that maybe I should in fact check if the code "needs" to be updated prior to prompting the user.
First off, I found the following question/solution: Using VBA to read the metadata or file properties of files in a SharePoint doc library
which I couldn't use without DSOFile.dll that I was able to install from here:
Here follows the code I have which doesn't work:
Private Function CheckTemplateIsNewerThanCurrentFile(ByVal templatePath As String) As Boolean
Dim templateName As String
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
templateName = ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("TemplateName").Value
If fso.FileExists(templatePath & "\" & LocalTemplateName) Then
Dim objDSO As New DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties
objDSO.Open templatePath & "\" & LocalTemplateName, True, dsoOptionDefault
If Not objDSO.CustomProperties("LastCommitDate") = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("LastCommitDate").Value Then
CheckTemplateIsNewerThanCurrentFile = False
CheckTemplateIsNewerThanCurrentFile = True
TemplateLastCommitDate = objDSO.CustomProperties.Item("LastCommitDate")
End If
End If
End Function
And here (highlighted) is the error I receive trying to run the method above on an .xlsb file:
(FWIW: the reason for use of the .xlsb format is because we're working with 500K+ rows of data in the process we're carrying out. Yes, I know Excel is ABSOLUTELY NOT the tool for this but we're lumbered with it now)
I know I could have already tried changing the file format to .xlsm but because this file is version controlled that is a pain to do if the method is still likely to fail.
Thanks in advance,

custom function in excel using vba that works in any matchine

I have created a custom function via vba in excel. If I use it in my computer, it works ok, but if I change the file to another computer (where this computer also has the created function), it does not work. I must change the path of the created function. Is there any way to not change the path everytime I copy the file into another computer?
Solution 1: You could use a common paths in both computers
(for example: C:\work , C:\Work2)
Solution 2: You could put all files in the same path (C:\work), then you only need the to put the file name
Just save your add-in in the correct path on every computer.
It should be something like:
See Install and Use Excel Add-ins to determine the correct path.
If your add-in is installed correctly you should be able to run your user defined function without a path.
You can call special folder with application.
MsgBox Application.DefaultFilePath
This example will be: C:\Users\Usuario1\Documents
'Here are a few VBA path functions
MsgBox Application.Path
MsgBox Application.DefaultFilePath
MsgBox Application.TemplatesPath
MsgBox Application.StartupPath
MsgBox Application.UserLibraryPath
MsgBox Application.LibraryPath
You can too create wscrit object to call another paths, for example:
MsgBox CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
Example folders for object:
And execute a macro like this,(allways have to use same directory):
Sub Macro()
AddIns.Add Filename:=Application.DefaultFilePath & "\Complement.xlam"
AddIns("Complement").Installed = True
End Sub

How to discover Oleobject ClassType of files?

I'm stuck how to determine files' Classtypes needed to use in code to embed these files into a Word document:
Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:="AcroExch.Document.11", _
FileName:="C:\Work\Dashbaord & ".pdf", LinkToFile:=False, _
I need to embed csv, pdf, xlsx and txt files. How I can automatically loop all files in folders and automatically determine the ClassType of each?
In order to insert a file as an OLE Object the file type needs to have an available OLE Server installed on the machine, or it needs to be in a format that the Windows Packager mechanism can "wrap up" into an OLE type. Before you go this route you need to ensure that anyone who tries to work with such a document has corresponding OLE Server software installed on the machine on which the document is opened. Just because the machine that creates an embedded OLE object can do so doesn't mean another machine can work with the result, later on.
OLE Server software will be noted in the Registry. The Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) are able to function as OLE Servers. In the Registry you'll find corresponding entries such as Word.Document and Excel.Workbook... or AcroExch.Document for PDF files if Microsoft Office and the Adobe Acrobat Reader are installed.
One way to figure out which ClassTypes to use would be to manually insert each file type and inspect the resulting Embed field code.
To look the ClassTypes up in the Registry, something like the following code sample can be used in Word. Word has the function System.PrivateProfileString that wraps up a Windows API call to the Registry. It can be used to retrieve and to write information. (This code does not loop the files in a directory as the question was about how to determine the ClassType. For the sake of simplicity a file extension is hard-coded.)
A file type that does not have an OLE Server won't have a . in the default value of the Registry key. A .txt file, for example, is listed as txtfile. You may have to watch out for some file types; for example on my installation a csv file is listed as Excel.CSV, which may not be what you want...
Sub RetrieveOLEInfo()
Dim fileExt As String
Dim regKey As String
Dim oleServer As String
fileExt = "docx"
regKey = "HKEY_Classes_Root\."
oleServer = System.PrivateProfileString("", regKey & fileExt, "")
'Debug.Print oleServer
If InStr(oleServer, ".") = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Insert as a Package"
Debug.Print "Insert as: " & oleServer
End If
End Sub

Cannot add DLL reference with AddFromFile

I am trying to use a COM visible .NET DLL from Excel VBA. I have been successful when registering the DLL using regasm and then manually adding a reference to it via the Tools -> References menu item in the VBA Developer window.
However, I am now trying to register the DLL without using the regasm command so that the Excel file can be used on any computer without registering the DLL. So far this is what I've tried:
Dim JART_Instance As Object
Sub Initialize()
Dim RefPath As String, X As Byte
Const RefName = "JART xxx"
RefPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\JART\JART.dll"
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.References
For X = 1 To .Count
If .Item(X).Description Like RefName Then
.Remove .Item(X)
End If
.AddFromFile (RefPath)
End With
End Sub
Sub PostInitialize()
Set JART_Instance = New JART.MainJobControl
End Sub
I have added a reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3". When I run the above code I get "Run-time error '48': Error in loading DLL". I have loaded this DLL a couple times using regasm. Do I need to do something like change the GUID's used in the project and retry. I've seen code examples where this is supposed to work.
If I reference the tlb file instead of the .dll I do not get the DLL loading error. Instead I get an error whenever I try to use the JART_Instance variable saying that the reference has not been set. Even though PostInitialize gets called directly after Initialize and there is no evidence that any of the code threw an error or failed to run. If I try to put a "Stop" command in the PostInitialize function it tells me that it "Cannot enter break-mode at this time".
Any ideas, thanks.
Excel-DNA has a helper function that does this for Com Addins written on that platform.
It appears to:
load the addin
register it with CoRegisterClassObject
add it's progid to the registry
add it to the registry key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins
call Application.ComAddins.Update in Excel
remove all the previous registry entries
Unregister the object with CoRevokeClassObject
It would appear that once Excel has loaded the addon, it doesn't unload when the registry entries are removed and CoRevokeClassObject is called. It stays loaded until Excel closes and releases it.
So, it's doable but not easy.
Okay so I've resorted to doing a shell command to register the DLL with regasm. Here is my code:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strWinCmd As String
Dim retVal As Double
strWinCmd = "cmd.exe %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe /u /codebase /tlb .\JART\JART.dll"
retVal = Shell(strWinCmd, vbHide)
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim strWinCmd As String
Dim retVal As Double
strWinCmd = "cmd.exe /c %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe /codebase /tlb """ & Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\JART\JART.dll"""
Call Shell(strWinCmd, vbNormalFocus)
Call Button_Handlers.Sleep(1500)
Call Button_Handlers.Initialize
End Sub
For reference the Button_Handlers.Sleep just calls the system sleep method and Button_Handlers.Initialize does this:
Sub Initialize()
'This JART.MainJobControl is the main class in the JART DLL
Set JART_Instance = New JART.MainJobControl
'Use JART_Instance
End Sub
So basically I'm trying to register the DLL at start-up and un-register it on close. My problem is that when I open this file on a new PC I get an error in Button_Handlers.Initialize. It tells me that I'm trying to use an undefined class (JART.MainJobControl), as if the DLL wasn't referenced. If I try to reopen the file everything works fine???
The way I'm doing this is manually adding the reference to the DLL on a machine that already has it registered with regasm. I then save this excel file and transport it to a machine that hasn't had the DLL registered and try to open it and run it. I think that since the reference is already added to the excel file, alls the code has to do is register it with regasm. Does anyone know why this wouldn't work? Am I not sleeping long enough. I may post this as a separate question.
