Queue triggers not working directly after deployment - azure

I have a (C#-based) Function App on a consumption plan that only contains queue triggers. When I deploy it (via Azure DevOps) and have something written to the queue, the trigger does not fire unless I go to the Azure Console and visit the Function App. It also works to add an HTTP trigger to the App and call that. After that, all other triggers work.
The same phenomenon is observed with Timer triggers.
My hypothesis is that these triggers only work when the runtime is active but not directly after deployment when no runtime was created. Is that true? If so, what is the suggested way around this?
My only workaround idea is to add an HTTP trigger and fire regular keepalive pings to that trigger. But that sounds wrong.


Azure Queue Trigger not firing when deployed

I am new to Azure and most cloud technologies but I am trying to learn. Recently I created a queue trigger in Visual Studio Code and I ran a HTTP trigger that sent messages to the queue and created a queue trigger that printed it out to logs. When I deploy this to Azure I am able to call the HTTP trigger to put items in the queue, but for some reason the queue trigger is not firing. Have you guys encountered this problem?
When I run it locally it seems to trigger but when I deploy it nothing happens.
json file
queue trigger
Are you sure the queue trigger will be triggered by the storage queue? Have you configured the queue trigger correct? Any way, please show your code and related files such as function.json or local.settings.json

Event Grid doesn't trigger using Logic Apps

I have to create a Logic App using the Event Grid, so whenever a new file is created/uploaded in our General Purpose V2 Storage Account it should post a message in slack. This is how it currently looks like.
However, once one file is created/uploaded nothing shows up in slack. There aren't any runs in the "Runs history" and trying to press the button to "Run Trigger" causes the this error.
I also tried to create the Grid Topic and use the Event Grid Subscription for it, yet I got the same error.
Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?
There is no problem with your trigger from your picture. There aren't any runs in the Runs history, this means your trigger is not triggered.
Note:When a resource event occurs this trigger could only be triggered by the blob file modification including creating blob and renaming. If your action is the container modification, it won't trigger it. And you could check the See trigger history.
And about your trigger error Failed to start a logic app run, this is because you run the trigger in the portal, the expression #triggerBody() will be null it won't trigger the flow.
Then I test with different storage account and different logic app ,all of them could be triggered.
Hope this could help you, if you still have other questions,please let me know.
Register EventGrid as a Resource Provider in your Subscription.

v2 Azure Function with Service Bus trigger not firing

I am using Azure Functions V2 with a Service Bus trigger using 1.0.23 of the C# Functions SDK. I'm using the following approach to get secrets from KeyVault and use them within the settings of the triggers: How to map Azure Functions secrets from Key Vault automatically
The function, especially when it has done nothing for a while, doesn't fire when there are messages on the subscription. If I then go to the portal and execute manually (yes, that particular execution is fired with a null message) it kicks it into life and picks up the other messages on the queue and processes them correctly.
This obviously isn't ideally for our automated tests. Has anybody seen this, or know of anything that will help?
Also, the Function App is running on a consumption plan.
App Service Plan
If you're using App Service plan then it's simple, just make use of Always on
Consumption Plan
If you're using Consumption plan, the issue could be that your triggers did not sync properly with the Azure Infrastructure (Central Listener). It could have happened due to the way you deployed/edited your trigger related settings as explained in issue #210 below.
When you access the function directly from Portal, it might be forcing your function app to come alive, but as you can see that's only a workaround. Something similar is mentioned here
Take a look at these issues:
Service Bus Topic Trigger goes to sleep - Consumption Plan
They also mention that it wakes up only on accessing it via the portal or calling a HTTP triggered function in the same app, which is similar to the behavior you are seeing.
Issue #210
Issue #681
There are 3 suggested ways to resolve it, mentioned as part of Issue #210 above
In order to synchronize triggers when these deployment options are
used, open the Azure Portal and click the Refresh button, or make a
API call to the sync triggers endpoint:
Powershell sample:
I've had a similar issue. ServiceBus connection was injected using ServiceBus value in ConnectionStrings section of Function configuration. This is enough when Function is in hot state but after transitioning to cold state AzureWebJobsServiceBus value is used to connect to service bus. So in my case setting AzureWebJobsServiceBus to ServiceBus connection string in Function configuration fixed this.

Programmatically Schedule one-time execution of Azure function

I have looked through documentation for WebJobs, Functions and Logic Apps in Azure but I cannot find a way to schedule a one-time execution of a process through code. My users need to be able to schedule notifications to go out at a specific time in the future (usually within a few hours or a day from being scheduled). Everything I am reading on those processes is using CRON expressions which is not designed for one-time executions. I realize that I could schedule the job to run on intervals and check the database to see if the rest of the job needs to run, but I would like to avoid running the jobs unnecessarily if possible. Any help is appreciated.
If it is relevant, I am using C#, ASP.NET MVC Core, App Services and a SQL database all hosted in Azure. My plan was to use Logic apps to check the database for a scheduled event and send notifications through Twilio, SendGrid, and iOS/Android push notifications.
One option is to create Azure Service Bus Messages in your App using the ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc property. This will create the message in the queue, but will only be consumable at that time.
Then a Logic App could be listening to that Service Bus Queue and doing the further processing, e.g. SendGrid, Twilio, etc...
You could use Azure Queue trigger with deferred visibility. This will keep the message invisible for a specified timeout. This conveniently acts as a timer.
CloudQueue queueOutput; // same queue as trigger listens on
var strjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message); // message is your payload
var cloudMsg = new CloudQueueMessage(strjson);
var delay = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
queueOutput.AddMessage(cloudMsg, initialVisibilityDelay: delay);
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.storage.queue.cloudqueue.addmessage?view=azure-dotnet for more details on this overload of AddMessage.
You can use Azure Automation to schedule tasks programmatically using REST API. Learn about it here.
You can use Azure Event Grid also. Based on this article you can “Extend existing workflows by triggering a Logic App once there is a new record in your database".
Hope this helps.
The other answers are all valid options, but there are some others as well.
For Logic Apps you can build this behavior into the app as described in the Scheduler migration guide. The solution described there is to create a logic app with a http trigger, and pass the desired execution time to that trigger (in post data or query parameters). The 'Delay Until' block can then be used to postpone the execution of the following steps to the time passed to the trigger.
You'd have to change the logic app to support this, but depending on the use case that may not be an issue.
For Azure functions a similar pattern could be achieved using Durable Functions which has support for Timers.

Azure triggered webjob not triggering when there are message in azure service bus

I have a web job that is supposed to be a triggered web job. I have it been deployed to azure fine and it is listed as a triggered webjob. However when I add things to the azure service bus that it has a function for. When i trigger it from the UI it works and will respond to my messages.
My host is configured like so
var config = new JobHostConfiguration
JobActivator = new MyActivator(container)
var host = new JobHost(config);
My Function looks something like this
public void ProcessQueueMessage([ServiceBusTrigger("recipetest")] ProductName message, TextWriter log)
I have been looking for a while now but all google searches have given me back continuous web jobs with function triggers. Can anyone tell me how to get the web job to wake up and handle messages. I have found most other answers talk about always on but triggered jobs should work without always on.
In my opinion, the differences between continuous webJob and trigger webjob is as below:
Continuous webJob: Always run a backend exe in the web application.
In webjob SDK ServiceBusTrigger scenarios, even though your individual functions are 'triggered', the WebJob as a while runs continuously (i.e. your exe keeps running and does its own internal triggering).
Triggered webjob: Triggered by schedule or manually.
Notice: Webjobs are all run by the web app's process and web apps are unloaded if they are idle for some period of time. This lets the system conserve resources.
So both Continuous and Triggered (scheduled CRON) webjobs require 'Always on'.
To use ServiceBusTrigger, your WebJob has to be continuous.
To add a little more detail, the ServiceBusTriggerAttribute actually does poll the Message Queue that it monitors using a backoff if no messages are found. So you can see that messages added to the queue do not "wake up" a WebJob and tell it to do something - instead the ServiceBusTriggerAttribute polls and will find when new messages are waiting to be processed. This is why the WebJob can't be Triggered if you're using ServiceBusTriggerAttribute.
