How can I automatically/periodically copy a file from an FTP server to a different Ubuntu server, using that Ubuntu server? - linux

I'm trying to get a Ubuntu server to periodically (preferably whenever it gets updated, if possible) to copy a file remotely from an FTP server to a directory on the Ubuntu server. I should note I'm not very advanced with this kind of stuff.
I of course am not doing this without a tutorial, however it doesn't cover grabbing the file from an ftp.
What would be simplest for me is to be able to run:
tail -F ftp://ftp.addr.ess/files/file-i-want.txt | grep --line-buffered": <" | while read x ; do echo -ne $x | curl -X POST -d #- http://url/hook ; done
What I'm following has that FTP address as a local address. This is a problem, because that command returns this:
tail: cannot open 'ftp://ftp.addr.ess/files/file-i-want.txt' for reading: No such file or directory
I've tried to run:
rsync username#ftp.addr.ess:XX/files/file-i-want.txt /home/ubuntu/destination
however this returns:
ssh: connect to host ftp.addr.ess port XX: Connection refused.
So really if I can get rsync to run FTP instead of SSH, I figure I'd be golden. I researched it though and I can't figure out how to do this (keep in mind I'm no programmer). I originally thought the error was because I wasn't giving it a password, because I didn't know how. It might be that also, though.
This however brings me to my next issue. If it's possible to make rsync do FTP instead of SSH, how would I make it periodically do that?

What is being updated? The remote file (my guess) or something on your server? If it's the remote file, you're out of luck unless there is mecanism/process on the remote server that can send you a notification (an email for example).
I've not used ftp for ages, but have a look at this as a starting point.
A periodic task can be quite easily configured with a cron task.


How to hide telnet connection logs from getting printed in screen

I have a script which telnet to remote system & user can interact with remote system. But i want to hide telnet connection logs from getting printed for security reasons. I tried all the redirection techniques like (> , 1>, 2>), but my purpose is not served. "1>" is not allowing to interact with remote system.
How to redirect/hide only telnet connection logs (or first 3 connection lines) below & make telnet session interactive ?
script :
telnet 7777
sample issue execution :
Trying // redirect
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
sample expected execution :
There is no easy fix for this, as those three lines are simply printf() in the code. It would be a great deal of effort to remove those lines and allow interactive connections.
However, it is a simple client side change to modify the telnet client source and recompiling:
Download inetutils-2.3 from here.
Extract with tar -xJvf inetutils-2.3.tar.xz.
cd inetutils-2.3.
Use the patch in this answer: patch telnet/commands.c < /path/to/telnet.patch
patching file telnet/commands.c
Then test:
2>/dev/null ./telnet/telnet 22
Copy this version of telnet into your PATH somewhere. Possibly rename it stelnet.

Using the remote server's aliases while connecting through a ssh connection

i've been trying to configure my application to send through commands via ssh. The ssh connection definitely works okay but I want to be able to send through '1' on the command line and this to open a file on the remote server. This alias works correctly on the remote machine but it won't work when the '1' command is given through ssh. I've read around and apparently this is happening due to the shell being non-interactive. However, due to the constraints of my application I can't alter the ssh launch script easily. I'm instead looking for a way to alter the remote machine's ~bashrc file to allow the local machine to access the aliases on it. I've tried adding
if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
shopt -s expand_aliases
To the ~bashrc file but it doesn't work.Any help would be a godsend!
I worked out why this was not working, within my code i had connect to ssh and then immediately disconnect from ssh channel. The process was being run but then immediately shut down before it had time to execute.

Using local system as ssh client and server

I am using local system to learn ssh and what I am trying to do is execute a command on the remote server.
I have ssh server running on terminal1 and client on terminal2.
I used the following command on terminal2:
ssh user1# echo Display this.
but it echoes on terminal2. How would I know if the command actually worked if it's not displaying in terminal1?
Thank you.
It worked correctly. It ssh'd into the server, executed the command, and returned the stdout of that command back to you.
SSH gains access to the server, but not necessarily any TTY's active on it. You would have to jump through some hoops to send text to a specific TTY, such as your Terminal1.
A better test would be:
ssh user1# 'touch ~/testfile'
Then you can check on your server (which is localhost) to see if testfile was created in your user1 home folder. If it did, then the connection and the command succeeded.

How to transfer files from remote to remote via ftp?

I want to transfer files between two servers , files size is aproximately 170GB.
On one server , there is Direct Admin control panel, and on the other one is Cpanel .
I've ftp & ssh access on both servers. I know about scp command on ssh, but as I've tried it and I didn't succeed , I prefer to use ftp commands. Because there were some connection or other errors on ssh , so the transfer progress was stopping and I couldn't resume the progress by skipping already uploaded files. So what should I do?
You can use rsync, it will continue where it stopped.
Go to one of the servers and do:
rsync -avz /where/to/save
You can omit z option if the data is not compressible.
This is with assumption that the user name on both servers is the same.
If not you will need to add -e 'ssh -l login_name' to the above command.

How to scp back to local when I've already sshed into remote machine?

Often I face this situation: I sshed into a remote server and ran some programs, and I want to copy their output files back to my local machine. What I do is remember the file path on remote machine, exit the connection, then scp user#remote:filepath .
Obviously this is not optimal. What I'm looking for is a way to let me scp file back to local machine without exiting the connection. I did some searching, almost all results are telling me how to do scp from my local machine, which I already know.
Is this possible? Better still, is it possible without needing to know the IP address of my local machine?
Given that you have an sshd running on your local machine, it's possible and you don't need to know your outgoing IP address. If SSH port forwarding is enabled, you can open a secure tunnel even when you already have an ssh connection opened, and without terminating it.
Assume you have an ssh connection to some server:
local $ ssh
remote $ echo abc > abc.txt # now we have a file here
OK now we need to copy that file back to our local server, and for some reason we don't want to open a new connection. OK, let's get the ssh command line by pressing Enter ~C (Enter, then tilde, then capital C):
ssh> help
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
That's just like the regular -L/R/D options. We'll need -R, so we hit Enter ~C again and type:
ssh> -R
Forwarding port.
Here we forward remote server's port 2222 to local machine's port 22 (and here is where you need the local SSH server to be started on port 22; if it's listening on some other port, use it instead of 22).
Now just run scp on a remote server and copy our file to remote server's port 2222 which is mapped to our local machine's port 22 (where our local sshd is running).
remote $ scp -P2222 abc.txt user#
user#'s password:
abc.txt 100% 4 0.0KB/s 00:00
We are done!
remote $ exit
Connection to closed.
local $ cat abc.txt
Tricky, but if you really cannot just run scp from another terminal, could help.
I found this one-liner solution on SU to be a lot more straightforward than the accepted answer. Since it uses an environmental variable for the local IP address, I think that it also satisfies the OP's request to not know it in advance.
based on that, here's a bash function to "DownLoad" a file (i.e. push from SSH session to a set location on the local machine)
function dl(){
scp "$1" ${SSH_CLIENT%% *}:/home/<USER>/Downloads
Now I can just call dl somefile.txt while SSH'd into the remote and somefile.txt appears in my local Downloads folder.
I use rsa keys (ssh-copy-id) to get around password prompt
I found this trick to prevent the local bashrc from being sourced on the scp call
Note: this requires SSH access to local machine from remote (is this often the case for anyone?)
The other answers are pretty good and most users should be able to work with them. However, I found the accepted answer a tad cumbersome and others not flexible enough. A VPN server in between was also causing trouble for me with figuring out IP addresses.
So, the workaround I use is to generate the required scp command on the remote system using the following function in my .bashrc file:
function getCopyCommand {
echo "scp user#remote:$(pwd)/$1 ."
I find rsync to be more useful if the local system is almost a mirror of the remote server (including the username) and I require to copy the directory structure also.
function getCopyCommand {
echo "rsync -rvPR user#remote:$(pwd)/$1 /"
The generated scp or rsync command is then simply pasted on my local terminal to retrieve the file.
You would need a local ssh server running in your machine, then you can just:
scp [-r] local_content your_local_user#your_local_machine_ip:
Anyway, you don't need to close your remote connection to make a remote copy, just open another terminal and run scp there.
On your local computer:
scp root#remotemachine_name_or_IP:/complete_path_to_file /local_path
