How to manage rate-limiting in a distributed system? - python-3.x

This is what our WebApp for containers service do:
Take in multiple pdf files
Send them to Azure OCR service (which is rate-limited at 10 per sec)
Get the results back, do some processing and send back the response
Throughout the process, we use multiprocessing to send the files to the OCR service and receive files back (Azure OCR is async in our case). Sometimes when scale hits, we tend to cross the 10 RPS limit.
One thing which can be done is, add a delay. However, our WebApp for container service autoscales on load.
So, the more it autoscales, the higher the delay need to be, as the number of hits increase due to an increase in server instances.
So, what is a good way to handle this issue?
Language: Python


Azure application insights availability from multiple test locations - Are requests fired sequentially or all at one?

I have set-up a standard Availability test to my Azure Functions and APIM in Azure, using the standard availability feature in Application Insights. Azure advises to use a minimum of 5 test locations, i.e. the places from where the Azure servers send web requests to my URL:
Our minimum number of recommended test locations is five to ensure that you can distinguish problems in your website from network issues
My questions: Are the tests coming from these 5 locations all fired at once (concurrent processing) or one-by-one (sequentially)? Since the processing of indivual requests by my API could take up to 30 seconds, I want to know how to interpret the average processing times stated in the test results. Concurrent processing can take much longer than sequential processing and taking the average.
(I am a part of Application Insights team)
Answering the question - neither sequentially nor all at once.
Every location runs tests completely independently from other locations. On top of it, the first test execution is randomized within the first 5 minutes (and after it a test is run every 5 minutes).

What is the optimal architecture design on Azure for an infrequently used backend that needs a robust configuration?

I'm trying to find the optimal cloud architecture to host a software on Microsoft Azure.
The scenario is the following:
A (containerised) REST API is exposed to the users through which they can submit POST and GET requests. POST requests trigger a backend that needs a robust configuration to operate properly and GET requests are sent to fetch the result of the backend, if any. This component of the solution is currently hosted on an Azure Web App Service which does the job perfectly.
The (containerised) backend (triggered by POST requests) perform heavy calculations during a short amount of time (typically 5-10 minutes are allotted for the calculation). This backend needs (at least) 4 cores and 16 Gb RAM, but the more the better.
The current configuration consists in the backend hosted together with the REST API on the App Service with a plan that accommodates the backend's requirements. This is clearly not very cost-efficient, as the backend is idle ~90% of the time. On top of that it's not really scalable despite an automatic scaling rule to spawn new instances based on the CPU use: it's indeed possible that if several POST requests come at the same time, they are handled by the same instance and make it crash due to a lack of memory.
Azure Functions doesn't seem to be an option: the serverless (consumption plan) solution they propose is restricted to 1.5 Gb RAM and doesn't have Docker support.
Azure Container Instances neither, because first the max number of CPUs is 4 (which is really few for the needs here, although acceptable) and second there are cold starts of approximately 2 minutes (I imagine due to the creation of the container group, pull of the image, and so on). Despite the process is async from a user perspective, a high latency is not allowed as the result is expected within 5-10 minutes, so cold starts are a problem.
Azure Batch, which at first glance appears to be a perfect fit (beefy configurations available, made for hpc, cost effective, made for time limited tasks, ...) seems to be slow too (it takes a couple of minutes to create a pool and jobs don't run immediately when submitted).
Do you have any idea what I could use?
Thanks in advance!
Azure Functions
You could look at Azure Functions Elastic Premium plan. EP3 has 4 cores, 14GB of RAM and 250GB of storage.
Premium plan hosting provides the following benefits to your functions:
Avoid cold starts with perpetually warm instances
Virtual network connectivity.
Unlimited execution duration, with 60 minutes guaranteed.
Premium instance sizes: one core, two core, and four core instances.
More predictable pricing, compared with the Consumption plan.
High-density app allocation for plans with multiple function apps.
Batch Considerations
When designing an application that uses Batch, you must consider the possibility of Batch not being available in a region. It's possible to encounter a rare situation where there is a problem with the region as a whole, the entire Batch service in the region, or your specific Batch account.
If the application or solution using Batch always needs to be available, then it should be designed to either failover to another region or always have the workload split between two or more regions. Both approaches require at least two Batch accounts, with each account located in a different region.

Dynamic Service Creation to Distribute Load

The problem we're facing is that we are doing video encoding and want to distribute the load to multiple nodes in the cluster.
We would like to constrain the number of video encoding jobs on a particular node to some maximum value. We would also like to have small video encoding jobs sent to a certain grouping of nodes in the cluster, and long video encoding jobs sent to another grouping of nodes in the cluster.
The idea behind this is to help maintain fairness amongst clients by partitioning the large jobs into a separate pool of nodes. This helps ensure that the small video encoding jobs are not blocked / throttled by a single tenant running a long encoding job.
Using Service Fabric
We plan on using an ASF service for the video encoding. With this in mind we had an idea of dynamically creating a service for each job that comes in. Placement constraints could then be used to determine which pool of nodes a job would run in. Custom metrics based on memory usage, CPU usage ... could be used to limit the number of active jobs on a node.
With this method the node distributing the jobs would have to poll whether a new service could currently be created that satisfies the placement constraints and metrics.
What happens when a service can't be placed on a node? (Using CreateServiceAsync I assume?)
Will this polling be prohibitively expensive?
Our video encoding executable is packaged along with the service which is approximately 80MB. Will this make the spinning up of a new service take a long time? (Minutes vs seconds)
As an alternative to this we could use a reliable queue based system, where the large jobs pool pulls from one queue and the small jobs pool pulls from another queue. This seems like the simpler way, but I want to explore all options to make sure I'm not missing out on some of the features of Service Fabric. Is there another better way you would suggest?
I have no experience with placement constraints and dynamic services, so I can't speak to that.
The polling of the perf counters isn't terribly expensive, that being said it's not a free operation. A one second poll interval shouldn't cause any huge perf impact while still providing a decent degree of resolution.
The service packages get copied to each node at deployment time rather than when services get spun up, so it'll make the deployment a bit slower but not affect service creation.
You're going to want to put the job data in reliable collections any way you structure it, but the question is how. One idea I just had that might be worth considering is making the job processing service a partitioned service and base your partitioning strategy based off encoding job size and/or tenant so that large jobs from the same tenant get stuck in the same queue, and smaller jobs for others go elsewhere.
As an aside, one thing I've dealt with in the past is SF remoting limits the size of the messages sent and throws if its too big, so if your video files are being passed from service to service you're going to want to consider a paging strategy for inter service communication.

Number of instances needed for windows azure application

I'm fairly new to Windows Azure and want to host a survey application that will be filled out by appr. 30.000 users simultaniously.
The application consists of 1 .aspx page that will be sent to the client once, asks 25 questions and will give a wrap-up of the given answers at the end. When the user has given the answer and hits the 'next question' buttons the given answer will be send via an .ashx handler to the server. The response is the next question and answers. The wrap-up is sent to the client after a full postback.
The answer is saved in an Azure Table that is partitioned so that each partition can hold a max of 450 users.
I would like to ask if someone can give an estimated guess about how many web-role instances we need to start in order to have this application keep running. (If that is too hard to say, is it more likely to start 5, 50 or 500 instances?)
What is a better way to go: 20 small instances or 5 large instances?
Thanks for your help!
The most obvious answer: you would be best served by testing this yourself and see how your application holds up. You can easily get performance counters and other diagnostics out of Windows Azure; for instance, you can connect Microsoft SCOM (System Center Operations Manager) to monitor your environment during test. Site Hammer is a simple load testing tool for Windows Azure (on MSDN code gallery).
Apart from this very obvious answer, I will share some guesstimates: given the type of load, you are probably better of with more small instances as opposed to a lower number of large ones, especially since you already have your storage partitioned. If you are really going to have 30K visitors simultaneously and give them a ~15 second interval between reading the questions & posting their answers you are looking at 2,000 requests per second. 10 nodes should be more than enough to handle that load. Remember that this is just a simple estimate, lacking any form of insight in your architecture, etc. For these types of loads, caching is a very good idea; it will dramatically increase the load each node can handle.
However, the best advice I can give you is to make sure that you are actively monitoring. It takes less than 30 minutes to spin up additional instances, so if you monitor your environment and/or make sure that you are notified whenever it starts to choke, you can easily upgrade your setup. Keep in mind that you do need to contact customer support to be able to go over 20 instances (this is a default limit, in place to protect you from over-spending).
Aside from the sage advice tijmenvdk gave you, let me add my opinion on instance size. In general, go with the smallest size that will support your app, and then scale out to handle increased traffic. This way, when you scale back down, your minimum compute cost is kept low. If you ran, say, a pair of extra-large instances as your baseline (since you always want minimum two instances to get the uptime SLA), your cost footprint starts at 0.12 x 8 x 2 = $1.92 per hour, even during low-traffic times. If you go with small instances, you'd be at 0.12 x 1 x 2 = $0.24 per hour.
Each VM size as associated CPU, memory, and local 9non-durable) disk storage, so pick the smallest size unit that your app works efficiently in.
For load/performance-testing, you might also want to consider a hosted solution such as Loadstorm.
How simultaneous are the requests in reality?
Will they all type the address in at exactly the same time?
That said, profile your app locally, this will enable you to estimate CPU, Network and Memory usage on Azure. Then, rather than looking at how many instances you need, look at how you can reduce the requirement! Apply these tips, and profile locally again.
Most performance tips have a tradeoff between cpu, memory or bandwith usage, the idea is to ensure that they scale equally. If you're application runs out of memory, but you have loads of CPU and network, dont
For a single page survey, ensure your html, css & js is minified, ensure its cacheable.
Combine them if possible, and to get really scaleable, push static files (css,js & images) to a CDN. This all reduces the number of requests the webserver has to deal with, and therefore reduces the number of webroles you will need = less network.
How does the ashx return the response? i.e. is it sending html, xml or json?
personally, I'd get it to return JSON, as this will require less network bandwidth, and most likely less server side processing = less mem and network.
Use Asyncronous API's to access azure storage (this uses IO completion ports to free up the iis thread to handle more requests until azure storage comes back = enabling cpu to scale)
tijmenvdk has already mentioned using queues to write. Do the list of questions change? if not, cache them, so that the app only has to read from table storage once on start-up and once for each client for the final wrap-up = saves network and cpu at the expense of memory.
All of these tips are equally applicable to a normal web application, on a single server or web-farm environment.
The point I'm trying to make is that what you can't measure, you cant improve, and measurement, improvement and cost all go hand in hand. Dynamic scaling will reduce costs, but fundamentally if your application hasn't been measured and resource usage optimised, asking how many instances you need is pointless.

How much latency is there transferring data to the Windows Azure Worker Role External Endpoint?

I have an app that I'm thinking about moving to Azure as a Worker Role with an external facing endpoint. It's a small little process that runs in about 200-400ms, but our users would like to start running the little job 50K-100K times a day, per user. Before I go building the Azure prototype, I need to figure out what kind of latency I can expect communicating with an Azure external endpoint. Obviously, the latency depends on the size of information that I'm sending and receiving, and it depends on the speed of my internet connection, but I can't find any metrics anywhere. Are there any kind of base line numbers out there?
For the sake of argument, lets say I'm on a T1 and I'm sending 10K up and 10K down with each job run.
I don't think latency is exactly the term you looking for, that's the delay it takes sending each packet over the network which is affected more by your distance from the server, and the nature of your network.
Having said that, everyones results wrt to latency will be different, the only way to be sure will be to set up a prototype and run some performance tests on it. Also remember with Azure you can specify your data center, so select one near you.
