i want to extract $oid from _id object
first find user & get User id then find notifs by userId
var userId=myUsers.findOne({UniqueDeviceId:payload.query.UniqueDeviceId},{'_id':1});
result of code :
"_id": {
"$oid": "5cc45aa8e432ee5c12b59260"
my expect : "5cc45aa8e432ee5c12b59260"
User Table :
Notif table:
i found my answer
var userId=myUsers.findOne({UniqueDeviceId:payload.query.UniqueDeviceId},{'_id':1});
retun a promise so :
var result=userId.then(function(res){
var notifs = myNotif.find({UserId: res._id}).toArray();
return {UserID : res._id, Notif : notifs};});
retun result;
i wish be usefull
Alright, this might have been asked quite a lot of times but none of them gives me a solution.
Here's my schema.
"_id" : ObjectId("23453453453453"),
"title": "Item 01"
"checkList" : [
"ch_id" : "621eff4e0ed5c751adaa42fb",
"status" : "statu",
"dateMonthYear" : 1646286480139.0,
"val" : "Gopi",
"remarks" : "Good",
"_id" : ObjectId("7555777575")
"ch_id" : "621eff4e0ed5c751adaa42fb",
"status" : "status",
"dateMonthYear" : 1646286480139.0,
"val" : "Gopi",
"remarks" : "Good",
"_id" : ObjectId("7555777575")
What I want to do is update the status in the 2nd object in the checklist array. I can use the following query to update this just fine.
const itemUpdated = await Item.updateOne(
{_id: id, 'checklist._id': req.params.id},
{$set: { "checklist.$.status": req.body.status }},
But, I want to use Mongoose method like save() to update this. Not RAW query. Because with Mongoose methods, I get extra layer of validation and middleware. I checked all over internet but only found ones with raw queries.
How to update a nested object in array with Mongoose ORM ?
Retrieve the Item and loop to its checkList updating the status:
const item = await Item.findOne({ _id: id, 'checklist._id': req.params.id });
if (!item || item.checkList.length === 0) return;
for (let i = 0; i < item.checkList.length; i++) {
item.checkList[i].status = req.body.status;
await item.save();
I finally found this solution that works best for this situation. I don't know why Mongoose docs are so poorly written.
If we have an array of subdocuments, we can fetch the one we need with id() method provided by Mongoose.
const item = await Item.findById(id);
checkListItem = item?.checklist.id(req.params.id);
checkListItem.status = req.body.status;
This worked for me. Hope someone might find this useful!
my mongodb has a collection with data like this
"_id" : ObjectId("62ead2a8dd6922cfd6f466e4"),
"t" : "d",
"u" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("621d3469dd01e282b9a62321"),
"username" : "helxsz"
"users" : [
"createdAt" : ISODate("2022-08-03T19:55:20.965Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-08-03T19:55:20.965Z")
I am using node.js and mongoose to query the document.
let query = {
_id: "621d3469dd01e282b9a62321",
username: "helxsz"
.findOne(query, 'u t ')
why the executed query returns null to me
Maybe is because in your DB the u._id is ObjectId and in your query is a string. Mongoose should (?) parse it but I've faced not-parsed error like this many times.
So try parsing to ObjectId, in this example works.
Also an other problem is trying to search an object like this:
_id: "621d3469dd01e282b9a62321",
username: "helxsz"
Because in this way mongo looks for by the objects with the same order. You have to use dot notation
As an example, check how this query not work all times. To ensure the result you have to use dot notation:
let query = {
"u._id": "621d3469dd01e282b9a62321", // maybe casting to ObjectId is necessary
"u.username": "helxsz",
t: "d"
Example here
More info about Match an Embedded/Nested Document
I have this document in collection "registosSRS":
"_id" : ObjectId("5a3a2b47d04b7e07f8a273dc"),
"sessao" : "5",
"valorRelacao" : "4.89",
"valorObjectivo" : "4.97",
"valorAbordagem" : "4.88",
"valorGeral" : "4.92",
"cliente_id" : "5a1407c8099ca208e48170a5",
"email" : "mgoncalves#psi.uminho.pt",
"data" : 1513761607431
and this document in collection sessao. I've created this document in another place, and set dadosSRS to {} because I want to later change this value. Is this possible to add this value without having created it?
"_id" : ObjectId("5a3a2b41d04b7e07f8a273db"),
"cliente" : ObjectId("5a1407c8099ca208e48170a5"),
"data" : 1513761601705,
"numero" : "5",
"dadosORS" : ObjectId("5a3a2b41d04b7e07f8a273da"),
"dadosSRS" : {
Then I'm looking in collection sessao for a client and number os session as in registosSRS, to add the registosSRS id.
mongoClient.collection('sessao', function(err,collection){
{cliente:result.cliente_id, numero:dadosSRS.sessao},
{$set: {'dadosSRS':dadosSessao.dadosSRS}},
if (err) throw err;
console.log('encontrou registo do cliente na collection registoSRS: ' + result);
but the result is null, although I have the client and the session number. What am I doing wrong?
In your callback you have only one argument which is essentially the error object hence the result is null since there is no error thrown from the update option. You need a second argument which returns the actual result object. You are using the wrong update method which returns the result object if the command was executed successfully, not the actual document.
From the documentation, the result object has the following properties:
Name Type Description
result Object The raw result returned from MongoDB, field will vary depending on server version.
Name Type Description
ok Number Is 1 if the command executed correctly.
n Number The total count of documents scanned.
nModified Number The total count of documents modified.
connection Object The connection object used for the operation.
matchedCount Number The number of documents that matched the filter.
modifiedCount Number The number of documents that were modified.
upsertedCount Number The number of documents upserted.
upsertedId Object The upserted id.
You instead need to use findOneAndUpdate which will return the updated document if found
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb'); // or ObjectID
// or var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectId if node version < 6
const safeObjectId = s => ObjectId.isValid(s) ? new ObjectId(s) : null;
{ 'cliente': safeObjectId(result.cliente_id), 'numero': dadosSRS.sessao },
{ '$set': { 'dadosSRS': dadosSessao.dadosSRS } },
{ 'returnOriginal': true },
function(err, result) { // <-- add result as a second argument in the callback
if (err) throw err;
console.log('encontrou registo do cliente na collection registoSRS: ' + result);
I have a user table with a field username. I need to write something equivalent to this in dynamo db: Select * from user where username in('a','b','c');
Adding more from code prosepective i have usernames in an array say var arr=['a','b','c'];
I so far tried this which is giving me zero result
TableName: this.dynamo.table('users'),
FilterExpression: 'username IN (:list)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':list': arr.toString()
}).then((response) => {
return {
userFriends: result.Item.friends
When I pass one element in array it give me result searching passed single element in user table but its not working with more than one element in array.
The individual users should be given as comma separated String variables. JavaScript array is equivalent to List in AWS DynamoDB data type. The DynamoDB can't compare the String data type in database with List attribute (i.e. Array in JavaScript).
var params = {
TableName : "Users",
FilterExpression : "username IN (:user1, :user2)",
ExpressionAttributeValues : {
":user1" : "john",
":user2" : "mike"
Construct the object from array for FilterExpression:-
Please refer the below code for forming the object dynamically based on Array value.
var titleValues = ["The Big New Movie 2012", "The Big New Movie"];
var titleObject = {};
var index = 0;
titleValues.forEach(function(value) {
var titleKey = ":titlevalue"+index;
titleObject[titleKey.toString()] = value;
var params = {
TableName : "Movies",
FilterExpression : "title IN ("+Object.keys(titleObject).toString()+ ")",
ExpressionAttributeValues : titleObject
I don't think IN clause with 1000s of usernames is a good idea in terms of performance.
I am using MEAN stack, i have an entry like this in my mongodb
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5577467683f4716018db19ed"),
"requestMatrix" : { "1698005072" : { "rideId" : "641719948", "status" :"accepted" },"1698005073" : { "rideId" : "641719545", "status" :"rejected" } },
"partners":[ { "customerNumber" : 1698005072 }, { "customerNumber" : 1698072688 } ]}
I want to query the db to return me this entire document based on whether the status is accepted or rejected.
When I run the below query in a command prompt, i get the expected answer
But when i want to do the same from nodeJs, I am stuck as the number 1698005072 in the above query is a variable, i am not able to write a query for that.
tried something like this
var criteria = "'requestMatrix.'"+customerNumber+"'.status'";
where customerNumber will vary for different requests, in the above mentioned case its value is 1698005072
Any help is appreciated.
You need to do something like this:
var query = {};
var criteria = "requestMatrix." + customerNumber + ".status";
query[criteria] = "accepted"