Suppress warning “Access to field exceeds its access rights” in Groovy - groovy

I write a Groovy script and I need to access a field that has a private access modifier. This works fine but generates a warning:
Access to <field_name> exceeds its access rights
I want to supress this warning. What value of #SuppressWarnings annotation do I have to use in order to achieve it?
I've tried #SuppressWarnings("all") and it works fine but I would like to have more granular control over suppressions. I've also tried #SuppressWarnings("AccessingNonPublicFieldOfAnotherObject") but it has no effect.
Below how this warning looks in IntelliJ:
Unfortunately automatic hint doesn't suggest any sensible solution:

If you are talking about IntelliJ warning:
then you can hit Alt+Enter on the offender and choose "Suppress for method" as follows:
after which you will see #SuppressWarnings("GroovyAccessibility") over your test method:

I had this "problem" when I had buildSrc folder in Gradle-project which contained Kotlin code for my Gradle build scripts and it was used in Groovy code.
Seems like it was because I was accessing private variable field and not the getter. Kotlin makes field private by default. I solved this by using #JvmField in Kotlin code which makes the variable field public and does not generate getter for that field.
// groovy in gradle build script
compileOptions {
// kotlin in buildSrc (this gives the warning)
object CompileOptions {
val javaVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
// kotlin in buildSrc (this does not give the warning as field is now public)
object CompileOptions {
#JvmField val javaVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_11


Groovy how can I build a custom library and use it in a project as dependency

I have a set of code procedures I use in a lot of places and I'm trying to basically move it to a library.
So I created my library with some unit test and everything was looking promising and at least working localy..
When I went to my project and deleted the files locally and then try to import them from my library as a dependency the code does not work.
I always get this kind of error
Class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method abstract getProperty(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; of interface groovy.lang.GroovyObject.
I'm definitely not an expert on groovy but basically I use it in my Jenkins and Gradle for pipelines and some basic packaging or environment deployments.
I can show my class:
class ConsoleRow implements Comparable {
final Integer priority
final String rowStatus
final String message
final String rowReportClass
ConsoleRow(Integer priority, String status, String msg, String rowC) {
this.priority = priority
this.rowStatus = status
this.message = msg
this.rowReportClass = rowC
int compareTo(Object o) {
return this.priority <=> ((ConsoleRow) o).priority
The line that gives me the error is this actual compareTo when trying to do the "this.priority"
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method abstract getProperty(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; of interface groovy.lang.GroovyObject.
at$ Source)
at build_e548mc0tqjmi822clitlsycdk.runReport(C:\dev\repo\insight\insight-health-check\data-foundation\smoke-test\build.gradle:77)
The calling function is just trying to sort a list of those objects
List<ConsoleRow> outputRows = []
return outputRows.sort()
The part that gets me really confused is that if instead of importing the library as a dependency I just do this directly in this repo and put my sources in my buildSrc\src\main\groovy\com\abc\insight the code works fine...
So I really think it might be how I package and publish my library that might be wrong.
I'm really sure this is some basic error on my part because I never did a groovy library before but somehow I can't make it work.
It might be that my publication is just wrong, on my library side I'm using this plugins to do the publishing.
plugins {
id 'groovy'
id 'java-library'
id 'base'
publishing {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
I tried to change components.groovy but somehow it does not work.
Any ideas or tips, I think my question probably is showing some really lack of know-how on groovy but looking at the documentation and examples I could not figure it out.
Doing some debug in my IDE the compareTo that generates the exception looks like this.
public int compareTo(Object o) {
CallSite[] var2 = $getCallSiteArray();
return ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareTo(this.priority, var2[0].callGroovyObjectGetProperty((ConsoleRow)ScriptBytecodeAdapter.castToType(o, ConsoleRow.class)));
I tried following this guide and code structure when doing moving the code to a library
Thanks for any feedback
p.s: My code might look weird, I tried first to have everything with the def blablabla but I was having some issues with typecasting but I don't think this would be the reason for the problem I'm facing.
Anyway I got a look at the generated code in my IDE and I see a lot of get methods just no idea where they expected this getProperty from
Ok this was definitely a user error.
I am using distribution version of gradle 6.5.1
When I did the gradle init to bootstrap my project I was provided with the dependency of gradle groovy-all version 2.5.11
implementation group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy-all', version: '2.5.11'
I thought that was a mistake and just updated to the latest version.
implementation group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy-all', version: '3.0.9'
Now the problem is that the project in which I'm using the library is also running with gradle 6.5.1 so probably this version missmatch between compiple and usage was causing the problem.
By reverting to the correct version suggested by gradle the problem is gone.

Android Studio nullability annoying warning

The problem:
private View view;
public doSomethingWithView() {
checkNotNull(view); //<- this throws NPE if parameter is null
view.showWarningAboutIssue(); //<- IDE reports about possible null here
Is there a way to configure the IDE, so that it doesn't report for a possible NPE on the second line?
I'm using Dagger checkNotNull method which is identical to Guava ones. If I change import from Dagger to Guava my IDE removes the warning.
With latest update of Android studio I can not reproduce it anymore
You need to add the following comment before view.showWarningAboutIssue() statement:
//noinspection ConstantConditions
This can also be performed by the GUI : Alt+Enter (or "bubblelight" menu), then choose Assert view!=null and then Suppress for statement:

gradle object in a gradle build script

Consider the following method invokation containing in the gradle build script:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady{taskGraph ->
println gradle.toString()
println "Ready"
It prints
build 'task_graph'
I thought we work in the scope of Project object, since gradle should be a property of that Project object. But there is neither property nor even method with such name. Why can we use it in the build script?
I may be wrong but I think your confusion is that there exists a getGradle() method on the Project interface but no such public field named gradle. This is a Groovy feature. In Groovy, getter and setter methods can by referenced as properties. For example:
println project.description // same as project.getDescription()
project.description = 'My java project' // same as project.setDescription('My java project')
I'd highly suggest familiarizing yourself with Groovy by checking out their documentation. You'll see a lot of differing syntax in Gradle examples simply because there are many different ways to accomplish the same thing in Groovy.

How can I specify a Groovy CompilerConfig using Gradle?

I have a Groovy project, where I would like to enable this CompilerConfig:
withConfig(configuration) {
How can I enable this using Gradle?
Beginning from Gradle 2.1 it is possible, see the corresponding release notes.
This is especially useful for working with Groovy on Android, see this presentation. E.g. you could add the #CompileStatic to each class with the following code:
File build.gradle
compileGroovy {
groovyOptions.configurationScript = file("gradle/config.groovy")
File gradle/config.groovy
withConfig(configuration) {
For more options, see the GroovyCompileOptions and Groovy Customizer Builder.
Gradle's GroovyCompile task doesn't currently support passing a CompilerConfiguration instance or --configscript option. See for a related discussion.

Enabling certain java refactoring within Groovy editor in IntelliJ

From within IntelliJ IDEA, when I'm within a groovy class, and refer to a property / field on java class that doesn't exist, is there a way to enable the create property refactoring?
// Inside Foo.groovy
void method()
Bar bar = new Bar(); // Defined in
bar.someProperty = "Hello, world"; // bar.someProperty doesn't exist.
In the above example, I'd like to get access to the "create property" refactoring option on someProperty. Is there a way to enable this?
Note: I'm using IntelliJ 10.
As of now, refactorings for Groovy in IntelliJ are pretty limited compared to Java. The reason for this is Groovy is an optionally typed language, so the IDE needs much more 'brain' for Groovy refactorings than for Java.
create property currently does not exist for Groovy.
IMHO the only thing you can do is filing a ticket on Jetbrains is very responsive - I know from own experience.
