How to change start point of Major Gridlines in an excel chart? - excel

I have a chart that has data starting in September 2011 until April 2019 (monthly data). I have plotted it on a chart and put the year of the data on the x axis. The cosmetic issue I have is that the first text label on the x axis ("2012") is shown nearly half way through the first 'major gridline' point.
What I want is for each year to line up with each 'major gridline'. This would involve starting the first major gridline 5 data points in - not 12 as I have as standard. For the life of me I cannot work out how to change this.
I know I can change the data so that my x axis "starts" at 2011. The issue with this is that the value points that are unavailable (Jan-11 to Aug-11) are set at 0 and therefore mess up the trendline.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.

Did you try as below?
I'm thinking just add the missing months to the graph's data and have empty values. Empty values don't seem to affect your trendline.

So, just to prove my comment of a dummy data line and added a trendline to each with the formula shown - which happens to have the same values.


Excel 2016 VBA Display every nth Data Label on Chart

I have a line chart that displays the revenue of multiple airlines, throughout the period of 2011 to 2016 - with data points plotted quarterly (Q1-Q4, for each year) on the X-axis
I would like to only show the data labels (on the chart) for Q4 of each year, for each airline. I would like to do this and keep the axis as is.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated,
Thank you!
(I have Excel 2016)
Your question didn't express clearly if you want to add the labels by means of a VBA macro.
I suggest to do following:
Dim sData as Series
For i = 1 to sData.Points.Count Step 4
Next i
Note that if there is not value for the Point i in the series, the label seems not to be displayed. It took a while to find out why a label was not added to the chart. To detect this case, I wrote following test:
If sData.Points(i).HasDataLabel Then
If Len(sData.Points(i).DataLabel.Text) = 0 Then
End If
End IF
Searching a little in the web (around 3 minutes, that maybe you should spend the same time) found this article:
This is the resume, but I suggest to view the document because have a lot of graphics.
Click on the bar you want to labeled twice before Add Data Labels.
Click on the label, then right click and select Format Data Labels.
Check the Category Name and uncheck Value.
A little research before asking can save you a lot of time.

Creating a Stack Area Chart that shows Issues over Time using Beginning and End Dates

My Data looks like this:
What I'd like to do is have 2 stacked area charts that show totals (count of UNIQUE_KEY), one chart for LABEL1 values & another for LABEL2values over time.
X axis would be Number, Y would be time. Charts would show a count of UNIQUE_KEY for each of the possible LABEL# values at each point in time.
I am at a loss how to translate the Start Date and End Dates into a framework so that excel considers that Issue open at that point in time for the dates that fall in between Start and End date.
I can think of ways to do it that are really ugly and I have to know id there's a slick way to get what I want.
edit... here's a snippet of the data (comma delimited) - and I refined my explanation above
Issue key,Issue Type,Work Type,Created,Resolved
SA-17006,Production Incident,PACKAGING,6/30/2014,8/29/2014
SA-23110,Production Incident,BUSINESS_PROCESS,8/1/2016,9/12/2016
SA-17349,Production Incident,BUNDLE,8/4/2014,8/7/2014
SA-19065,Production Incident,BUNDLE,2/18/2015,3/23/2015
SA-19235,Production Incident,BUNDLE,3/9/2015,4/30/2015
SA-21283,Production Incident,BUNDLE,11/17/2015,12/11/2015
SA-21329,Production Incident,BUNDLE,11/19/2015,1/4/2016
SA-23443,Production Incident,BUNDLE,9/7/2016,9/9/2016
SA-23589,Production Incident,BUNDLE,9/24/2016,9/24/2016
This is not exactly what you described. This shows dates an issue is open on the Y-Axis, versus the issue number on the X-Axis. I know you want something different on the X-Axis, but it is unclear how you want this to map to the Y-Axis. (e.g. maximum Resolved time - minimum Created time?, duration of latest issue?)
Note: You could do the following once for each Issue Type, once for each Work Type.
To create a chart showing duration an issue is open, where duration is on the Y-axis and the issue "key" is on the X-axis ...
Add a column to your data that is Duration. It is Resolved - Created.
Select the Issue Key Column, Created Column, and the Duration column.
Insert a Stacked Column Chart.
Select the Resolved series and format. Set the fill color and line color to None.
Select the Y-axis and format the axis. Adjust the lower limit to something you want. Change the number format to Date.

Assign Date to PivotTable in Excel

I cannot find a solution.
I have a very large file with timesteps from 1950 to 1970, daily.
I want to plot the date on the x axis with its values on the y axis.
So I marked my values with the dates, clicked on "Insert" and then "PivotChart" and everything looks fine.
I want to define the timesteps shown on the x-Axis (Just every second year i.e.) but it seems that the PivotChart does not recognize that my x-Axis values are dates.
Any Ideas how I can change that?!
Thanks a lot!
I don't think you can use a Pivot Chart according to the Display dates on a category axis article at
I suppose you'll need to use a Line chart if you want to display by every two years.
You can also group the data in the Pivot Table, which will cause a corresponding change in the Pivot Chart. In Excel 2007, that was limited to every year -- without an option for multiple years (as there is for days). But perhaps that has changed in later versions?

Excel: Every other date on X-axis displayed fromthe end

I have a set of dates and matching numbers in excel, one number for every month in 2013. I need to display these numbers with the dae on the X-axis in a simple line graph. I am mainly intereseted in the number for the last month but also the historical numbers.
It is to crowded on the X-axis to show every single month so I only show every other month. This is easily done by right clicking the axis etc.
Now, since the last month is the most important one I would like to show that month (2013-12) and every other month backwards.
The axis should look something like this:
2013-02, 2013-04, 2013-06, 2013-08, 2013-10, 2013-12
But no matter how I change in excel I end up with this:
2013-01, 2013-03, 2013-05, 2013-07, 2013-09, 2013-11
Since the last month (december) is the most important one I would say it is logical to display that month.
The only way I can get it working is by dropping the first observation which I don't want to do.
Any suggestions how I can et this working in excel?
You have a "fencepost problem". You want to display 12 values, but if you want to display every second one, either you take all the odd numbers (in which case december is hidden) or all the even ones (which hides january)
If you're okay with hiding january, then add a dummy month at the beginning of your series, and give it the value:
Excel will allot it space but will not give it a point on the graph.
Alternately, if your axis is too crowded, turn the label text sideways or put the year 2013 in the title and only put the months on the x axis (1, 2, 3, ..., 12)

Can I display daily data in month buckets using only excel's chart formatting?

I have daily sales figures that I'd like to plot on a simple linegraph.
I would like them to be shown in monthly buckets (i.e. if I sold 5€ on Jan 01 and 10€ on Jan 24, I would like to see only one data point for January with 15€ in it).
Please note that I don't want to use any supporting formula/VBA script, I want to do this using only chart formatting.
I tried setting the chart's X-axis type to "date axis" and I chose "months" as the base unit.
This almost works, but the line graph ends up being kind of weird. Changing the chart type to histogram doesn't help much either. The individual sales are not "piled up" like I would but, instead, they're hidden one behind the other. Stacked histogram doesn't work either.
Any clue on how I can force excel to bucketize my data using only chart formatting? This can't be that hard...
Try creating a pivot chart, then grouping the dates by month (right-click a date in the pivot table, and click "Group by... Month".
If you want to group by Years as well - hold down the Ctrl Key whilst you select the Month (both categories will then show up)
