How to set color for Columnchart in Azure Data Explorer - azure

I want to render specific requests from my Application Insights as a columnchart using Log Analytics query language:
My Query:
| where operation_Name == "MyOperationName"
| render columnchart
I would like to have different colors for successful and unsuccessful requests.
There is already a boolean column ("success") available. How can I use that property to set specific colors?

AFAIK, this is currently unsupported. The similar feedback shown here and here were shared directly with the responsible Azure feature team. I recommend navigating to the above link(s) and clicking the vote button to raise visibility and priority on this or else providing your own new feedback and suggestions to improve the product better. Hope this helps!!

I was able to set colors by using Application Insights workbooks. When creating the query there is a button for chart settings and within it look for the series settings tab. Currently it allows setting colors and changing a result value's display label.


How to Enable Fields when used from API

How can I set fields to be updateable in the API but, read-only on the screen?
I have a view with a custom table defined in a Graph extension. I am using the (ViewName).AllowUpdate = false; on the RowSelected event of the primary DAC. This works fine to make all of the fields in the view disabled on the screen but, I can't update the fields in the API. Is there some way to detect that the graph is being used in the API versus the screen?
What you can do is in the row selected event instead of affecting the restriction at cache level, which as you said affects the API as well, you can use the PXUIFieldAttribute to achieve the same scenario without affecting the API.
Ex: PXUIFieldAttribute.SetReadOnly([ViewName].Cache, null, [Condition or just set as true])
This will set all the fields in that view as readonly, without having to repeat the line for all the fields currently in the screen.
I had a similar requirement to allow edit on a custom field in Shipment graph only through API and not through UI.
You could use the Graph.IsContractBasedAPI method that returns true if the request came through contract based API as shown below:
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOShipLineExt.usrBOLQty>(cache, e.Row, Base.IsContractBasedAPI);

Customizing query from Azure Devops Dashboard Widget

Is there a way to make a query criteria as customizable from the dashboard widget? Say for example, if iteration path is one of my query clause, I want to change the value in run time from the widget to generate the results. Right now am using the query results widget.
Is there any widget in marketplace which provides this feature?
Is there any widget in marketplace which provides this feature?
I fully understand your needs, but I am afraid there is no such widget in marketplace which provides this feature at this time. Currently, the query results widget is the closest extension to the demand.
If we want to add a custom query criteria on the dashboard widget, we have two directions to achieve it. One is adding query criteria to perform a second query on the results of Shared Queries, another is reflecting the query criteria set on the widget to the Shared Queries criteria and modify the original criteria. Obviously neither of these two methods are easy to implement, and there is still a long way to go.
In my opinion your request is reasonable, you could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site ( ), which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

Create category through javascript based outlook-addin

I want to create email category through java script based outlook-addin, searched through documentation however it seems they have not exposed the api in js.
help appreciated.
In addition to using EWS, it's also possible to create and set categories using REST from an add-in.
Categories can be read and set on a message. And master categories can be created as well. A benefit of creating the master category first is you can set the color of the category.
The difference between setting the category on the server and using the client-side JavaScript API (currently in preview), is when the category is set on the server, it will not appear right away in the client.
Office.Categories API Interface is currently in preview. You have the option to wait a while till next release or implement it by sending EWS request via makeEwsRequestAsync request and set the category for an item in Exchange.
To set/get categories of the message you may use 2 different message properties ...
"Custom" property with Id "00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" ("Keywords") and type of "StringArray"
"Field" property with id "item:Categories" ("_Categories"), same type "StringArray".
Please note if category is not on the Master categories List, you still able to set it for the message, but it will have white color.
More information on EWS approach (with XML example) can be found at How to create/set category to email in OWA add-in.

How to create a single data tile in azure application insight dashboard?

How to create a single data tile in azure application insight dashboard ?
by single data i mean the XXX(A number)(which i found querying the application insights).
For say - I queried for unique users in Application Insight logs, and I want to display it as Single Data Tile on the Dashboard. i.e. just the number(XXX) and the heading (Unique Users For XYZ Application)
Workbooks will give you tons of features to create custom tiles showing just the number on the tile. Here's how to do it using Workbooks.
Try the code below, then pin to dashboard:
//add the filter for querying unique users
| extend users=""
| summarize number_of_users = count() by users
| render barchart
The result:

Dynamic columns in liferay-ui:search-container?

I have tried the liferay-ui:search-container to fetch and display the database table records on UI in a table/grid format. By using the liferay-ui:search-container I am getting the output as shown below,
I am fetching the USER_ table records in the above screen shot.
I wanted to make the grid columns dynamic like, I wanted to enable an option for end user to remove the unwanted columns and add the wanted columns in the respective grid/table.
In the above screen shot the the following columns are showing in a grid.
First Name, Last Name, Screen Name, Job Title, Organization, User Groups
Now If user wants to remove Job Title and wants to add Greetings and Mail Address columns on UI with click events with out touching/ modifying the code.
How can I implement this feature?
I need to implement this feature for custom models.
1) Is there any api/methods to implement/enable this feature?
2) If not how can I do implement the steps? Any suggestions or steps to achieve this task?
This can be achieved by adding a configuration page to your portlet.
You can develop portlet configuration page which can have required options to be configured and save as portlet preferences.
Later on while displaying the search container you can retrieve the portlet preferences and display only those columns which were selected in the configuration form.
Here is a link on how to develop the portlet configuration using portlet preferences: Implementing Configurable Portlet Preferences
