instagram embed doesn't work at first when dynamically appending into a page, but then works after refresh - instagram

Go to:
click hamburger
click 'timeline'
instagram embeds show only the gray logo and don't load fully. embed.js doesn't seem to load when watching in the network tab.
Now, click refresh.
Now, everything loads. embed.js is there.
You can notice that an older version on works fine--this seems to obviously be because it's an entirely new page load (which I want to avoid).
Some potentially relevant code this theme relies on to load this page "into" the page:
L: function(url, f, err) {
if (url == xhrUrl) {
return false;
xhrUrl = url;
if (xhr) {
xhr = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: url,
timeout: 10000,
success: function(data) {
xhrUrl = '';
error: function(a, b, c) {
if (b == 'abort') {
err && err()
} else {
window.location.href = url;
xhrUrl = '';
HS: function(tag, flag) {
var id ='id') || 0,
url = tag.attr('href'),
title = tag.attr('title') + " - " + $("#config-title").text();
if (!$('#preview').length || !(window.history && history.pushState)) location.href = url;
var state = {d: id, t: title, u: url};
Diaspora.L(url, function(data) {
if (!$(data).filter('#single').length) {
location.href = url;
switch (flag) {
case 'push':
history.pushState(state, title, url)
case 'replace':
history.replaceState(state, title, url)
document.title = title;
switch (flag) {
case 'push':
case 'replace':
window.scrollTo(0, 0)
setTimeout(function() {
comment = $("#gitalk-container");
if ('ae') == true){;
}, 0)
preview: function() {
// preview toggle
$("#preview").one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd', function() {
var previewVisible = $('#preview').hasClass('show');
if (!!previewVisible) {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#container').data('scroll', window.scrollY);
setTimeout(function() {
'position': 'static',
'overflow-y': 'auto'
}, 500);
}, 0);
(for full file, see:
I see the script tag loaded in the DOM; why isn't it loading? Feels like it must be something simple I'm missing... It's 4am and I've been working non-stop.
(please ignore the dust, this is a small side-project work-in-progress with many small things broken.)
Things I've tried:
adding the code to load embed.js manually in the page. (no change--I then see embed.js is loaded, but it doesn't have an impact on the result)
editing the URL to include "http:" before the "//insta..." url (as
recommended in some answers elsewhere for some people) (no change)
window.instgrm.Embeds.process() it seems the instgrm object no longer exists. (no change)
Seems to be related to however this is being injected via jquery, but I'm a little confused as to specifics, figured I'd ask the world and make a space for the answer to exist for the next poor soul.
Note that because of what I've tried, the answers here do not seem to be helpful or relevant, though maybe it's just me blanking at 4am.

The problem was, indeed, the things I had already addressed, I just missed some rendering details of getting changes to stick. jQuery executing and stripping the script tags seems to have been the source the problem, and calling window.instgrm.Embeds.process() at the appropriate time, after making sure that the embeds.js script was requested in the right place/at the right time, was enough to fix the issue seen above. Part of the confusion was using hexo, which uses ejs in node, which doesn't really seem to allow client-executing inline JS in ejs template files themselves, silently.


chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval - frameURL

I am trying to get the selected element to the sidebar pane in my chrome extension.
It's working fine if the page has no frames when the element is in the frame, it's not working.
As per the document I have to pass the frameURL, but how do I get the frame or Iframe URL?
Thank you.
Note: This issue is duplicate that was opened in 3 years ago, but still no solution there, so re-opening it again.
In devtools.js
chrome.devtools.panels.elements.createSidebarPane(name, (panel) => {
// listen for the elements changes
function updatePanel() {
chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval("parseDOM($0)", {
frameURL: // how to pass dynamic
useContentScriptContext: true
}, (result, exceptipon) => {
if (result) {
if (exceptipon) {
I ran into this as well. I ended up needing to add a content_script on each page/iframe and a background page to help pass messages between devtools and content scripts.
The key bit is that in the devtools page, we should ask the content_scripts to send back what their current url is. For every content script that was registered, we can then call chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval("setSelectedElement($0)", { useContentScriptContext: true, frameURL: msg.iframe } );
Or in full:
chrome.devtools.panels.elements.createSidebarPane( "example", function( sidebar ) {
const port = chrome.extension.connect({ name: "example-name" });
// announce to content scripts that they should message back with their frame urls
port.postMessage( 'SIDEBAR_INIT' );
port.onMessage.addListener(function ( msg) {
if ( msg.iframe ) {
// register with the correct frame url
() => {
chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval("setSelectedElement($0)", { useContentScriptContext: true, frameURL: msg.iframe } );
} else {
// otherwise assume other messages from content scripts should update the sidebar
sidebar.setObject( msg );
} );
Then in the content_script, we should only process the event if we notice that the last selected element ($0) is different, since each frame on the page will also handle this.
let lastElement;
function setSelectedElement( element ) {
// if the selected element is the same, let handlers in other iframe contexts handle it instead.
if ( element !== lastElement ) {
lastElement = element;
// Pass back the object we'd like to set on the sidebar
chrome.extension.sendMessage( nextSidebarObject( element ) );
There's a bit of setup, including manifest changes, so see this PR for a full example:
You can found url of the frame this way:
Assuming there is at lease one iframe.
Please note, you cannot use useContentScriptContext: true, as it will make the script execute as a context page (per documentation) and it will be in a separate sandboxed environment.
I had a slightly different problem, but it might be helpful for your case too, I was dynamically inserting an iframe to a page, and then tried to eval a script in it. Here the code that worked:
let win = chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow
let code = `
(function () {
let doc = window.document
let insertFrm = doc.createElement('IFRAME')
insertFrm.src = 'about:runner'
win.eval(code, function (result, error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Eror in insertFrame(), result:', result)
} else {
let code = `
(function () {
let doc = window.document
let sc = doc.createElement('script')
sc.src = '${chrome.runtime.getURL('views/index.js')}'
win.eval(code, { frameURL: 'about:bela-runner' }, function (result, error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Eror in insertFrame(), result:', result)

Chrome extension background script sometimes does not run after install or update

I have had recent reports of a chrome extension that I develop that stops working after an update or a fresh install. The background script seems to not start at all.
There is no response to messages sent to it from the content scripts.
There is no process for it in the task manager.
Opening background page from chrome://extensions does not show any activity in the console, or show any source files.
Profiling, memory snapshot buttons are disabled.
Once this issue appears, it persists for the chrome profile even after reloading or uninstalling/reinstalling the extension.
Restarting chrome resolves the problem.
The issue has been seen on chrome v79. But I cannot say for sure that it is exclusive to this version, as the issue is difficult to reproduce and seemingly random.
Has anyone seen such an issue, or has any ideas what to look for? I am happy to update my question with any new info I have or with any info you need.
Here is my webNavigation listener, which is used to inject content scripts. This handler is wired up in the 'root' context of the background script (not asynchronously inside an event handler)
chrome.webNavigation.onCompleted.addListener((details) ⇒ {
if(details.frameId === 0) {
).catch((e) ⇒ {});
The injectScript function is as follows
export const injectScript = ƒ (scriptPath,tab,frame,tabUrl) {
return new Promise((res,rej) ⇒ {
let options = {
file : scriptPath,
allFrames : false,
frameId : frame,
matchAboutBlank: false,
runAt : 'document_idle',
const cb = ƒ () {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
let err = new Error('Could not inject script');
lastError : chrome.runtime.lastError.message,
if (tabUrl.indexOf('') !== -1) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
Note above, the capture function reports the error to a backend and I cannot see it being reported there as well. Cannot add a breakpoint in code because no source appears in the background page, as noted above.
A background service worker is loaded when it is needed, and unloaded when it goes idle.
You can use the following methods:
// Keep heartbeat
let heartTimer;
const keepAlive = () => {
heartTimer && clearTimeout(heartTimer);
heartTimer = setTimeout(() => {
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {'[heartbeat]')
tabs.length && chrome.tabs.sendMessage(
{ action: "heartbeat" }
}, 10000);

Calling external function from within Phantomjs+node.js

I'm going to be honest. I'm way in over my head here.
I need to scrape data from a dynamic site for my employer. Before the data is visible on the page, there are some clicks and waits necessary. Simple PHP scraping won't do. So I found out about this NodeJS + PhantomJS combo. Quite a pain to set up, but I did manage to load a site, run some code and get a result.
I wrote a piece of jQuery which uses timeout loops to wait for some data to be loaded. Eventually I get a js object that I want to write to a file (JSON).
The issue I'm facing.
I build up the the js object inside the PhantomJS .evaluate scope, which runs in a headerless browser, so not directly in my Node.JS server scope. How do I send the variable I built up inside evaluate back to my server so I can write it to my file?
Some example code (I know it's ugly, but it's for illustrative purposes). I use node-phantom-simple as a bridge between Phantom and Node
var phantom = require('node-phantom-simple'),
fs = require('fs'),
webPage = ''
phantom.create(function(err, ph) {
return ph.createPage(function(err, page) {
return, function(err, status) {
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
console.log("opened site? ", status);
page.evaluate(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
function timeOutLoop() {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('#ajax_price_tool div').length != 6) {
} else {
$('.price-select-cnt').eq(2).find('select').val('Premium Card Stock')
}, 100)
function timeOutLoop2() {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.pricing-cost-cnt').text() == '$0' || $('.pricing-cost-cnt').text() == '') {
} else {
var price = $('.pricing-cost-cnt').text()
}, 100)
}, 4000)
function writeJSON(plsWrite) {
var key = 'file'
fs.writeFile('./results/' + key + '.json', plsWrite, 'utf8', function() {
console.log('The JSON file is saved as');
console.log('results/' + key + '.json');
So do do I write the price this code takes from the website, get it out of the evaluate scope and write it to a file?

How to pass a value from to a page in Chrome extension development?

I have a popup, call 'welcome.html', the thing I would like to do is when the user select a text, and click my plugin, it will use some of the page information, and print back to the welcome.html. For example, the web site title, and the text which the user selected and the url. But how can I pass value to that welcome.html? Thank you.
I do a lot of this in my extension as it mines a lot of data enabling the user to easily copy it to their clipboard.
Since you're looking for a lot less data it's even simpler. When your popup is being loaded you can call the following function to retrieve the information you require;
function getData(callback) {
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function (tab) {
var data = {
selection: '',
title: tab.title,
url: tab.url
* We can't call content scripts on some pages and the process will get
* stuck if we try.
if (tab.url.indexOf('chrome') === 0 ||
tab.url.indexOf('') === 0) {
} else {
chrome.tabs.sendRequest(, {}, function (response) {
data.selection = response.selection;
Ensure you pass in a callback function which will be called once all the data has been extracted;
getData(function (data) {
console.log('Title: ' + data.title);
console.log('URL: ' + data.url);
console.log('Selected Text: ' + data.selection);
// Display the data instead
As you may have noticed the getData function sends a request to the selected tab. A content script will need to be injected in to the page in order for this to work so be sure you've configured your manifest correctly or injected it programmatically prior to calling getData or it won't work. The script that will need to be injected should resemble the following;
(function () {
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function (request, sender,
sendResponse) {
selection: window.getSelection().toString()
This simply returns the currently selected text. One concern is that this data look-up could potentially cause a slight pause while the popup is rendered but you should test this yourself and experiment with it but there are solutions.
This should cover all you need to know so good luck and let me know if you need any further help as I'm aware this could be slightly overwhelming if you're new to Chrome extensions.

How to tell if a script is run as content script or background script?

In a Chrome extension, a script may be included as a content script or background script.
Most stuff it does is the same, but there are some would vary according to different context.
The question is, how could a script tell which context it is being run at?
Thank you.
I think this is a fairly robust version that worked in my initial tests and does not require a slower try catch, and it identifies at least the three primary contexts of a chrome extension, and should let you know if you are on the base page as well.
av = {};
av.Env = {
isChromeExt: function(){
return !!(window['chrome'] && window['chrome']['extension'])
getContext: function(){
var loc = window.location.href;
if(!!(window['chrome'] && window['chrome']['extension'])){
if(window == chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()){
return 'background';
return 'extension';
}else if( /^https?/.test(loc) ){
return 'content';
return window.location.protocol.replace(':','');
Well I managed to work out this:
var scriptContext = function() {
try {
if (chrome.bookmarks) {
return "background";
else {
return "content";
catch (e) {
return "content";
It's because an exception would be thrown if the content script tries to access the chrome.* parts except chrome.extension.
The best solution I've found to this problem comes from over here.
const isBackground = () => location.protocol === 'chrome-extension:'
The background service worker at Manifest v3 does not contain a window.
I use this as part of my extension error handling which reloads the content scripts, when i receive an Extension context invalidated error:
if (!self.window) {
console.warn('Background error: \n', error);
} else {
