Would S3 Select speed up Spark analyses on Parquet files? - apache-spark

You can use S3 Select with Spark on Amazon EMR and with Databricks, but only for CSV and JSON files. I am guessing that S3 Select isn't offered for columnar file formats because it wouldn't help that much.
Let's say we have a data lake of people with first_name, last_name and country columns.
If the data is stored as CSV files and you run a query like peopleDF.select("first_name").distinct().count(), then S3 will transfer all the data for all the columns to the ec2 cluster to run the computation. This is really inefficient because we don't need all the last_name and country data to run this query.
If the data is stored as CSV files and you run the query with S3 select, then S3 will only transfer the data in the first_name column to run the query.
If the data is stored in a Parquet data lake and peopleDF.select("first_name").distinct().count() is run, then S3 will only transfer the data in the first_name column to the ec2 cluster. Parquet is a columnar file format and this is one of the main advantages.
So based on my understanding, S3 Select wouldn't help speed up an analysis on a Parquet data lake because columnar file formats offer the S3 Select optimization out of the box.
I am not sure because a coworker is certain I am wrong and because S3 Select supports the Parquet file format. Can you please confirm that columnar file formats provide the main optimization offered by S3 Select?

This is an interesting question. I don't have any real numbers, though I have done the S3 select binding code in the hadoop-aws module. Amazon EMR have some values, as do databricks.
For CSV IO Yes, S3 Select will speedup given aggressive filtering of source data, e.g many GB of data but not much back. Why? although the read is slower, you save on the limited bandwidth to your VM.
For Parquet though, the workers split up a large file into parts and schedule the work across them (Assuming a splittable compression format like snappy is used), so > 1 worker can work on the same file. And they only read a fraction of the data (==bandwidth benefits less), But they do seek around in that file (==need to optimise seek policy else cost of aborting and reopening HTTP connections)
I'm not convinced that Parquet reads in the S3 cluster can beat a spark cluster if there's enough capacity in the cluster and you've tuned your s3 client settings (for s3a this means: seek policy, thread pool size, http pool size) for performance too.
Like I said though: I'm not sure. Numbers are welcome.

Came across this spark package for s3 select on parquet [1]
[1] https://github.com/minio/spark-select


PySpark S3 file read performance consideration

I am new bee to pyspark.
Just wanted to understand how large files I should write into S3 so that Spark can read those files and process.
I have around 400 to 500GB of total data, I need to first upload them to S3 using some tool.
Just trying to understand how big each file should be in S3 so that Spark can read and process efficiently.
And how spark will distribute the S3 files data to multiple executors?
Any god reading link?
Try 64-128MB, though it depends on the format.
Spark treats S3 data as independent of location, so doesn't use locality in its placement decisions -just whichever workers have capacity for extra work

Filtering parquet file on read with PySpark

I have a huge dataset of partitioned parquet files stored in AWS s3 and I want to read only a sample from each month of data using AWS EMR. I have to filter data for each month by a value "user_id" selecting, for example, data from 100.000 users (out of millions) and writing the aggregations back to s3.
I figured out how to read and write to s3 using EMR clusters, but I tested on a very small dataset. For the real dataset, I need to filter data to be able to process it. How to do this using pyspark?
Spark has multiple sampling transformations. df.sample(...) is the one you want in your case. See this answer.
If you need an exact number of results back, you have to (a) over-sample by a little and then (b) use df.limit() to get the exact number.
If you can deal with just a fraction, as opposed to a target count, you can save df.count.

Parquet with Athena VS Redshift

I hope someone out there can help me with this issue. I am currently working on a data pipeline project, my current dilemma is whether to use parquet with Athena or storing it to Redshift
2 Scenarios:
Issues with this scenario:
Spark JDBC with Redshift is slow
Spark-Redshift repo by data bricks have a fail build and was updated 2 years ago
I am unable to find useful information on which method is better. Should I even use Redshift or is parquet good enough?
Also it would be great if someone could tell me if there are any other methods for connecting spark with Redshift because there's only 2 solution that I saw online - JDBC and Spark-Reshift(Databricks)
P.S. the pricing model is not a concern to me also I'm dealing with millions of events data.
Here are some ideas / recommendations
Don't use JDBC.
Spark-Redshift works fine but is a complex solution.
You don't have to use spark to convert to parquet, there is also the option of using hive.
Athena is great when used against parquet, so you don't need to use
Redshift at all
If you want to use Redshift, then use Redshift spectrum to set up a
view against your parquet tables, then if necessary a CTAS within
Redshift to bring the data in if you need to.
AWS Glue Crawler can be a great way to create the metadata needed to
map the parquet in to Athena and Redshift Spectrum.
My proposed architecture:
EVENTS --> STORE IT IN S3 --> HIVE to convert to parquet --> Use directly in Athena
EVENTS --> STORE IT IN S3 --> HIVE to convert to parquet --> Use directly in Redshift using Redshift Spectrum
You MAY NOT need to convert to parquet, if you use the right partitioning structure (s3 folders) and gzip the data then Athena/spectrum then performance can be good enough without the complexity of conversion to parquet. This is dependent on your use case (volumes of data and types of query that you need to run).
Which one to use depends on your data and access patterns. Athena directly uses S3 key structure to limit the amount of data to be scanned. Let's assume you have event type and time in events. The S3 keys could be e.g. yyyy/MM/dd/type/* or type/yyyy/MM/dd/*. The former key structure allows you to limit the amount of data to be scanned by date or date and type but not type alone. If you wanted to search only by type x but don't know the date, it would require a full bucket scan. The latter key schema would be the other way around. If you mostly need to access the data just one way (e.g. by time), Athena might be a good choice.
On the other hand, Redshift is a PostgreSQL based data warehouse which is much more complicated and flexible than Athena. The data partitioning plays a big role in terms of performance, but schema can be designed in many ways to suit your use-case. In my experience the best way to load data to Redshift is first to store it to S3 and then use COPY https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_COPY.html . It is multiple magnitudes faster than JDBC which I found only good for testing with small amounts of data. This is also how Kinesis Firehose loads data into Redshift. If you don't want to implement S3 copying yourself, Firehose provides an alternative for that.
There are few details missing in the question. How would you manage incremental upsert in data pipeline.
If you have implemented Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD type 1 or 2) The same can't be managed using parquet files. But This can be easily manageable in Redshift.

Spark - Reading partitioned data from S3 - how does partitioning happen?

When I use Spark to read multiple files from S3 (e.g. a directory with many Parquet files) -
Does the logical partitioning happen at the beginning, then each executor downloads the data directly (on the worker node)?
Or does the driver download the data (partially or fully) and only then partitions and sends the data to the executors?
Also, will the partitioning default to the same partitions that were used for write (i.e. each file = 1 partition)?
Data on S3 is external to HDFS obviously.
You can read from S3 by providing a path, or paths, or using Hive Metastore - if you have updated this via creating DDL for External S3 table, and using MSCK for partitions, or ALTER TABLE table_name RECOVER PARTITIONS for Hive on EMR.
If you use:
val df = spark.read.parquet("/path/to/parquet/file.../...")
then there is no guarantee on partitioning and it depends on various settings - see Does Spark maintain parquet partitioning on read?, noting APIs evolve and get better.
But, this:
val df = spark.read.parquet("/path/to/parquet/file.../.../partitioncolumn=*")
will return partitions over executors in some manner as per your saved partition structure, a bit like SPARK bucketBy.
The Driver only gets the metadata if specifying S3 directly.
In your terms:
"... each executor downloads the data directly (on the worker node)? " YES
Metadata is gotten in some way with Driver coordination and other system components for file / directory locations on S3, but not that the data is first downloaded to Driver - that would be a big folly in design. But it depends also on format of statement how the APIs respond.

Best file formats for S3 using Spark for ETL on EMR

We are planning to perform ETL processing using Spark with source data sitting on S3. The data volume for ETL processing is less than 100 million. What is the best format to store data in S3 in this scenario i.e. the best compression and file format (text, sequence, parquet etc.)
ORC or Parquet for queries, compressed with Snappy. Avro is another general purpose format, but way less efficient for SparkSQL queries as you have to scan a lot more data.
Important At the time of writing (June 2017), you cannot safely use S3 as a direct destination of spark RDD/dataframe queries (i.e. save()) calls. See Cloud Integration for an explanation. Write to HDFS then copy
