How to split a multivalue cells into multiple rows using a VBA? - excel

I need to split cells into multiple rows without moving the cells in the ID column. The problem is that the list can be endless and the number of category's can be different and alose their can be information in column C which also have to stay on the same line as the ID cell.
Current and wanted results

You could use a macro to loop through your info and print it in the new columns. Something like:
Sub delimit()
Dim cat As Range, c As Range, i As Long, nxt As Long
Set cat = ActiveSheet.Range(Range("B2"), Range("B65000").End(xlUp))
For Each c In cat
arr = Split(c.Value, ";")
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
nxt = Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
If i = 0 Then Range("D" & nxt).Value = c.Offset(0, -1)
Range("E" & nxt).Value = arr(i)
Next i
Next c
End Sub
The core thing we are using here is Split() which will turn a string into an array.
Syntax : Split ( expression [,delimiter] [,limit] [,compare] )
We loop through the category list, set to column "B", and make a new array for each cell.
Then we print this array in the column we want, in this example column "E".
But first, we print out the ID number in column "D", since we are currently aiming for that row.
If you also want to copy column "C" like we do "A", simply change the IF accordingly.
If i = 0 Then Range("D" & nxt).Value = c.Offset(0, -1)
If i = 0 Then
Range("D" & nxt).Value = c.Offset(0, -1)
Range("F" & nxt).Value = c.Offset(0, 1)
End If


Excel VBA - Set color based on RGB value contained another column

As part of a larger process I need to create a Excel VBA Macro that read the values from a column and applies basic formatting to the row based on the values in each cell.
The spreadsheet itself is exported from another program and opens directly in Excel. All columns come across formatted as General
The sequence is this:
Start at the second row in Sheet1
Look at Column J
Read the RGB value (which is shown as RGB(X,Y,Z) where X, Y, and Z are the numerical values for the color that needs to be used)
Change that rows text Color for Column A-I to that color
Continue through all rows with text
I found this thread, but I'm not able to make it work.
Any help here much appreciated.
Sub ColorIt()
Set cl = Cells(2, "J")
Do Until cl = ""
txt = cl.Value2
cl.Offset(, -9).Resize(, 9).Font.Color = _
Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT({" & Mid(txt, 5, Len(txt) - 5) & "},{1,256,65536})")
Set cl = cl.Offset(1)
End Sub
Sub ColorIt2()
Const RGB_COL = "M"
Set cl = Cells(2, RGB_COL)
Do Until cl = ""
txt = cl.Value2
cl.Offset(, 1 - cl.Column).Resize(, cl.Column - 1).Interior.Color = _
Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT({" & Mid(txt, 5, Len(txt) - 5) & "},{1,256,65536})")
Set cl = cl.Offset(1)
End Sub
Please, use the next function. It will convert the string in a Long color (based on the RGB three parameters. It will work for both caser of comma separators ("," and ", "):
Function ExtractRGB(strRGB As String) As Long
Dim arr: arr = Split(Replace(strRGB, " ", ""), ",")
ExtractRGB = RGB(CLng(Right(arr(0), Len(arr(0)) - 4)), CLng(arr(1)), CLng(left(arr(2), Len(arr(2)) - 1)))
End Function
It can be tested in the next way:
Sub TestExtractRGB()
Dim x As String, color As Long
x = "RGB(100,10,255)"
x = "RGB(100, 10, 255)"
color = ExtractRGB(x)
Debug.Print color
Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A2:I2").Font.color = color
'or directly:
Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A2:I2").Font.color = _
End Sub
If you comment x = "RGB(100, 10, 255)", it will return the same color valuem for the previous x string...
If you need to do it for all existing rows, the code must iterate from 2 to last Row and you only need to change "A2:I2" with "A" & i & ":I" & i
If necessary, I can show you how to deal with it, but I think is very simple...

Compare all column values against individual cells in Excel

I'd like to find if any row in Column C matches any cells in Column A or B and print out 'yes' or 'no' in an adjacent cell if it does match. The match might not be exact, because an ID may be written as '12401' but the match in the column may be like 'cf[12401]', with the ID enclosed in brackets.
This is an example of what I might find in the table. The values in A and B columns originally came from another table but I'm trying to find all instances of where they might exist in the third column.
Excel Example:
If possible, I'd like to list the values themselves that matched in the column. But that part would be a nice extra while the other part is more important because there are around 6000 values in the middle column so it would take days by hand.
I've tried different things like this:
=IF(COUNTIF(C2,"*" & A6 & "*" ), "Yes", "No")
=IF(COUNTIF(C2,"*" & Length & "*" ), "Yes", "No")
these work for individual words or cells, but trying to check all the values in that column against the cell will return no. I've tried variations of SUMPRODUCT and others that I've found, but haven't been able to get something that works for multiple values.
Is there some function in Excel that will allow me to do this? Or maybe a way in VBA?
Here is some UDF you could use.
Dim MyArr As Variant, X As Double, LR As Double
Option Explicit
Public Function MatchID(RNG As Range) As String
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(RNG.Parent.Name)
LR = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
MyArr = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(LR, 1)))
For X = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
If InStr(1, RNG.Value, MyArr(X), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
If MatchID = "" Then
MatchID = MyArr(X)
MatchID = MatchID & ", " & MyArr(X)
End If
End If
Next X
End With
End Function
Public Function MatchCFNAME(RNG As Range) As String
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(RNG.Parent.Name)
LR = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
MyArr = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(2, 2), .Cells(LR, 2)))
For X = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
If InStr(1, RNG.Value, MyArr(X), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
If MatchCFNAME = "" Then
MatchCFNAME = MyArr(X)
MatchCFNAME = MatchCFNAME & ", " & MyArr(X)
End If
End If
Next X
End With
End Function
In D2 Ijust used =IF(F2<>"","YES","") and dragged it sideways and down.

Find and replace values after looking up table

I have a sheet called "Table" where I have the table I'm looking up its A2:B20,
A2:A20 contains numbers in "XX" format these are the numbers I will be looking up.
The B2:B20 part of the table contains text is this text I want to use to replace values with.
I have my main sheet (currently called "Test") which contains my data, I want to look in Column M and check if I can find a value where the first 2 chars match any one of the values in A2:A20, if I do find a match I then want to replace the value of column F on my data sheet (Test) with the corresponding value from B2:B20 if not I want to leave it as is and move on.
I'm running into problems as the data in column M is numbers stored as text and it is replacing the wrong value when the table list 1 or 11 or 2 and 22.
Dim MyString As String
Counter = 2
MyString = Sheets("Table").Range("A" & Counter).Value
For X = 1 To Range("M" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Replace(MyString, Left(Sheets("TEST").Range("M" & X).Value, 2), "") <> MyString Then Sheets("TEST").Range("F" & X).Value = Sheets("Table").Range("B" & Counter).Value
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter <= Range("M" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Then
GoTo 1:
End If
End Sub
I solved my own problem, I was doing too much - simplified it forces values to .text and my issues went away.
Sub BBK_Name()
'Checks column U for start of data (1st 2 chars)
' if they match an entry in bank table changes entry in column G to match table entry.
Dim MyString As String
Counter = 2
MyString = Sheets("Table").Range("A" & Counter).Text
RplcValue = Sheets("Table").Range("B" & Counter).Text
For X = 1 To Range("M" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Left(Sheets("TEST").Range("M" & X).Value, 2) = MyString Then _
Sheets("TEST").Range("F" & X).Value = RplcValue
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter <= Range("M" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Then
GoTo 1:
End If
End Sub

Find specific text value in column and return it to its own row to another cell

I'd like to write an Excel macro (CommandButton) to search for specific words in a specific column and return the specific words to its same row but another cell.For example: I want to find "chocolate", "muffin", "lemon", "monkey", "baby" in Column(A) and when it finds these specific words return them to Column(D) to its own row where it was found.
I want the macro to search for only these 5 words in the entire column(A:A) and when it finds it return the specific word(s) to its own row where it was found and insert it to another cell but the same row (for example "chocolate" to "D3" cell with the score "4" in "B3" to "E3").
How and what functions should I use to make it work with I click on CommandButton?
Try the following code:
Dim intSentenceRow As Integer
Dim intWordRow As Integer
Dim strSentence As String
Dim strWord As String
intSentenceRow = 3
strSentence = Range("A" & intSentenceRow).Value
intWordRow = 3
strWord = Range("G" & intWordRow).Value
If InStr(strSentence, strWord) > 0 Then
Range("D" & intSentenceRow).Value = strWord
Range("E" & intSentenceRow).Value = Range("B" & intSentenceRow).Value
Exit Do
End If
intWordRow = intWordRow + 1
strWord = Range("G" & intWordRow).Value
Loop Until strWord & "" = ""
intSentenceRow = intSentenceRow + 1
strSentence = Range("A" & intSentenceRow).Value
Loop Until strSentence & "" = ""
This assumes that your sentences run in a contiguous list (no blank cells in the middle of the list). It also assumes (because this is what you said) that you want to copy the score associated with the relevant sentence into column E. Why have you also listed scores against the specific words? If you wanted instead to copy the score associated with the found word (rather than the score associated with the sentence in which the word was found) you would replace the assignment of the "E" column values with:
Range("E" & intSentenceRow).Value = Range("H" & intWordRow).Value

Replacing strings in a column sequentially

I am naive to macros. I have data in column A with 500 rows of data. Note some rows are blank in between. The data are image files names like (X0011#00.jpg). I need to rename them sequentially with user input. The user input must be only 400500. The new name must be like (400500_Image-1.jpg). The _Image-1, _Image-2 and so on must be generated automatically in sequence omitting blank rows.
See below how my data is displayed in column A and how I want it in column B.
I appreciate if anyone can provide macro for this.
Col A Col B
X0011#00.jpg 400500_Image-1.jpg
X0021#00.jpg 400500_Image-2.jpg
X0041#00.jpg 400500_Image-3.jpg
X0071#00.jpg 400500_Image-4.jpg
X0051#00.jpg 400500_Image-5.jpg
X0031#00.jpg 400500_Image-6.jpg
X0061#00.jpg 400500_Image-7.jpg
X0091#00.jpg 400500_Image-8.jpg
Sub naming()
RowsToProcess = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
j = 1
userInput = InputBox("Give me text")
For i = 1 To RowsToProcess
If Not Cells(i, 1).Value = "" Then
Cells(i, 2).Value = userInput & "_Image-" & j & ".jpg"
j = j + 1
End If
End Sub
This macro creates column B as desired
