Optimize Partitionning for billions of distinct keys - apache-spark

I'm processing a file each day with PySpark for contaning information about device navigation through the web. At the end of each month I want to use window functions in order to have the navigation journey for each device. It's a very slow processing, even with many nodes, so I'm looking for ways to speed it up.
My idea was to partition the data but I have 2 billion distinct keys, so partitionBy does not seem appropriate. Even bucketBy might not be a good choice because I create n buckets each day, so the files are not appended but for each day there are x parts of files that are created.
Does anyone have a solution ?
So here is an example of the export for each day (inside of each parquet file we find 9 partitions):
And here is the partitionBy query that we launch at the beggining of each month (compute_visit_number and compute_session_number are two udf that i've created on the notebook):

You want to ensure that each devices data is in the same partition to prevent exchanges when you do your window function. Or at least minimise the number of partitions the data could be in.
To do this I would create a column called partitionKey when you write the data - which contained a mod on the mc_device column - where the number you mod by is the number of partitions you want. Base this number of the size of the cluster that will run the end of month query. (If mc_device is not an integer then create a checksum first).
You can create a secondary partition on the date column if still needed.
Your end of month query should change:
w = Windows.partitionBy('partitionKey', 'mc_device').orderBy(event_time')
If you kept the date as a secondary partition column then repartition the dataframe to partitionKey only:
df = df.repartition('partitionKey')
At this point each devices data will be in the same partition and no exchanges should be needed. The sort should be faster and your query will hopefully complete in a sensible time.
If it is still slow you need more partitions when writing the data.


Performance of pyspark + hive when a table has many partition columns

I am trying to understand the performance impact on the partitioning scheme when Spark is used to query a hive table. As an example:
Table 1 has 3 partition columns, and data is stored in paths like
Table 2 has 1 partition column
Anecdotally I have found that queries on the second type of table are faster, but I don't know why, and I don't why. I'd like to understand this so I know how to design the partitioning of larger tables that could have more partitions.
Queries being tested:
select * from table limit 1
I realize this won't benefit from any kind of query pruning.
The above is meant as an example query to demonstrate what I am trying to understand. But in case details are important
This is using s3 not HDFS
The data in the table is very small, and there are not a large number of partitons
The time for running the query on the first table is ~2 minutes, and ~10 seconds on the second
Data is stored as parquet
Except all other factors which you did not mention: storage type, configuration, cluster capacity, the number of files in each case, your partitioning schema does not correspond to the use-case.
Partitioning schema should be chosen based on how the data will be selected or how the data will be written or both. In your case partitioning by year, month, day separately is over-partitioning. Partitions in Hive are hierarchical folders and all of them should be traversed (even if using metadata only) to determine the data path, in case of single date partition, only one directory level is being read. Two additional folders: year+month+day instead of date do not help with partition pruning because all columns are related and used together always in the where.
Also, partition pruning probably does not work at all with 3 partition columns and predicate like this: where date = concat(year, month, day)
Use EXPLAIN and check it and compare with predicate like this where year='some year' and month='some month' and day='some day'
If you have one more column in the WHERE clause in the most of your queries, say category, which does not correlate with date and the data is big, then additional partition by it makes sense, you will benefit from partition pruning then.

Joining two large tables which have large regions of no overlap

Let's say I have the following join (modified from Spark documentation):
clickAdId = impressionAdId AND
clickTime >= cast(impressionTime as date) AND
clickTime <= cast(impressionTime as date) + interval 1 day
Assume that both tables have trillions of rows for 2 years of data. I think that joining everything from both tables is unnecessary. What I want to do is create subsets, similar to this: create 365 * 2 * 2 smaller dataframes so that there is 1 dataframe for each day of each table for 2 years, then create 365 * 2 join queries and take a union of them. But that is inefficient. I am not sure how to do it properly. I think I should add table.repartition(factor/multiple of 365 * 2) for both tables and add write.partitionBy(cast(impressionTime as date), cast(impressionTime as date)) to the streamwriter, and set the number of executors times cores to a factor or multiple of 365 * 2.
What is a proper way to do this? Does Spark analyze the query and optimizes it so that the entries from a single day are automatically put in the same partition? What if I am not joining all records from the same day, but rather from the same hour but there are very few records from 11pm to 1am? Does Spark know that it is most efficient to partition by day or will it be even more efficient?
Initially just trying to specify what i have understood from your question. You have two tables with two years worth of data and it has around trillion records in both of them. You want to join them efficiently based on the timeframe that you provided . for example could be for any specific month of any year or could be any specific custom dates but it should only read that much data and not all the data.
Now to answer your question you can do something as below:
First of all when you are writing data to create the table , you should partition the table by day column so that you have each day data in separate directory/partition for both the tables. Spark won't do that by default for you. You will have to decide that based on your dataset.
Second now when you are reading the data and performing the joins it should not be done on whole table. You will have to read the data from the specific partitions only by applying filter condition on the dataframe so that spark would apply partition pruning and it would read only the partitions that satisfy the condition in filter clause.
Once you have filtered the data at the time of reading from the table and stored it in a dataframe then you should join those dataframe based on the key relationship and that would be most efficient and performant way of doing it at first shot.
If it is still not fast enough you can look at bucketing your data along with partition but in most cases it is not required.

Efficient reading/transforming partitioned data in delta lake

I have my data in a delta lake in ADLS and am reading it through Databricks. The data is partitioned by year and date and z ordered by storeIdNum, where there are about 10 store Id #s, each with a few million rows per date. When I read it, sometimes I am reading one date partition (~20 million rows) and sometimes I am reading in a whole month or year of data to do a batch operation. I have a 2nd much smaller table with around 75,000 rows per date that is also z ordered by storeIdNum and most of my operations involve joining the larger table of data to the smaller table on the storeIdNum (and some various other fields - like a time window, the smaller table is a roll up by hour and the other table has data points every second). When I read the tables in, I join them and do a bunch of operations (group by, window by and partition by with lag/lead/avg/dense_rank functions, etc.).
My question is: should I have the date in all of the joins, group by and partition by statements? Whenever I am reading one date of data, I always have the year and the date in the statement that reads the data as I know I only want to read from a certain partition (or a year of partitions), but is it important to also reference the partition col. in windows and group bus for efficiencies, or is this redundant? After the analysis/transformations, I am not going to overwrite/modify the data I am reading in, but instead write to a new table (likely partitioned on the same columns), in case that is a factor.
For example:
dfSmall = spark.sql("SELECT YEAR, DATE, STORE_ID_NUM, TS_HR, CUSTNUM, .... FROM STORE_DATA_HRS WHERE YEAR = 2020 and DATE='2020-11-12'")
Now, if I join them, do I want to include YEAR and DATE in the join, or should I just join on STORE_ID_NUM (and then any of the timestamp fields/customer Id number fields I need to join on)? I definitely need STORE_ID_NUM, but I can forego YEAR AND DATE if it is just adding another column and makes it more inefficient because it is more things to join on. I don't know how exactly it works, so I wanted to check as by foregoing the join, maybe I am making it more inefficient as I am not utilizing the partitions when doing the operations? Thank you!
The key with delta is to choose the partitioned columns very well, this could take some trial and error, if you want to optimize the performance of the response, a technique I learned was to choose a filter column with low cardinality (you know if the problem is of time series, it will be the date, on the other hand if it is about a report for all clients in that case it may be convenient to choose your city), remember that if you work with delta each partition represents a level of the file structure where its cardinality will be the number of directories.
In your case I find it good to partition by YEAR, but I would add the MONTH given the number of records that would help somewhat with the dynamic pruning of spark
Another thing you can try is to use BRADCAST JOIN if the table is very small compared to the other.
Broadcast Hash Join en Spark (ES)
Join Strategy Hints for SQL Queries
The latter link explains how dynamic pruning helps in MERGE operations.
How to improve performance of Delta Lake MERGE INTO queries using partition pruning

pyspark: Efficiently have partitionBy write to same number of total partitions as original table

I had a question that is related to pyspark's repartitionBy() function which I originally posted in a comment on this question. I was asked to post it as a separate question, so here it is:
I understand that df.partitionBy(COL) will write all the rows with each value of COL to their own folder, and that each folder will (assuming the rows were previously distributed across all the partitions by some other key) have roughly the same number of files as were previously in the entire table. I find this behavior annoying. If I have a large table with 500 partitions, and I use partitionBy(COL) on some attribute columns, I now have for example 100 folders which each contain 500 (now very small) files.
What I would like is the partitionBy(COL) behavior, but with roughly the same file size and number of files as I had originally.
As demonstration, the previous question shares a toy example where you have a table with 10 partitions and do partitionBy(dayOfWeek) and now you have 70 files because there are 10 in each folder. I would want ~10 files, one for each day, and maybe 2 or 3 for days that have more data.
Can this be easily accomplished? Something like df.write().repartition(COL).partitionBy(COL) seems like it might work, but I worry that (in the case of a very large table which is about to be partitioned into many folders) having to first combine it to some small number of partitions before doing the partitionBy(COL) seems like a bad idea.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
You've got several options. In my code below I'll assume you want to write in parquet, but of course you can change that.
(1) df.repartition(numPartitions, *cols).write.partitionBy(*cols).parquet(writePath)
This will first use hash-based partitioning to ensure that a limited number of values from COL make their way into each partition. Depending on the value you choose for numPartitions, some partitions may be empty while others may be crowded with values -- for anyone not sure why, read this. Then, when you call partitionBy on the DataFrameWriter, each unique value in each partition will be placed in its own individual file.
Warning: this approach can lead to lopsided partition sizes and lopsided task execution times. This happens when values in your column are associated with many rows (e.g., a city column -- the file for New York City might have lots of rows), whereas other values are less numerous (e.g., values for small towns).
(2) df.sort(sortCols).write.parquet(writePath)
This options works great when you want (1) the files you write to be of nearly equal sizes (2) exact control over the number of files written. This approach first globally sorts your data and then finds splits that break up the data into k evenly-sized partitions, where k is specified in the spark config spark.sql.shuffle.partitions. This means that all values with the same values of your sort key are adjacent to each other, but sometimes they'll span a split, and be in different files. This, if your use-case requires all rows with the same key to be in the same partition, then don't use this approach.
There are two extra bonuses: (1) by sorting your data its size on disk can often be reduced (e.g., sorting all events by user_id and then by time will lead to lots of repetition in column values, which aids compression) and (2) if you write to a file format the supports it (like Parquet) then subsequent readers can read data in optimally by using predicate push-down, because the parquet writer will write the MAX and MIN values of each column in the metadata, allowing the reader to skip rows if the query specifies values outside of the partition's (min, max) range.
Note that sorting in Spark is more expensive than just repartitioning and requires an extra stage. Behind the scenes Spark will first determine the splits in one stage, and then shuffle the data into those splits in another stage.
(3) df.rdd.partitionBy(customPartitioner).toDF().write.parquet(writePath)
If you're using spark on Scala, then you can write a customer partitioner, which can get over the annoying gotchas of the hash-based partitioner. Not an option in pySpark, unfortunately. If you really want to write a custom partitioner in pySpark, I've found this is possible, albeit a bit awkward, by using rdd.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions:
df.rdd \
.keyBy(sort_key_function) \ # Convert to key-value pairs
partitionFunc=part_func) \
.values() # get rid of keys \
Maybe someone else knows an easier way to use a custom partitioner on a dataframe in pyspark?
will write out one file per partition. This will not work well if one of your partition contains a lot of data. e.g. if one partition contains 100GB of data, Spark will try to write out a 100GB file and your job will probably blow up.
df.repartition(2, COL).write().partitionBy(COL)
will write out a maximum of two files per partition, as described in this answer. This approach works well for datasets that are not very skewed (because the optimal number of files per partition is roughly the same for all partitions).
This answer explains how to write out more files for the partitions that have a lot of data and fewer files for the small partitions.

Querying split partitions on Cassandra in a single request

I am in the process of learning Cassandra as an alternative to SQL databases for one of the projects I am working for, that involves Big Data.
For the purpose of learning, I've been watching the videos offered by DataStax, more specifically DS220 which covers modeling data in Cassandra.
While watching one of the videos in the course series I was introduced to the concept of splitting partitions to manage partition size.
My current understanding is that Cassandra has a max logical capacity of 2B entries per partition, but a suggested max of a couple 100s MB per partition.
I'm currently dealing with large amounts of real-time financial data that I must store (time series), meaning I can easily fill out GBs worth of data in a day.
The video course talks about introducing an additional partition key in order to split a partition with the purpose or reducing the size per partition requirement.
The video pointed out to using either a time based key or an arbitrary "bucket" key that gets incremented when the number of manageable rows has been reached.
With that in mind, this led me to the following problem: given that partition keys are only used as equality criteria (ie. point to the partition to find records), how do I find all the records that end up being spread across multiple partitions without having to specify either the bucket or timestamp key?
For example, I may receive 1M records in a single day, which would likely go over the 100-500Mb partition limit, so I wouldn't be able to set a partition on a per date basis, that means that my daily data would be broken down into hourly partitions, or alternatively, into "bucketed" partitions (for balanced partition sizes). This means that all my daily data would be spread across multiple partitions splits.
Given this scenario, how do I go about querying for all records for a given day? (additional clustering keys could include a symbol for which I want to have the results for, or I want all the records for that specific day)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Basically this goes down to choosing right resolution for your data. I would say first step for you would be to determinate what is best fit for your data. Lets for sake of example take 1 hour as something that is good and question is how to fetch all records for particular date.
Your application logic will be slightly more complicated since you are trading simplicity for ability to store large amounts of data in distributed fashion. You take date which you need and issue 24 queries in a loop and glue data on application level. However when you glue that in can be huge (I do not know your presentation or export requirements so this can pull 1M to memory).
Other idea can be having one table as simple lookup table which has key of date and values of partition keys having financial data for that date. Than when you read you go first to lookup table to get keys and then to partitions having results. You can also store counter of values per partition key so you know what amount of data you expect.
All in all it is best to figure out some natural bucket in your data set and add it to date (organization, zip code etc.) and you can use trick with additional lookup table. This approach can be used for symbol you mentioned. You can have symbols as partition keys, clustering per date and values of partitions having results for that date as values. Than you query for symbol # on 29-10-2015 and you see partitions A, D and Z have results so you go to those partitions and get financial data from them and glue it together on application level.
