What is the case of using Buffer.allocUnsafe() and Buffer.alloc()? - node.js

I am confused about using Buffer.allocUnsafe() and Buffer.alloc() , I know that Buffer.allocUnsafe() creates a buffer with pre-filled data or old buffers, but why do i need such thing if Buffer.alloc() creates a buffer with zero filled data

In Node.js Buffer is an abstraction over RAM, therefore if you allocate it in an unsafe way, there is a high risk of having even some source code in the buffer instance. Try running console.log(Buffer.allocUnsafe(10000).toString('utf-8')) and I guarantee that you will see some code in your stdout.
Allocation is a synchronous operation and we know that single threaded Node.js doesn't really feel good about synchronous stuff. Unsafe allocation is much faster than safe, because the buffer santarization step takes time. Safe allocation is, well, safe, but there is a performance trade off.
I'd suggest sticking to safe allocation first and if you end up with low performance, you can think of ways to implement unsafe allocation, without exposing private stuff. Just keep in mind that allocUnsafe method has the word unsafe for a reason. E.g, if you are going to pass some compliance certification like PCI DSS, I'm pretty sure QSA will notice that and will have a lot of questions.

Buffer.alloc(size, fill, encoding) -> returns a new initialized Buffer
of the specified size. This method is slower than Buffer.allocUnsafe(size) but guarantees that newly created Buffer instances never contain old data that is potentially sensitive.
Buffer.allocUnsafe(size) -> the Buffer is uninitialized, the allocated
segment of memory might contain old data that is potentially
sensitive. Using a Buffer created by Buffer.allocUnsafe() without completely overwriting the memory can allow this old data to be leaked when the Buffer memory is read.
Note: While there are clear performance advantages to using Buffer.allocUnsafe(), extra care must be taken in order to avoid introducing security vulnerabilities into an application


In Rust, is there a way to directly read the content of a file into the given uninitialized byte array?

I am looking for a way to directly read the content of a file into the provided uninitialized byte array.
Currently, I have a code like the following:
use std::fs::File;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
let buf: MaybeUninit<[u8; 4096]> = MaybeUninit::zeroed();
let f = File::open("some_file")?;
The code does work, except that it unnecessarily initializes the byte array with 0. I would like to replace MaybeUninit::zeroed() with MaybeUninit::uninit() but doing so will trigger an undefined behavior according to the document of MaybeUninit. Is there a way to initialize an uninitialized memory region with the content of the file without first reading the data to somewhere else, by only using the standard library? Or do we need to go for the OS-specific API?
The previous shot at the answer is kept below for posterity. Let's deal with the actual elephant in the room:
Is there a way to initialize an uninitialized memory region with the content of the file without first reading the data to somewhere else, by only using the standard library? Or do we need to go for the OS-specific API?
There is: Read::read_to_end(&mut self, &mut Vec<u8>)
This function will drain your impl Read object, and depending on the underlying implementation will do one or more reads, extending the Vec provided as it goes and appending all bytes to it.
It then returns the number of bytes read. It can also be interrupted, and this error needs to be handled.
You are trying to micro-optimize something based on heuristics you think are the case, when they are not.
The initialization of the array is done in one go as low-level as it can get with memset, all in one chunk. Both calloc and malloc+memset are highly optimized, calloc relies on a trick or two to make it even more performant. Somebody on codereview pitted "highly optimized code" against a naive implementation and lost as a result.
The takeaway is that second-guessing the compiler is typically fraught with issues and, overall, not worth micro-optimizing for unless you can put some real numbers on the issues.
The second takeaway is one of memory logic. As I am sure you are aware, allocation of memory is dramatically faster in some cases depending on the position of the memory you are allocating and the size of the contiguous chunk you are allocating, due to how memory is laid out in atomic units (pages). This is a much more impactful factor, to the point that below the hood, the compiler will often align your memory request to an entire page to avoid having to fragment it, particularly as it gets into L1/L2 caches.
If anything isn't clear, let me know and I'll generate some small benchmarks for you.
Finally, MaybeUninit is not at all the tool you want for the job in any case. The point of MaybeUninit isn't to skip a memset or two, since you will be performing those memsets yourself by having to guarantee (by contract due to assume_init) that those types are sane. There are cases for this, but they're rare.
In larger cases
There is an impact on performance in uninitializing vs. initializing memory, and we're going to show this by taking an absolutely perfect scenario: we're going to make ourselves a 64M buffer in memory and wrap it in a Cursor so we get a Read type. This Read type will have latency far, far inferior to most I/O operations you will encounter in the wild, since it is almost guaranteed to reside entirely in L2 cache during the benchmark cycle (due to its size) or L3 cache (because we're single-threaded). This should allow us to notice the performance loss from memsetting.
We're going to run three versions for each case (the code):
One where we define out buffer as [MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); N], i.e. we're taking N chunks of MaybeUninit<u8>
One where out MaybeUninit is a contiguous N-element long chunk
One where we're just mapping straight into an initialized buffer
The results (on a core i9-9900HK laptop):
large reads/one uninit time: [1.6720 us 1.7314 us 1.7848 us]
large reads/small uninit elements
time: [2.1539 us 2.1597 us 2.1656 us]
large reads/safe time: [2.0627 us 2.0697 us 2.0771 us]
small reads/one uninit time: [4.5579 us 4.5722 us 4.5893 us]
small reads/small uninit elements
time: [5.1050 us 5.1219 us 5.1383 us]
small reads/safe time: [7.9654 us 7.9782 us 7.9889 us]
The results are as expected:
Allocating N MaybeUninit is slower than one huge chunk; this is completely expected and should not come as a surprise.
Small, iterative 4096-byte reads are slower than a huge, single, 128M read even when the buffer only contains 64M
There is a small performance loss in reading using initialized memory, of about 30%
Opening anything else on the laptop while testing causes a 50%+ increase in benchmarked time
The last point is particularly important, and it becomes even more important when dealing with real I/O as opposed to a buffer in memory. The more layers of cache you have to traverse, the more side-effects you get from other processes impacting your own processing. If you are reading a file, you will typically encounter:
The filesystem cache (may or may not be swapped)
L3 cache (if on the same core)
L2 cache
L1 cache
Depending on the level of the cache that produces a cache miss, you're more or less likely to have your performance gain from using uninitialized memory dwarfed by the performance loss in having a cache miss.
So, the (unexpected TL;DR):
Small, iterative reads are slower
There is a performance gain in using MaybeUninit but it is typically an order of magnitude less than any I/O opt

What is the purpose of structure iov_iter in Linux?

What is the purpose of struct iov_iter ? This structure is being used in Linux kernel instead of struct iovec. There is no any good documentation for iter interface. I had found one document on LWN but I am not able to understand that. Could anyone please help me to understand the iter interface which is being used in Linux kernel ?
One purpose of iovec, which the LWN article states up front, is to process data in multiple chunks.
If you have a number of discrete buffers, chained with pointers, and want to read/write them in one go, you could simply replace this with several read/write ops, but in some cases semantics are associated with read/write boundaries - so ops can't simply be split without changing the meaning. An alternative is to copy all the data in and out of a contiguous buffer, which is wasteful and we want to avoid at all costs.
Using the POSIX readv/writev or, in our case the iov_iter API, reduces the number of system calls, and hence the overhead involved. While in the kernel this doesn't translate to expensive ops like context switches, it is still a minor concern. Drivers also might handle larger chunks of data more efficiently than they would lots of smaller chunks when they have no way to know if there's more to come in the near future - this is especially true with network drivers, although I'm not aware of iov_iter being used there atm.
Another instance of the same situation is I/O to raw disk
devices, which only allow I/O to start and end of block
boundaries. A user might occasionally want to perform random access or overwrite a small piece of the buffer at, say, the start of a block and/or zero the rest.
Scenarios like that is exactly what iovec aimed to address; you can construct an iovec which enables you to do a whole block operation spread over several discrete buffers, which might even include a "scratch" buffer for dumping the parts of a block you read and don't care about processing, and a pre-zeroed buffer for chaining at the end of writev to zero out the rest of a block. Again, I should point out you can use a contiguous buffer with associated copying and/or zeroing, but the iov_iter API provides an alternative abstraction with less overhead, and perhaps easier to reason with when reading the code.
The term for operations like these in vector processing, or parallel computing, is "scatter/gather processing".

1GB Vector, will Vector.Unboxed give trouble, will Vector.Storable give trouble?

We need to store a large 1GB of contiguous bytes in memory for long periods of time (weeks to months), and are trying to choose a Vector/Array library. I had two concerns that I can't find the answer to.
Vector.Unboxed seems to store the underlying bytes on the heap, which can be moved around at will by the GC.... Periodically moving 1GB of data would be something I would like to avoid.
Vector.Storable solves this problem by storing the underlying bytes in the c heap. But everything I've read seems to indicate that this is really only to be used for communicating with other languages (primarily c). Is there some reason that I should avoid using Vector.Storable for internal Haskell usage.
I'm open to a third option if it makes sense!
My first thought was the mmap package, which allows you to "memory-map" a file into memory, using the virtual memory system to manage paging. I don't know if this is appropriate for your use case (in particular, I don't know if you're loading or computing this 1GB of data), but it may be worth looking at.
In particular, I think this prevents the GC moving the data around (since it's not on the Haskell heap, it's managed by the OS virtual memory subsystem). On the other hand, this interface handles only raw bytes; you couldn't have, say, an array of Customer objects or something.

Against cold boot attacks: how to restrain sensitive information in Haskell

Is there any way to ensure key material gets securely erased from the memory after the program exits? Being able to erase it manually and keep the program running would be even better. As Haskell uses automated garbage collection (which may not happen at all if there is loads of free memory?), I assume that the second task is impossible. Could something that serves the purpose be implemented using FFI?
GHC can return memory to the OS when it is no longer needed, so merely blanking the memory on exit won't achieve your goal. Garbage collection is a complicated business, but there is in general no way to ensure that old copies of your secure data are not returned to the OS memory pool.
However the OS will blank your memory before allocating it to another process. If you don't trust the OS to keep your memory secure then you have a much bigger problem.
I'm not sure what you mean by "unreliable"; Haskell GC is reliable, but the program has comparatively little visibility of what is happening.
However if you are concerned merely with a cryptographic key rather than a big, complicated data structure then life gets a bit better. You can use a Foreign Pointer to point to a memory location for your key, and then make blanking that bit of memory into a part of your finaliser. You can even write a bit of code that allocates a block of memory, mlocks it, and then hands off foreign pointers to key-sized chunks of that memory on request, with finalisers that wipe the key. That would probably do what you want.
The point of a ForeignPtr is that it is guaranteed not to be moved or re-interpreted by the GC.

unbuffered I/O in Linux

I'm writing lots and lots of data that will not be read again for weeks - as my program runs the amount of free memory on the machine (displayed with 'free' or 'top') drops very quickly, the amount of memory my app uses does not increase - neither does the amount of memory used by other processes.
This leads me to believe the memory is being consumed by the filesystems cache - since I do not intend to read this data for a long time I'm hoping to bypass the systems buffers, such that my data is written directly to disk. I dont have dreams of improving perf or being a super ninja, my hope is to give a hint to the filesystem that I'm not going to be coming back for this memory any time soon, so dont spend time optimizing for those cases.
On Windows I've faced similar problems and fixed the problem using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING|FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH - the machines memory was not consumed by my app and the machine was more usable in general. I'm hoping to duplicate the improvements I've seen but on Linux. On Windows there is the restriction of writing in sector sized pieces, I'm happy with this restriction for the amount of gain I've measured.
is there a similar way to do this in Linux?
The closest equivalent to the Windows flags you mention I can think of is to open your file with the open(2) flags O_DIRECT | O_SYNC:
O_DIRECT (Since Linux 2.4.10)
Try to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this file. In
general this will degrade performance, but it is useful in special
situations, such as when applications do their own caching. File I/O
is done directly to/from user space buffers. The O_DIRECT flag on its
own makes at an effort to transfer data synchronously, but does not
give the guarantees of the O_SYNC that data and necessary metadata are
transferred. To guarantee synchronous I/O the O_SYNC must be used in
addition to O_DIRECT. See NOTES below for further discussion.
A semantically similar (but deprecated) interface for block devices is
described in raw(8).
Granted, trying to do research on this flag to confirm it's what you want I found this interesting piece telling you that unbuffered I/O is a bad idea, Linus describing it as "brain damaged". According to that you should be using madvise() instead to tell the kernel how to cache pages. YMMV.
You can use O_DIRECT, but in that case you need to do the block IO yourself; you must write in multiples of the FS block size and on block boundaries (it is possible that it is not mandatory but if you do not its performance will suck x1000 because every unaligned write will need a read first).
Another much less impacting way of stopping your blocks using up the OS cache without using O_DIRECT, is to use posix_fadvise(fd, offset,len, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED). Under Linux 2.6 kernels which support it, this immediately discards (clean) blocks from the cache. Of course you need to use fdatasync() or such like first, otherwise the blocks may still be dirty and hence won't be cleared from the cache.
It is probably a bad idea of fdatasync() and posix_fadvise( ... POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) after every write, but instead wait until you've done a reasonable amount (50M, 100M maybe).
So in short
after every (significant chunk) of writes,
Call fdatasync followed by posix_fadvise( ... POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED)
This will flush the data to disc and immediately remove them from the OS cache, leaving space for more important things.
Some users have found that things like fast-growing log files can easily blow "more useful" stuff out of the disc cache, which reduces cache hits a lot on a box which needs to have a lot of read cache, but also writes logs quickly. This is the main motivation for this feature.
However, like any optimisation
a) You're not going to need it so
b) Do not do it (yet)
as my program runs the amount of free memory on the machine drops very quickly
Why is this a problem? Free memory is memory that isn't serving any useful purpose. When it's used to cache data, at least there is a chance it will be useful.
If one of your programs requests more memory, file caches will be the first thing to go. Linux knows that it can re-read that data from disk whenever it wants, so it will just reap the memory and give it a new use.
It's true that Linux by default waits around 30 seconds (this is what the value used to be anyhow) before flushing writes to disk. You can speed this up with a call to fsync(). But once the data has been written to disk, there's practically zero cost to keeping a cache of the data in memory.
Seeing as you write to the file and don't read from it, Linux will probably guess that this data is the best to throw out, in preference to other cached data. So don't waste effort trying to optimise unless you've confirmed that it's a performance problem.
