Set line maximum of log file - linux

Currently I write a simple logger to log messages from my bash script. The logger works fine and I simply write the date plus the message in the log file. Since the log file will increase, I would like to set the limit of the logger to for example 1000 lines. After reaching 1000 lines, it doesn't delete or totally clear the log file. It should truncate the first line and replace it with the new log line. So the file keeps 1000 lines and doesn't increase further. The latest line should always be at the top of the file. Is there any built in method? Or how could I solve this?

Why would you want to replace the first line with the new message thereby causing a jump in the order of messages in your log file instead of just deleting the first line and appending the new message, e.g. simplistically:
log() {
tail -999 logfile > tmp &&
{ cat tmp && printf '%s\n' "$*"; } > logfile
log "new message"
You don't even need a tmp file if your log file is always small lines, just save the output of the tail in a variable and printf that too.
Note that unlike a sed -i solution, the above will not change the inode, hardlinks, permissions or anything else for logfile - it's the same file as you started with just with updated content, it's not getting replaced with a new file.

Your chosen example may not be the best. As the comments have already pointed out, logrotate is the best tool to keep log file sizes at bay; furthermore, a line is not the best unit to measure size. Those commenters are both right.
However, I take your question at face value and answer it.
You can achieve what you want by shell builtins, but it is much faster and simpler to use an external tool like sed. (awk is another option, but it lacks the -i switch which simplifies your life in this case.)
So, suppose your file exists already and is named script.log then
log_msg='Whatever the log message is'
sed -i -e1i"\\$log_msg" -e$((maxlines))',$d' script.log
does what you want.
-i means modify the given file in place.
-e1i"\\$log_msg" means insert $log_msg before the first (1) line.
-e$((maxlines))',$d' means delete each line from line number $((maxlines)) to the last one ($).


Insert text in .txt file using cmd

So, I want to insert test in .txt but when I try
type file1.txt >> file2.txt
and sort it using cygwin with sort file1 | uniq >> sorted it will place it at the end of the file. But i want to write it to the start of the file. I don't know if this is possible in cmd and if it's not I can also do it in a linux terminal.
Is there a special flag or operator I need to use?
Thanks in regards, Davin
edit: the file itself (the file i'm writing to) is about 5GB big so i would have to write 5GB to a file every time i wanted to change anything
It is not possible to write to the start of the file. You can only replace the file content with content provided or append to the end of a file. So if you need to add the sorted output in front of the sorted file, you have to do it like that:
mv sorted sorted.old
sort file1 | uniq > sorted
cat sorted.old >> sorted
rm sorted.old
This is not a limitation of the shell but of the file APIs of pretty much every existing operating system. The size of a file can only be changed at the end, so you can increase it, in that case the file will grow at the end (all content stays as it is but now there is empty space after the content) or you can truncate it (in that case content is cut off at the end). It is possible to copy data around within a file but there exists no system function to do that, you have to do it yourself and this is almost as inefficient as the solution shown above.

How to read specific line of files with a Linux command or Shell Script

I need to be able to read the second last line of all the files within a specific directory.
These files are log files and, that specific line contains the status of tasks that ran, 'successful', 'fail', 'warning'.
I need to pull this to dump it after in reports.
At this stage i am looking only to pull the data, so the entire line, and will worry about the handling after.
As the line numbers are not set, they are irregular, I am looking at doing it with a 'while' loop, so it goes through the whole thing, but i am actually not getting the last 2 lines read, and also, i can read 1 file not all of them.
Any ideas on a nice little script to do this?
And anyone knows if this can be just done with just a linux command?
Use the tail command to get the last 2 lines, and then the head command to get the first of these:
for file in $DIR/*; do
tail -2 "$file" | head -1

How does linux redirect IO work internally

When we use the redirect IO operator for a shell script does the operator keep all the data to be written in memory and write it all at once or does write it to file line by line.
Here is what i am working on.
I have about 200 small files ~1000 lines each in a specific format. I want to process (do a regex and change the format a little) each line in all the files and have the new transformed lines in a single combined file.
I have a that takes a single file and applies the transformation. I run it in the following manner
sh somefile.txt > newfile.txt
This works fine and fast for a single file.
How do i extend to do it for all the files. will it be efficient to change to take a directory as argument instead of filename and add a for loop to transform all the lines of all the files together. Or should I run the above for each file and create a new file for each one and combine then separately.
The redirect operator simply opens the file for writing and passes that file descriptor to the shell as its standard output. The shell then writes to the file directly.
You probably do NOT want to run the script separately for each file since you will incur the overhead of bash process creation for each pass. For example:
# don't do it this way
for somefile in $(ls somefiles*.txt); do
sh $somefile > $newfile
The above starts one shell for every file found which is pretty inefficient. It would be better to rewrite to handle multiple files if possible. Depending on how complicated your transform is and whether you need to keep the original filenames, you might be able to use a single sed process. For example, assume you have 200 files named test1.txt through test200.txt all with a "Hello world" line you want to change to "Hello joe". You could do something as simple a this:
sed 's/Hello world/Hello joe/' test*.txt
The -i tells sed to do an "in place" edit (edit the original file) and the optional ".save" argument to -i makes a backup copy of the original file with a .save extension before editing the original file. Note, this will leave the original contents in the .save files and the new content in the files with the original name which may not be what you want.

shell script to trigger a command with every new line in to a file?

Is it possible to trigger a command with every new line in to a file?
For example: I have a log file say maillog. I want to get every new entry in to the log file as a mail.
If a new entry like " Mail Sent " added in to maillog file then my script should grep the new entry and send me a mail with the entry(data).
I know its crazy but i want to automate my Linux box with these kind of things.
Not so crazy. Check periodically (once per hour, per day, what you like) the file for new parts by storing the original length of the file, compare the length, in case it has grown, handle the part which was appended:
while sleep 3600 # use wanted delay here
new_length=$(find "$file" -printf "%s")
if [ $length -lt $new_length ]
tail --bytes=$[new_length-length] "$file" | handle_part
Now you only have to write that handle_part function which could for instance mail its input somewhere.
Using this way (instead of the obvious tail -f) has the advantage that you can store the current length into a file and later on restarting your script read that length again. So you won't get the whole file after a restart of your script (e. g. due to a machine reboot).
If you want a faster response you could have a look at inotify which is a facility on Linux to monitor file actions; so that polling could be replaced.
Use tail -f, that watches a file and sents whatever is appended to it to stdout. If you have a script that performs the desired action, say mail_per_line, then you can set it up as
tail -f maillog | mail_per_line
In this case, mail_per_line runs once and gets all the lines. If you want to spawn a separate process each time a line comes in, use the shell built-in read:
tail -f maillog | while IFS='' read line; do
send_a_message "$line"
To counter the effect described by Alfe, that a restart of this program will cause all the previous logs to be processed again, consider using logrotate.

Using sed to print range when pattern is inside the range?

I have a log file full of queries, and I only want to see the queries that have an error. The log entries look something like:
path to file executing query
SIZE: ...
ROWS: ...
MSG: ...
I want to print all of this stuff, but only when MSG: contains something of interest (an error message). All I've got right now is the sed -n '/^path to file/,/^DURATION/' and I have no idea where to go from here.
Note: Queries are often multiline, so using grep's -B sadly doesn't work all the time (this is what I've been doing thus far, just being generous with the -B value)
Somehow I'd like to use only sed, but if I absolutely must use something else like awk I guess that's fine.
You haven't said what an error message looks like, so I'll assume it contains the word "ERROR":
sed -n '/^MSG.*ERROR/{H;g;N;p;};/^DURATION/{s/.*//;h;d;};H' < logname
(I wish there were a tidier way to purge the hold space. Anyone?...)
I could suggest a solution with grep. That will work if the structure in the log file is always the same as above (i.e. MSG is in the 5th line, and one line follows):
egrep -i '^MSG:.*error' -A 1 -B 4 logfile
That means: If the word error occurs in a MSG line then output the block beginning from 4 lines before MSG till one line after it.
Of course you have to adjust the regexp to recognize an error.
This will not work if the structure of those blocks differs.
Perhaps you can use the cgrep.sed script, as described by Unix Power Tools book
