Kentico custom page url with URL "Path or Pattern" feature - kentico

Updated: As I put in the comment under Brenden's response. I think the issue is not related to multilingual site, but it's with using Properties/ URLs / Path or Pattern feature. After adding value to the field Path of Pattern, the whole navigation stops working properly.
I have a multilingual site (English, French). Currently the URLs are like below:
What I want for French is a custom (translated) url
I followed this Kentico instruction - the bottom part of the page with using Path or Pattern by adding /contactez-nous in the box. Things seem ok, but upon clicking on the page with the new URL on the French site, the whole main navigation (done with Hierarchical Viewer) seems to stuck with that URL; clicking anywhere on the nav doesn't do anything.
Links outside the nav works fine. How to make the nav work again. Thanks for your help!

I think I got it. The GetDocumentURL() is using NodeAliasPath to determine the URL. However, if you have not specified the NodeAliasPath column in the Columns property of the hierarchical viewer, then the current page's NodeAliasPath is used - and thus all items have the same URL. Adding the NodeAliasPath to the Columns property should fix the issue, so the hierarchical viewer has access to the data of each individual item.
EDIT: it looks like that in some cases the DocumentURLPath column must be specified too.

Make sure you're testing this in another browser or even another browser in a private window. If you are testing in a new tab in the same window, the CMS caches the selected language in the Kentico UI and shows that in the browser window.
For instance, if you have selected "French" on the pages app in the bottom left under the content tree, then navigate to your site in a new tab, it will display French no matter how many times you change the language selector on your public site to a new language.
Secondly, check the URL aliases for the given pages in each language. Make sure you don't have an alias that is the same in each language. For instance /contact-us with French and /contact-us in English.


ModX - How to edit logo being displayed?

I've got a multilanguage ModX site. And noticed that when changing languages, it displays a different logo. WHat I need to do is to setup same logo for both languages. Basically:
English side showing: logo.png
Other language side showing: logo-new.png
I don't want to replace logo-new.png file with the correct image file on server in case another part of the site uses that file. So I'm left with actually editing the site header to show the correct logo.
When I go to ModX's site template, I see this code for the header:
<img src="[[++site_logo_img]]" itemprop="logo" class="site-logo">
So my question would be, where do I go to edit the ++site_logo_img value?
For web context try to look in system settings, for other contexts in context settings -
This is a MODX setting, these can be found in settings or in context settings.
Lets say you need a different logo for 2 MODX contexts, you can set a site_logo_img different setting in each context.

Orchard - access a content type through different URLs so they use different views

I'm trying to create a CSS documentation library in Orchard. I want to save a description, CSS snippet and HTML snippet against each content type. The first view would show the description and CSS and HTML code written out. The second view would show a preview of what the CSS and HTML look like rendered.
I've created the content type and the first view. But I'm not sure how to create the second view. I can see if I can create the alternative URL I can use the Url Alternates module to create an overriding .cshtml
To create an alternative URL I've looked at the autoroute module but this only allows you to adapt a single URL (unless I'm missing something?) and I've looked at Alias UI but this forces me to manually create an alternative URL everytime I create a content item.
Is this possible in Orchard without writting too much C#? (I'm a frontend developer so I only dabble in the behind the scenes stuff)
Thanks for any help
Best solution is to do this within your own module. But as a secondary option instead of having a second page, combine this content with your first page and hide it with CSS. When the user clicks a button to navigate to the next step render the CSS/HTML result on the same page. You can do this in many ways, here are a few ideas:
Render the CSS/HTML result out straight away on the same page but hide it. Show it when the user clicks a button
using jQuery to render the result on the client side. More dynamic if you allow editing of the HTML and CSS.
Redirecting the user to the same page with specific url parameters which you can pick up in your alternate to modify the output.

htaccess Redirecting or Rewriting to a form results page with variables intact

I am building a website which calls for a page selector on product search results, the page selector currently adds a forward slash and a number (representing the page) to the end of the current URL.
e.g. If I am browsing Washing Machines on "/laundry/Washing-Machines" and I click page 2 on the selector it takes me to "/laundry/Washing-Machines/2" and page 2 loads, this is working fine.
Now, the problem I am having...
I have a form in the sidebar where the user can filter Range Cooker search results by brand, fuel type, size and colour. The form gathers the products from the database that meet the search criteria, and displays the results along side the page selector.
If I leave the form values as default and submit the form I am presented with the results on "/cooking/Range-Cookers/Search?brand=0&type=0&size=0&colour=0" but when I click page 2 on the selector I am taken to "cooking/Range-Cookers/2" which presents me with a 404. If I add "&page=2" to the end of the original URL I am presented with page 2.
Since the page selector is a php include and works fine for every product except the results from my Range Cooker form, I would rather find a solution that leaves the selector php intact.
Is there any way I can add a redirect to .htaccess which would take a link from my page selector e.g. "cooking/Range-Cookers/5" and correctly apply it to the current URL with all form variables intact e.g. "cooking/Range-Cookers/Search?brand=1&type=2&size=0&colour=0&page=5"?
I have experience in HTML, CSS and PHP, but I am new to editing .htaccess and would appreciate any insight into how I can accomplish this. Thanks.
You cannot do this with .htaccess, because the information is not available, when the request hits Apache, or .htaccess for that matter.
When you click the link for page 2, the client requests the URL in the associated href attribute. It doesn't provide any other information available on the current page. If you want this information transmitted, you must modify the link for page 2 from
when you deliver the page to the client. Same goes for any other information you need for following pages.

Custom information pages not using SEO friendly URLs in OpenCart

I am having issues with the opencart layout override feature. I have created a new information page and I set the layout override to "test". The route for this layout is "information/test". The controller is in the right place, as is the template. I gave the new page the seo-friendly url of "test-page".
My issue is that if I type in "" it will get there, but it uses the regular information layout instead of my customized test layout. I can type in and it will now show the page with the right layout.
Is there a way to have it go the customized layout page ( when I type in the seo-frindly URL that I created when I created the new information page.
My issue is I am trying to add a carousel to just one information page, while still using seo-friendly URLs.
actually what you coded in template file test.tpl is not a layout, its actually a page accessed using test.php controller , and that page can be opened by accessing url as you already mentioned.
How to create layout then ?
You have already created layout named test by going to System >> Design >> Layouts, now go to module carousel and a module to test layout at say content-top , set your test-page layout override to test and now go to and you will see carousel at the top, this is how layout works. what you previously doing was creating a new page by duplicating information controller and template.
A similar discussion on opencart forum Here

Any way of updating all links in spry menu bar in all pages?

I am currently designing an e-learning course for a college project. I am using a horizontal spry menu bar. I only have all updated links to other pages on the homepage. All of the rest are empty. I will finish up having more than 140 pages so is there anyway I can update the links from the homepage to work on all pages?
It would save me a huge amount of time.
There are two ways.
The first, and best, way is to call the menu code as some form of include on all pages of your site. You can put the ul structure of the menu system in a separate HTML file and use SSI or any server side language to call it as an include. If you don't have any access to SSI or a server side language, you can make the menu code a Dreamweaver Library Item and call it that way. The benefit here is the menu code exists in one place. Any update to the code will update throughout the site.
The second way is to use Dreamweaver's site-wide find and replace feature to make changes to the menu code on every page of your site.
