azure storage public website control access by azure domain controller - azure

I setup a static web site in azue storage, is it possible to control who have access to that website, I have read a couple of question here but I can't get my head around it.
let's say, I work in company new_KFC, all I want is only get access, all other user when they try to access the website, get error
we are already using azure active directory

Static websites are public access only. However, you can can build a separate authentication layer that protects your data through AAD Authentication using ADAL and Storage JS libraries. See a demo of a similar SPA from the last //build session:
Please also provide your feedback here: so that we understand your feedback/demand for this feature.
Aung Oo
Azure Storage PM Team


Local ASP Core 3.1 MVC App with Microsoft Authentication - Single Tenant or Multi Tenant

Some background, I am deploying a local ASP Core 3.1 MVC Application within our companies internal network. Currently working on it in a local dev environment, but will eventually run on a linux system where the URL is routed through our DNS server and given a nicer looking url than the plain IP Address. Our organization uses Azure AD and all our employees have microsoft accounts. I am trying to only allow logins via Microsoft accounts. I have followed the Quickstart guide within the Azure Portal, but am now getting the following error : "AADSTS50194 ... not configured as a multi-tenant application. Usage of the /common endpoint is not supported for such applications created after '10/15/2018'. Use a tenant-specific endpoint or configure the application to be multi-tenant"
The guides did not mention anything about configuring endpoints as far as I could see. I currently have it set to single tenant as it seems like it will only allow accounts that follow this format, The is the domain we own.
This app will service multiple users concurrently, but we only want our own employees to have access, no guests or exceptions.
Is there a reason why I should use multi-tenancy, or is single-tenancy ok? If single tenancy, how do I go about configuring the endpoint?
I am new to 3.1 and the example project from Microsoft is 2.1 (I see where they seem to be configuring endpoints here, but not sure how to update this to 3.1)
So after moving back and forth between attempts in the Startup.cs file
services.AddAuthentication().AddMicrosoftAccount(microsoftOptions => {
microsoftOptions.ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:Microsoft:ClientId"];
microsoftOptions.ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Microsoft:ClientSecret"];
//microsoftOptions.CallbackPath = "/signin-microsoft";
I settled with the above. I changed to multi tenant because the more restrictive pages will be granted manually so if someone manages to login inside our network, with their personal MS account, it wont make much of a difference
just be sure to use this in your layout file (or any razor views):
#if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
to see if a user has authenticated correctly

Azure Storage Static Website security issues

I am working in an Azure Storage Static Website. This website is publicly available and is intended to perform operations against Azure Storage (manage multimedia - crud actions). I am afraid that since it is a client-side app, anybody can use the code to perform unintended operations against the storage account. Any thoughts how can i protect the app against this? Also i am looking for a solution to avoid hardcoded keys/SAS tokens to have permission for the operations against the storage account. I was thinking about using the managed service identity. Anyone had experience with it, since it is in preview mode?
You should definitely not put keys or SAS tokens client-side. As you say, anybody can obtain this and get access to the storage account. One solution is to use an HTTP-triggered serverless function to generate a SAS token as needed. Then you can issue a time-limited SAS to only the resources you want to be publicly accessible. The below tutorial shows how to do this.
The static website endpoint is strictly read only. So the client will not be able to change the content of the website.
Currently static website is anonymous access. "add oauth" will be added soon. For read access, once the site is enabled, it'll be available to all public.
Currently we don't have oauth support. Anybody can read the content of the website as long as they have the uri

Share Keys on Multiple Apps on Azure

We're facing a problem is that we want to install the same ASP.Net Core WebApp in multiple locations and route users using traffic managers but if we do that, we get issues because the authentication tokens get stored in one server and the user may access another one.
I read that we can use Azure BlobStorage to share the keys, can someone please describe how?
We use openiddict for API login but I think that this doesn't affect the issue if we can use Azure BlobStorage for key storage.
Thank you
As indicated in the documentation, you must reference the Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AzureStorage package and use PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage() to register the Azure Blob Storage key repository:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(new Uri("<blob URI including SAS token>"));

How can I use AAD for an Azure version of "Windows Authentication" from a Web App to a Web API App?

I have two applications:
MVC Site (User-facing Web App secured via OAuth -> Google)
Web API Site ("Private" Web Services)
These are hosted in an App Service Plan in Azure. These web services will only be consumed by my own applications - I don't need to worry about outside consumption. In fact, I specifically don't want outside consumption. My Web App is using OAuth to Google - that shouldn't matter here.
So to get to the heart of my question: My web services currently have no authentication/authorization model in the code but I don't want it just publicly available to anybody. On prem, we just lock this down via IIS using Windows Auth and set the service account for the consuming web app to run as a user that Windows Auth allows access to. I'd like to do the equivalent in Azure.
I understand Azure isn't exactly the same but I have to believe this is possible. I have even gotten my web services locked down the way I want using the settings in the Authentication/Authorization tab (I can try to navigate to it but I only get my Swagger UI once I login with a valid organizational account). So half of my battle is solved but I cannot figure out how to do the other half - the equivalent of setting the service account for my consuming MVC application to run as.
Can I do this via the portal without having to code specifically to this scenario? I'd really like a PaaS-level or IaaS-level solution for the security portion of consuming the above locked-down services. I'm also open to other avenues if I'm going down the wrong path in having a PaaS or IaaS security solution to this problem. I'm not against making code changes - we did have a one-liner in our RestSharp code to engage Windows Authentication, but the bulk of the work/configuration was outside of code and that's what I'm going for here.
If going the IaaS path you can host the application inside of an VM in the exact same way as you did before when running it directly on-top of IIS. The benefit is that you can get running the same way as before but you will still need to manage the VM; i.e install updates and take care of its security.
However, if you want to have a PaaS solution, then you need to modify the code of your front-end application to pass on the authentication token to the back-end API, assuming the back-end accepts the same authentication as the front-end. See as an example on how to pass on authentication information from one app to another.
Alternatively you can use the app identity to make calls to your back-end API. This way the calls are not related to any user but are instead done in the context of the app. See for more details on how to set it up, both configuration and needed code.
If you want to allow your users to sign-in using their Google accounts then you could handle authorization to your API using the app identity (second alternative above), assuming the API is independent of the requesting users identity.
Enabling authentication for a Azure Web App directly through the menus in the Azure Portal adds Azure AD authentication in-front of your application and require your to pass an access token generated by Azure AD to your API for it to work.

Are there any examples of Authenticating a User against Windows Azure Rest API without certificates

According to the releases a few day ago by Scottgu, its now possible to use the windows azure management api without client certificates.
Are there any examples of doing this?
I have a Azure Cloud Service Package that I would like to let people deploy from my website. Therefore I would like to, from javascript, to authenticate the user to their Azure subscription ( some oauth against the WAAD ) and then by rest api deploy my package for them.
I dont need a concrete examples, but just some pointers on how I could do this.
I dont want users to give me their passwords offcause, therefore i need some guidance on how I can do SSO of the user against WAAD/Windows Azure management api and from there use the access token to deploy the package.
As of today, the Service Management API documentation regarding this new authentication mechanism ( is not updated. Since the new login mechanism is supported in PowerShell which is essentially a REST Wrapper over this API and is open source, one thing you could do is take a look at the source code of the Cmdlets on Github ( to see how it is accomplished there and write something of your own (and share it here:)).
