Dialogflow Agents/Projects Disappeared automatically - dialogflow-es

I have multiple agents created with Dialogflow and many of them are live in Production. However, suddenly the Dialogflow projects disappeared and now I see only the option to create a new agent.
However, I see that Production Agents are working fine. I verified it through the app that I created which is connected to Dialogflow API.

The google cloud status dashboard is reporting that the problem has been solved. I checked my agents and they came back.

Same happened to me today, then I accessed after some time and they were back, but when I tried to work on an agent after a bit it gave error and all the agents disappeared again. I think they may be having server issues?

I just created a new Agent and the agent that disappeared came back.

please follow GCP status page for more info status.cloud.google.com


Azure pipelines not loading in JIRA

Been facing this for a few days already. I wonder if there's anyone else having this kind of issue.
I go to My Apps in JIRA and select "Azure Pipelines for JIRA" then click on "Get Started" (I had already configured this once so it worked before) and get the following error:
Error and console from JIRA
It mentions deprecated JS, cookies, and a server 500 error. Not sure what needs to be done here.
I can reproduce this issue and try to install the plugin via a new account again, I will get the 500 issue.
I have report this issue in the GitHub and Azure DevOps Developer Community, you could follow these links to get the latest news.
Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.
Produce team response:
We have run into additional issues, and would need a couple more weeks. I am working on it to get the fix in place as soon as possible.

Cannot see Deployment Source options in Azure Portal

I'm writing this simple answer to help others that would otherwise have had to spend hours getting confused by every tutorial out there.
My issue:
Newbie to Azure web apps and have been trying to learn how to deploy via GitHub. Every tutorial and video I checked out showed that as soon as you create a Web App then go to the Deployment options screen it lets you choose how you want to deploy it.
However I was not seeing this in mine - it was as if it was pre-configured for me but there was no ftp or GitHub option showing.
The problem may be because I had used the node.js empty template to create my web app and it preconfigured something for me (though I don't see why this should be the case); but in any case I went to the Deployment options screen, pressed the Disconnect button. Waited then hit settings, and hey presto I finally got to where all the tutorials were talking about.

Actions on Google Console showing "Your app must have at least one action to test"

I am having this very weird problem which I don't understand how it happened. I have created this my own app and I added a lot of intents in it. But when I need to test this app under the simulator, I can't seem to set the Test status to active. It says that my app must have at least one action to test. I am really confused because I do have a lot of actions. Is there something that I am missing here?
Then I check the FactsApp sample which Google provided. The Test Status of that app seems to be switchable. I tried to check the settings of that app but I didn't find anything that I missed to set.
Please help. Thanks!
I have managed to solved the problem by myself. It seems to happen that I created an agent in API AI console that consist of a project ID that does that match any of my current projects.
I don't know how I did that. But because I was experimenting with the projects and agents. I somehow created projects of the same name but did not link it properly with the agent that I created.
You can check the project ID of your agent under the settings of that agent. Just click on the small gear located at the left side of your agent name.
So when you create an agent, make sure that its project ID is the same as the project ID of the correct project.
You have to have at least one intent which handles the GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_WELCOME event.
See the docs: https://developers.google.com/actions/apiai/define-actions

Microsoft Bot Framework testing connection now only results in internal service errors

Whenever I test my bot using the "test connection to your bot" feature, it only response with "internal service error" and a 500 status code. It didn't do this yesterday, and I havent changed anything since then.
What more, the bot works fine when I run it on the bot framework emulator on my local machine.
Whats more, whenever I try to access the logs for my bot in azure, I get an error code saying that my app isn't running, even though according to the azure portal it is.
What's causing this?
Is there any way to fix this?
Is there any way you can share the bot with us (or rather botId) so we can look in the logs?
have you tried talking to your bot in the cloud using the emulator? You can change that localhost endpoint to point to your cloud service and try from there.
Had a similar problem to this. But changing the endpoint did nothing. Linked to the solution we came upon here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36789806/1152015

Web deployment task failed. Destination not reachable

I've been successfully using Azure for months. Today I'm getting the following error when I publish from via Web Deploy from Visual Studio 2013
Error 5 Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("waws-prod-hk1-001.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE.)
I tried downloaded a new Publishing Profile from the Azure Dashboard and turning off my firewall - no change.
I can't ping the listed server.
It seems to be the same issue as http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsazure/en-US/83d4e635-2851-4526-b21b-31101d00aa86/web-deployment-task-failed-errorcouldnotconnecttoremotesvc?forum=windowsazurewebsitespreview
Any ideas? Thank you.
I had the exact same problem for a couple of days (sometimes I could published and sometimes not).
The problem was my internet configuration (not related to Microsoft or Azure in anyway).
To solve this issue I disconnected my modem (its actually modem+router) for 10 min and reconnect it and it was fixed!
Hope it will help someone someday...
Nevermind. It would appear that Azure was in a 'challenged' state.
It's working fine now..
What worked for me was disabling and re-enabling my network adapter.
The reasoning is, quite possibly naive, that having Fiddler running during a deployment will fail but it also changes the network state and that state continues
to exist even after exiting Fiddler (which disables the proxy).
