How to filter data of last record of each week - excel

I have a big data set of daily selling value of a particular ITEM. I want to know what was the price of ITEM on the last day of each week. Typically the last working day is Friday but if you don't have data for Friday then we need to get the previous working day data (Thursday).
Monday is considered the First day of week.
My Data looks something like this:
Data is in cells A2:C13.
My expected output is shown below:
Please help with VB macro or even simple excel formula.

You may want to try using a formula using the LOOKUP function, to search the list from bottom to top.
Afterward, a combination of INDEX and MATCH may get you on the right path as well.
Edit: I realize now that I was leading you astray because I thought you were asking something else! The most straightforward way I can see is as follows:
use WEEKDAY() to pull out the weekday values (as you did), except leave the values as numbers (with 1 being Sunday and 7 being Saturday).
Check each of these days to see if it precedes (i.e. has a lesser value) than the day above it. If not, we know that the week started over, and that cell is the last day of the week. Therefore, display its value.
Of course, this assumes that there are no Saturdays in your data - otherwise, Saturday would be listed as the end of the week. If you're crafty you can fix this dilemma though!

Thanks, Tyler.
Your suggestion helped me a lot in putting efforts in the right direction.
The way I did is as follows:
First I sorted my data in decreasing order of date so that I can have all the latest data at the top.
Range("AW4:BE999999").Sort Key1:=Range("BC4:BC999999"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
From Date created a string of "YEAR"&"WEEKNUM". This way I was able to group all the days in a specific week. Formula Used is:
Then I gave a unique Number to each record. The best way I could think of is to give the row number where record belongs.
Now using VLOOKUP function I got all the records matching string I have created in step 2
I applied the above formula to get all the columns that I need.
Now I removed all the duplicate rows using below formula:
Cells.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1)
Now the remaining rows are the expected rows.
There may be a better way to do this but this is my first time with excel macro and formulas, so feeling happy.
Please comment other better ways to do this. It's always good to keep on improving our work.


Subtracting times across a day in excel

I am working on the capstone project in of the Google Career Certificate in Data Analytics. I am using Microsoft Excel. I have to calculate the ride length based on the start and end ride times. I've inputted the formula =F2(end time)-D2(start time) which returns the ride length. Going through my entire list I have some areas where the start time is like 11pm and the end time is 1am and this is returning ###### because it is a negative number with the regular formula. I've found a modified formula that can kind of do the conversion I am looking for but it is still a bit problematic. The modified formula is =(F2-D2+(F2<D2))*24 and it seems to give an accurate ride length if I reformat the answer to number. The issue is the rest of my data is in time format and the modified ones are in number format. If I convert the number values to time, the ride length values are inaccurate.
It is tricky to make the numeric value change as well due to me using a formula. I can correct them one by one after I save Excel and it no longer stores the numbers as the formula, but there are lots of data points to change and that would be time consuming. I'm hoping to find a more concise way to solve this problem. Maybe with a better formula.
[Snippet of the chart 1
Just like everything in life, there are multiple ways to achieve things. I would have formatted the date and time into a single cell; but. if you're gathering the data from another source, that's understandable.
A simple IF statement here will work. IF the days are one apart, then take '1' day off the starting time, else do your original formula:

Get sum of cells containing "Vacation" except when related date matches certain day & month

oversimplified i have two columns: Date and Text; I want to check my current amount of vacation days based on the first date in row 2, so i came up with the following formula:
="Available vacation days: "&YEARFRAC(A2;TODAY())*12*(25/12)
I calculate the fraction of the year based on the first date and todays date, multiply it by 12 to get months and multiply it again by the total amount of vacation days in my contract per month. Now i got another formula to collect me all cells in column B containing "Vacation", pretty straight forward:
Now the interesting part - i got the formula who gives me a boolean if a datetime matches the 24th or 31st of december:
I want to count vacation days happening on a 24th or 31st of december as a half-vacation day (0.5), and otherwise fully (as a 1). Then i want to combine my first statement with this result and subtract the used vacation days. I read about VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP but am unsure if this fits this purpose. I want to avoid having an extra column with my boolean returns and rather have this one cell giving me all the information combined.
Without introducing another column, and using DAY and MONTH
It's nearly impossible, and just unnecessarily so...
Please reconsider this, what will happen if you want to add 4th of July as a holiday?
Your formula =AND(OR(DAY(A53)=24;DAY(A53)=31);MONTH(A53)=12) only works for 1 row at a time. So, we can't ever use it with a list, because you will get the whole list as a result every single time. You can't divide them into smaller lists and join them together, there is no such functionality without VBA.
In the future, do not set arbitrary constraints like "no additional columns", you can hide them if you don't like them. And if you don't need them, remove unnecessary rows like non-vacation rows. They are irrelevant, so why not separate the two.
Just to prove my point, here's the solution you wanted:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B9;"Vacation") - (COUNT(IFERROR(FILTER(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12);DAY(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12))=31);0))+(COUNT(IFERROR(FILTER(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12);DAY(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12))=24);0))))*0,5
It works, but it's a pain to read, use and maintain.
A2:A9 refers to the dates column
B2:B9 refers to the text column
So in the future, the last thing you want to do is set arbitrary constraints. Furthermore, why use functions like MONTH and DAY when we can just read the text? That way you could even create a table of holidays to search for instead. That will be no fun task with this setup. (Oh, and if it's because of the year, just strip it away from the text when you want to know only the month and day.
Best of luck!

How to reference one value to various cells, depending on a date?

Please have a look at the picture I attached, it'll make understanding my problem easier because it's hard to describe.
In the first table, I have capacity data for a product. The capacity changes by the date indicated in the column, i.e. from July 2017 the capacity would be 56, from December 2018 78, and from October 2019 99. The reason why I don't write down the capacity for every month is that I want to save columns.
In the second table, I have every month. I want to reference the correct capacity for each month, e.g. it would be 56 for every month until December 2018.
I have been considering an =INDEX function, but it seems to complex for that. Is there a way to reference like this without using VBA? Would the VBA solution be simple? Or am I forced to write a column for every month's capacity in the first table? Thank you!
You can simply use several IF statements to compare the month in your column with the months given in your first table, and put the value of the correponding month.
Let's admit your first row is 1 and first column is A, it should give something like:
= IF(D7>=$F$2; $F$3; IF(D7 >= $E$2; $E$3; IF(D7 >= $D$2; $D$3; "")))
I dont see you columns and rows so i hope you will change them correctly on this formula:
C111 is the cell above your red row.
$C$106:$P$107 is the tableof capacities, i know it is bigger then the current one so you see you can add more columns.
2 is the row number from the capacity table.
true is becouse you dont want it to be the exact value it will take the previews in hte order of items
Both previous answers work perfectly, but I would go this way-
You don't actually need an if to find the previous capacity. you can simply use the approximate match (similar to the hlookup answer) in an index formula
The product $B$9 matches exact (0), but the date C9 is bigger than or equal (1).
$B$4:$E$5 is the source of capacity and
C9:AF9 the date timeline
Final advantage would be that you can have several products to index, not only a single one.
Could you please try the below formula and provide feedback please?

Excel function for First Row and Last Row of group

I have a gate keeping report with a number of entry/exit times for an employee over a 24hr period.
I need another formula to go into I40 which is the difference between the first entry time - last entry time for each employee eg. I40 = F50 - D40.
Dont worry about the formula regarding the subtraction of dates as I have this. I really just need the formula that will allow me to get the Last Exit time cell and the First Entry time cell for each employee.
The best way is to always store datetime values (ie, 2018-05-24 13:454) instead of just the times. You could still display it as a time by changing the cell's formatting to a time format.
Shortcut to Number Formatting options: Ctrl+1
There are many advantages, including that "regular math" will still work even if a shift starts in a different day than it ends.
If you must stick with only times, you can still calculate it correctly (up to a 23.9-hour shift) with an IF statement to add a day if the returned value is negative.
For example, if your existing formula works for same-day shift, and is:
...then you could change it to:
More Information: : How to use dates and times in Excel : Add or subtract time (Excel)
Looking at your question again, perhaps I misunderstood what you were trying to ndo. It's a little unclear, but you mention the fist and last times.
If you mean the "earliest and latest", you can get those using MIN and MAX. If the crossing-midnight is an issue here too, you'll need to see my first suggestion above, or else add a "helper column" to determine which times are before which.
Storing datetime is still best and this all would have been avoided.
try the below to get the difference in hours.

Adding numeric value based on tickbox in Sharepoint formula

I'm trying to create a simple leave planner application using Sharepoint. I've got the bulk of it working but I'm going back to do edge cases now like Bank Holidays and half days. So I've added a checkbox column and if ticked, I want it to deduct 0.5 from the total value (half-day). The formula that's working for the full days is:
So I just created another two columns called shalfday and ehalfday. If they're ticked then deduct 0.5 from the total (If dates match and both ticked then deduct 0.5 still).
I've tried playing round with things like
and other variants as google results are not being too kind this morning but they're returning #NAME? variables.
Any pointers on the syntax or what I should be looking at?
I would suggest:
Since you are trying to subtract you should work with integers and not strings (i removed the quotation marks).
I ended up doing this another way. I instead asked the user to specify how many half days were in their leave in another site column and used this suffix in the formula. It also got rid of the validation check to make sure the user wasn't taking two half days on 1 days leave.
New site column called 'Total Half Days' set to number, default value of 0;
Appended to original formula:
-([Total Half Days]/2)+1
Full formula:
=(DATEDIF(dateFrom,dateTo,"D"))-INT(DATEDIF(dateFrom,dateTo,"D")/7)*2-IF((WEEKDAY(dateTo)-WEEKDAY(dateFrom))<0,2,0)-([Total Half Days]/2)+1
