Azure Functions runtime version on Azure to reduce error - azure

What is the best practice for using runtime version given that the runtime introduced breaking changes, and using specific version will cause issue given that runtime will be removed regularly.
Please let me explain below:
Scenario 1:
When below is used,
Our code broke with the latest runtime. Because ~2 means it uses the latest version.
Scenario 2:
However, when below is used,
Our code brok again with the latest runtime. Because the specified runtime is removed by Azure Functions, and the latest runtime with breaking changes is used instead,
Again, what is the better way to reduce the error?
In terms of time frame, how a latest runtime works when it is publicly downloadable and it is rolled out on Azure Functions? For example, how advance is the runtime available before it is rolled out to Azure fucntions?
How long will an old runtime be kept for on Azure Functions after latest runtime rollout? Based on what factors are an old runtime decided to be deteled?

The best and recommended practice is to use the latest. It is a rare occurrence, but unfortunately, a regression was introduced with a new release impacting your app.
If you want to perform validation on new versions, the recommendation is to:
Subscribe to new release notifications at
Pin yourself to the current release you've validated against
As a new version is introduced, update a test environment to adopt that new version (or have a test environment that auto updates, using ~2). If you have a test environment set with auto-updates and automated tests, this makes the process significantly simpler.
Once validated, update the production environment to that new version
If you find an issue, reporting allows us to ensure we don't remove
the version that works.
We always maintain the newly deployed version and the previous release, and, aside from hotfixes and small ad-hoc deployments, the release cadence is ~2 weeks. Anything that has been flagged as a version that needs to be kept due to issues intruduced by a release (forcing customers to pin) is also kept.


How to get ARNs of older AWS Lambda runtime versions used prior to January 24, 2023?

Some of my AWS Lambda functions started crashing around January 2023, although I did not publish an update in the meantime. The chances are high that it is caused by an update of the managed runtime.
I would like to revert the runtime used on those specific functions to a prior version that is known to work.
The possibility to handle runtime versions on AWS Lambda is very new at the time of writing. Log files now show a line indicating the ARN of the runtime used.
For instance, in my case: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1::runtime:be4a32da6aeaa90583d476cb548ced79ae2c9aa7b14a45129198bbd13ea5822d
The new configuration options allow to force the use of a specific runtime version instead of the latest. Which would solve my problem, at least temporarily. There is no list to select from; the exact ARN has to be provided instead.
But it is not possible AFAIK to guess the ARNs of runtime versions used before January 24, 2023. How can I get those?
For the technical details, this is a NodeJS 14 environment, and the function uses C++ dependencies built using node-gyp. The newly-introduced crash is due to GLIBCXX_3.4.29 not found in the native code.

Is it recommended to upgrade a deployed v2 azure function to v3 or is it better to create new resources and deploy to them from scratch?

We have a function deployed to azure running the v2 runtime. If I go to the function in the portal to try to upgrade it to v3, I see this message "Cannot upgrade with existing functions: Major version upgrades can introduce breaking changes to languages and bindings. When upgrading major versions of the runtime, consider creating a new function app and migrate your functions to this new app."
However, I was able to change the function in Visual Studio and deploy, using a simple test deploy of right-click publish, and the publishing process upgraded the deployed function to runtime v3.
Are there any gotchas we may run into using this approach? Is it better practice to create new azure function resources to deploy to a clean v3 azure function?
Apparently no one else has this question or the answer is obvious. In any case, here's Microsoft's recommendation from their support personnel (grammar/language translation is Microsoft's):
Based on the official documentation changing the version can be made by changing the App Setting "FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION" value form ~2 to ~3 however this can cause some problems if there are any dependencies unique to version 2 of the runtime, you can read more about this in the following link
Now based on my experience the safest an easiest way to archive [achieve] this is to deploy the code into a Function app that was created targeting the version 3 of the runtime this is to assure [ensure] that it will only have the dependencies form [from] version 3 and not having anything extra from 2 left after changing the version directly from the portal
The idea with this is to avoid having conflicts from between assets form version 2 or missing assets from version 3
Suppose you are using c# function, if yes, the major update about v2 to v3 is the .net core version. So mostly if your code could work with the update that means your dependencies are compatible with .net core3, so mostly it won't crash.
And there is an official doc about migrating from 2.x to 3.x.
And about deploying, if the runtime is different when you deploy it will prompt to update the portal runtime, so it won't affect the function running.

Upgrading node version doesn't effect previous node js projects

I have to upgrade nodejs version for new project, but i am not sure, as my previous projects are running on node version 6 or less. So will they be affected (meaning functionality wise), if i upgrade nodejs to new version?
Thanks in advance.
It depends on which version they were created. As Node.js documentation stands:
Minor releases:
Do not generally change APIs nor introduce backwards-incompatible breaking changes, except where unavoidable.
Major releases:
Usually introduce backwards-incompatible, breaking changes.
You have to check which version were you using and compare to current one.
Generally a new major version of node might introduce backwards incomptible changes, but that doesn’t mean your projects won’t run.
You can go over the node releases and check the changelogs, see if something catches your eyes, depending on which version you want to upgrade to. You’re the only one who knows tour projects and their complexity, and can decide if it’s worth to upgrade.

ServiceStack adopting SemVer

Are there any plans for the ServiceStack packages to start using the SemVer standard? We just had an unfortunate circumstance where we were broken by the interface breaking changes introduced in 4.0.44 from 4.0.43 around OrmLite.
We are a sizable commercial customer and have a custom implementation of a OrmLiteDialectProvider for one of our DBMSs, it all seemed good upon the initial upgrade in our web application, however as part of testing the changes around type converting broke our system. This wasn't initially evident as part of the upgrade because our custom implementation is in a NuGet package which overrides OrmLiteDialectProvider.ConvertDbValue on version 4.0.38 which is now gone. There were no binding issues because it is only a minor version difference.
NuGet adopted SemVer back in version 1.6.
Having the SemVer standard would make it a lot easier for us to know when interface breaking changes have been made, without having to dig through the Release Notes page.
NOTE: The release also didn't indicate that the old method had been removed and upgrading would break any custom implementations.
Anyway, fair enough answer. I can appreciate it would be difficult to track each package individually. In our case we wrote a custom dialect provider as we have a legacy DBMS that wasn't supported and this appeared to be the way we were supposed to add the support. We wanted to use ORMLite because we use the rest of ServiceStack and it's a fantastic product.
The new way to support the types is a great improvement and actually made our implementation easier.
We actually ran into this issue because we do always keep our ServiceStack packages inline and were upgrading the ASP portion for some fixes to the WSDL generation and this came along as part of our upgrade.
ServiceStack adopts a single rolling version for all NuGet packages which all share the same Version number. Of all ServiceStack's 60 NuGet packages it's likely there's a breaking change to at least one of the packages so semver would be useless, you should also never mix and match different versions of ServiceStack together - when you upgrade, upgrade all packages to reference the same package versions. We do aim to keep user-facing breaking changes to a minimum, by looking to deprecate old API's first, maintain parallel API versions for a while then list the new API's release notes.
IOrmLiteDialectProvider is not a user-facing interface
However IOrmLiteDialectProvider is not considered a user-facing interface since it should be extremely rare that anyone implements their own custom provider. It's also the interface for specialization for all RDBMS's and often changes with every release to support new features, internal refactoring, optimizations, etc. E.g. implementing Type Converters was a major internal refactor that required changes to IOrmLiteDialectProvider but did not affect OrmLite's external user-facing API, later releases includes optimizations requiring further changes, again this doesn't affect OrmLite's external user-facing API.
SemVer won't help here, every ServiceStack version potentially has a breaking change in some of the packages and we have no intention to complicate each release by versioning each of the individual packages differently. The issue you're having is depending on an unstable Interface that's not intended for customization. It's not treated as a user-facing API so we don't try to maintain compatibility with existing versions or publish breaking changes which happens nearly every time we add features / optimizations to OrmLite. You should instead check the commit history of
IOrmLiteDialectProvider for any changes to this interface.

NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler and production?

The OmniFaces 2.0 introduced a NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler. This is a great feature but surely it should be off for production mode?
Even after reading the docs and source I am not sure if it's development mode only or not. Crossing my fingers :-)
It is indeed primarily designed as a development aid.
If you already use it from the beginning on when developing a new JSF webapp, or when it's installed only later and you have tests which cover every single page of the webapp, then it shouldn't harm when run in production as well (i.e. it shouldn't throw the ISE).
I can however imagine that it's an unnecessary overhead to keep checking all component IDs in production stage as they are basically already checked during development stage and don't ever change in production stage. Hence, it has been altered to run in development stage only. It's available as per today's latest snapshot. Documentation will be regenerated later.
