Cassandra insert value disappear - cassandra

I want to use the Cassandra database system to create tables. The original data is in the picture.
So I create these tables and insert the value
Create table course(
Course_ID text PRIMARY KEY,
Course_Name text,
student_id text
However when I want to select all the student id from course American History :select * from course where Course_Name = 'Biology';
Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING"
Then when I try to print out all the table, I found all the value with some part of duplicate value is missing... Is it because of the way I design table is wrong? How can I change it and select all the student id from one course?

The issue is that your query for the table course is not using the primary key; unlike relational databases, the tables in Cassandra are designed based on the query that you are going to execute, in this case, you can include the course name as part of the composite key:
Create table course(
Course_ID text,
Course_Name text,
student_id text,
PRIMARY KEY (Course_Name, Course_ID)
There are already answers explaining the difference between the keys like this one, you may also want to read this article from Datastax


Filtering by `list<double>` column's element value range

I'd like to filter rows of following table in cassandra.
CREATE TABLE mids_test_db.defect_data (
wafer_id text,
defect_id text,
document_id text,
fields list<double>,
PRIMARY KEY (wafer_id, defect_id)
CREATE INDEX defect_data_fields_idx ON mids_test_db.defect_data (values(fields));
What I firstly tried using something like field[0] > 0.5 but failed.
cqlsh:mids_test_db> select fields from defect_data where wafer_id = 'MIDS_1_20170101_023000_30000_1548100671' and fields[0] > 0.5;
InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Indexes on list entries (fields[index] = value) are not currently supported."
After searching google for a while, i'm feeling like this kind of job can not be easily done in Cassandra. The data model is something like a field value collection. mostly I want to query defect data using its fields data like above which is quite important in my business.
What approach should I have taken into consideration?. Application side filtering? Any hint or advice will be appreciated.
It's not possible to do directly with Cassandra, but you have following alternatives:
if your Cassandra is DataStax Enterprise, then you can use DSE Search;
you can add an additional table to perform lookup:
(...ignore this line...)
CREATE TABLE mids_test_db.defect_data_lookup (
wafer_id text,
defect_id text,
field double,
PRIMARY KEY (wafer_id, field, defect_id)
after that you should be able to to do a range scan inside partition, and at least fetch the defect_id field, and fetch all field values via second query.
Depending on your Cassandra version, you may be able to use materialized view to maintain that lookup table for you.

Delete whole row based on one of clusturing column value in cassandra

Schema I am using is as follows:
id int,
name varchar,
PRIMARY KEY ((id),name)
I wanted to delete records by following command :
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE name = 'Jhon';
But gived error
[Invalid query] message="Some partition key parts are missing: name"
As I looked for the reason, I came to know that only delete in not possible only with clustering columns.
Then I tried
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE name='Jhon') AND name = 'Jhon';
But obviously it did not work.
I then tried with setting TTL to 0 for deleting row. But TTL can be set only for particular column, not the entire row.
What are feasible alternates to perform this operation?
In Cassandra, you need to design your data model to support your query. When you query your data, you always have to provide the partition key (otherwise the query would be inefficient).
The problem is that you want to query your data without a partition key. You would need to denormalize your data to support this kind or request. For example, you could add an additional table, such as:
CREATE TABLE id_by_name(
name varchar,
id int,
name varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (name, id)
Then, you would be able to do your delete with a few queries:
SELECT ID from id_by_name WHERE name='John';
let's assume this returns 4.
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id=4;
DELETE FROM id_by_name WHERE name='John' and id=4;
You could try to leverage materialized view (instead of maintaining yourself id_by_name) but materialized views are currently marked as unstable.
Now, there are still a few issues you need to address in your data model, in particular, how do you handle multiple user with the same name etc...
You cannot delete primary key if not complete. Primary key decisions are for sharding and load balancing. Cassandra can get complex if you are not used to thinking in columns.
I don't like the above answer, which though is good, complicates your solution. If you are thinking relational but getting lost in Cassandra I suggest using something that simplifies and maps your thinking to relational views.

Cassandra how can I simulate a join statement

I am new to cassandra and am coming from Postgres. I was wondering if there is a way that I can get data from 2 different tables or column family and then return the results. I have this query
select p.fullname,p.picture,, s.comments, s.state, FROM profiles as p INNER JOIN Chats as s ON( WHERE s.latitudes>=28 AND 29>= s.latitudes AND s.longitudes
">=-21 AND -23>= s.longitudes
The query has 2 tables: Profiles and Chat and they both share a common field it boils down to this basically return all rows where Chat ID is equal to Profiles id. I would like to keep it that way because now updating profiles are simple and would only need to update 1 row per profile update instead of de-normalizing everything and updating thousands of records. Any help or suggestions would be great
You have to design tables in way you won't need joins. Best practice is if your table matches exactly the use case it is used for.
Cassadra has a feature called shared static columns; this allows you to bind values with partition part of primary key. Thus, you can create "joined" version of table without duplicates.
p_id uuid,
p_fullname text STATIC,
p_picture text STATIC,
s_id uuid,
s_post text,
s_comments text,
s_state text,
s_city text,
PRIMARY KEY (p_id, s_id)

Cassandra Defining Primary key and alternatives

Here is a simple example of the user table in cassandra. What is best strategy to create a primary key.
My requirements are
search by uuid
search by username
search by email
All the keys mentioned will be high cardinality keys. Also at any moment I will be having only one of them to search
PRIMARY KEY(uid,username,email)
What if I have only the username ?, Then the above primary key is not use ful. I am not able visualize a solution to achieve this using compound primary key?
what are other options? should we go with a new table with username to uid, then search the user table. ?
From all articles out there on the internet recommends not to create secondary index for high cardinality keys
CREATE TABLE medicscity.user (
uid uuid,
fname text,
lname text,
user_id text,
email_id text,
password text,
city text,
state_id int,
country_id int,
dob timestamp,
zipcode text,
How do we solve this kind of situation ?
Yes, you need to go with duplicate tables.
If ever in Cassandra you face a situation in which you will have to query a table based on column1, column2 or column3 independently. You will have to duplicate the tables.
Now, how much duplication you have to use, is individual choice.
Like, in this example, you can either duplicate table with full data.
Or, you can simply create a new table column1 (partition), column2, column 3 as primary key in main table.
Create a new table with primary key of column1, column2, column3 and partition key on column2.
Another one with same primary key and partition key on column3.
So, your data duplicate will be row, but in this case you will end up querying data twice. One from duplicate table, and one from full fledged table.
Big data technology, is there to speed up computation and let your system scale horizontally, and it comes at the expense of disk/storage. I mean just look at everything, even its base of replication factor does duplication of data.
Your PRIMARY KEY(uuid,username,email) don't fit your requirement. Because you can't search for the clustering column without fill the Partition Key, and even the second clustering column without fill the first clustering column.
e.g. you cannot search for username without uuid in WHERE clause and cannot search for email without uuid and username too.
All you need is the denormalization and duplicate data.
Denormalization and duplication of data is a fact of life with Cassandra. Don’t be afraid of it. Disk space is generally the cheapest resource (compared to CPU, memory, disk IOPs, or network), and Cassandra is architected around that fact. In order to get the most efficient reads, you often need to duplicate data.
In your case, you need to create 3 tables that have the same column (data that you want to get), but these 3 tables will have different PRIMARY KEY, one have uuid as PK, one have username as PK, and one have email as PK. :)

Cassandra Contains query error

I am new to Cassandra and trying to figure out how to get a simple contains query working with Cassandra.
My table looks like this
timekey text,
id timeuuid,
event_types list<text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((timekey), id)
My query:
cqlsh> select count(1) from events where event_types contains 'foo';
**Bad Request: line 1:46 no viable alternative at input 'contains'**
Any thoughts about the error?
Also Is it possible to query for multiple event_types in one single query. I could not see any way to do this with Contains. Something equivalent to this in a regular sql
Relational SQL example:
select count(1) from events where event_types in ('foo', 'bar')
A couple of things. First of all, when I create your schema, insert a row, I get a different error message than you do:
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow2> CREATE TABLE events (
... timekey text,
... id timeuuid,
... event_types list<text>,
... PRIMARY KEY ((timekey), id)
... );
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow2> INSERT INTO events (timekey, id, event_types)
VALUES ('1', now(),['foo','bar']);
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow2> select count(1) from events where event_types contains 'foo';
InvalidRequest: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="No secondary indexes on the restricted
columns support the provided operators: "
To get this to work, you will need to create a secondary index on your event_types collection. Of course secondary indexes on collections are a new feature as of Cassandra 2.1. By virtue of the fact that your error message is different, I'm going to guess that you would need to upgrade to 2.1.
I'm using 2.1.5 in my sandbox right now, so when I create an index on event_types this works:
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow2> CREATE INDEX eventTypeIdx ON events(event_types);
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow2> select count(1) from events where event_types contains 'foo';
(1 rows)
Even though this may work, secondary indexes on large tables or in large clusters are known not to perform well. I would expect that secondary indexes on collections would perform even worse, so just take that as a warning.
Also Is it possible to query for multiple event_types in one single query?
There are ways to accomplish this, but I recommend against it for the aforementioned performance issues. I answered a similar question here, if you are interested: Cassandra CQL where clause with multiple collection values?
